MLB The Show 16 News Post

Sony San Diego has just released another MLB The Show 16 video. This one features everything you want to know about Franchise mode, including player morale, free agent signings, blockbuster trade notifications, and updated budgets.

Other little improvements include new GM goals, an authentic 20-80 scale for scouting and more. More details will arrive on their Twitch stream, scheduled for Thursday, March 3 at 5:00 PM ET.

Watch the video here
to find out what Luis Martinez from the Developer team has to say about it.

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MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 181 polyduster @ 03/02/16 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
lol and hopefully not opening day every game
But I really enjoyed playing game 4 of the LCS and the grass still having Opening Day painted on it lol.

Also, for Online Franchise Round Robin leagues with 8 playoff teams, I hope the brackets are setup better. Last year, one side of the bracket would have #1 vs #8 and #2 vs #7. I really hope this has been fixed so the #1 and #2 seeded teams are on opposite sides of the bracket, so they don't meet in the LCS.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
# 182 Sco291 @ 03/02/16 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by NAFBUC
Any word on improved boxscore stats.....

Notably, the NP (number of pitches) in the box scores last year were always way higher than they should have been. If I threw 92 pitches with Pineda, the box would always show something like 148.

Not sure if it was a bug or not, or whether that affected his energy, but it was annoying.
# 183 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/02/16 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sco291
Notably, the NP (number of pitches) in the box scores last year were always way higher than they should have been. If I threw 92 pitches with Pineda, the box would always show something like 148.

Not sure if it was a bug or not, or whether that affected his energy, but it was annoying.
You must've been using Quick Counts. My box scores were perfectly fine. I've never used QC, but my understanding of Quick Counts is that it infers pitches that you don't personally make (including foul balls) to arrive at the generated counts you see.
# 184 Bondsfan @ 03/02/16 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
Other than mentioning OOTP, what are you wanting to see change in franchise? what big things do you expect to be done? I ask because, I've seen few others share your frustration with Franchise but yet no ones seems to have any ideas on what they want out of franchise (other than ticket prices and vendor stuff) Me personally, I think franchise is fine, you can play as many seasons as you want, you can draft, you can sign free agents, you can trade players, send players down, bring players up. what am I missing? or better yet what is the show missing in franchise?
Things I'd add/improve (not in particular order):
1. Ability to import new players into an existing franchise. Basically, you import a CAP or newly added SCEA player over an existing fake minor leaguer at any point in the franchise. No more having to reset your franchise every time a new player that you "just can't live without" gets called up.
2. Full minor league system. Add some type of minor league player development feature.
3. Scouting/Draft. Something has to be done here. Typically my favorite part of franchise modes in sports, and I don't even touch scouting in the show. Its boring and unintuitive.
4. Storylines for MLB and minor league teams. Have guys get injured off the field, have morale create some drama, etc. I know they can't have people getting arrested (im sure MLBPA/MLB would shoot that down immediately).
5. Make Free Agency an Offseason event with storylines and suspense. Make signing a player harder than just offering enough things to fill their "like" meter enough so they sign right then and there. I like Maddens FA model; you bid, but don't know what other teams are bidding, then advance a week. Its much harder to sign players, and better simulates real free agency. It takes weeks and months to sign players, and most of the time you lose out as a GM.
6. Training. Again, not intuitive and boring. I'd imagine most people just auto-train and move on.
7. A real GM mode. No "do these 3 things or be fired" goals. That's the entirety of the "GM mode", three goals. Thats not a "mode", that's a tacked on addition. How about have hundreds of achievements/bad outcomes each with an assigned positive/negative point score. Have a success meter, where different achievements fill the meter and different failures drop it. If your bar falls below a certain point, then your job is at risk. As it stands now, you can take a new GM job with a good team, and if you get the goal "win the WS", you have to win the WS in 2-3 years or lose your job. Being that most great teams DON't win the WS, that is a stupid goal to base a firing on. If the goals were over a 10 year period, I could understand that goal, but a two year goal? That's nuts.
8. Add real GM's to play as with their own skills that would effect budget, FA signing, draft, player development.
9. Add real owners/ownership groups. Budgets, leash they give the GM, etc would depend on the owner you're the GM for
10. Add real coaching staff
11. International Free Agency

Thats what I came up with just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more.
# 185 p00p1 @ 03/02/16 03:47 PM
Also would like the ability to apply player attribute updates to seasons already in progress.
# 186 Madden's Jowels @ 03/02/16 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Ranger Fan
Roatating Interleague games would be a plus. Never could really understand why this wasnt possible. There are the same number of teams in each division so just swith up. There isnt much wrong with Franchise other than this or the fact we were so limited in the number of free agents teams could sign due tho the fact a pop up would surface saying team is over budget. We all know this is rediculous. There isnt a salary cap in baseball I ran into a sitaution last year with Texas where in year 2 I was 10 million over the cap. I couldnt sign any free agents, couldnt sign my own rookies, and had just 54 on the Roster. I ended up selling off every so called high priced free agent just so I could field a team. This situation would never happen in real baseball. And before you ask no I didnt have big names on team, just the regular guys on the roster. Budget were a serios issue last year in my opinion

There is no salary cap, but there are budgets. GM's can't spend whatever they want, they are given a budget from the team owner and have to work within it. You were $10m over your budget, not the salary cap.

I do think that we should be able to set custom budgets for every team at the start of a franchise, though.
# 187 Madden's Jowels @ 03/02/16 04:16 PM
Since I'm not going to be able to watch/participate in the stream tomorrow, I'll try asking this now, just in case Ramone is still roaming around this thread.

Ramone... when starting a franchise with a fantasy draft, can we customize the draft order finally?

Trying to do a 2-person franchise with a fantasy draft and having to re-start 60 times until we both get good draft picks and neither person feels disadvantaged is hugely frustrating. It can waste 30 minutes of good, valuable draft/playing time.
# 188 ninertravel @ 03/02/16 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by eric7064
Yeah that shouldn't matter. Especially with year to year saves. I dont find a franchise fun unless you get many years in anyway.
Looks like no import player into franchise again this year anyway making year to year saves pointless, all those players in the MLB like Jeter will be random fake players again, and having to spend hours creating them again is a pain in the ***, a simple import player in 2 seconds option would be great.
# 189 Drew127 @ 03/02/16 07:35 PM
I agree with many of the things mentioned in this thread about what we'd like to see in Franchise mode, and I've offered my own inputs on a few separate occasions regarding stat tracking.

In my opinion, the bottom line is this: To see a franchise mode that is truly as deep and robust as it could be, it will be a labor of love from a development team that is doing it with full creative freedom, and a passion for packing the mode as tight as possible and making it replicate real life as much as possible.

That's really how OOTP got started, it was just a guy building the game on his own out of a love for the nuances of baseball. Look what it's grown into. But even now, it's not a game that is targeted to a large audience with the expectation of generating significant amounts of revenue. Rather, it is targeted to a very niche audience.

For proof of this, just check out how many forum users are browsing the OOTP forum at any given time here on OS. It's usually less than 5. The audience that comes to OS isn't really the same audience that is into hardcore sims like OOTP.

Which brings me to my main point: SCEA is in the business of making money, and it was even mentioned in one of the streams this year that Diamond Dynasty and RTTS are the most heavily used modes. Given that the dev team is only 75 people, and they are making a game with the goal of moving as many units as possible, there are very limited resources and the resources that are available need to be heavily concentrated on the parts of the game that sell.

I'd love to see franchise mode in The Show (or any console baseball game, ever in history, for that matter) to get the attention it deserves. The reason it doesn't get it is simply because of the nature of the video game business.

When I save up a few million and retire in my 30's, and I get bored, maybe I'll start up a dev shop with the goal of making a console baseball game that is purely simulation, and leaving all the fluff out of it. I won't be in it for the money, it'll be a labor of love!

Not to say the SCEA guys aren't passionate about baseball, but they also don't have the creative freedom to do everything they might want to. The powers that be get the final say. It's pretty much how it always will be when it comes to console gaming, and it's the fatal flaw for hardcore sim fans like myself.
# 190 JTommy67 @ 03/02/16 08:07 PM
Like the new stat tracking. I hope they added a qualifying filter for things like batting average, ERA, etc...
# 191 badmrfrosty7 @ 03/02/16 08:21 PM
My hope is that all this stat-tracking joins forces with the presentation/commentary overhaul and we get plenty of stat overlays and mentions for players with high WAR, avg against specific pitcher, maybe some career breakdowns on vets and how they progressed or regressed over the years, etc.
# 192 Houston @ 03/02/16 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by polyduster
But I really enjoyed playing game 4 of the LCS and the grass still having Opening Day painted on it lol.

Also, for Online Franchise Round Robin leagues with 8 playoff teams, I hope the brackets are setup better. Last year, one side of the bracket would have #1 vs #8 and #2 vs #7. I really hope this has been fixed so the #1 and #2 seeded teams are on opposite sides of the bracket, so they don't meet in the LCS.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I was playing a friend of mine in a online franchise last few nights and were in May and still has opening week on grass and Matt still says home opener each game. Ramone can you answer if this has been fixed?
# 193 AceAmy @ 03/02/16 09:08 PM
One thing I hope gets asked tomorrow by someone is if you can actually make trades in the offseason without that weird message of so and so isnt in a contract yet and cant be traded. Thats just flat out incorrect.
Im guessing it was a bug that could get caused otherwise if they didnt implement it? Even if say Kyle Scwarber isnt signed to a contract for the upcoming season in real life he would still get traded and the team acquiring him would deal with his remaining renewable and arbitration years.
# 194 Unlucky 13 @ 03/02/16 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by AceAmy
One thing I hope gets asked tomorrow by someone is if you can actually make trades in the offseason without that weird message of so and so isnt in a contract yet and cant be traded. Thats just flat out incorrect.
Im guessing it was a bug that could get caused otherwise if they didnt implement it? Even if say Kyle Scwarber isnt signed to a contract for the upcoming season in real life he would still get traded and the team acquiring him would deal with his remaining renewable and arbitration years.
Its not a bug. Its just the way that the game is designed, but I understand your point in how it doesn't match up with real life. It would be nice if guys who haven't played six seasons are tagged differently for trades.
# 195 steelerfan @ 03/02/16 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
You must've been using Quick Counts. My box scores were perfectly fine. I've never used QC, but my understanding of Quick Counts is that it infers pitches that you don't personally make (including foul balls) to arrive at the generated counts you see.
That's not the problem though.

With QC, if the game gives me a 2-1 count to the opening batter of the game, my pitch count will read "4" after I throw that pitch. The pitch count doesn't just count the pitches that I actually throw, it accounts for the ones that are "simmed".

However, when the game is over the box score will show an inflated number as stated above. For example, if my pitch count is 110 (actual and simmed pitches included) the box score might say something like 144.
# 196 nomo17k @ 03/02/16 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by steelerfan
That's not the problem though.

With QC, if the game gives me a 2-1 count to the opening batter of the game, my pitch count will read "4" after I throw that pitch. The pitch count doesn't just count the pitches that I actually throw, it accounts for the ones that are "simmed".

However, when the game is over the box score will show an inflated number as stated above. For example, if my pitch count is 110 (actual and simmed pitches included) the box score might say something like 144.
I don't remember the exact mechanics of pitch count in QC (since I rarely use it myself), but IIRC, displayed pitch counts are deliberately *deflated* to make the pitch count in the mode appear more in line with real-life baseball. (QC tends to push pitch count higher by forcing an at bat to start a couple pitches later in all cases.)

Perhaps the pitch count you see in the game is not getting the same treatment?

P.S., I found the description: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...67&postcount=6
# 197 Bondsfan @ 03/02/16 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Drew127
I agree with many of the things mentioned in this thread about what we'd like to see in Franchise mode, and I've offered my own inputs on a few separate occasions regarding stat tracking.

In my opinion, the bottom line is this: To see a franchise mode that is truly as deep and robust as it could be, it will be a labor of love from a development team that is doing it with full creative freedom, and a passion for packing the mode as tight as possible and making it replicate real life as much as possible.

That's really how OOTP got started, it was just a guy building the game on his own out of a love for the nuances of baseball. Look what it's grown into. But even now, it's not a game that is targeted to a large audience with the expectation of generating significant amounts of revenue. Rather, it is targeted to a very niche audience.

For proof of this, just check out how many forum users are browsing the OOTP forum at any given time here on OS. It's usually less than 5. The audience that comes to OS isn't really the same audience that is into hardcore sims like OOTP.

Which brings me to my main point: SCEA is in the business of making money, and it was even mentioned in one of the streams this year that Diamond Dynasty and RTTS are the most heavily used modes. Given that the dev team is only 75 people, and they are making a game with the goal of moving as many units as possible, there are very limited resources and the resources that are available need to be heavily concentrated on the parts of the game that sell.

I'd love to see franchise mode in The Show (or any console baseball game, ever in history, for that matter) to get the attention it deserves. The reason it doesn't get it is simply because of the nature of the video game business.

When I save up a few million and retire in my 30's, and I get bored, maybe I'll start up a dev shop with the goal of making a console baseball game that is purely simulation, and leaving all the fluff out of it. I won't be in it for the money, it'll be a labor of love!

Not to say the SCEA guys aren't passionate about baseball, but they also don't have the creative freedom to do everything they might want to. The powers that be get the final say. It's pretty much how it always will be when it comes to console gaming, and it's the fatal flaw for hardcore sim fans like myself.
I think this is definitely true, to an extent. The reason OOTP isn't more popular isn't because its too deep and complex, its because you can't play the games. Most people don't play sports games in coach mode, they want to feel like they are effecting the outcome. They actually want to play the games. I've played OOTP in the past, but never could get into it. The game was unbelievably deep, but without the ability to actually play the games, it didn't interest me. Ideally, a baseball game would have best of both worlds. And if OOTP ever develped an actual game engine to play the games, I think the popularity of that game would skyrocket, and I also think you'd see a large segment of the Show's player base move on.

I do however agree that there is more money to be made in appealing to the general audience with RTTS and Diamond Dynasty. Franchise players are in the minority at this point, and they don't support the game monetarily with micro transactions like some other modes do. Add that to the fact that there is ZERO competition for the Show, and that baseball fans are going to buy the new game no matter what since their isn't another option, and you there is clearly little reason for the Show to invest in a major upgrade to Franchise mode. So I get that from a pure money making scheme, completely overhauling Franchise mode makes no sense. It would be refreshing if they would just come out and admit thats the case, rather than trying to market it as a refreshed mode every year.
# 198 movies2090 @ 03/02/16 10:30 PM
You know what I'd love to see regarding quick counts? A separate menu with options on which counts you'd like as possible options. Don't want any 3-2 counts? No problem, uncheck the box? Want 0-1 or 1-0 counts, check the boxes. I'd even like an 0-0 count every once in a while, maybe once or twice a game too. Just to mix it up
# 199 Russell_SCEA @ 03/02/16 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by movies2090
You know what I'd love to see regarding quick counts? A separate menu with options on which counts you'd like as possible options. Don't want any 3-2 counts? No problem, uncheck the box? Want 0-1 or 1-0 counts, check the boxes. I'd even like an 0-0 count every once in a while, maybe once or twice a game too. Just to mix it up
Not worth the development time to break them out like that and it would completely throw off the balancing that's done to make the QC game box scores like like normal ones.
# 200 Bondsfan @ 03/02/16 10:50 PM
Thought that might be the case. Quick counts, although not exactly how I'd like it to be (I wish all counts were an option and were determined statistically based on pitcher/batter ratings, not completely random chance), does speed up the game and lead to good stats. Definitely was a great addition by the Dev's two years ago.

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