MLB The Show 16 News Post

Sony San Diego has just released another MLB The Show 16 video. This one features everything you want to know about Franchise mode, including player morale, free agent signings, blockbuster trade notifications, and updated budgets.

Other little improvements include new GM goals, an authentic 20-80 scale for scouting and more. More details will arrive on their Twitch stream, scheduled for Thursday, March 3 at 5:00 PM ET.

Watch the video here
to find out what Luis Martinez from the Developer team has to say about it.

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MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 Cowboy008 @ 03/01/16 06:25 PM
So during free agency the players will take into account other things besides just money?
# 102 HustlinOwl @ 03/01/16 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Funny(not haha funny)....that the online guys want the online franchise to like the offline franchise....and I've been begging for a franchise mode that mimics the online one(in terms of being able to customize the league setup)


Let us manage only in online leagues!!!(PLEASE!!!)



Online franchise customize leaves a lot to be desired once guys quit and or drop players give true commish abilities override/God

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# 103 NDAlum @ 03/01/16 06:29 PM
I would love it if the CPU re-sign logic was solid this year, especially with their minor league blue chip guys.

I really don't want to control all 30 teams and do all of the grunt work.
# 104 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/01/16 06:31 PM
One thing I didn't see on the free agent screen was where compatriot's would factor into free agent decisions. I thought another article stated that was part of the process, perhaps I missed it.

Edit : just watched the other video again. The compatriot is for foreign players and region for USA players. ..really cool! !

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# 105 countryboy @ 03/01/16 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
So during free agency the players will take into account other things besides just money?
Yes, they take into account each of the 6 categories shown.
# 106 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/01/16 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Yes, they take into account each of the 6 categories shown.
I really like that. Last year you could throw money at any player you wanted and they were yours.
# 107 zippy2212 @ 03/01/16 06:52 PM
I really like everything I've seen so far. I love that we can offer players a role this year. I've tried to self impose this in my franchise already so it will be much easier. Hopefully this will also eliminate CPU teams from signing multiple star players at one position. The new budget screen and info is awesome as well. I'm still split on morale. I'm hopeful about it and can't wait to hear more. As long as it's not to sensitive I think it will be a good addition.

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# 108 Knight165 @ 03/01/16 06:53 PM
I'm really liking the additions of the morale system....and the tie ins for FA signings and expectations.

I can't wait to see how they actually work(I'm sure we'll all have suggestions for improvements day 1!!! )

I really wonder....on this aspect....If I promise a guy to be my starting 2B...but don't use him....will it REALLY impact his decision to leave or stay when he is a FA?.....and if it does....it has a "memory"...not that putting him as the starter for the last week of the season changes his decision(and I don't mean as a cheat.....but let's say I used someone else...they got hurt and I then used the player I promised the starting slot)

# 109 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/01/16 06:59 PM
I may be the minority here but I really hope that if you promise a player "starter" and place him on the bench his ratings take a major hit. It would simulate the disgruntled player and lower the trade value. (Hopefully the morale ratings are what are used for trade purposes)

This would prevent cpu and human teams from signing a bunch of starter type players and using them as depth or trade fodder.

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# 110 Threeebs @ 03/01/16 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by mkilcNYR
I like this overall, trade slider was huge for me. Got incredibly tired of seeing block buster trades on April 13th. Comforting to know that I can just turn the trades off for like April and then gradually ramp up to the deadline with the slider. Free agents seem harder to sign. They have a lot going in now with the human player element (i want to be an ace and anything short of that is not acceptable, etc.). If you have a great team but want that extra big name free agent, lets say for example if you're the Cubs and you want Bautista for a playoff push, if you don't have room for him in outfield (and no DH slot) it seems like he would ignore a boatload of cash (unless you give him your whole budget lmao). That definitely adds something as I found I could sign big name starters and put them in the bullpen which they would never agree to in real life
The thing is you can probably promise him a starting outfield spot during the offer process even if you didn't really have the spot and he'd be none the wiser because it's a video game. You'd still get to sign him and he'd only become unhappy when the season began and his playing time was somewhat limited.
# 111 RCMacc44 @ 03/01/16 07:15 PM
Does anyone know if the player morale is in RTTS also or just Franchise, like would I be able to choose how I want the manager to use me or tell me I would be happier and able to play better if I signed with the Cardinals instead of Diamondback? Thanks in advance to anyone who knows if it works like this
# 112 Drew127 @ 03/01/16 07:25 PM
I hope the sortable individual stats can be viewable by individual team, as well as divisional, AL, NL, and MLB. So you can keep hitting R1/L1 to go through the teams and also have the divisions, leagues, and MLB stats available.

I really hope. It's pretty basic functionality, to be honest.

And team stats...please, please, please give us sortable team stats.

It would also be nice to be able to filter by situational splits (vs. RHP, vs. LHP, RISP, etc) instead of having individual stat columns for each (i.e, AB vs LHP, AVG vs LHP, H vs LHP) that add tons of clutter and make the information hard to consume.

I hope stats are done right overall.
# 113 redsfan4life @ 03/01/16 07:30 PM
Surely some of these things made there way into online franchise?

Well I can hope.
# 114 Cowboy008 @ 03/01/16 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm really liking the additions of the morale system....and the tie ins for FA signings and expectations.

I can't wait to see how they actually work(I'm sure we'll all have suggestions for improvements day 1!!! )

I really wonder....on this aspect....If I promise a guy to be my starting 2B...but don't use him....will it REALLY impact his decision to leave or stay when he is a FA?.....and if it does....it has a "memory"...not that putting him as the starter for the last week of the season changes his decision(and I don't mean as a cheat.....but let's say I used someone else...they got hurt and I then used the player I promised the starting slot)

Would be great if the devs could answer this during the stream on Thursday.
# 115 giants665 @ 03/01/16 07:50 PM
Expanded stat tracking on player cards! Life is good 😎
# 116 SupremeYankee @ 03/01/16 08:09 PM
Out of everything they have shown this peaked my interest the most. Im still holding off for user feedback and reviews before buying.

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# 117 steelerfan @ 03/01/16 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by giants665
Expanded stat tracking on player cards! Life is good 😎
My ONLY question is whether or not my players "fake" stats from MLB 14 and 15 will carry over in my year-to-year save file or if those are lost.
# 118 TheWarmWind @ 03/01/16 08:40 PM
At first I didn't really like the idea of the morale system, but after the details they've released, it seems like there is more control over it than "y is whining because you're serving sandwiches as a pre-game meal and he wanted soup".

The way it seems to be, when negotiating a contract you agree not only to a financial number, but the role they are going to play. You can make no promises when in comes to the role, and that's going to lose interest in signing the contract, but will make the player less delicate once they sign. I REALLY like that tradeoff of risk and reward for morale. Makes identifying my core all the more important, because those are the guys who I will promise roles to in order to try for the hometown discount.

It will also make me more trade wary, as I see the promises that come with the contract a player carries. It's a nice analog to emotional baggage/attitude problems.

I just hope that carry over saves have all current contracts with no playtime expectations, otherwise my team full of superstars is going to be really pissed I have most of them working platoon roles. Glad I'm downsizing to a 5 pitcher rotation this season.
# 119 Phil Parent @ 03/01/16 08:45 PM
PLACES OF BIRTH. Nice, something new I'll need to go through for everyone and update.

Love the changes, makes it all more involved and real.

Is that all that's new in franchise though?
# 120 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/01/16 08:47 PM
My take on the franchise mode info in this vid...


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