NBA Live 16 News Post

The NBA Live 16 demo is available now for Xbox One gamers and is scheduled to release at 1:00 PM ET for PlayStation 4. We will update this post when it officially arrives on the PS Store.

UPDATE: It's now 2:00 PM ET, no sign of the demo on PS4, we will post when it is available.

UPDATE: The NBA Live 16 demo is available now on PS4. Click here if you can't find it.

The demo includes the new LIVE Pro-Am mode, featuring both the competitive LIVE Run and cooperative Summer Circuit. For those of you looking for an offline experience you can play exhibition games in Tip-Off mode. Users can choose from the Cleveland Cavaliers, Oklahoma City Thunder, Golden St. Warriors, Washington Wizards, Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Clippers. Players can adjust sliders, difficulty level, play up to 12 minute quarters and more. It also includes tutorials.

Download it, play it and post your impressions.

Game: NBA Live 16Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 4 - View All
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Member Comments
# 321 FD247 @ 09/17/15 02:45 PM
I think what is happening is some people are getting kicked out or leaving a match but there player is still in the game just standing there.

I had a match like that were my teamate that was matched up with me never moved for the whole game. I had to play 1 vs 2 players with remaining cpu players but was still able to win the match.

I think once stats are increased in steals then on ball steals will be able to happen more often.
# 322 danchi23 @ 09/17/15 02:45 PM
Like most have said, i was a live player before and now 2k of course. The demo was better than i expected and the flow of the game to me was really good for my taste. The rebounding and pass are just simply a joke too slow or nothing happens at all. For that most part i may keep a close eye on Live to see if theres any improvements down the line, but to me may be worth the buy.

PSN: danchi23
# 323 OG_Almighty @ 09/17/15 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by champjames11
hello anyone can help it says 44% installing full game only lets me play finals game how long doe si take install full game
If you're on PS4, just reset your system. It should jump significantly when you start the demo back up. I reset mine in mid-download maybe 5x and downloaded the demo in under 4 hours shortly after it came out on the 15th. Times should be much better now.

It helps to download from ethernet instead of wifi as well.
# 324 OG_Almighty @ 09/17/15 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by sroz39
I think they need to update the Pro-Am and allow 3v3. Played a couple of 5v5 where everyone was controlled by a human...it was awful. Hero ball, And1, whatever you wanna call it...it was all the guys did and it was frustrating. At least 3v3 you can't be ignored. 5v5 you can freeze 2 or 3 guys out completely.

Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
That's a community issue, not an EA issue unfortunately. I believe they did their best in making sure your teammate grade and leveling up suffers if you play hero ball.

I don't subscribe to hero ball tactics myself but I had a high teammate grade when I scored 2 points one game but a super low grade when I dropped 12 in the next. I like EA's formula though. It's a TEAM MATE grade, not a performance grade. When 2k16 comes out, i think you'll see more serious players. The hero ball doesn't win games and I've personally seen my 2k15 friends rage quit because of that.

Anyway, I love 3v3 on 2K15 but for every point it gets for lack of confusion, subtract it because 3v3 is the breeding ground for hero ball.
# 325 Dione2014 @ 09/17/15 02:58 PM
Live 16 is definitely an improvement over 15. But it falls short in the animations and with collision detection. I wont go into detail because that's an issue that's easily noticeable from the start. Shooting felt good but also much to easy, and so was driving to the basket. Scoring in general felt to easy (my opinion of course) Pro am is super fun, but make sure you have a team before you play Live run as guys tend to not have a pass button on their joysticks. Overall i will be buying NBA Live 16, just not on day one. Also i captured this glitch last night while playing

I don't know what that was but i hope to never see it again.
# 326 Glenn33 @ 09/17/15 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by OG_Almighty
Anyway, I love 3v3 on 2K15 but for every point it gets for lack of confusion, subtract it because 3v3 is the breeding ground for hero ball.
What he said.
# 327 CookNBA03 @ 09/17/15 03:28 PM
Just played Wizards vs. Warriors(me) at the Oracle, crazy fun game game with an amazing atmosphere. It actually felt like I was watching it on ESPN with the crowd chants, Washington ended up beating me 88-83 after they went on a run at the end of the 3rd/beginning of the forth and I made I late push with allay and Steph. Steph and John we're going back and forth, Steph had 36 and 5 asts while John was filling up the stat sheet with 31 pts, 8 rebs, and 12 asts.
# 328 AJenius06 @ 09/17/15 03:52 PM
So, I've been heavily committed to 2K since 2009, Live used to be my girl until it went away and 2K stole my heart.

In any regard, I really did enjoy this demo. There was a ton of good action, loved how the offense moved without the ball and dribbling seems to be fluid and works great. I was impressed by the overall environment of the game and honestly I found myself being humbly surprised by the type of gameplay I got from this game. Haven't checked out the online portion of it at all, but that might be something that makes this a pick up a few months down the line.

The only reason I wouldn't buy it day one is because it doesn't emulate full-fledge SIM basketball like I would prefer. Seems like this game would be fun if it weren't so stiff at times and cartoonish. Contact didn't feel like contact. Finding a bit of separation didn't feel rewarding, it just felt smudged together and glazed over. The feel constantly reminds me that I'm playing a video game. Don't think I had too many emotions while playing, it was just a strong fluid game that deserves some spin.

But as far as overall value, I can't dig it because of the SIM factor.

But awesome job EA, I feel like you guys are getting closer to what us consumers want. Now, it's about getting the physics and tendencies corrected and you'll at least have my attention.
# 329 aholbert32 @ 09/17/15 04:00 PM
Does anyone know why the play art isnt showing up in the demo? I call a play and have no idea how to run it.
# 330 blingballa333 @ 09/17/15 04:02 PM
Here are two video examples of things I'm having trouble with in NBA Live 16

1. I can't seem to keep my guy behind the 3 point line when he's on the move. In this example, I am Aaron Brooks in transition and want to pull up for 3 since Gortat is laying off me a bit. I was thinking in my head (you need to slow down or he will run in front of the 3 point line). So I did, as you can see Brooks slow down as I let go of the sprint button. I press the shot button about 2-3 feet behind the line...and then this happens.

How do I stop myself from doing that? Come to a complete stop before shooting? Shouldn't have to do that.

2. REBOUNDING. Boy is it predetermined. If you aren't getting the rebound, your guy will simply not even jump (even if you press Triangly/Y) or jump after the rebound has taken place. Here is a perfect example. I am Pau Gasol the whole time during this clip, count how many times he attempts to rebound the ball. As you can see, the blocks can happen on command, but not the rebounding.

# 331 sroz39 @ 09/17/15 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by OG_Almighty
That's a community issue, not an EA issue unfortunately. I believe they did their best in making sure your teammate grade and leveling up suffers if you play hero ball.

I don't subscribe to hero ball tactics myself but I had a high teammate grade when I scored 2 points one game but a super low grade when I dropped 12 in the next. I like EA's formula though. It's a TEAM MATE grade, not a performance grade. When 2k16 comes out, i think you'll see more serious players. The hero ball doesn't win games and I've personally seen my 2k15 friends rage quit because of that.

Anyway, I love 3v3 on 2K15 but for every point it gets for lack of confusion, subtract it because 3v3 is the breeding ground for hero ball.
Thing is I'm dealing with hero ball whether I'm playing The Park in 2K or 5v5 in Live...but by numbers alone I'm more likely to get the ball 3v3, especially as a PF. So yes, its a community issue on the surface but as a developer, you need to be aware of how your community plays your game and adapt.

I guarantee if they don't update their options to include 3v3, people are going to get tired of not even getting a sniff of the ball and stop playing the mode. It'll essentially turn it into a 2v2 or 3v3 mode with A.I. because there won't be enough players to fill out teams.

Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
# 332 OG_Almighty @ 09/17/15 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by sroz39
Thing is I'm dealing with hero ball whether I'm playing The Park in 2K or 5v5 in Live...but by numbers alone I'm more likely to get the ball 3v3, especially as a PF. So yes, its a community issue on the surface but as a developer, you need to be aware of how your community plays your game and adapt.

I guarantee if they don't update their options to include 3v3, people are going to get tired of not even getting a sniff of the ball and stop playing the mode. It'll essentially turn it into a 2v2 or 3v3 mode with A.I. because there won't be enough players to fill out teams.

Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
Valid points but I'm a 2K head as well. I can't tell you how many games I've been shut of in 3v3 because my teammates refuse to pass the ball. Even with using the inevitability mentality that you mentioned, it happens quite often. Regardless, I agree with your points.

However, this will force people into aligning with similar minded players since balling with randoms seems to be flawed at the moment.

I've found this method to work in Summer Circuit since the CPU will annihilate you if you dare to hero ball. I found some good team ballers and I'll take them into Live Run instead of trying to find randoms.
# 333 Detroitfan4life1993 @ 09/17/15 04:32 PM
I just played a pro am game with someone wearing a nick young jersey but it says you cant unlock it unless you have the full game. Maybe he got the game early.
# 334 bigeastbumrush @ 09/17/15 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Does anyone know why the play art isnt showing up in the demo? I call a play and have no idea how to run it.
The default setting for play art is On.
So I don't think your play is locked in.

Had the same problem. Once you flick the right stick to the play, you have to sort of time your release of the left button.

Once you do it properly, the play art will start.

The problem I see is that play art does not show up when the AI calls plays for you automatically. The play art only shows up when you call a play yourself.
# 335 sethisthegoat @ 09/17/15 04:49 PM
I've played a little bit of Live Run and the first halves of a couple regular games. Certainly not enough to put the game through its paces, but enough to develop an opinion.

1: I had fun, overall.
2: I like the shot meter, though I'm not actually sure how much of an impact it has. Whether a basket went in felt somewhat predetermined (which, depending on those predetermined factors, might be okay)
3: I like the ESPN presentation and the ability to opt in (or not) to replays
4: The animation is far better than the last couple of years, but still isn't equal to NBA 2K14. It either needs to commit to realism, or commit to a different art style.
5: I like how playcalling is handled. Slick and easy to understand.

The "bad"
1: The online stuff was super laggy.
2: This lag made it nearly impossible to time shots or go up for rebounds
3: Nobody knows how to run an offense in Live Run, or how to play defense. (This may include myself.)
4: Live run gets boring when nobody passes you the ball. Especially when you have specific goals
5: It just isn't as good on the court as 2K. If it isn't as good as 2K on the court, and 2K blows it out of the water off the court...
# 336 JerzeyReign @ 09/17/15 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Does anyone know why the play art isnt showing up in the demo? I call a play and have no idea how to run it.
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
The default setting for play art is On.
So I don't think your play is locked in.

Had the same problem. Once you flick the right stick to the play, you have to sort of time your release of the left button.

Once you do it properly, the play art will start.

The problem I see is that play art does not show up when the AI calls plays for you automatically. The play art only shows up when you call a play yourself.
Play call system is a bit washed to me. Holding down buttons and flicking the right stick falls under a section I call "innovating just to innovate".

Nothing wrong with pulling plays up with a d-pad and using the bumpers to scroll pages and buttons to select the play for a player imo. They're trying something new and not only is it confusing, but its ugly to me.

They should just go back to the normal/regular playart found on coaching boards all across the world as well as the other game.
# 337 Ownal0t @ 09/17/15 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Detroitfan4life1993
I just played a pro am game with someone wearing a nick young jersey but it says you cant unlock it unless you have the full game. Maybe he got the game early.
yea i ran into a guy in a wade jersey, and i asked him about it. he said he doesnt have the game. LOL.
# 338 aholbert32 @ 09/17/15 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
The default setting for play art is On.
So I don't think your play is locked in.

Had the same problem. Once you flick the right stick to the play, you have to sort of time your release of the left button.

Once you do it properly, the play art will start.

The problem I see is that play art does not show up when the AI calls plays for you automatically. The play art only shows up when you call a play yourself.
Thanks man.
# 339 The 24th Letter @ 09/17/15 05:56 PM
Can you change the pro am camera?

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# 340 Detroitfan4life1993 @ 09/17/15 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Can you change the pro am camera?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah either at the main menu settings or while in a pro am game you can press start and go to settings menu from there and change the camera.

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