NBA Live 16 News Post

EA Sports has confirmed on their official Facebook page that NBA Live 16 will not feature NBA player or roster editing. That means, no accessory changes, no player rating adjustments, no changing jersey numbers, etc...

Maybe it gets patched in later? Maybe not, but this is not a good sign.

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Member Comments
# 221 rafaelpaolo84 @ 08/16/15 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by droopizzle34
I am pretty upset about this. The people who say "well Synergy updates players for you" miss the point. If you are playing Dynasty mode, it does not update. Traded players have the wrong numbers, equipment, the whole nine. There is only so much Tip Off games you can play before the game gets redundant.
This was a deal breaker for me last year, and a huge deal breaker this year. I will not buy the game. EA has yet to grasp how important customization is to us, or they just don't care. It shows in Madden and in Live. All my excitement for this game is gone, and once again EA has me in "wait till next year" mode, like always...

To go even further than that, sometimes you just want to make your own changes, regardless of what happens irl. What if I wanted to remove Kobe's arm sleeve? Put back LeBron's headband? Change my rookies' shoes? I can't do any of those.

I traded Melo to the Nuggets last year and he still had Knicks-colorway shoes. I couldn't change it.

I'm hoping that they could at least patch in roster and player editing inside Dynasty (and Rising Star) mode this year.
# 222 mp3 @ 08/16/15 07:31 AM
At the very least they should add player editing to dynasty mode imo.
# 223 vtcrb @ 08/16/15 10:34 AM
Keep the feedback going guys, i am tweeting this to the NBA Live guys. At least they can see how much we want it back.

EDIT: If you are on Twitter, please take the time to RT my tweets to them. My twitter handle is listed below.
# 224 cthurt @ 08/16/15 10:36 AM
The fact that they hired a renowned tattoo artist just for created players, but we can't simply change an accessorie or attribute on the actual players shows their priorities.

Why has the NBA side of the game taken a back seat to the online created player stuff? I mean they have talked about the dribble hand off addition so much so far I am thinking is that the only gameplay eye candy we will get this year no mention of the low post game besides we are still working on it, that doesn't sound too promising, but we are supposed to be fine waiting another year just to possibly get the edit player feature back.
# 225 Mauer4MVP @ 08/16/15 11:11 AM
For me, it's not even worth trying. Again, those that do and enjoy I'm happy for them. It's just too big of a missing feature for me.
# 226 iLLWiLL @ 08/16/15 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by vtcrb
Keep the feedback going guys, i am tweeting this to the NBA Live guys. At least they can see how much we want it back.

EDIT: If you are on Twitter, please take the time to RT my tweets to them. My twitter handle is listed below.

I tweeted Live and @ryansantos last Friday afternoon. (No responses, of course)
# 227 nick_sr @ 08/16/15 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by iLLWiLL
Can you post the link?
Don't have the link bro. A few guys on twitch were talking about it a few days ago, but they think ea is just trying to keep it a secret.

Apparently there's some hidden legend you can unlock in pro am n ppl think it will be mj.

Like I said, don't think pro am is the only big announcement because that will be a bit underwhelming. Think these guys got more heat just wait for the oops to show their hand.
# 228 GisherJohn24 @ 08/16/15 05:54 PM
Thought they had countless people working on this game? Roster editing is an old school feature. I'm very disappointed . The question is why not??? I will accept this if the gameplay is awesome. So it better be.
# 229 iLLWiLL @ 08/16/15 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
Don't have the link bro. A few guys on twitch were talking about it a few days ago, but they think ea is just trying to keep it a secret.

Apparently there's some hidden legend you can unlock in pro am n ppl think it will be mj.

Like I said, don't think pro am is the only big announcement because that will be a bit underwhelming. Think these guys got more heat just wait for the oops to show their hand.

I sure hope that is true, because Live fans deserve more. I'm just not holding my breath for it.
# 230 The 24th Letter @ 08/16/15 11:23 PM
Sorry wrong thread
# 231 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 08/17/15 12:40 AM
Honest Question . How many more sells do you guys think this feature would bring to NBA live ? Do you think it's worth EA leaders investing time and resources in right now ? Just wanna know some viewpoints
# 232 redsox4evur @ 08/17/15 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
Honest Question . How many more sells do you guys think this feature would bring to NBA live ? Do you think it's worth EA leaders investing time and resources in right now ? Just wanna know some viewpoints
I would think it brings in at most 5,000 new buys. Like I said in my post in the petition, it's like editing draft classes in Madden. Most people will use it if there is a share feature tagged along to it but they probably won't use it on their own. And at where they are right now, I don't think it's worth it for at most 5,000 new buys. And I am being conservative with the 5,000 buys.
# 233 Basketball Nate @ 08/17/15 12:57 AM
32 pages of anger over roster edits?
# 234 wacko11 @ 08/17/15 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Basketball Nate
32 pages of anger over roster edits?
Lol I'm saying
# 235 droopizzle34 @ 08/17/15 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Basketball Nate
32 pages of anger over roster edits?
Originally Posted by wacko11
Lol I'm saying

If its not important to you, why even post on the thread?
# 236 swac07 @ 08/17/15 05:07 AM
After scrolling through twitter I can say Ea is hitting their target audience as planned and if this is a representation of how "some" think....yeah man I dont see this editing feature in for a good minute

Lol at "long as i can swag out my created player "


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# 237 droopizzle34 @ 08/17/15 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by swac07

Lol at "long as i can swag out my created player [emoji38] "

Attachment 104609

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That was the EA Dev's response when asked if editing was in the game. he said no but you can swag out your created player....
# 238 swac07 @ 08/17/15 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by droopizzle34
That was the EA Dev's response when asked if editing was in the game. he said no but you can swag out your created player....
I know devs said but the person i screenshotted also said thats what THEY were only worried about not editing rosters

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# 239 LingeringRegime @ 08/17/15 06:23 AM
Swag yourself out? Maybe I'm getting too old for this.
# 240 Basketball Nate @ 08/17/15 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by droopizzle34
If its not important to you, why even post on the thread?
Cause I believe most of these people in here are highly overreacting using this as an excuse to say they not gonna play or purchase a game they never had any intentions of playing or purchasing in the first place. Agenda posting is real heavy on this board IMO.

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