Madden NFL 16 News Post

GameStop has revealed a quick feature on their Madden NFL 16 page. There isn't much to go off of here, but it's fun to speculate what it could be for the game. It obviously has something to do with WR/DB interaction, but it will be interesting to see how they implement it.

Guess we will find out something more official in May, when the first news, features and details arrive, but until then, what are your thoughts?

Be the playmaker in Madden NFL 16 with all-new controls that allow you to dominate in the battle for air supremacy.

Madden NFL 16 is scheduled to release on August 25th.

Source - GameStop, thanks PastaPadre!

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Member Comments
# 161 aholbert32 @ 04/23/15 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by oneamongthefence
If Madden had a proper system where logical causes and effects happen it would naturally train players to understand why some thing work and others don't. Too often the outcome is fairly random and has very little to do with play calls. Why did I get stuffed on run play? Was it because my lineman just completely whiffed on a block or did he just go brain dead and block the wrong guy? There's too many variables from ratings to the engine just calling apart in certain situations to bad ai programming to realistically teach someone football fundamentals.
Is that the purpose of playing a video game? I dont play Madden to learn about football fundamentals. When most people put Madden in they are not looking to learn about a 3 technique DT or what a rover is. They are looking to play a game and do stuff similar to what they see on TV. They want to throw bombs to Dez or truck people with Marshawn. They arent trying to learn what gap a outside LB is supposed to fill.
# 162 NINJAK2 @ 04/23/15 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Is that the purpose of playing a video game? I dont play Madden to learn about football fundamentals. When most people put Madden in they are not looking to learn about a 3 technique DT or what a rover is. They are looking to play a game and do stuff similar to what they see on TV. They want to throw bombs to Dez or truck people with Marshawn. They arent trying to learn what gap a outside LB is supposed to fill.
This is probably true for the majority of people that buy Madden and most other sports games but that doesn't really excuse these games from not having game mechanics based on the sim aspects of said sport. While you may not play Madden to LEARN about football fundamentals I'm guessing you wish to play a game that is atleast BASED ON good football fundamentals. These games can still be fun for the average player while being based on the physics, principles, and concepts that make said sport what it is. I like Madden 15....which makes the issues I see with it that much more annoying
# 163 Senator Palmer @ 04/23/15 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Is that the purpose of playing a video game? I dont play Madden to learn about football fundamentals. When most people put Madden in they are not looking to learn about a 3 technique DT or what a rover is. They are looking to play a game and do stuff similar to what they see on TV. They want to throw bombs to Dez or truck people with Marshawn. They arent trying to learn what gap a outside LB is supposed to fill.
Lol... then let them play on rookie.
# 164 aholbert32 @ 04/23/15 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Senator Palmer
Lol... then let them play on rookie.
LOL. What if I want a challenge though? Guys, dont get me wrong. I want all the things that you guys want in a football game. I just think we should be realistic about what EA is willing to add and what they consider important.
# 165 oneamongthefence @ 04/23/15 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Is that the purpose of playing a video game? I dont play Madden to learn about football fundamentals. When most people put Madden in they are not looking to learn about a 3 technique DT or what a rover is. They are looking to play a game and do stuff similar to what they see on TV. They want to throw bombs to Dez or truck people with Marshawn. They arent trying to learn what gap a outside LB is supposed to fill.
They can. It's called rookie difficulty. The difficulty system in Madden is flawed. The AI should be affected not the ratings in terms of difficulty. Playing on higher difficulty now is just learning how to game the game.

I think Madden should be a bridge between watching and playing. They should be able to take lessons they've learned in Madden and use them when watching a game to really understand and see why plays happen as they do. Even if they don't care Madden should abide by real world logic and movement. If someone wants to run 4 verts every play let them. Eventually they're gonna learn what coverage it works best against if it keeps ending up in picks. It should be a natural learning process.

Madden is afraid to punish the user for poor decisions but I think part of that is because EA knows their engine is too flawed to realistically portray a game of football.
# 166 Senator Palmer @ 04/23/15 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
LOL. What if I want a challenge though? Guys, dont get me wrong. I want all the things that you guys want in a football game. I just dont think we should be realistic about what EA is willing to add and what they consider important.
If you want the challenge then bump it up to Pro. But the higher you go then you should at least have some concept of the fundamentals of the game.

Now I don't think you should have to go up to the board and draw up a Y2 Scat Banana or whatever Gruden calls it, but you should have a basic understanding of the game. There's no way you should be able to pop in the game at All-Pro and be able to compete with a solid player if you don't at least know the difference between an iso play or a zone, that's all.

If you just want to pick up and play, and hang 50 there should be a difficulty level for you. If you want something a little more challenging, but not something you have to spend time in a film room to succeed at then there should be a level for you. If you want something approximating the chess match that's played out on Sundays, there should be a level for that.

There are other games that do this. I know The Show, for instance, has the stated goal of (paraphrasing) "Our goal isn't to make the game easier. We want to teach you the game, but whatever your skill level there is a difficulty level where you can succeed and have fun."

And they have like 6 of them or something crazy like that. You got the lowest where the CPU throws nothing but meatballs down the middle, one where the CPU will just challenge you with offspeed, all the way up to Legend where you'll get corners painted on you and MIGHT get one pitch to hit an at-bat.

EDIT: I do agree with your last sentence. That right there is the long and the short of it. EA just sees this thing differently that I do. As oneamong noted, and we've seen this over the years, I just don't think they're willing to punish the user for poor play. It's an all-things-to-all-people approach. Skills trainer seems to indicate a willingness to go in a different direction but time will tell.
# 167 oneamongthefence @ 04/23/15 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Is that the purpose of playing a video game? I dont play Madden to learn about football fundamentals. When most people put Madden in they are not looking to learn about a 3 technique DT or what a rover is. They are looking to play a game and do stuff similar to what they see on TV. They want to throw bombs to Dez or truck people with Marshawn. They arent trying to learn what gap a outside LB is supposed to fill.
If they're throwing bombs to Dez Bryant, a fundamental aspect of football would dictate that a receiver should try to actually catch the ball instead of watching it come down and hopefully it lands in their hands. Fighting for the ball as a receiver is fundamental. That's something I would think the completely non hardcore player would notice. Fundamental football isn't just the x's and o's. It's also technique and basic football logic and training. Madden is still at the pee wee level of concepts where it's basically run pass and block. Hope for the best. When I can hand my controller to my 4 year old son and he can complete a pass or get a few yards on a run by accident on all pro or all Madden something is wrong.
# 168 Millennium @ 04/23/15 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
This point gets somewhat skewed when a developer has what's similar to a monopoly. What you say is far truer when a customer has a choice between this or that instead of this or nothing.

You also seem a little sensitive. It's my humble opinion that someone saying they know it's a video game is no more patronizing then when someone says it is a video game, like somehow we don't understand this and need it explained to us. I guess patronization is more about how something is received/perceived and not really the original intent.
You can argue points and views. Leave the attacks on personality and mod style of my staff out of your posts.

PM me if you have any issues.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3
# 169 oneamongthefence @ 04/23/15 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I was thinking along this same line when reading some of the stuff about making the game more realistic is of little benefit to the less football savvy gamer.
I think EA looks at it as it's little benefit to their profit line. The details are what separates an enjoyable experience and a memorable one. Madden is an enjoyable experience to me just not necessarily a memorable one.
# 170 roadman @ 04/24/15 12:02 AM
Like the list Aholbert put out today, I think we can all agree that the gimmicks Madden used to include in the game are gone. ie, create a fan, create a cheerleader, buy a ring, kiss a cheerleader, etc.......

If only they can get the things they input into the game lately to work properly, there would be less complaining.
# 171 oneamongthefence @ 04/24/15 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
Like the list Aholbert put out today, I think we can all agree that the gimmicks Madden used to include in the game are gone. ie, create a fan, create a cheerleader, buy a ring, kiss a cheerleader, etc.......

If only they can get the things they input into the game lately to work properly, there would be less complaining.
Back when they had the leverage and support to put "fluff" in the game in 04 05 and 06.
# 172 aholbert32 @ 04/24/15 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Maybe so but that POV baffles me because realism would only attract more gamers that are looking for that, not detract from those that already can play the game for what it is. There are so many asinine notions out there about people that just won't like Madden no matter what, maybe EA is drinking that kool-aid, idk. However as someone that is often perceived to be some kind of unreasonable gamer that expects too much, in reality I should be low hanging fruit for EA. I found ways to enjoy M06-M08, which are admitted by even the staunches Madden supporters to be among the worst Maddens ever, yet I can't even suspend belief enough to stomach the latest versions, considering it's a decade and a new console generation since this fiasco began. To RGiles point, there is no way in the Sam Hill that if EA really wanted a realistic football game developed by now, they wouldn't have it.

I know it's not personal because EA would have to actually care for it to be but it often feels that way, like they just won't allow a realistic football game to be made out of spite, lol. Like punishment for all the gamers that dared to play other NFL games when they were available, now we'll play Madden and like it or nothing. /paranoid rant
Thats a hell of an assumption there. There are plenty of gamers who arent that interested in a sim level of realism. The tournament players. The cheesers. They like playing Madden as it is with all of the glitch exploits and unrealistic gameplay it currently has.

And guess what? Their money is worth the same as yours. And just like the sim heads walk away because the game is unrealistic at times, there is a chance they will walk away from the game if EA made it more difficult for them to play the game the way they want to play it. The difference is there appear to be more of them than guys like OSers.

****, actually their money may be more valuable than yours because those are the same guys who will spend dollar after dollar on Madden Ultimate team packs.

I'm getting old so I may not be remembering this correctly but back in the day I heard that Ian wanted to use part of a dev cycle to stomp out some of the biggest cheats and exploits people were using online. He wanted the game to be played more realistic and sim like online. So he had their Madden open house where they invite a bunch of online gamers and those gamers flipped the hell out when they heard those changes. And that was the last time I heard that dev team talk about fixing exploits.

This dev team has mentioned the same thing about wanting to make online and offline play more realistic but as you can see they only go so far. They dont want to risk alienating the cheesers who will buy the game just to pacify the sim gamers who may buy the game.
# 173 aholbert32 @ 04/24/15 01:08 AM
I think Ive discovered the difference between me and users like Sage and Big FN Deal:

We both looked at games like Madden 07-08 and said "This game sucks but I'll make the best of it".

The difference is I look at Madden now and think "This is much better than what I played back in 07 and 08. "

You guys look at Madden now and think "Its been almost ten years. The game is somewhat better but it should be MUCH better than it is now."
# 174 N51_rob @ 04/24/15 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
You guys look at Madden now and think "Its been almost ten years. The game is somewhat better but it should be MUCH better than it is now."
I'm in that same boat, but I'm just burnt out of talking about what could be, should be, and needs to be fixed to make Madden a MUCH better game. Its been 10 years if the Devs don't know how to make their game better its because they don't want to know, if they do know and haven't or won't that is a different issue.

No amount of talking and feedback from OS is gonna change the fact that we are not the target demo of this game. You look at how games like the show and nba 2k have embraced the OS community and the results in the core gameplay of those games vs Madden who has shunned OS and the state of madden. The info and individuals are here, but EA/Madden don't want our help, why keep spinning our wheels?
# 175 oneamongthefence @ 04/24/15 05:21 AM
What's maddening is the fact the MUT is a cash cow. That money should be funneled back into the game through a bigger dev team. Just have a team that works on future technology that will be implemented. Really dig in and start overhauling and replacing code. So by the time the next cycle roll through they have the tech developed and already start identifying and squashing bugs and glitches. It seems like now too often there's still say too much tuning even at launch.
# 176 rudyjuly2 @ 04/24/15 06:55 AM
I can live with issues in Madden a lot easier if the sliders worked better. They have been garbage the last 3 years. The blocking sliders and coverage sliders work awful. Anytime you see sliders at 0 or 100 that means they work poorly (like run blocking where it's too easy to run up the middle on ANY setting). When you have people debating whether pass reaction slider is backwards or not it's garbage. Just make sure we can fine tune the game ourselves properly. That would make me a lot happier.

CPU qb ai is the other area that needs a ton of work too but I won't hold my breath. It's been terrible since last Gen and it's been bad now for almost 10 years. They don't seem to care when their focus is on MUT and user controls.
# 177 Millennium @ 04/24/15 07:37 AM
Just your daily (or what seems like hourly at this point because people don't ever seem to "get it"):

Post criticism constructively. If you can't do that, we don't want you at OS.
# 178 Armor and Sword @ 04/24/15 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Just to clarify.. I also think we are no where near where we should be with console FB gaming.
For me it's simply that there's nothing I can do about it other than voice what I want each year.
Even though the jump I'd like to see hasn't been reached yet, Madden15 was a very enjoyable game to me. When the day comes it isn't I'll stop buying.
Said it before but coming from stick figures etc.. I can easily enjoy these games. Doesn't mean I am totally satisfied in the end.
I am in the exact same boat. I too feel Madden should be much farther ahead of where it is today. I am clamoring for more simulation quality features:

1. WR/DB interaction

2. Functional penalty system/proper replay system

3. Dynamic true to life injury system

4. AI improvements

But like you I am an Atari 2600 gen gamer. I came from the dawn of console gaming. I feel actually like the grandpa around here and I get very amused at some of the outrage thrown at games today (some rightfully so).

Yes....Madden is behind my beloved Show and NBA 2K, but M15 was a heck of game for me personally in that I am still playing it and I am having so much fun with it.

M15 has given me a reason to be very interested to see what this team brings to the table for M16.

I had also come to realization many many moons ago that Madden is a hybrid sports game that wants to be accessible, fun, but also provide many elements of realism. To do that sacrifices are going to be made.

If a game is not fun it will never sell to the masses. And that is what Madden is. A mass brand, not a niche product like Out Of The Park Baseball.

Where Madden can take some cues from is our two other AAA sports titles in The Show and 2K Basketball. Give the user several options:

Simulation sliders, normal, casual

Control options for passing, player movement, playbook complexity or simplicity etc.

The Show has several difficulty levels, control schemes etc. The game can be as hard and real as you want it, or as easy (with tons of on screen aides, rookie level and simplified controls).

Ultimately that would be the desired direction I would want the game to go in.

But for now Madden is what Madden has always been IMO. A solid football game with simulation elements and arcade like passing. I thought 15 was the most complete package since Madden 2005/2007.

Here is still hoping it keeps getting better on the new systems.
# 179 Armor and Sword @ 04/24/15 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I think Ive discovered the difference between me and users like Sage and Big FN Deal:

We both looked at games like Madden 07-08 and said "This game sucks but I'll make the best of it".

The difference is I look at Madden now and think "This is much better than what I played back in 07 and 08. "

You guys look at Madden now and think "Its been almost ten years. The game is somewhat better but it should be MUCH better than it is now."

100% on point. I think it is no doubt better than what I used to play. But I also think it should be farther along too. But I am still having fun and enjoying my console NFL football game.

For me it was easy to make the best of it with Madden 15 because the game is actually a lot of fun and in general functions well (save for a few glaring warts which I hope are kinked out on 16).

Contrast that with Madden 13 which I traded in within 10 days of buying it and stuck with Madden 12 for another year.

I think most Madden players felt 15 was the best iteration since Madden 2005 on the field (some will contend 12 but that game had all kinds of nonsense on the field IMO and the off the field customization is what keeps that game held in such high regard).
# 180 NDAlum @ 04/24/15 08:26 AM
The ideas implemented in M15 were so shallow and ended up doing more harm than good for online CFM guys. That paired with a poor WR/DB system that heavily favored the DB's just killed any interest in this game for me.

I hope M16 is good, but not going to hold out hope it gets much better. I'd post a laundry list of changes I want to see but nobody of significance is coming here to look at them.

I'm pretty apathetic at this point.

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