Madden NFL 16 News Post

GameStop has revealed a quick feature on their Madden NFL 16 page. There isn't much to go off of here, but it's fun to speculate what it could be for the game. It obviously has something to do with WR/DB interaction, but it will be interesting to see how they implement it.

Guess we will find out something more official in May, when the first news, features and details arrive, but until then, what are your thoughts?

Be the playmaker in Madden NFL 16 with all-new controls that allow you to dominate in the battle for air supremacy.

Madden NFL 16 is scheduled to release on August 25th.

Source - GameStop, thanks PastaPadre!

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 SageInfinite @ 04/24/15 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rocky
I agree with this. The same generation that fawned over playmaker contols in 2004 are going into Madden 2016 with different expectations. In fact, some gamers think those games in the past are superior to the ones now!..not actually because 04 is better but because the expectations are different.
That's all this really is about. Madden has not matured at the rate that the other sports games have. EA is still targeting the younger gamer, while other franchises are trying to bridge the gap. It seems that EA is trying to, just at a different pace and in a different manner.
# 202 aholbert32 @ 04/24/15 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
I think he is saying that the older generation has higher expectations because we've had different experiences than the younger crowd. And it's the younger crowd that EA is bringing up with lower expectations. At least different expectations.
I actually think the older generation has lower expectations. Especially the guys i remember who were on this site 10-15 years ago. I'm damn near 40. I dont have the time or energy to obsess and complain over video games that I used to.

Thats part of the reason I think I liked Madden 15. For example, the lack of holding penalties annoyed the **** out of me when I first got the game. I reached out to Madden dev Clint on Twitter and he made it clear that new OL/DL changes didnt affect holding and that the dev team didnt see the lack of holding penalties as am problem.

Now 20 yr old me wouldve started a thread about the holding penalties. 20 yr old me wouldve mentioned it in every thread I could. 20 yr old me wouldve asked Steve if I could write a quick article on OS bashing the dev team for ignoring such a fundamental part of the game. 20 yr old me wouldve harassed Clint on Twitter until he blocked me.

I'm 37 now with a wife and a kid who gets excited whenever he has any free time to just unwind and play video games. I had a ball doing that this year. Madden 15 is flawed like most Maddens but it was good enough for me to enjoy playing it and ignore the issues that the game has.

Many of my contemporaries from 10-15 yrs ago are the same way. These are the same guys who would attend E3 with me and respectively call devs out about issues in the games. These guys are still playing video games but they've found a way to ignore the issues.

With that said, I'm still a bit obsessive about NBA basketball and I still find the time and energy to flip out over basic things NBA games leave out so I'm not completely dead.
# 203 aholbert32 @ 04/24/15 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
That's all this really is about. Madden has not matured at the rate that the other sports games have. EA is still targeting the younger gamer, while other franchises are trying to bridge the gap. It seems that EA is trying to, just at a different pace and in a different manner.
Madden has matured at the rate other EA games have. Just not at the rate that non EA games have.
# 204 SageInfinite @ 04/24/15 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Madden has matured at the rate other EA games have. Just not at the rate that non EA games have.
Not when it comes to its animations imo. The Tiburon games(Madden, NCAA*RIP* and Live) haven't matured to look the part as well as FIFA, and NHL. The presentation has improved with Madden 15, but it also had taken steps back with 13 and 25 from Madden 12.
# 205 SageInfinite @ 04/24/15 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I actually think the older generation has lower expectations. Especially the guys i remember who were on this site 10-15 years ago. I'm damn near 40. I dont have the time or energy to obsess and complain over video games that I used to.

Thats part of the reason I think I liked Madden 15. For example, the lack of holding penalties annoyed the **** out of me when I first got the game. I reached out to Madden dev Clint on Twitter and he made it clear that new OL/DL changes didnt affect holding and that the dev team didnt see the lack of holding penalties as am problem.

Now 20 yr old me wouldve started a thread about the holding penalties. 20 yr old me wouldve mentioned it in every thread I could. 20 yr old me wouldve asked Steve if I could write a quick article on OS bashing the dev team for ignoring such a fundamental part of the game. 20 yr old me wouldve harassed Clint on Twitter until he blocked me.

I'm 37 now with a wife and a kid who gets excited whenever he has any free time to just unwind and play video games. I had a ball doing that this year. Madden 15 is flawed like most Maddens but it was good enough for me to enjoy playing it and ignore the issues that the game has.

Many of my contemporaries from 10-15 yrs ago are the same way. These are the same guys who would attend E3 with me and respectively call devs out about issues in the games. These guys are still playing video games but they've found a way to ignore the issues.

With that said, I'm still a bit obsessive about NBA basketball and I still find the time and energy to flip out over basic things NBA games leave out so I'm not completely dead.
It's great that you've been able to find enjoyment in the game. It's also great that you understand the frustration that some of us still have. Just know we're out here still just voicing our opinions because we haven't found a way to really enjoy NFL Football gaming in awhile. As I always say, I have more fun on the hype train and discussing the game than actually playing it.
# 206 PeoplesChampGB @ 04/24/15 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I actually think the older generation has lower expectations. Especially the guys i remember who were on this site 10-15 years ago. I'm damn near 40. I dont have the time or energy to obsess and complain over video games that I used to.

Thats part of the reason I think I liked Madden 15. For example, the lack of holding penalties annoyed the **** out of me when I first got the game. I reached out to Madden dev Clint on Twitter and he made it clear that new OL/DL changes didnt affect holding and that the dev team didnt see the lack of holding penalties as am problem.

Now 20 yr old me wouldve started a thread about the holding penalties. 20 yr old me wouldve mentioned it in every thread I could. 20 yr old me wouldve asked Steve if I could write a quick article on OS bashing the dev team for ignoring such a fundamental part of the game. 20 yr old me wouldve harassed Clint on Twitter until he blocked me.

I'm 37 now with a wife and a kid who gets excited whenever he has any free time to just unwind and play video games. I had a ball doing that this year. Madden 15 is flawed like most Maddens but it was good enough for me to enjoy playing it and ignore the issues that the game has.

Many of my contemporaries from 10-15 yrs ago are the same way. These are the same guys who would attend E3 with me and respectively call devs out about issues in the games. These guys are still playing video games but they've found a way to ignore the issues.

With that said, I'm still a bit obsessive about NBA basketball and I still find the time and energy to flip out over basic things NBA games leave out so I'm not completely dead.
I can relate to that as well. I used to be the same way. Now I am married and have two kids and I just hope to have some time to play games now. Now I just hope I can have a competitive game of Madden and have a close score and don't really pay attention to the stats instead of the 42-7 blowouts that I used to give to the CPU on the last gen Maddens no matter what slider set I put in. Priorities change. Still I am disappointed that it has not caught up with the likes of NHL, The Show, and NBA 2K. NHL is the only other EA sports game I play, and I can play that for hours on end knowing that I will always have a great game. Madden on the other hand burns on me after one game. It is just not that interesting anymore. It's like in my brain I say, "Yeah, I have seen this before.....". Sorry for the rambling if it comes off that way.
# 207 SmittyD81 @ 04/24/15 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
It's really quite genius what EA did. They used their fat wallet to eliminate competition so they don't have to invest much back into the game keeping up with comp. Put out mediocre/poor games for years which spawned a community. Then they took some of the most vocal members of that community(youtubers) and divided it. Now they get as much time to slow role it as much as they want, putting fundamental aspects into the game and get credit for it. Basically what they were doing before, but now they get credit from said community. Brilliant scheme man.
Nice opinion Sage!! I wouldn't be invited down to EA if it was all happy go lucky, so that's not the case. There's no "split" as you choose to label it. If someone has a view that opposes others, it's not being respected, but instead you get the outcast treatment or you're one of "them". That mentality has gotta go.

I'll say to you like I say all the time, if you don't like the game....leave it on the shelf and don't buy it.
# 208 JODYE @ 04/24/15 07:05 PM
I'll say to you like I say all the time, if you don't like the game....leave it on the shelf and don't buy it.
This would be a fair statement if EA didn't eliminate the market completely and corner football fans/consumers into only having one option.

I gotta agree with Sage here, as harsh of an assessment as it is, there is a large amount of truth to it.
# 209 N51_rob @ 04/24/15 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by 13
This would be a fair statement if EA didn't eliminate the market completely and corner football fans/consumers into only having one option.

I gotta agree with Sage here, as harsh of an assessment as it is, there is a large amount of truth to it.

The NFL eliminated the competition, the fact that this myth is still being perpetrated as a fact is beyond asinine to the point of trolling.

Yes, EA mentioned an exclusive deal but everyone had a chance to bid on the license. EA won.
# 210 JODYE @ 04/24/15 07:26 PM
Don't be so naive.

Why would a company lobby for a bidding war if they didn't already know that they were going to be able to obtain it via their inflated capital? Sega was dying, and EA was at the top of the food chain with an inferior product. They knew what they were doing. There wasn't a chance in the world that they were going to be outbid. Come on now.
# 211 Skyboxer @ 04/24/15 07:33 PM
NFL wanted the exclusive deal. EA was the highest bidder. We're they supposed to low ball and be nice to see if others could win it?
# 212 wlucky @ 04/24/15 07:37 PM
Well we know who the top bidder was now
# 213 roadman @ 04/24/15 07:38 PM
In situations like those, it's all business and sometimes at the risk of consumers.

Takes two parties to tangle and the NFL is all about the exclusive side of business.

And here we go again with this exclusive mess talk again, lol.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round.....
# 214 SageInfinite @ 04/24/15 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
The NFL eliminated the competition, the fact that this myth is still being perpetrated as a fact is beyond asinine to the point of trolling.

Yes, EA mentioned an exclusive deal but everyone had a chance to bid on the license. EA won.
EA had been lobbying for some years to get that deal. Yes it all doesn't fall on EA, but they knew what they were doing. They snatched up NCAA and Arena football as well as the ESPN license to lock out as much competition as they could. NFL was the deciding factor of course since it's their license, but EA ain't innocent like people try to make them out to be. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Business wise I gotta respect it, as a consumer it sucks, but oh well I'm not dwelling on the license being locked up.

I'm dwelling on EA/Tiburon not making a superior product to show they deserved all those fans they shut out and have dragged along with this license. As small as "sim" and 2k fans might be, those numbers would be even smaller had EA/Tiburon made us forget the past with an undoubtedly superior product.
# 215 Skyboxer @ 04/24/15 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
In situations like those, it's all business and sometimes at the risk of consumers.

Takes two parties to tangle and the NFL is all about the exclusive side of business.

And here we go again with this exclusive mess talk again, lol.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round.....
Yep seems like it's earlier and earlier each year the crap starts. For such a bad game and company people still want to hang around the game forums of their games. The trolling in here and golf forum are pathetic.
I'm simply going to do drive by looks to see if any new info is out our not. If not I'll move along and not even get involved in the crap this year.
# 216 kjcheezhead @ 04/24/15 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
NFL wanted the exclusive deal. EA was the highest bidder. We're they supposed to low ball and be nice to see if others could win it?
An old tired topic, but Disney was the the highest bidder. EA got the deal anyways.
# 217 PeoplesChampGB @ 04/24/15 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Yep seems like it's earlier and earlier each year the crap starts. For such a bad game and company people still want to hang around the game forums of their games. The trolling in here and golf forum are pathetic.
And I could say, "Here we go. People criticize the game and now defenders are labeling it as trolling." Yup, the crap does start earlier and earlier.
# 218 wlucky @ 04/24/15 07:49 PM
Disney was the highest bidder for NFL license video games? You have got to be kidding...why???
# 219 PeoplesChampGB @ 04/24/15 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by wlucky
Disney was the highest bidder for NFL license video games? You have got to be kidding...why???
Disney owns ESPN, ABC (who was at the time broadcasting MNF). It makes sense.
# 220 aholbert32 @ 04/24/15 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
An old tired topic, but Disney was the the highest bidder. EA got the deal anyways.

Disney never produced a football game. Why would the NFL consider them for an exclusive deal?

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