MLB 15 The Show News Post

Sony San Diego is currently livestreaming MLB 15 The Show on Twitch.TV with the Senior A.I. Programmer and more. Make sure you check it out here or click the spoiler button to view the embedded stream.

For those of you that miss out, this post will get updated with the archive.

UPDATE: The archive is available now, it starts at roughly the 9:09 mark (spoiler button updated).

For mobile viewers, check it out here. Thanks HozAndMoose!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 161 MrOldboy @ 03/04/15 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Agreed. It's just that some of the heavily crowd-oriented cutscenes got really bogged down last year, which detracted from the experience.
True, but the presentation comes second in my mind in terms of the framerate. I want to see the ball coming in at 60 fps, if they can get that down at every stadium from the default catcher view then I will be very happy. Everything beyond that would be gravy.

If you want to experience The Show at 60 or near 60 fps, wait for certain batter walkups where the batter takes up most of the screen. There were several last year where I muttered to myself "I wish the whole game looked like this".
# 162 ShowTyme15 @ 03/04/15 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Here's a good example of the risk that comes with charging a hard hit ball in the outfield, courtesy of Rymer Liriano in today's M's vs Padres game:

Anybody see much of this in the game? It would certainly deter the CPU's aggressiveness on hard hit balls. Same thing with the CPU fielding balls off the wall on the run then subsequently running into the wall, there should be a risk of the ball getting by.
Saw Justin Upton's bomb on TV. Also saw Choi break his shin too. Tough break for him. No pun intended.
# 163 dazzelle @ 03/05/15 02:52 AM
With player emotion animations,are there any player specific/unique animations or is it only a few different fist pump type animations.

I liked the replay when kirby hit the 3 run dbl,showed the whole field and stayed with the shot for awhile showing the runners advancing,don't think i have seen that replay before.

The shots/post pitch shots of the stadium look great,hope there's a good variety for each stadium.
# 164 green94 @ 03/05/15 10:02 AM
I keep hearing different things related to presentation (Clouds moving, shadows moving during games) that the devs keep claiming are "new" things to the game this year.

Did I miss something or were these removed from the PS4 version last year?
# 165 ajblithe20 @ 03/05/15 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by green94
I keep hearing different things related to presentation (Clouds moving, shadows moving during games) that the devs keep claiming are "new" things to the game this year.

Did I miss something or were these removed from the PS4 version last year?

I don't know the details about everything. I think the shadows and everything are very much improved though. The lighting in general is.

I'm pretty sure that clouds always moved, but it was after a pitch or batter. Now you can just sit there, do nothing, and watch them move I believe. Not 100% sure on those though

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# 166 hunterdawgs10 @ 03/05/15 10:39 AM
In the stream the shadows never made it on to the field. Was this a mid summer game? I don't know much about Busch Stadium so maybe this is normal.
# 167 Joey @ 03/05/15 10:51 AM
I believe what you're thinking about is when they were commenting on how the sunlight reflects off the pitcher's back (when applicable) during his delivery.
Originally Posted by green94
I keep hearing different things related to presentation (Clouds moving, shadows moving during games) that the devs keep claiming are "new" things to the game this year.

Did I miss something or were these removed from the PS4 version last year?
# 168 tnixen @ 03/05/15 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I don't know the details about everything. I think the shadows and everything are very much improved though. The lighting in general is.

I'm pretty sure that clouds always moved, but it was after a pitch or batter. Now you can just sit there, do nothing, and watch them move I believe. Not 100% sure on those though

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You are correct I think.

In MLB 14 The Show the clouds only moved after each pitch where as now in 15 they actually move in real time
# 169 Heroesandvillains @ 03/05/15 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
When you played with close plays on last year did you feel you were at a disadvantage? If anything now you have the ability to correct some blown calls that went against you. With close plays on last year was the CPU affected?
Why wouldn't the CPU have been affected by having close plays on in 14?
# 170 green94 @ 03/05/15 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I don't know the details about everything. I think the shadows and everything are very much improved though. The lighting in general is.

I'm pretty sure that clouds always moved, but it was after a pitch or batter. Now you can just sit there, do nothing, and watch them move I believe. Not 100% sure on those though

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No doubt it is improved... It looks amazing.

I just recall seeing clouds moving and shadows shifting in previous iterations (not sure if they removed that from PS4 last year). I'm going to go boot up and see for myself!

Maybe I was seeing things
# 171 zbundy3 @ 03/05/15 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Again, this is my point. I felt last year the CPU was screwed with bad calls just as much as the user. This year doesn't seem to be the case because, as Woodweaver clearly stated, the AI doesn't make wrong calls for the CPU, only for the user, which is why the Challenges system is implemented only for the user. How exactly is this fair or realistic at all?
I just don't see a big deal in it personally. The only fielding calls that are different between the user and computer are the calls at first base, and this doesn't happen very often but watching all of the streams and it has only happened once. When it does happen you can challenge it. Everything else, the game doesn't know if you are a user or the computer.
# 172 HustlinOwl @ 03/05/15 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Go Yankees
I complained about the challenge system as have several others, it seems alot of the responses are rude and trying to make me and other people on here to be completely oblivious to facts, and the fact is the challenge system is broke, i like posting in these threads but its a huge turn off when OS elites attack just because they dont like someone's opinion, even though that opinion is fact, to anyone reading this that doesn't think the challenge system is broken.... prove its not completely broken, i have heard nothing but bandaid solutions to the problem, i hate to compare, but if a football game in 2k5 can have correct challenges then 10 years later it should be implemented in the show, i cant make video games but i know when something is broken. Thanks
so wait your telling me with these sports games that have replay/challenge systems that the AI gets an incorrect call??? I do not recall that, in my past experience from Madden that when a call was challenged by AI it would always be in their favor? Sounds like a "Poor design decision" (NOT BROKEN) so can we please stop with the broken talk when it clearly is a design decision.
# 173 ShowTyme15 @ 03/05/15 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
so wait your telling me with these sports games that have replay/challenge systems that the AI gets an incorrect call??? I do not recall that, in my past experience from Madden that when a call was challenged by AI it would always be in their favor? Sounds like a "Poor design decision" (NOT BROKEN) so can we please stop with the broken talk when it clearly is a design decision.
Everyone's yearly favorite word.
# 174 ajblithe20 @ 03/05/15 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Go Yankees
I complained about the challenge system as have several others, it seems alot of the responses are rude and trying to make me and other people on here to be completely oblivious to facts, and the fact is the challenge system is broke, i like posting in these threads but its a huge turn off when OS elites attack just because they dont like someone's opinion, even though that opinion is fact, to anyone reading this that doesn't think the challenge system is broken.... prove its not completely broken, i have heard nothing but bandaid solutions to the problem, i hate to compare, but if a football game in 2k5 can have correct challenges then 10 years later it should be implemented in the show, i cant make video games but i know when something is broken. Thanks
I think challenges in sports video games are dumb to begin with. The point to challenges in real life are to correct calls that aren't made correctly because of human error. That's not necessary in video games. To me, challenge systems in video games are pointless, for everything other than presentation.

"OS elites attack." LOL, okay...
# 175 HustlinOwl @ 03/05/15 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Go Yankees
Madden is NOT the example i was using, Maddens challenge system is broken also, its Nfl 2k5 and yes both the user and computer makes challenges, both sides win some and lose some, and i know the challenge system is broken because only one side can challenge. C'mon guys!!
not broken because the side that can challenge can, now the decision to design/implement as they did thats a whole other issue.
# 176 thaSLAB @ 03/05/15 12:36 PM
LOL, you damn OS elitist!

Originally Posted by HouseKeepinItReal
the diving does not look fixed. the game looks great. the menus remind me of 13. it looks like they just alternate between themes while incorporating new features.

I appreciate the explanations for missing aspects of the game.
The menus are nothing alike between 13 and 15; stacked menu vs. tabbed tiles.

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# 177 ryanmc564 @ 03/05/15 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Go Yankees
Wow, ok, so the challenge system is not broken because one side can challenge? That doesn't compute in my brain, i understand that the implementation is wrong, did i miss a new rule in MLB that says you can only challenge at first base?

I would say its baby steps on why its only for 1st base this year, if SCEA could in the first year they would have it for all bases, but I'm sure that would take a lot of programming and animation caps that they didn't have time for. so for right now its just first base. Should they just left it out for this year until they had it for every base? that's up for debate. but just for them to include it in some form would please many here.
# 178 nemesis04 @ 03/05/15 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
Why wouldn't the CPU have been affected by having close plays on in 14?
The description does not say it affects the CPU. If it did have that type logic existing then I would think the challenge system would have been added for the CPU too.
# 179 MrOldboy @ 03/05/15 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Excellent post. And very logical. Human error needs replay to make sure it's correct. Finite computer rules shouldn't need it.
In a simulation are we not to expect a simulation of human error?

Don't we expect fielders to make errors? A computer wouldn't unless it was programmed to do so, but the game is trying to simulate a human being playing baseball. The game is programmed to simulate that human error, the accuracy of that simulation is up for debate of course, but the attempt is clear.

Similarly, the game is trying to simulate a human being umpiring a baseball game. It's a baby step, but it is in the right direction. Baseball is played and judged by humans. I want the human element to be included into the game including catcher framing, more missed calls on balls/strikes and even extending the strike zone further for some umpires. I'd go as far as to say I'd even want the "broadcast" simulation to be more humanistic (i.e. delays on camera cuts).
# 180 Dolenz @ 03/05/15 01:27 PM
The idea of the computer challenging a call is interesting but if we are honest with ourselves we would realize that it would be a completely non-interactive cut scene that 90% + of the players will simply button mash past once we have seen it a few times.

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