MLB 15 The Show News Post

Sony San Diego is currently livestreaming MLB 15 The Show on Twitch.TV with the Senior A.I. Programmer and more. Make sure you check it out here or click the spoiler button to view the embedded stream.

For those of you that miss out, this post will get updated with the archive.

UPDATE: The archive is available now, it starts at roughly the 9:09 mark (spoiler button updated).

For mobile viewers, check it out here. Thanks HozAndMoose!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 181 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/05/15 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
"OS elites attack." LOL, okay...
Sounds like a 1960s SiFi/horror movie. Anyway. I don't even plan on using challenges, and will turn them off if it lets me. Mainly I just utterly despise the fact that baseball has a challenge system now. But again I'm a baseball purist.
# 182 nemesis04 @ 03/05/15 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Sounds like a 1960s SiFi/horror movie. Anyway. I don't even plan on using challenges, and will turn them off if it lets me. Mainly I just utterly despise the fact that baseball has a challenge system now. But again I'm a baseball purist.
If you turn close plays off it will turn off the challenge system.
# 183 cardinalbird5 @ 03/05/15 02:01 PM
Ive faced Livingston in 12. He is actually really good.
# 184 NAFBUC @ 03/05/15 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
I agree it looks like they did improve in this area and looking forward to seeing how the sliders play out in 15.
Really excited to see the slider tweaking results of PsychoBulk (many years of contributing to the slider discussion), TNKNGM and other OS forum members.
# 185 ajblithe20 @ 03/05/15 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
In a simulation are we not to expect a simulation of human error?

Don't we expect fielders to make errors? A computer wouldn't unless it was programmed to do so, but the game is trying to simulate a human being playing baseball. The game is programmed to simulate that human error, the accuracy of that simulation is up for debate of course, but the attempt is clear.

Similarly, the game is trying to simulate a human being umpiring a baseball game. It's a baby step, but it is in the right direction. Baseball is played and judged by humans. I want the human element to be included into the game including catcher framing, more missed calls on balls/strikes and even extending the strike zone further for some umpires. I'd go as far as to say I'd even want the "broadcast" simulation to be more humanistic (i.e. delays on camera cuts).
I do like the presentation aspect of the challenge system. But it doesn't bother me that the CPU can't challenge calls. Since there's a challenge system in real life, pretty much all calls (except balls and strikes) will end up being correct. IIRC, there's a variable balls and strikes option in The Show, which is realistic and I'll use. But since all other calls are now correct in the real MLB, there's no reason for Umps to blow calls in The Show except for the presentation of a challenge.

It's not the same as a fielder committing an error. Fielders commit errors all the time and it affects the game. When an Ump makes an incorrect call, it's now challenged and corrected. The only difference between The Show (if you don't have blown calls on) and the MLB in this situation is that it takes a minute or so in MLB to get the call right, when The Show can do it instantly.
# 186 MrOldboy @ 03/05/15 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I do like the presentation aspect of the challenge system. But it doesn't bother me that the CPU can't challenge calls. Since there's a challenge system in real life, pretty much all calls (except balls and strikes) will end up being correct. IIRC, there's a variable balls and strikes option in The Show, which is realistic and I'll use. But since all other calls are now correct in the real MLB, there's no reason for Umps to blow calls in The Show except for the presentation of a challenge.

It's not the same as a fielder committing an error. Fielders commit errors all the time and it affects the game. When an Ump makes an incorrect call, it's now challenged and corrected. The only difference between The Show (if you don't have blown calls on) and the MLB in this situation is that it takes a minute or so in MLB to get the call right, when The Show can do it instantly.
It is purely presentational unless you don't pay attention to the replay. That is fine with me. I only want it to be simulated in game, it doesn't have to affect gameplay. Umpires blow calls in real life, I want to see that in game. But I also want to see it get corrected as they do in real life. I also want to see correct plays challenged as they do in real life. But in the end this can all be purely aesthetic.

Simulation isn't just gameplay, it is every element in the game, which is why errors fall into the "human" category for me. Along with everything from player personalities to fielder reaction time to a batter's stance. I want the humans in game to be simulated as best they can within the limitations of the game.

Anyways, the point is I agree, the challenge system in game is basically presentational, but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be simulated as best it can. Umps should blow calls as the do in real life and then be challenged by both teams and corrected or validated in some way even just visually. Give people the option to turn it off in presentations or have it off when using fast play, but it's a big part of the MLB now.
# 187 bluclws22 @ 03/05/15 05:13 PM
Is the stream at 8 tonight?
# 188 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/05/15 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by bluclws22
Is the stream at 8 tonight?
I believe it was moved to next Tuesday.
# 189 Jimmydm90 @ 03/05/15 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I believe it was moved to next Tuesday.

The stadium stream was moved to Tuesday but as far as we know there will still be a stream today.
# 190 Cowboy008 @ 03/05/15 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by bluclws22
Is the stream at 8 tonight?
There is a stream at 8pm eastern tonight but it won't be the stadium stream. That one has been moved to Tuesday.
# 191 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/05/15 05:47 PM
Has it ever been mentioned if the base running has gotten better. The last couple of years scoring from second has been almost impossible. Runners would slow to a crawl rounding third and get thrown out trying to score from second. I use auto base running and that makes it impossible to score from second. So technically you weren't in scoring position unless you were on third.
# 192 ajblithe20 @ 03/05/15 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Has it ever been mentioned if the base running has gotten better. The last couple of years scoring from second has been almost impossible. Runners would slow to a crawl rounding third and get thrown out trying to score from second. I use auto base running and that makes it impossible to score from second. So technically you weren't in scoring position unless you were on third.

As far as I know, last year base running was good. I scored from second plenty of times and went 1st to 3rd. Mlb 13 had some problems with rounding 3rd though.
One cool thing they added this year is that on fast ground balls the batter will ******ly run to first bc he knows he'll be out (as most guys do in real life). This helps us see a bunch more fielding and throwing animations on ground balls. Pretty xool

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 193 bluclws22 @ 03/05/15 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
There is a stream at 8pm eastern tonight but it won't be the stadium stream. That one has been moved to Tuesday.
Doesn't matter what they show. Just pumped for any stream of this game and the sox game tonight lol.
# 194 Pared @ 03/05/15 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
This is what's bothering me about the CPU not making challenges. Woodweaver himself said the AI gets the right call. But the user doesn't? How is this fair? The CPU always gets the right call, but the user has to know when the umpire gets the call wrong to use their challenges? And if we choose not to challenge a play and the call was wrong, we as the user are stuck with the wrong call, but the CPU never is? This doesn't seem fair at all. And, in year's past, the developers always said the game cannot differentiate between which team is the user and which team is the CPU. This doesn't seem true this year based on this challenge logic?
You're making the assumption the wrong call is not in your favor. I'm sure it works both ways for the user.
# 195 Bobhead @ 03/05/15 09:44 PM
Do we know if they fixed that issue where high pitches are 2-4 mph faster than low ones?
# 196 kehlis @ 03/05/15 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Do we know if they fixed that issue where high pitches are 2-4 mph faster than low ones?
I'm certain I'm missing something but what's the issue?
# 197 Bobhead @ 03/05/15 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
I'm certain I'm missing something but what's the issue?
That is the issue. It shouldn't happen. It wouldn't be any different from the ball catching on fire as it arrives to the plate. It has no basis in reality, or science. A high pitch travels at exactly the same speed as a low one. If you really want to be technical, the lower pitch should be faster (for overhand or 3/4's deliveries) because you have a later release and thus a higher exit velocity .



I'll find more sources in a few, but there's also a mathematical basis to it. You can imagine a triangle, where the base is perpendicular to home plate, and the opposite corner is the pitcher. The trajectory of a high fastball would be the adjacent side, while the low fastball, the hypotenuse.

The high fastball seems like it's faster, in actuality, only because a high pitch has a shorter trajectory to home plate. The lower pitch, the hypotenuse, has a longer path to travel, thus giving the batter more time to react. Both pitches travel at the same speed, though.
# 198 kehlis @ 03/05/15 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
That is the issue. It shouldn't happen.
I'm asking because I don't know what you mean and again I could be missing something.

Are you saying that the high end range of a fastball shouldn't be 2-4 mph faster than the low end range of a pitchers fastball? I can't say I agree with that.
# 199 seanjeezy @ 03/05/15 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
I'm certain I'm missing something but what's the issue?
The issue is that you should be able to throw the ball at any speed regardless of height. What happens instead is that a pitcher who averages 95 mph will be 92-93 down in the zone, 96-97 up.
# 200 Bobhead @ 03/05/15 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
I'm asking because I don't know what you mean and again I could be missing something.

Are you saying that the high end range of a fastball shouldn't be 2-4 mph faster than the low end range of a pitchers fastball? I can't say I agree with that.
Ohhh sorry. I mean high as in actual height. Not a "hard" fastball. Also see my last post which I edited.

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