MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring a full game and discussion on UI improvements.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click here to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, click the spoiler button below or click here to watch the archive on Twitch. Due to an issue during the stream, the first 11 minutes can be seen here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like extra innings was archived.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 201 Turbojugend @ 02/20/15 09:59 AM
Seeing as we've pretty much seen a game in its entirety, have they mentioned anything about frame rate stability yet? I couldn't judge from watching the stream.
# 202 HustlinOwl @ 02/20/15 10:04 AM
still dont understand the logic max XP level at 30
# 203 dazzelle @ 02/20/15 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
So your saying they have no stat wipes when the player is at bat or coming to the plate? If that's the case,it's very unlikely not going to be like that in the finished build. I can't believe they would put no statistics wipes. If that is in fact what you meen. I haven't viewed the stream yet, ill have to view the archive stream.
The dev who does the work on commentary mentioned that sometimes there will be no osd stat for walkups and it will be shown on a later pitch so the comm team can talk about it/make special comments or something like that, anyway it's explained in the stream somewhere.
# 204 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 02/20/15 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by bluclws22
Ahaha to so many people on here not to be mean or anything, but if y'all want pretty buildings with pretty lights go get gta IV or V or build your own in The Sims. There is plenty of that. I'm here for a baseball sim, not to stare at a skyline at night when all I care about is what the pitchers gonna bring at me. I'm there to drop bombs not look at a light show in the background.
Amen brotha! No offense to anyone but it's getting a bit nauseating at this point.
# 205 ryanmc564 @ 02/20/15 10:17 AM
for me the one biggest thing I took from this stream, is the guys who make this game are just like us. they all have different opinions on what should and shouldn't be represented in the game. things they want to see in the game and things they want to do in the game. For example the first guy playing the game (I forgot his name) was talking about how much he complained about the commentary over the years, and now he is the one in charge of it going forward (so hopefully that should be greatly improved on in the coming years). So even inside the studio they have internal struggles, gripes complaints and arguments over every aspect of the game I'm sure. and that to me proves they are very passionate about what they do and all have different opinions on what will make the game better. But the bottom line is that all of the guys at San Diego Studios would want nothing more to please everyone of the consumers and make great strides to do just that.
# 206 Lisac @ 02/20/15 10:20 AM
Guys i dont post alot of things but im going to now. I understand we all have minor issues with the game but they still have 5weeks til it drops and time to fix things (thats why during the video it states- work in progress) lets not beat things to death lets enjoy what the devs are giving us so far and have faith in them that they will be fixed before release or later in a patch. SCEA hasnt let us down before so let them do there thing. Game looks great so far!
# 207 NDAlum @ 02/20/15 10:25 AM
Let's please keep this thread about the stream and discussion that pertains to MLB 15 The Show. Please refrain from taking it to a personal level.

Thank you
# 208 andrewochs615 @ 02/20/15 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by CubFan23
for some reason I got permanently banned from chatting, all I did was give a shout out to hustlinowl.
They banned you for that yet they didn't ban the person who kept saying "show Comerica Park" "can you show Comercia Park?" "Enough with this ballpark, show Comerica Park" and repeated like 10 times.
# 209 andrewochs615 @ 02/20/15 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by kehlis
In pictures it's dark because of the outfield lights and I don't necessarily blame them for comparing it to those views but to me it should look much more closer to what it looks like to those inside the stadium.

Here is what the city looks like when you are at a game (even with the outfield lights on):

This is somewhat misleading. They are bright because of the long exposure used, a must use and beautiful technique used in any sort of night photography.
# 210 Dolenz @ 02/20/15 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by bukktown
Is this the video about tattoos, office buildings, long sleeves, and permanent chalk?

I haven't watched yet. I've only read this thread.
I am beginning to think maybe this thread should be renamed as this years Little Things Thread.

The other thing I am thinking is that when this is the only stuff people have left to complain about that the developers must have then succeeded in making a great playing baseball game.
# 211 seanjeezy @ 02/20/15 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Dolenz
I am beginning to think maybe this thread should be renamed as this years Little Things Thread.

The other thing I am thinking is that when this is the only stuff people have left to complain about that the developers must have then succeeded in making a great playing baseball game.
Hey, I pointed out some legitimate issues that actually affect gameplay but it got buried in the lighting and tattoo talk

Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Well... we didn't really see anything new, the big shiny "back of the box" improvements like lighting and licensed equipment were featured in previous streams.

When you are already aware of the positives it is much easier to point out some of the smaller negatives, for example - outfielders still fire rockets off their back foot and charge in on hard hit line drives or grounders. Subtle a.i. decisions go a long way into making the nuances of the game seem more believable, so I am a little disappointed in that regard. I didn't see any of the non-linear route running that was shown off in the first stream, but that was probably a result of there not being too many opportunities for outfielders to backtrack.

One more thing that bugged me a bit was the unnecessary barehand catch by the Cubs SS that led to a throwing error. There was no pressure coming from the lead runner and the batter was not even halfway down the line, why in the world would a professional ballplayer even try something like that? I know there is a new speed paradigm for baserunners this year - how about a fielding urgency paradigm next year? I think that is one area of the game that we all agree needs more attention, the situational awareness of fielders.
# 212 vidgames @ 02/20/15 11:15 AM
I noticed on both streams they are playing on all star difficulty. Seems to me that is the difficulty they do all the tweaks on.
# 213 HustlinOwl @ 02/20/15 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dolenz
I am beginning to think maybe this thread should be renamed as this years Little Things Thread.

The other thing I am thinking is that when this is the only stuff people have left to complain about that the developers must have then succeeded in making a great playing baseball game.
should we start going in on how not up to par online play has been since MLBTS inception?
# 214 NAFBUC @ 02/20/15 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by HopiDesertPriest
stats and better box scores ?
Not this year.........next year a priority according to Russell.
# 215 Chris_SCEA_Sports @ 02/20/15 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Hey, I pointed out some legitimate issues that actually affect gameplay but it got buried in the lighting and tattoo talk
Don't worry, we saw your comments.😄
# 216 seanjeezy @ 02/20/15 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Chris_SCEA_Sports
Don't worry, we saw your comments.😄
Thank you Chris, glad you guys are always on the ball when it comes to user feedback
# 217 Dolenz @ 02/20/15 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
should we start going in on how not up to par online play has been since MLBTS inception?
There is no denying Online has always been an issue. The devs have admitted it.

There is no denying that there are still some issues with gameplay. My personal pet peeve is how often the pitchers get drilled and that happened in the few innings we saw last night.

This thread though seems to be focused more on the Pittsburgh skyline, sleeves, etc.
# 218 NAFBUC @ 02/20/15 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
still dont understand the logic max XP level at 30
Yes.......this is a very understated level. I play The Show almost every day, still playing 14, and hit level 30 along time ago.
# 219 Blitzburgh @ 02/20/15 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by MichaelAngeloTMNT
lol, you really took time to type this? Lol...
Your lighting points are dead on... That was one of the main things I was hoping to see this year was the night games lit up as they would appear from a fan sitting in the stands point of view. At PNC park the buildings and bridges are really lit up. There still isn't even any lens flare from the stadium lights. The are just white squares and look completely fake to me. Many other sports games have this and I just don't get why this game can't or won't do that.
# 220 ralphieboy11 @ 02/20/15 11:39 AM
Great stream. Really enjoyed it.

Does anyone know why so many players were being waived when they were showing off the franchise menu? I use 30 team control but it seemed odd to see some pretty established stars waived. I know the game is still a work in progress.

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