MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring a full game and discussion on UI improvements.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click here to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, click the spoiler button below or click here to watch the archive on Twitch. Due to an issue during the stream, the first 11 minutes can be seen here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like extra innings was archived.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 181 sroz39 @ 02/20/15 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by KHarmo88
I'm glad they said they're still working on it but tell us what you're working on and why.
They actually talked about PNC three separate times, first time early on when they said they have some known and obvious lighting issues that they're still working on, second time they even made reference to SOME of what they're tuning talking about toning down the red hue and the third time Nick said he had to fight with his boss to let them show a game at PNC because of all the issues.

You can nit pick the game to your heart's content but finding issue with a lack of transparency with these guys is the wrong tree to bark up.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
# 182 ScouserHUN @ 02/20/15 08:40 AM
In the stream there were 3 hitting interfaces in the options menu:

- Directional Hitting (with button & analog input)
- Zone Hitting (with button & analog input)
- Pure Analog Hitting (with all inside options locked)

Does this mean, that pure analog (the way we know it) is still in the game indeed?

# 183 corpkid12 @ 02/20/15 08:41 AM
I'll try to help out with the debug. I noticed at about 2:41 into the video, after they simulated the Pirates Reds game, it showed that Melancon got the save but it showed his record after his name instead of the save total. May want to fix that.
# 184 nemesis04 @ 02/20/15 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by T_O_p12
I wonder where their pitch speed slider was set? It seemed a lot easier to pick up on pitches and tell balls from strikes than when I am actually playing the game(14) lol. Although probably one of those things where I can say that until I actually go and do it.
Those are the dynamic pitch breaks you are seeing which helps you identify pitches better. It should help people lay off the junk a little better.
# 185 nemesis04 @ 02/20/15 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I disagree. The hat color is just fine, there is a clear difference with the black uniform and black hat. It looks exactly the same on my HD TV in MLB 14.

Sounds like it's too late in the game to have any type of fix...

I'll live...just a gripe. Didn't stop me from using the Pirates in MLB 14 and won't stop me in MLB 15.
Someone needs to tell the guy washing the Pirate's unforms to use more Woolite. It helps!
# 186 T_O_p12 @ 02/20/15 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Those are the dynamic pitch breaks you are seeing which helps you identify pitches better. It should help people lay off the junk a little better.
Ya they looked good and will be an awesome improvement. A few times I thought some pitches looked like they broke like other pitches though. Especially some sliders from Cole which tailed back like a 2 seamer and didn’t break like a slider. But I usually pitch from a catcher view so maybe it was just a different perspective that was throwing me off.
# 187 nemesis04 @ 02/20/15 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by T_O_p12
Ya they looked good and will be an awesome improvement. A few times I thought some pitches looked like they broke like other pitches though. Especially some sliders from Cole which tailed back like a 2 seamer and didn’t break like a slider. But I usually pitch from a catcher view so maybe it was just a different perspective that was throwing me off.
Pitching from behind the pitcher distorts the break and gives you the impression they are not breaking properly but they are when you view the from the catcher. When I first started playing at CD I noticed the same but realized the perspective throws things off.
# 188 KHarmo88 @ 02/20/15 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by sroz39
They actually talked about PNC three separate times, first time early on when they said they have some known and obvious lighting issues that they're still working on, second time they even made reference to SOME of what they're tuning talking about toning down the red hue and the third time Nick said he had to fight with his boss to let them show a game at PNC because of all the issues.

You can nit pick the game to your heart's content but finding issue with a lack of transparency with these guys is the wrong tree to bark up.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
As I stated before I havent seen the whole stream. I'll always buy the game and give these guys the utmost credit and respect so there's no issues there.
# 189 bronxbombers21325 @ 02/20/15 09:03 AM
Love these videos, and the game is looking great. I am going after work today to reserve my copy. I was wanting to go reserve my copy Tuesday but my wife insisted I shovel the foot of snow out of the driveway. She joked that I needed to get my priorities straight. I told her I was trying but she wouldn't let me.
# 190 bronxbombers21325 @ 02/20/15 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkWGrizwold
It does for me when your looking at the batters up to a certain temp during night games and the pitchers to another temp that always have sleeves it's not realistic. Guess I'll keep quiet since you post 1 negative personal opinion about this game and you get questioned on it, i guess you have no issues with this game at all.
I will say that it does get very annoying seeing the pitchers in the AllStar game wearing sleeves. No one is still wearing long sleeves that time of year. I've learned to live with it though.
# 191 bronxbombers21325 @ 02/20/15 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by ruskoz
I think the developers are basing the lighting off of pictures and not real life optics. You cant blame them, they are doing what the are told and that is make it look like the pictures, but I explained the issue 5-6 post before this one. In the ballpark you will be using your eyes...human eyes are exponentially better at dealing with light exposure then any camera will ever be.
All stadium backdrops are going to be more visible, and brighter when you are there in person than they are on tv. I think that they are going for the tv broadcast approach with the game, and not what you would see in person. If they weren't going for a broadcast look, then they wouldnt have the scorebug, broadcast presentation, and announcers. So if they are going the broadcast rout, after googling several pictures of PNC park at night, I'd say they are right on the money with how it should look. My previous post about it being way too dark was made before I had googled actual broadcast pics.
# 192 sydrogerdavid @ 02/20/15 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by ScouserHUN
In the stream there were 3 hitting interfaces in the options menu:

- Directional Hitting (with button & analog input)
- Zone Hitting (with button & analog input)
- Pure Analog Hitting (with all inside options locked)

Does this mean, that pure analog (the way we know it) is still in the game indeed?

I thought I saw that during the stream. Although, it's possible that pure analog is the same thing as using the analog input option for zone or directional.
# 193 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/20/15 09:32 AM
Did anyone pick up on what offensive camera they were using later in the game? I liked how it was kind of a hybrid between dynamic and medium. It showed bat on ball contact and then broke away to a closer cam on some of them.
# 194 bluclws22 @ 02/20/15 09:33 AM
Ahaha to so many people on here not to be mean or anything, but if y'all want pretty buildings with pretty lights go get gta IV or V or build your own in The Sims. There is plenty of that. I'm here for a baseball sim, not to stare at a skyline at night when all I care about is what the pitchers gonna bring at me. I'm there to drop bombs not look at a light show in the background.
# 195 green94 @ 02/20/15 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by bukktown
Is this the video about tattoos, office buildings, long sleeves, and permanent chalk?

I haven't watched yet. I've only read this thread.
There isn't much left to complain about...
# 196 Turbojugend @ 02/20/15 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by sroz39
They actually talked about PNC three separate times, first time early on when they said they have some known and obvious lighting issues that they're still working on, second time they even made reference to SOME of what they're tuning talking about toning down the red hue and the third time Nick said he had to fight with his boss to let them show a game at PNC because of all the issues.
Good to hear. I was watching at work with the sound turned down so I didn't get any of that.
# 197 MichaelAngeloTMNT @ 02/20/15 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by bigwill33
I'll chime in on the lighting since I lived in that city for a very long time and went to quite a few games over the years at PNC.

I think that in 15 it is much improved. I really liked how when the camera (point of view) rose up and was in the outfield the city became more noticeable and lit up. That aspect looked pretty good and is what actually happens.

I have said before about ambient lighting and how the lights from the stadium would cause the city to look darker, especially on TV. When you are sitting in the stadium the city is much more lit up to the human eye, however.

I think that most of the photos posted in this thread showing examples has the exposure on the camera being left open longer than what is normal, thus allowing more light to enter the lens and showing off more of the skyline at night. You can especially see this happening on the fireworks shots. You need to leave the shutter open longer to capture fireworks and it shows with the blurring of the person walking in the foreground.

That being said, I think more of the buildings should be evident at night than what we see in this build. There is no true definition of the outline of the skyline like you get when you watch a game on TV or attend in person.

Some of that is probably due to the fact that they don't have the billboard signage on the tops of the buildings. Those signs provide a great deal of light and really come through at night. Especially in comparison to the lights that would be on in the windows of those buildings. I already said that I don't think having generic signage would be preferable to most of us, but I would have to see what they could come up with before I really decide. I definitely don't want to see 7 "The Show" lit up signs on the tops of those buildings as a workaround.

The biggest problem to me is still the stands in the outfield and the batters eye. They are still slightly too dark versus what you see on a TV broadcast even. In reality the stadium lights light those areas up quite well. This and the Clemente Bridge with its uplighting and blue bulbs on the joints of the structure are usually noticeable when viewing a game.

Finally, it was mentioned about the washed out black jerseys the Pirates have in the game. This was an issue last year as well. You can adjust your TV somewhat to compensate, but it doesn't help quite to the point where it makes a big enough of a difference. They really need to work on those dark colored alternate tops, in my opinion. They reflect too much light as they stand now and should be jet black.

I also would nitpick and say that the lettering on the backs of the jerseys are still too fat for the Pirates. That is really being over analytical, but I feel they would match reality better if they were slightly skinnier.

I am sure that I have some night shots of PNC in my repertoire like others do, but really each picture is relative to the camera and the exposure of the shot taken. I will peruse through real quick and see if I have taken anything that I feel might better represent how I think the city should look at night. Most of the time all I have on me at games is my camera-phone. Those aren't the best when dealing with strange lighting, as most of us already know.

Other quick thoughts. Didn't see any of the Zolton "Z". Was hoping J-Hay would flash a quick one after his triple, but didn't occur.

I thought Cole looked better simply because of his beard. His hair and face were a little off, but an improvement from last year for me.

Skip could use a better body model to match his real life self. Hurdle is much more portly in reality than the slender cyber Clint shown in the game again.

Pepsi bottles were finally removed past right field! Yay!

Less traffic walking up and down the isles when you are trying to pitch. Very nice.

Rosen bags... hopefully one day.

Ball girls are needed next year!

So glad they are getting the chalk degradation in, or attempting to work on it. Thank you! Small but adds a bit to the overall experience.

Didn't see any helmets fly off. Weren't a ton of baserunners, but just an observation.

Could use some new animations or scenes when relievers enter from the bullpen. Those ones in there now are getting stale to me.

Loved the fans catching/interacting with the foul balls!

Would love to see some Pierogi Races, Boats on the river, especially a riverboat (Gateway Clipper, which is in the game by name), maybe a closeup of the K board every so often.

Wish we had Sounds of the Show back so bad! Not only for the music during walk-ups etc. but for some synthesized organ playing that only Pittsburgh can pull-off. I miss home just thinking about it haha.
lol, you really took time to type this? Lol...
# 198 MichaelAngeloTMNT @ 02/20/15 09:50 AM
This thread is sad. This is how we get Developers to stop showing live videos of games prior to release. After March 31st and you paid $60, sure you can complain all you want. But a month and a half before release and we are getting these awesome videos, just enjoy it. In life, quit worry about the things you don't have and enjoy the things you do have. You'll be happier in life.
# 199 Mgbleu1986 @ 02/20/15 09:51 AM
From what I just watched this is basically MLB the Show 14.5. Guess I'll wait for 16.
# 200 Splitter77 @ 02/20/15 09:56 AM
game looks great.
only complaint is that the camera switches too fast to fielding camera.
needs like a second more on the behind pitcher camera so you can see trajectory like in the first livestream.

please at least get this in for us who hit in this camera and who use auto field.

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