MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring a full game and discussion on UI improvements.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click here to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, click the spoiler button below or click here to watch the archive on Twitch. Due to an issue during the stream, the first 11 minutes can be seen here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like extra innings was archived.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 221 saulhvr @ 02/20/15 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by KHarmo88

Here's a picture I took from Club Cambria in early May
I wish that the bleachers and stands at back, look like in the picture from the batter perspective, other than that, the game looks beautiful!

Edit: Nvm, already read that they are working on that!
# 222 Mgbleu1986 @ 02/20/15 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dolenz
I am beginning to think maybe this thread should be renamed as this years Little Things Thread.

The other thing I am thinking is that when this is the only stuff people have left to complain about that the developers must have then succeeded in making a great playing baseball game.
Let me play devils advocate here. Maybe people are complaining about this stuff because everything else looks the same as last year and these issues have been a problem for years and they still haven't fixed it. Just a thought.
# 223 ajblithe20 @ 02/20/15 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by ralphieboy11
Great stream. Really enjoyed it.

Does anyone know why so many players were being waived when they were showing off the franchise menu? I use 30 team control but it seemed odd to see some pretty established stars waived. I know the game is still a work in progress.
It's because they were in August (I think). Which means the trade deadline just passed. I'm not sure how teams do it in real life, but in The Show a lot of big name players get placed on waivers and then taken off when claimed. After the trade deadline passes, the only way to trade players is if you send them through waivers first, which is why CPU controlled teams do this I guess
# 224 tnixen @ 02/20/15 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Mgbleu1986
From what I just watched this is basically MLB the Show 14.5. Guess I'll wait for 16.
As far the Shows "TV Style stat presentations" I totally agree that calling it MLB 14.5 The Show would be pretty much spot on. But you really can't judge the game if you have not actually played it yet. The gameplay maybe night and day better then 14 we really don't know until you have the controller in your hands and play it. But man I am so underwhelmed by the in game stat overlay presentations once again. Besides some new color schemes which do look nice it is presented exactly the same way it has been for like ever!!! It just seems this is one area of the game the developers are either happy with and don't feel it needs changing. Or maybe they do want to change it but it's always at the bottom of the list year after year. Until the in game presentations including how the stat overlays are presented and stadium camera work are greatly improved MLB The Show will just keep looking stale and get old quickly. I love MLB The Show so much but for at least me this is the one area of the game that I seem to be disappointed in every year. Iv'e been re questing some key presentation enhancements for years now and they have not been added yet so at this point it may be time to just stop even asking for them when it's time for the wish list as I feel I am just wasting my time. The greatest news for MLB The Show would be if Sony announced that they are adding like 10+ new developers some who even worked on 2K Baseball to help improve MLB The Shows presentations! Just imagine how much better and quicker features would be added if MLB The Show's development team was like double the size.
# 225 breakfastcat @ 02/20/15 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
As far the Shows "TV Style stat presentations" I totally agree that calling it MLB 14.5 The Show would be pretty much spot on. But you really can't judge the game if you have not actually played it yet. The gameplay maybe night and day better then 14 we really don't know until you have the controller in your hands and play it. But man I am so underwhelmed by the in game stat overlay presentations once again. Besides some new color schemes which do look nice it is presented exactly the same way it has been for like ever!!! It just seems this is one area of the game the developers are either happy with and don't feel it needs changing. Or maybe they do want to change it but it's always at the bottom of the list year after year. Until the in game presentations including how the stat overlays are presented and stadium camera work are greatly improved MLB The Show will just keep looking stale and get old quickly. I love MLB The Show so much but for at least me this is the one area of the game that I seem to be disappointed in every year. Iv'e been re questing some key presentation enhancements for years now and they have not been added yet so at this point it may be time to just stop even asking for them when it's time for the wish list as I feel I am just wasting my time. The greatest news for MLB The Show would be if Sony announced that they are adding like 10+ new developers some who even worked on 2K Baseball to help improve MLB The Shows presentations! Just imagine how much better and quicker features would be added if MLB The Show's development team was like double the size.
They've said multiple times that presentation elements are one of the last things they add to the game. I wouldn't be surprised if the presentation elements are different when the game ships compared to this build. Remember the game is still well over a month away.
# 226 rjackson @ 02/20/15 12:08 PM
Wow, a lot of PIT skyline talk but I don't think anyone's ever mentioned how Petco is missing most of it's skyline!

I haven't watched much of the stream yet but I was happy with what I did see.
# 227 tnixen @ 02/20/15 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
They've said multiple times that presentation elements are one of the last things they add to the game. I wouldn't be surprised if the presentation elements are different when the game ships compared to this build. Remember the game is still well over a month away.
I would love to say you are probably right but I just can not agree in this case.

Look at every version of MLB The Show released and you can not deny that the in game presentations area of the game looks almost exactly the same in every version of the game going back to 06 I think it is.

After the loading screen and you arrive at your game we should be presented with a brand spanking new TV Style presentation including things like showing fans walking into the gates along with a stadium flyover. Then we should see the play by play guy going though the starting line ups. And then once the game begins we should see new Stat overlays presented in a better way. There are so many things that could be done to improve the presentations to make it feel much more like a real baseball broadcast you see on TV trust me
# 228 Nero84 @ 02/20/15 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I would love to say you are probably right but I just can not agree in this case.

Look at every version of MLB The Show released and you can not deny that the in game presentations area of the game looks almost exactly the same in every version of the game going back to 06 I think it is.
What would you change? No antagonism am just interested in what you want to see.
# 229 Mgbleu1986 @ 02/20/15 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
As far the Shows "TV Style stat presentations" I totally agree that calling it MLB 14.5 The Show would be pretty much spot on. But you really can't judge the game if you have not actually played it yet. The gameplay maybe night and day better then 14 we really don't know until you have the controller in your hands and play it. But man I am so underwhelmed by the in game stat overlay presentations once again. Besides some new color schemes which do look nice it is presented exactly the same way it has been for like ever!!! It just seems this is one area of the game the developers are either happy with and don't feel it needs changing. Or maybe they do want to change it but it's always at the bottom of the list year after year. Until the in game presentations including how the stat overlays are presented and stadium camera work are greatly improved MLB The Show will just keep looking stale and get old quickly. I love MLB The Show so much but for at least me this is the one area of the game that I seem to be disappointed in every year. Iv'e been re questing some key presentation enhancements for years now and they have not been added yet so at this point it may be time to just stop even asking for them when it's time for the wish list as I feel I am just wasting my time. The greatest news for MLB The Show would be if Sony announced that they are adding like 10+ new developers some who even worked on 2K Baseball to help improve MLB The Shows presentations! Just imagine how much better and quicker features would be added if MLB The Show's development team was like double the size.
I can't remember which 2k it was but I do remember when they showed computer generated outside of the stadium before the games (not like the real life still shots the show does now). The Show needs things like that because the presentation is flat out stale!
# 230 ClarkWGrizwold @ 02/20/15 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I would love to say you are probably right but I just can not agree in this case.

Look at every version of MLB The Show released and you can not deny that the in game presentations area of the game looks almost exactly the same in every version of the game going back to 06 I think it is.
I agree and think that thats where some people misinterpret when people "complain" about little things like they are trashing the game and not going to buy it or being unrealistic on points. It's those little things like overlays for you and sleeves for me that seem to get overlooked for years that are visual and part of the in game play that can make it boring and stale. Thats also is major thumbs up to the developers that it is these minimal things that are really the only left to "complain" about to make this game complete.
# 231 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/20/15 12:40 PM
I loved it. My main gripe is the same one I have had since 07 or so. Really, really bad pitching animations. They don't look as natural or real as the batting animations.

Pitchers all have the same robotic follow through.

They all seem really stiff and rigid.

I know we have beat it to death, but the 2K series did them perfectly, and even MLB Perfect Inning for mobile does them really, really good.

I'd say there is no excuse, but there is - they don't prioritize it. But they should.
# 232 Grub @ 02/20/15 12:43 PM
The stream was really good, guys. Bleachers... maybe still a little dark? But way more tolerable than last year, and so many mechanical improvements. I still can't get over how awesome and fluid fielding is now on quick plays. That is going to relieve an insane amount of frustration.
# 233 tnixen @ 02/20/15 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Grub
The stream was really good, guys. Bleachers... maybe still a little dark? But way more tolerable than last year, and so many mechanical improvements. I still can't get over how awesome and fluid fielding is now on quick plays. That is going to relieve an insane amount of frustration.
Indeed the one area of this game that does greatly improve year after year is the game play! And there is nothing wrong with that

But I want the whole cake!
# 234 Teddy_Long @ 02/20/15 12:54 PM
getting stale.... almost the same exact presentation and player models. i was hoping we get a leap on next gen. i guess not.
# 235 T_O_p12 @ 02/20/15 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
getting stale.... almost the same exact presentation and player models. i was hoping we get a leap on next gen. i guess not.
To me it is a good thing that the base of the game is intact and improvements and tweaks are made in certain areas where needed as the series evolves. If they made radical changes it would just give everyone else something new to complain about and demand the old style back lol. It is already the best sports game on the market so why change from that? It’s hard to make a giant leap when the presentation is already so close to that of a real life game…
# 236 ClarkWGrizwold @ 02/20/15 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by T_O_p12
To me it is a good thing that the base of the game is intact and improvements and tweaks are made in certain areas where needed as the series evolves. If they made radical changes it would just give everyone else something new to complain about and demand the old style back lol. It is already the best sports game on the market so why change from that? It’s hard to make a giant leap when the presentation is already so close to that of a real life game…
Just a random thought on that but I wonder if there was another baseball game to compete with if we would have seen a major change going to ps4.
# 237 thaSLAB @ 02/20/15 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
2 things about the pitchers.... yes, they get drilled too often, (they dont get drilled near that much IRL, but also.... in the game, they also collect way too many comebackers.... you dont see NEAR the frequency of pitchers grabbing comebackers IRL as you do in the Show. IRL, they collect them, but in the game, I'd say about 90-95% of the time the pitcher gets it.. One of my very few pet peeves about the game.
This has been toned down a bit in 15, do to the slower reactions of the fielders across the board, as well as animation branching.

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# 238 T_O_p12 @ 02/20/15 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkWGrizwold
Just a random thought on that but I wonder if there was another baseball game to compete with if we would have seen a major change going to ps4.
Sure, I think you could say if there was a competitor out there then the pressure to be the baseball market leader could lead to more radical changes and things to set them above the rest. That said, I think we are pretty lucky that The Show is as good as it is being that is has no competitors.
# 239 lazloisdavrock @ 02/20/15 01:32 PM
Remove the beard on Adam Jones please. Hes never had one
# 240 vinny_b @ 02/20/15 01:36 PM
props to the developers, for their invaluable dedication to this title. To take time, to actually participate in this 'raw' stream, and actually make it available to the fanbase. Wow.

I equate MLB The Show franchise to a Porsche 911. While the model doesn't change drastically year to year, it instead is improved and refined each calendar year to the point of complete perfection, and has NO peer.

I only have 1 request: please bring back the organ music which was prevalent in MLB The Show 09, 10, and 11. Specifically, the organ music which would kick in when home team is batting during potential rallys. This makes for automatic excitement and instant atmosphere. At the minimum, will you please make the frequency of organ music an option (or slider adustment)?

thank you, again, SCEA-San Diego


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