Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL 15 is now available in stores. Be sure to read our review if you haven't gotten the game. If you have, leave your own impressions of your first play sessions in the comments below!

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 501 Smoke6 @ 08/30/14 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Man I had to create a cheat sheet for all the new damn pre snap adjustments for defense. They moved a lot of stuff around. I am surprised they didn't talk about none of this stuff in the Prima Guide. You would have thought they would have and went in depth about it in the guide, but nope, the guide is mostly MUT stuff.

Hell I would have settled for a PDF game manual for I could just print stuff out. But EA didn't do a PDF this year.

Anyway I noticed I get more fumbles using aggressive tackle button then I do using the hit stick. And I noticed on deep passes I have more success aiming to the left or right of the WR. When I try to lead the WR up the field the DB end up swatting it or intercepting it most of the time.
what is it for manually doing a contain?
# 502 Gotmadskillzson @ 08/30/14 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Smoke6
what is it for manually doing a contain?
On the PS4 LT then R1
# 503 Armor and Sword @ 08/30/14 09:14 PM
Far and Away the best console football game I have ever played on the field...no question.

CFM Sim Stats are now fixed online and patch for offline is forth coming.

QB Edits have fixed the sack issues (read in the slider forums for those details) and I am confident it will be tuned via patch as well.

On All-Pro with adjusted sliders the game is pure dream for me.

Other than my slider thread I am going to stay away for a little while in the general forum. There are a bunch of us who are in virtual football heaven with Madden 15. A huge leap from PS3/360.

# 504 kjcheezhead @ 08/30/14 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by carnalnirvana
after spending 2 days with my gamefly copy, i can say i will be returning to madden 25 not because its better but after the heavy edits and time spent getting it to play how i want my football, madden 15 doesn't play better.

i have seen the complaints and read alot if notable impressions and i agree with most of them, but i dont believe a patch can fix these issues. so no need to keep playing 15.

AI QB sacks- the coverage is too damn good for the user, while the pass rush is much improved, we asked for this and we got it, cpu gets crushed.

Zone coverage- too perfect especially deep, again cpu cant find anyone open takes short passes, we asked for this and got it....

so while games vs the AI gets old fast, these improvements are wonderful online where for the first time in 10 years i played more than 5 online games, but online sports gaming isn't my thing especially since i cant find a unranked lobby.

i think some edited rosters would make this game very special, madden fans need to accept that the game needs to be re-edited to reach its full potential.
Online is as good as I've seen in madden. I've played 3 randoms since none of my usual online friends have upgraded to ps4 yet. 2 of my 3 games were against the Seahawks of course, but I expected as much. The one hawks user was on his Mic talking trash, complaining when I kicked a fg and again when I punted on 4th and 5 from the 50. Telling me I needed to learn how to play and Madden wasn't like real football. Meanwhile he tried to run screens every other play and one defense. I beat him 31-7. So rewarding to win without resorting to madden ball for a change.
# 505 DeuceDouglas @ 08/30/14 09:58 PM
Just played a great game against the Cowboys on All-Pro. Finally got a decent CPU passing game that didn't seem like I was just getting completely screwed. Like I said before, seems like the CPU guys do exactly what they need to do and perfectly while my guys are clueless a lot of the time and do weird things even with coverage and reaction at 100. They get a lot of knockdowns and catch-strips and it seems like my guys never knockdown or are in position for that. The run game is a battle and I love it. For anybody having the CPU sack problem, if you lower the IG'ing to around 15, it does seem to help. It won't completely eliminate it, but they will get rid of the ball a lot quicker and won't hold for as many completely boneheaded sacks. Can't stop playing the game though. I love the sound. Playing with a surround sound headset and pumping up the crowd is awesome.
# 506 life4eva @ 08/30/14 10:13 PM
Wonky physics, poor play calling and never feeling in control of my player pretty much sums it up for me...... How I miss NFL 2K, where you could control a defensive player and actually feel in control.

Madden 15 still has the slippery controls and pinball physics where you just bounce back and forth while running the ball.

I can't believe I bought this game and feel for the hype, truly disappointed......

Will be selling this game asap....

Pluses are graphics look nice and the game actually has a lot of menu systems and seems very deep, main problem for me though is I just don't like the gameplay at all. Just feels too loose, beyond disappointed......

Gamers coming from 2k don't even bother, one day hopeful 2K will be back on the field

Done Here
# 507 canes21 @ 08/30/14 10:14 PM
I've gotten a few more games under my belt and........ this is Madden. I can go an entire year of playing every game I own and enjoying my video game collection and just loving video games. Then Madden comes out and I want to try the new one and rent it and enjoy the first game every time because I haven't played a football game in nearly a year and it feels nice.

Then, when I keep playing it, the more I realize it is still Madden. The only video game in existence that can literally ruin my mood, yet I only want to play it more.

I will give credit that this year's Madden has better defensive statistics, but that doesn't necessarily mean better defensive gameplay. It seems EA's idea of better D was to make every single player break on a pass before it was out of the QB's hands at breakneck speeds so that by the time you threw a 3 yard pass you had the whole D and the practice squad all swatting the ball out of the air.

My experience is basically...
-10x better presentation. Seriously, good job EA. I love it. Get a good halftime show please. It's terrible. Everything else is good and I don't even think the commentary is bad.

-The players feel so much better when you are controlling them. Every player feels different in a good, more realistic way.

-Non-controlled players/ball carrier move in a much more unrealistic fashion. This is obviously due to TrueStep not affecting them and it really hurts the game. C'mon EA, don't let TrueStep be another one and done feature of no improvements.

-The defense is better and makes for a more fun game. I think this is a pro. However, it's not all great because the defense doesn't play actual defense with read and react tendencies. This is still EA football with psychic defenders. It's toned down and works in a more realistic way. It may even be the best defense Madden has ever had in a game, but it is also evidently clear it is not read and react and I just don't know how to feel about that. I don't care if it isn't read and react, just mask it to look like it so I can believe it is. Madden 15 does not do that.

-QB's are inaccurate.... if they are human controlled or you drop the slider down from the default 50 to 10 or less. Sure, it's nice to have inaccuracies and in Hum vs Hum games it is cool to see QB's be off target, but to get the AI to be inaccurate should not be a product of moving a slider down to almost the lowest value. That leaves no room to work with that slider and eliminates it from the game in a way.

I also dislike how the QB's miss in the game. I love they do miss, but it should make sense why. In real life a QB generally is missing because he is trying to either throw on the run and can't, or he is placing the ball somewhere his WR can get to it and no one else. However, in Madden 15, an inaccurate pass more or less has a 10 foot radius around a WR that the pass can go and it makes no sense why some passes are missed where they are. If I am throwing a slant route, the ball should not be thrown completely behind the trailing CB by 4 yards ever. In Madden it does. In real life that ball is always going to be lead too much, thrown too high, or thrown too low if it is a miss because that is where the QB will be aiming. This is the NFL, these guys don't just randomly miss targets by 10 yards. They miss because they are trying to be precise and are placing the ball in areas only their guys can get to and sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Madden likes to think that most interceptions should be on balls thrown 15 yards off when in reality most picks are from bad decisions, not bad accuracy.

-Line interactions looks so much nicer and I honestly have not found anything to complain about here. It's probably the best lineplay I have seen in a video game.

-Ratings seem to matter a lot more at every position and I like that. I hate how the worse players play like they lack a brain. I get it, some guys are smarter than others, but EA's way of showing this is by having the bad players literally look worse than any highschool freshman in the world mentally.

-Tackling is better and worse. I like that this isn't WWE anymore and tackles look realistic and make sense physically when they happen. I hate how Lamar Miller and RGIII and Desean Jackson are able to shrug off the Hawks and Orakpos of the league like it is nothing and they are actually named Adrian Peterson. I also have seen too many instances of where me and my CPU defenders are getting near ball carriers and then are stuck in place as he runs by and I think this is a product of the new tackling cone and the mechanic behind it. It seems like it is going to play an animation out, but doesn't and the player is left standing still before either diving in a direction that generally makes no sense or they are able to take off again. I am seeing guys I control do this, I am seeing the AI on my team and the other team do this fairly consistently. I think the game is making the AI attempt breakdown tackles at angles that it should never and that is the root of the problem.

So overall, I don't know with this Madden. Some parts are good, some aren't. I'm giving it more time, but I honestly can't say if I like it or not. Has it made strides to be more realistic? Definitely. Is that saying much with the state of this franchise lately? No. Does it at least excite me for the future with this team? Yes, and that is the most important part.
# 508 LBzrule @ 08/30/14 10:20 PM
Nothing but frustrating in the last three games. I can't call f'ing plays on defense at times and it always seems to be when the other person is going for it on 4th down. This product is not complete. Whoever decided on this new play call screen

Wait for it ..............

# 509 StankonYa @ 08/30/14 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
Then, when I keep playing it, the more I realize it is still Madden. The only video game in existence that can literally ruin my mood, yet I only want to play it more.
I feel the same way a-lot when it comes to Madden, but for the most part this year's game ... is the most I've enjoyed playing since Madden 12.

I just wish they left game face in and in game highlights and all the different camera angles within it for the ps4 version.
# 510 Skyboxer @ 08/30/14 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Far and Away the best console football game I have ever played on the field...no question.

CFM Sim Stats are now fixed online and patch for offline is forth coming.

QB Edits have fixed the sack issues (read in the slider forums for those details) and I am confident it will be tuned via patch as well.

On All-Pro with adjusted sliders the game is pure dream for me.

Other than my slider thread I am going to stay away for a little while in the general forum. There are a bunch of us who are in virtual football heaven with Madden 15. A huge leap from PS3/360.

Yep first time in a long time I actually can't wait to be off a few days to fire a Madden game up.
It's like you said.. it's football Heaven right now. Can't wait for out Online League to fire up.
Off the next 3 days after tonight and am looking forward to it.
I think I may do a CFM fantasy draft this year just because I've never really done one. We'll see..
# 511 kb0731 @ 08/31/14 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Well Skyboxer saved Madden 15 for me. He suggested lowering pass reaction down to 45. I was thinking the entire time, nothing is wrong with the passing, it is the running and screens. Who knew pass reaction slider controls run reaction by defenders as well ? I was able to do outside runs and leave defenders in the dust. Able to do counters and stretch plays without being tackled for a loss.

The CPU running was MUCH improved too. Now only if somebody can find the fix for too many sacks.

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Yep too many sacks (and simmed stats) are what I want most.

I just kept trying differensettings to see what really did what and once I lowered reaction it helped a lot.

I don't think we'll ever really know what the sliders do especially to areas other than what they seemingly are designed for.

Now if I can get the D cam to not pan away from at times... I just posted that in glitch thread. Doesn't happen a lot but sucks when it does..

So ready for Online CFM it's not funny.


I apologize but what does putting pass reaction down to 45 actually do?

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# 512 Skyboxer @ 08/31/14 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by kb0731
I apologize but what does putting pass reaction down to 45 actually do?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Slows down the reaction time of CPU when passing and what seems to be when you run also.
So players that really shouldn't be cutting off outside runs so easily etc.. aren't doing so.
# 513 kb0731 @ 08/31/14 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Slows down the reaction time of CPU when passing and what seems to be when you run also.

So players that really shouldn't be cutting off outside runs so easily etc.. aren't doing so.

Ok thanks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 514 Sausage @ 08/31/14 12:46 AM
Brief impressions from year one, solo CFM using the Redskins. Default All Pro, speed on very slow, but may change (still undecided on what speed I like this year).

As the Redskins I am not embarrassed, but ecstatic that I have started off 0-3. You may ask, "why are you ecstatic"? The answer is simple, in Madden 25 I had to create house rules, use sliders, and sim half of my games for any challenge and to create losses for my team.

The only rule I use in Madden 15 is no switch defense. I am losing, because I'm forcing things on offense and not paying attention on defense.

Its crazy, but I have to concentrate to beat the CPU and take what they barely give on each side of the ball.

So far I'm enjoying my experience and see myself really getting lost in my Redskins CFM. Also, happy to report Ryan Kerrigan signed a long term deal, lol
# 515 TeamHawkins @ 08/31/14 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Smoke6
They do get faster, it seems the moment you hit sprint the dlinemen or defense in general knows exactly where u are at no matter their current situation on the field and tbey instantly shed there blockers and are usain bolt on their first step.
It's called an A.I. trigger. I explained this to a friend a few years back on the PS3 Maddens. It's always been there. I showed how when you are hitting buttons on the controller, it triggers the CPU A.I. especially the speed cheat.

This is evident when you can simply place your controller down and the CPU controls your entire team including the player with your USER marker under him. I've gotten many a fumble or interception doing this. It also is evident when getting an int, if you hit a button the CPU instantly tackles you. If you wait 2-3 seconds, let the CPU control your player for that duration, you get more returns on your int and then you can take over once in the open field.

But if you hit the sprint button behind the line of scrimmage, you are basically hitting the sprint button to trigger the CPU speed cheat as well.
# 516 PacMan3000 @ 08/31/14 02:39 AM
Played my first game in my Madden franchise, customized sliders on All Pro, and man, during the first game, it was like a culture shock. I was like a true rookie out there for the first quarter and a half. Settled into it and ended up having Manziel bring me back against the Steelers for a 20-17 victory.

I do have a couple questions though:

1) Penalties: I saw 5 penalties in the game, three called on Pittsburgh. But I noticed that when they called them on the Steelers, they never gave me the option to accept or decline. Has this happened to anyone? It's possible it's because they all may have been false starts, but I can't recall.

2) Is there any way to stop the game from hurrying me up to pick a defensive play? I don't need all day, but an extra five seconds would be great. I like the new play call screen, but there are so many options to look through and just not enough time.

3) What's with the kick meter? In the skills trainer, it's three tri-color rainbow that I liked. In the CFM game, it's a single color (green) arm that then disappears after 2 seconds and returns you to the same ole, same old kick meter. What's going on here?

4) Defensive player lock doesn't work--even when I use player lock. I'll lock it on Karlos Dansby. The lock symbol comes up. The next play, I'm playing as a lineman or Donte Whitner--even though Dansby is in the game. Again, anyone know what's going on here?


Two things I don't like for my impressions:

1) When you run the ball, I feel like you run into your own lineman, or into the defense, and you sort of just crumple up like a wet tissue and fall to the ground. There's nothing dynamic happening there, and it's really disappointing.

2) What are earth have they done to the replays? I never get context to any play at all. It's ironic too, because they replay is supposed to give you a perspective of the play that you didn't originally have. But the replays are so fast, so tight, and sort of incomprehensible, that they are strangely almost irrelevant. And that's really disappointing too.
# 517 Skyboxer @ 08/31/14 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by PacMan3000
Played my first game in my Madden franchise, customized sliders on All Pro, and man, during the first game, it was like a culture shock. I was like a true rookie out there for the first quarter and a half. Settled into it and ended up having Manziel bring me back against the Steelers for a 20-17 victory.

I do have a couple questions though:

1) Penalties: I saw 5 penalties in the game, three called on Pittsburgh. But I noticed that when they called them on the Steelers, they never gave me the option to accept or decline. Has this happened to anyone? It's possible it's because they all may have been false starts, but I can't recall.

I think (If I rememebr correctly) only the holds get asked if you want to accept or decline.

2) Is there any way to stop the game from hurrying me up to pick a defensive play? I don't need all day, but an extra five seconds would be great. I like the new play call screen, but there are so many options to look through and just not enough time.

Nope. I've gotten used to it but wish they would give us roughly 3-5 seconds more. Heck when I'm late it's usually right when I'm picking so even 2 seconds more would suffice... lol

3) What's with the kick meter? In the skills trainer, it's three tri-color rainbow that I liked. In the CFM game, it's a single color (green) arm that then disappears after 2 seconds and returns you to the same ole, same old kick meter. What's going on here?

The 3 colors are just for training purposes I believe. In live action it does fade. Personally I'm a pro "turn it off" guy as I've missed some FG's especially in the wind.
Anything that makes fg kicking harder I'm all for. been too easy too long IMO.

4) Defensive player lock doesn't work--even when I use player lock. I'll lock it on Karlos Dansby. The lock symbol comes up. The next play, I'm playing as a lineman or Donte Whitner--even though Dansby is in the game. Again, anyone know what's going on here?

It doesn't stay locked after the play (NCAA didn't either). You need to lock after each play.


Two things I don't like for my impressions:

1) When you run the ball, I feel like you run into your own lineman, or into the defense, and you sort of just crumple up like a wet tissue and fall to the ground. There's nothing dynamic happening there, and it's really disappointing.

Do NOT use sprint until you are at the hole. You'll start hitting the holes and side stepping a lot more.

2) What are earth have they done to the replays? I never get context to any play at all. It's ironic too, because they replay is supposed to give you a perspective of the play that you didn't originally have. But the replays are so fast, so tight, and sort of incomprehensible, that they are strangely almost irrelevant. And that's really disappointing too.
And to add.. I don't need to see a replay of a 1 yard gain lol..
Replays after every play is overboard.
# 518 PacMan3000 @ 08/31/14 02:59 AM
Thanks Sky. What's weird about the defensive player lock is that for a few series, I locked it and it would also go back to the player I wanted to play with every single play. Then, it started unlocking after every play.

So you're saying that it's normal to, for example, get on defense and pick Karlos Dansby. I hit the player lock and he's locked in. Next play comes, and I'm now Donte Whitner and have to scramble to find Dansby again before the snap?

Just asking because I was under the impression that player lock meant that you're essentially always this one defensive player the entire game until you unlock it and choose another guy.
# 519 Skyboxer @ 08/31/14 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by PacMan3000
Thanks Sky. What's weird about the defensive player lock is that for a few series, I locked it and it would also go back to the player I wanted to play with every single play. Then, it started unlocking after every play.

So you're saying that it's normal to, for example, get on defense and pick Karlos Dansby. I hit the player lock and he's locked in. Next play comes, and I'm now Donte Whitner and have to scramble to find Dansby again before the snap?

Just asking because I was under the impression that player lock meant that you're essentially always this one defensive player the entire game until you unlock it and choose another guy.
Aaaah I see what you're saying and yes mine does go back to the same player (Doesn't lock and I have to hit lock.. but does go to same player). At least I thought it always did.
Main reason I know that is when I lock on a player (I posted this way back) and the play end.. after you select the next play IF the game goes to a cut scene or anything else other than right to the field.. if you hit the player lock before it goes to the field..you will lock on that player but still be in the O camera lol
# 520 Indyboy180 @ 08/31/14 06:39 AM
So I broke the single season rushing record by at least 700 yards.

Adrian Peterson.

All Madden difficulty, 15 mins qrtrs, 15 second run off.

I just had a dominating year. I'll be posting pics on the CFM franchise page tomorrow.

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