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Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

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Old 08-31-2014, 04:08 AM   #601
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by PacMan3000
Thanks Sky. What's weird about the defensive player lock is that for a few series, I locked it and it would also go back to the player I wanted to play with every single play. Then, it started unlocking after every play.

So you're saying that it's normal to, for example, get on defense and pick Karlos Dansby. I hit the player lock and he's locked in. Next play comes, and I'm now Donte Whitner and have to scramble to find Dansby again before the snap?

Just asking because I was under the impression that player lock meant that you're essentially always this one defensive player the entire game until you unlock it and choose another guy.
Aaaah I see what you're saying and yes mine does go back to the same player (Doesn't lock and I have to hit lock.. but does go to same player). At least I thought it always did.
Main reason I know that is when I lock on a player (I posted this way back) and the play end.. after you select the next play IF the game goes to a cut scene or anything else other than right to the field.. if you hit the player lock before it goes to the will lock on that player but still be in the O camera lol
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Old 08-31-2014, 07:39 AM   #602
Indyboy180's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

So I broke the single season rushing record by at least 700 yards.

Adrian Peterson.

All Madden difficulty, 15 mins qrtrs, 15 second run off.

I just had a dominating year. I'll be posting pics on the CFM franchise page tomorrow.
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Old 08-31-2014, 08:25 AM   #603
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Got the game yesterday with a brand new PS4

I'll post my impressions now just a's me or Night games lighting looks bad?
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Old 08-31-2014, 08:36 AM   #604
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

This will be my last impression thread post until the next patch drops.

Madden 15 plays a good game of football. Playing in all-madden with a slightly modified version of charters sliders and moving up to normal game speed (this has been huge) has helped me get a very realistic, natural (trying to avoid using the word organic), and varied results.

On normal I haven't had more than 5 sacks a game, and while I still wish the CPU would throw the ball away more, it's,better than the 10 sacks I was seeing on slow.

Aa with many madden games, I feel you get what you put in with this game. If I wanted to win every game no matter what I could, but I try to call as many different plays as I can, even a zone blitz I know has weaknesses, and mixing it up is most of the fun for me. Maybe one day I won't need house rules, but if "mix up my play calling" and "no switch" are the only two house rules I need then I think I am in pretty good shape.

I really hope a patch addresses the number of off the field issues the gsme has for offline and the few issues that remain for online, as well as CPU QB behavior and maybe fine tuning accuracy a but more (I shouldn't have to out accuracy down to 5 this user, inaccurate passes are literally touted as a feature, I feel it feel it should work at default 50)

I haven't played a sim user gsme yet but I bet the game plays great in user games
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Old 08-31-2014, 09:48 AM   #605
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

One thing I love are the online/mut games.

Being a European player, my online games used to lag like crazy, which drove me crazy because other games never lagged. This year they are smooth and play just like offline games, which is huge for me. Now I can finally enjoy ultimate team.
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Old 08-31-2014, 09:51 AM   #606
tgiordano's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Why is the ps version so dark is xbox one brighter?
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Old 08-31-2014, 10:45 AM   #607
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by tgiordano
Why is the ps version so dark is xbox one brighter?
Thought I was the only one who noticed this and figured it was my TV, glad im not seeing things. It also looks like it would get brighter as the game goes along.
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Old 08-31-2014, 10:50 AM   #608
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Finally got to play a full game last night. It was easily the best game of football I've played since 2K5. They are without a doubt bringing this game in the right direction. Granted, one game doesn't really mean it will hold up, but I'm liking what I saw.

They really Really REALLY need to allow you to set your playbook in CFM under schemes, and allow you to make substitutions that last the entire year.

I really don't want Stevan Ridley in the backfield with a 4 wide shotgun, I want Shane Vereen. I don't want to have to go in and every single game adjust my substitutions. This is something they used to have, why must they get rid of it?
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