NBA 2K15 News Post

We recently had a chance to interview Rob Jones, Sr. Producer Visual Concepts and Erick Boenisch, Sr. Producer, Visual Concepts to talk about a new mode for NBA 2K15 called MyLEAGUE, exclusive for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Before we get into the interview, here is a quick rundown on some of the options. In a nutshell, it’s the Association Mode that we all know and loved on old-gen consoles, on steroids.

MyLEAGUE offers both a single season or up to an 80 year franchise experience. You will have complete control over every aspect of how your league plays out.

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Member Comments
# 761 CookNBA03 @ 08/21/14 07:33 AM
In free agency, will we see teams clear cap space? I didn't see it too much in 2K14 like 2K said. For example, how Cleveland traded with Boston and Brooklyn this past summer.
# 762 cthurt @ 08/21/14 09:14 AM
I havent been to a mid night release for a game in years but for this game I will be first in line at gamestop. These on the fly additions being added are amazing. The ability to control injuries put it over the top for me, excellent job 2k.
# 763 BluFu @ 08/21/14 12:04 PM
question for devs on injuries: will the cpu reset their rotations/minutes for every injury? in past games, it was hard having guys average 36-40 min because of the injuries.
# 764 Sdrawkcab321 @ 08/21/14 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by CookNBA03
In free agency, will we see teams clear cap space? I didn't see it too much in 2K14 like 2K said. For example, how Cleveland traded with Boston and Brooklyn this past summer.
That would be amazing if they can ever figure that out and make it logical. But I think we are a long ways away from that
# 765 franzis @ 08/21/14 10:08 PM
this would be nice but won't be possible in Myleague or any mode with GM features (trades).
So I hope we will have MySeason in 2k16, a kind of nba today under steroids
# 766 imraged @ 08/22/14 06:00 AM
SIAA but the mandatory auto-save is gone right? Seems like a no-brainer with all of the customization options but I want to be certain. The auto-save was the biggest reason I never spent much time playing assoc on 2K13.
# 767 Junior Moe @ 08/22/14 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Sdrawkcab321
That would be amazing if they can ever figure that out and make it logical. But I think we are a long ways away from that
I have accepted the limitations of these systems. There will never be a "smart" AI in these games. That's why I prefer something more general like teams having "modes". In late Janurary the game looks at a teams record and assigns it a mode like Championship Contender, Playoff Team, Up and coming, and Rebuilding. The moves they make will be heavily influenced by what designation they have. Championship Contenders would stand pat and maybe tweak around the edges; same with the playoff teams, but they might be a little more aggresive in trying to land a star; Up and coming teams like the Pelicans would continue to build around their "star" regardless of record; and finally, Rebuilding teams would be selling off their assets for expiring contracts and draft picks. Someone on here wrote up an excellent, more detailed post about how this could work.
# 768 dwayne12345 @ 08/22/14 10:18 AM
I can't stop crying tears of joy and I haven't even finished reading past the first question. 2K finally gets us I'm so happy I'm frowning
# 769 VDusen04 @ 08/22/14 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by imraged
SIAA but the mandatory auto-save is gone right? Seems like a no-brainer with all of the customization options but I want to be certain. The auto-save was the biggest reason I never spent much time playing assoc on 2K13.
I'm still holding out for that one. I do not recall reading anything about that yet. With MyLeague being completely offline, I'd really, really, really hope a manual save option is at least available for that mode (though I'd hope it'd be included in every mode).
# 770 dwayne12345 @ 08/22/14 10:47 AM
As long as big men don't start shooting 3's and ignoring tendencies, stats don't glitch, and the mode functions I will not voice a single complaint about MyLeague. Ever.
# 771 ffaacc03 @ 08/22/14 12:24 PM
Yes, stat glitches/bugs have been like a standard for the mode since 2K10 ... hopefully they have been take care of, as many of our claims seem to be done.

On another note, would love to know any news/tips about been able to individually edit:
- Team chemestry (specially if it affects oncourt and simmed stats)
- Team stances (contend/stand pat/rebuild, etc ... in terms of roster building)
- GMs Draft stances (best overall, best skilled, best potential, best of position of need, none and just trade the pick/rookie)
- Staff grades (offense/defense, etc)
- Players goals (money/win/role, etc)

And also about:
- Create a Staff (it has been a need ever since the landscape of the NBA has changed so drastically in regards of team staffs ... if we cant have real staff members as FAs, then, please give us this)
- Staff Carrousel (also as above, given the many moves of coaches and assistants, it is a need to be able to promote, trade or release staff members)

And finally about:
- Total Sim Control (is it back ? is it improved ? we really need it as it is the right step to separate oncourt variables to those of offcourt, it allows for no compromises, more control and therefor, more inmmerssion and authenticity)
- The Sim Engine (is it expanded to be able to get results that can range from all hystoric stats, this means, players with above 12 assist, 4 blocks, 3 steals, 35-50 pts, 20-25 rebounds ... also means teams with very low records - low 10s or even lower - and/or very high - 70s -)

If any of the above isnt possible for 15, dont worry, maybe for 16 then ... anyways, again, THANK YOU 2K devs staff for taking the right steps and for listening to your community.
# 772 newgeneration11 @ 08/22/14 11:15 PM
What adjustments can we make to the draft class? Can we edit names/attributes/abilities?
Yes, you have full editing over the draft class. In addition, we have added back in a robust create a player system. Details on this will come closer to launch.
We're all assuming that this create a player system will be available in the main menu, and we'll be able to create all kinds of players - not just draft class players and our own my players.
Have we gotten any confirmation on this, tho? is that what they mean by "robust"?
# 773 newgeneration11 @ 08/22/14 11:16 PM
What adjustments can we make to the draft class? Can we edit names/attributes/abilities?
Yes, you have full editing over the draft class. In addition, we have added back in a robust create a player system. Details on this will come closer to launch.
We're all assuming that this great create a player system will be available in the main menu, and we'll be able to create all kinds of players - not just draft class players and our own my players.
Have we gotten any confirmation on this, tho? is that what they mean by "robust"?
# 774 Er1Zm3 @ 08/22/14 11:20 PM
This sounds amazing and will be if they pull it of, but I would like to see them include things like club attractiveness, club fan base etc. another is player home towns for example if some is offered 16 mil by 2 teams one his home town and the other not this should play apart in the decision, still looking forward to a great game mode thanks 2k
# 775 threattonature @ 08/23/14 11:26 AM
One thing I don't recall being addressed is simulation stats. Two problems I had with simulation stats was that blocked shots were way too low. The second was that I would love to see a player just have a ridiculous outlier type of year on occasion.

Will there be any settings or sliders for a user to have some kind of control over simulation stats outside of simulated quarter length?
# 776 Juliant @ 08/26/14 05:39 PM
Would be awesome if they also added the summer league. And get a license with fiba and add the fiba world championships to MyLeague.
# 777 wrestlinggod1 @ 08/26/14 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by newgeneration11
We're all assuming that this create a player system will be available in the main menu, and we'll be able to create all kinds of players - not just draft class players and our own my players.
Have we gotten any confirmation on this, tho? is that what they mean by "robust"?
I too, would like to know if this was confirmed.
# 778 troy10 @ 08/28/14 12:10 PM
I saw some people discussing whether or not teams will have their actual draft picks assigned to their teams at the start of MyLEAGUE. Any way we can get a confirmation on this? It really changes the landscape of association when teams (like the Nets last year) gave so many first round picks up to acquire guys like Pierce and Garnett, but in association mode, they still had them. An unfair advantage to be honest.
# 779 raiderphantom @ 08/29/14 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by troy10
I saw some people discussing whether or not teams will have their actual draft picks assigned to their teams at the start of MyLEAGUE. Any way we can get a confirmation on this? It really changes the landscape of association when teams (like the Nets last year) gave so many first round picks up to acquire guys like Pierce and Garnett, but in association mode, they still had them. An unfair advantage to be honest.
Good point, I know it's been mentioned before. And if you do a fantasy draft, draft picks should go back to default.
# 780 Jstache83 @ 08/29/14 10:35 AM
If the draft picks cannot be assigned before it starts then we just do it the old school way. Trade the worst players for the other team worst player and include the owed draft pick. Then just trade the player back. But hopefully we won't go through this. My League is gonna be epic.

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