Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports released a plethora fresh new details of connected franchise today, with big changes coming to the mode and how it will work this year. You can check out the full details here.

Here are some highlights:
  • Confidence is new this year, and replaces hot and cold streaks. Really high or really low confidence is going to affect player ratings, all players start at a neutral 50 confidence level.
  • Game prep will allow you to earn XP or increase player confidence from week to week, allowing you to practically choose whether you are a rah-rah coach or a down to business type of coach.
  • CPU teams have extensive logic that determines what they work on every week. Bad teams will focus mostly on developing their players, while contenders will focus on confidence first and then earn XP if confidence isn’t an issue.
  • Free agents now take much more than money into account when deciding to sign with you or not. Playing time, scheme, your coaching prestige and more will be factors.
  • Draft classes are now random.
  • Owner Mode is now much more challenging when it comes to making a profit, and teams with older stadiums in smaller markets may be better off building new stadiums or relocating altogether.
  • You can now sim to points in the season, with an option to actually sim 10 years into the future.
  • New screen to see how players progress/regress.
  • Relocations are tuned way down and can be turned off.
  • You can now fire your head coach during the season.
  • The simulation engine now includes things like consistency, confidence and development. In Madden 15, young players with great development traits will have slightly better “simmed” stats than normal. This allows great young players to progress quickly and become stars in the league.
What do you think of the additions to the mode this year?

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Member Comments
# 241 Chiryder85 @ 08/06/14 08:48 PM
meh not bad.
# 242 randymoss07 @ 08/06/14 08:50 PM
Some people can never be pleased, they worked hard on the game and for that I'll spend my 60 dollars.
# 243 Aggies7 @ 08/06/14 08:51 PM
How is confidence going to change my players performance? Does it just lower my overall. Heading into the game.
# 244 ggsimmonds @ 08/06/14 08:59 PM
I really want to see an in depth blog thingy detailing what affects confidence.

If I play as the Ravens and draft a QB in the first round will it impact Joe's confidence?

Hopefully in the future they add to it so that some players are more sensitive to such changes. Some players handle adversity better than others.
# 245 friscob @ 08/06/14 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by fancyclaps
Huh? They took about a million steps forward with draft classes.
Im not sure how they took any steps forward

That graphic showing players interest levels while in free agency is a thing of beauty. Cant believe it took this long but at least its here
# 246 mestevo @ 08/06/14 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
I really want to see an in depth blog thingy detailing what affects confidence.

If I play as the Ravens and draft a QB in the first round will it impact Joe's confidence?

Hopefully in the future they add to it so that some players are more sensitive to such changes. Some players handle adversity better than others.
.... didn't they use exactly that example in the blog?
# 247 CM Hooe @ 08/06/14 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
How is confidence going to change my players performance? Does it just lower my overall. Heading into the game.
It was mentioned that low confidence negatively affected "key attributes". There was a screenshot on the blog with Ryan Tannehill having low confidence, and there were red down arrows next to his Throw Accuracy Short / Medium / Deep ratings.

It appears that the reduced ratings are visible in this screen; out of the box, Tannehill's accuracy ratings are 87 / 80 / 70, per the ratings reveal blogs.
# 248 Cowboy008 @ 08/06/14 09:11 PM
This is a little thing but I was just wondering they said teams will wear alternative jerseys this year. Does this mean they will wear throwback jerseys as well?
# 249 OhMrHanky @ 08/06/14 09:19 PM
Well, 1 thing I noticed was missing and at this point I am going to assume has NOT been fixed. But, if anyone has heard, please, chime in. When u supersim DURING a game, does it factor in the play clock now? FINALLY?? U know, so that if u supersim an entire quarter, u don't throw 70+ passes and rush for 300 yds with each play lasting 7 secs with no play clock runoff?? This isn't a deal breaker for me, BUT it's just one of those things that irks me when trying to run out the clock with 5-10 min left if I'm up by a lot and other random times I want to use supersim.
# 250 Primo80 @ 08/06/14 09:28 PM
Draft classes got overlooked again... guy was touting random classes as if it was a new thing. Yeah its an improvement if it prevents people from internet scouting, cool. So it was a bad idea in retrospect, thats not new over at EA.

I want to know what their long term vision over there is for career mode. Those rookie recruits need to be convincing. I saw a screen with a rookie on it - still a generic face that doesnt look right next to actual pros.

Im not trying to cry about it, just pointing out that - tuned stats aside - we'll be drafting the same stale players as before. All I can hope for is that they dont make these player models look slapped together on the field. Matter of fact, just take out those bulky elbow pads altogether.
# 251 rkocjay @ 08/06/14 09:39 PM
20 days seems far away
# 252 badluck22 @ 08/06/14 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by goravens2052
Your two points is something I want to know about as well. The relocation thing, yes being able to choose any team name regardless of the city would be a very welcome addition. I also noticed they said that you may be better off building a new stadium, or relocating. In M25, the only way you could build a new stadium is by relocating, and you couldn't just build a brand new one in the same city. Does that mean we actually can build a new stadium in our current city?
im 90% sure you can build a new stadium in your current city if the current stadium is bad enough.
# 253 badluck22 @ 08/06/14 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by slingblade73
I wonder if we have been given more scouting points. You could not really research in depth numerous positions of need last year. They want us to dig deep in these random classes, we need the points to do so.
this site is saying its been redesigned, that was a worry of mine too

Scouting Changes:
What it all means: In Madden 15, the Scouting has been tweaked to allow for more in depth scouting. The Letter grade is now easier to access, while the true number grade will cost you an abundance of points. This will help CFM users scout more in depth on the surface, and allow them to build their boards a little better. Of course, that is only if you do not go crazy and use all your points on a stud player.
# 254 charter04 @ 08/06/14 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by apollon42
Do random draft classes mean that we'll have guys named LaDarias Williams being a white guy from BYU?

Had to take this post off before I got banned.
# 255 Kaiser Wilhelm @ 08/06/14 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
That reminds me of the recruits produced in the NCAA football series. There would be 10 out the top 25 players were ath, RBs, and WR's named things like Dedrick Jones and run 4.2's and be white. Then 80% of kickers and punters would be black. It just starts looking weird in year 8. Lol
I doubt EA will employ racial profiling in Madden.
# 256 MrPinkBlackrose @ 08/06/14 10:38 PM
....and about being off the field on 4th down.....what if there is a punt return for a TD?? Do I miss seeing that because it is sim'd??? If a tree falls in the forrest, it will have made no sound....
# 257 cam780 @ 08/06/14 10:45 PM
I am cautiously optimistic. I like the thought of random draft classes; however, I can also see some issues. Are we going to see classes with QB Jadaveon Smith, RB Jadaveon Francis' C Jadaveon Johnson, CB Jadaveon Frederick and P Jadaveon Clinton? There are just some names that shouldn't be common.

Also if story lines are in and random and no different than the past 2 years, could we see the two sport quarterback slated to go first overall choose baseball in back to back seasons?

Also on an aside, what's up with the lack of real coaches in the game? A few years ago you had every coach in the union in the game and now you probably have 10? It's too late for this version but next year, if we can't get NFL coaches I'd like to see some form of back story for the created coaches. Maybe even give them a CFM story line, maybe Tomas Single is Alabama's head coach whose rumored to be looking to accept the challenge of NFL.
# 258 Azcardinal32 @ 08/06/14 11:10 PM
This looks great, this year they made progressing players less tedious. Hopefully next year they can fix scouting. From the screen shown it doesnt look like scouting has changed at all so I still have to spend ridiculous amounts of points on things I can learn for free at the scouting combine like speed, strength, etc.
# 259 DeuceDouglas @ 08/06/14 11:31 PM
Apparently this is all you get when going through free agency. No attributes or player type. I really, really hope this can't be true.

# 260 DeuceDouglas @ 08/06/14 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I get that people want all the info more readily accessible but isn't it possible to obtain more player info in another screen, before actually going into the bidding UI? Again, I get that even if there is, the point is having everything in one place, it's just that if there is some way to obtain all the info, not having it in the bidding screen isn't a big deal to me.

FWIW, I feel that there is already TMI with regard to personnel numeric ratings, so I'm all for people needing to at least put forth some effort to KYP (know your prospect) before going to the bidding screen to make an offer, lol.
If it's like it was before last year, the only way to know anything about the attributes was to predict who might be a free agent and basically write down or try and remember all their attributes because it was inaccessible during the off-season and you were completely blind to everything but player type, scheme and overall.

I still remember in M13 looking for a "possession" receiver and then going out and signing one of the better overall ones off the free agent list only to progress forward and find out he had 63 for catching.

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