Madden NFL 15 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 15 gameplay video, submitted by SimFBallCritic.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 jpdavis82 @ 06/29/14 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by FBall Life
And yet HE stated HIMSELF that 12 was the first year of the three year plan! HE SAID IT! Why can't you accept that?

Some of the work on Madden NFL 13 started before development of Madden 12, and yet that content didn't appear in that game. Was Madden NFL 12 hamstrung?

I don't know. I came in late in the year last year. We formed a new leadership team and a new business unit, and spent last February, March, April, and May forming a new long-term strategy and where we need to go and what technology we need to build. At that time, we really didn't want to disturb the teams in development and blow things up. They were at the end of the cycle at that point and taking the game to the finish.
# 42 SageInfinite @ 06/29/14 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Hold up, wait a minute, so according to this, M13 was Cams first full year, so if I can count that still would make M15 the 3rd game under him. M13, M25 and M15, so what am I missing?
Exactly why this 3 year plan talk is bull****.
# 43 The_Balm @ 06/29/14 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I don't really consider the 3 year plans of the past legit. Where was the follow through, what did they build off of? Every year back then Madden felt different and never seemed to go anywhere. Regardless of how you look at it, only now are we seeing the game progress and build off of each title. 13 was the first year Cam was around, but I believe his plan was something that was only possible on next gen consoles. So for 25 to be the first year they started to implement his plan, makes perfect sense. 15 clearly is building off of 25 and 16 will build off of 15. 25 built off of 13, but that doesn't mean they implemented the things that were part of cam's plan then. Going back to Cam's first interview after he was hired, he talked about improving pre and post play animations, 15 is the first time we're really seeing that happen, he also talked about O/D line interactions, 25 was the first year for that. WR/DB interactions are also part of his plan, as are improved player movement animations.
Then why should we believe this plan/team is any different!? Going by what you said, if M25 was the first year of the plan, how do we know they're sticking with it? This plan/team has a one year track record, how can you call it legit!?

If all you need is one decent year why aren't you calling M10 and M12's plans legit? They where higher points of the past decade (especially M10 IMO).
# 44 SageInfinite @ 06/29/14 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
What's even more telling about how much of a different animal Madden apparently is than other sports games, I think EA's NHL and FIFA had similar plans but they actually worked out, if I'm not mistaken.
Those games also aren't developed by Tiburon, lol. Them dudes stink and have always stunk. They got exposed by NFL Gameday on PS1, and later exposed continuously by VC. The only reason Madden on PS2 was any good was because it was built on a solid base. They saw what 2k did on the dreamcast. They had to make a splash with PS2 since their bosses shunned the dreamcast. They knew they had to impress. Once 2k started to focus more on realism and authenticity they knew it was a wrap so they zeroed in on that license.

We've seen how bad these dudes are, and how bad their bosses don't care about making them any better at making this game. Madden is a lock now. They will keep chugging along making their bread and we're all along for the ride.
# 45 TjJunior @ 06/29/14 02:39 AM
what happened to the signature throwing motions?. Its like they have been slowly phased out since 12. Although I am seeing that default throwing motion from Madden 06 on 360 alot. The one where the QB index and pinky fingers are extended. Seems like they would want to phase that out seeing how its about a decade old. Im gonna stick with APF again this year, hopefully they change the animations overall for this game before the rapture.
# 46 MajorSupreme @ 06/29/14 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82

Some of the work on Madden NFL 13 started before development of Madden 12, and yet that content didn't appear in that game. Was Madden NFL 12 hamstrung?

I don't know. I came in late in the year last year. We formed a new leadership team and a new business unit, and spent last February, March, April, and May forming a new long-term strategy and where we need to go and what technology we need to build. At that time, we really didn't want to disturb the teams in development and blow things up. They were at the end of the cycle at that point and taking the game to the finish.
Dude, everything you say is like a contradiction. I'm not sure what you're trying to do or say, but man you have me, and I'm sure others, completely lost. I'm gonna try and summarize what you've been saying: "wait till next year, it'll be better. THREE YEARS. Not the other three years from 12 to 25, no the three years of 25 to 16." Which is it, man?
# 47 roadman @ 06/29/14 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by FBall Life
Regardless, Cam stated HIMSELF that 12 was the first year of a three year plan. So that's that.
Sure, he did, because he is the "new" leader.

What would you expect him to say coming in based on the past two leaderships that came in before him?

We don't have a three year plan? We don't have a vision?

What did the Bucks new owners come in and say?

We have a 3 to 5 year plan to get to the championship. Will they? Don't know.

They've had a lousy 25 year history as well.

My main point was/is, as Sage colorfully said better than I will/have, it's all a marketing statement to ease the consumers of a transition taking place.(ie, the article linked even has Pasta stating the same thing) Also, it doesn't matter what year that plan was laid out based on past history.

Just like the new Bucks owners want to put more fans back in the seats.
# 48 jpdavis82 @ 06/29/14 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by MajorSupreme
Dude, everything you say is like a contradiction. I'm not sure what you're trying to do or say, but man you have me, and I'm sure others, completely lost. I'm gonna try and summarize what you've been saying: "wait till next year, it'll be better. THREE YEARS. Not the other three years from 12 to 25, no the three years of 25 to 16." Which is it, man?
Here's the truth, the 3 year plan started being implemented last year. It really doesn't matter if you have a plan unless its being implemented. It started last year and continued this year, will be the third year in 16. Rex has also mentioned a 3-5 year plan of his own so take that fwiw.

This is the bottom line, the game is changing and it's taken far too long to get here, but now we're at the turning point, Sim has said that everything we are wanting is coming. There's nothing anyone here can do to speed up this process, yes if the NFL didn't have the license, things probably would be different, but they do and that's not changing anytime soon. This team, despite what many believe, is working longer days(16-17 hr days) than most people would to try and deliver this product that we've been waiting on for far too long.

I'm not going to argue with some of you any more, if you can't see the improvement since 07, I don't know why you would even care about Madden enough to make a post about it. For those of you that do see the improvement and shift taking place, hang on just a little longer, you will be very pleased with what is coming in the next couple years.
# 49 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/29/14 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I don't really consider the 3 year plans of the past legit. Where was the follow through, what did they build off of? Every year back then Madden felt different and never seemed to go anywhere. Regardless of how you look at it, only now are we seeing the game progress and build off of each title. 13 was the first year Cam was around, but I believe his plan was something that was only possible on next gen consoles. So for 25 to be the first year they started to implement his plan, makes perfect sense. 15 clearly is building off of 25 and 16 will build off of 15. 25 built off of 13, but that doesn't mean they implemented the things that were part of cam's plan then. Going back to Cam's first interview after he was hired, he talked about improving pre and post play animations, 15 is the first time we're really seeing that happen, he also talked about O/D line interactions, 25 was the first year for that. WR/DB interactions are also part of his plan, as are improved player movement animations.
Dude just stop! You're killing me JP smh. With all due respect, this is why you lose credibility & come off as an EA apologist. I can appreciate your optimism & positive spin, but there comes a time when you just need to fall back.

Let me say that I just recently joined OS but I've been an active follower on the forums for years. I've seen just about all of your posts. You do a great job at helping to keep us informed & staying in the loop. That said, your defense for EA is starting to become comical & borderline disturbing. I won't take the time to repost some of your post from last year or the year before last, but you my friend are doing some serious back tracking lol. Just check your timeline. Last year you said Madden 25 Next Gen was going to blow us away. Then as soon as the footage started to leak (remember when most people couldn't tell if it was last gen or next gen?) you immediately went into "wait til next year" mode. You then got on this campaign that Madden 15 will be "the game we've all been waiting for". You even went as far to say that many of us would be eating our words. So here we are a year later & right on schedule you're back on the defense/excuse train smh. You see the cycle here?

As far as these multiple "3 year plans", you don't get to pick & choose when they "technically started" just because it conveniently fits your agenda & argument smh. The FACT is Cam Weber HIMSELF said that Madden 12 was the start of his 3 year plan (even though he came on about halfway through that dev cycle). Just because Rex didn't start working with him until a year later doesn't negate the start of CAM'S plan lmao. So according to your logic, does that mean that if Rex happens to leave next year (which could very well happen) then the 3 year plan starts over again? I mean come on man enough is enough smh.

I say all that to say this, I know you mean well & have good intentions. I can appreciate your "glass half full" approach & outlook. You're not one to dwell on the past because what's done is done & i can respect that. Life is about moving forward I get it. My suggestion to you would be to just let the game speak for itself. No need for the constant damage control year after year. Let EA do the talking by showing & proving that's all.

Again, no disrespect JP but I just had to chime in. It's getting to a point to where I cringe at some of the stuff your pushing. Peace.
# 50 SageInfinite @ 06/29/14 10:46 AM
It ain't JP's fault Tiburon makes him backtrack, lol. If they got their **** together faster he'd be around here looking like the man. He just believes what Tiburon and their gamechanger drones say. I think we all hope he's right in the end, but personally I don't see it happening.

Also the 3 year plan technically didn't start with Madden 12. Madden 12 was Ian's "baby". That was the culmination of everything he put into Madden. I start Cam's vision with Madden 13, so 15 is technically Cam's vision. Now Rex is here with his 3 year bull****, so his will be Madden 16. There's probably another dude in their that has a 3 year plan that's gonna come out next so his will be Madden 17. There's probably another guy there with a 3 year plan so his will be.............see where this is going..........
# 51 roadman @ 06/29/14 11:03 AM
Maybe I'm not reading the right interviews or links from 3 years ago, but can someone link me with an interview from Cam Weber regarding the three year plan.

(I know CP did a few pages ago, don't need that one.)

I'm having a hard time finding where Cam directly and factually said that the three year plan starts with Madden 12.

Or is that inferred or assumed?

OS interview from 2011


OS: Now, you spoke about a three-year plan when it comes to Madden. Some folks are a little wary about talks of three-year investments because, while some have been successful (MVP Baseball), others have not led to such fruitful results. Could you perhaps expand a bit on what a three-year plan means for Madden? Is it meant as a way to overhaul the franchise or more as a way to change how the game is developed and given to consumers -- you had previously mentioned FIFA as a sort of game you wanted Madden to be more like in terms of how it is created and distributed on a yearly basis.

Weber: To answer your question about the “3 Year Plan,” what I am talking about is working off of a rolling, long-term vision. And as GM, I am specifically talking about the vision for the overall football business, which includes our title planning, levels of investment, our operational and technology plans, as well as making sure that there is a solid creative vision in place for each of our franchises.

The key here is that as we build components and features each year, they are fundamental improvements to our games that build on top of a solid, growing core foundation -- so that we don’t end up building features that are seen as one-year gimmicks that get tossed out the following year. This is an area where we have received some criticism in the past, especially on our Madden franchise, and I’m happy to say that this year the team has had a dedicated focus on delivering features and improvements to the core elements of the game that will build on that foundation. This is a proven approach that has also been used to deliver strong results on many of our other franchises, including FIFA, NHL, and recently on our NCAA Football franchise.

Another key factor in the development of our annual sports franchises is that we compete with other games in the industry that are often in development over much longer cycles, in many cases spanning 2-3 years. If we build our games one year at a time, it becomes very difficult to deliver fundamental innovation in our technology because many of the core innovations take multiple years to develop before they are ready to be rolled into our games. What we have done within our football group is we have an Advance Team that is dedicated to working on the technology and feature innovations of the future. This is an additional investment that does not take away from our ability to deliver our games this year.

Operation Sports: To provide a bit more context to the last question, sometimes these plans start with good intentions, but then they become a bit more reactionary on a year-to-year basis and end up not quite hitting on the scope of what some might expect out of a three-year vision. Is everything already mapped out on a year-to-year basis in terms of what you folks want to accomplish, or will much of what happens in years two and three depend upon what consumers are reacting to in year one?

Weber: As I explained above, the key is that these long-term plans are “rolling.” In other words, this is not a completely linear process where we set plans in stone across the board and just build with blinders on towards that vision. The key is that we continue to listen to what our consumers are saying, monitor what our consumers are doing in our games and evolve our core gameplay to account for the evolving trends in the NFL and college football world over time.

But at the same time, there are fundamental elements and areas within our technology that we are investing in that will sometimes span over multiple years, and the key is to give our advance teams the time and space to deliver those fundamental innovations without always changing directions or being completely reactive. So it is an organic process -- it is not a three year set plan that gets reset completely every three years -- what I am talking about is the method of always knowing what you are building this year and how it fits within the high-level plans for the future. This method gives us the ability to go from making good games to being an industry leader in driving the sports gaming experiences of the future.
# 52 tril @ 06/29/14 11:16 AM
skimmed through the video
game-play looks decent!!!
-what happend to the live sidelines that they talked about lat year? did they abandon this?
-penalties? come on EA, its about time they take this seriously!!!!!!
-graphics look nice, cant really complain about that
-commentary is improved but still lacks
-folks already mentioned the gang tackling

finally, 3 year plan really? tired of hearing that next year will be the year, with Madden football. forget that, every year they change direction, and they will do this again. it's a pattern. There is no follow through in development cycles with EA sports. I would bet that the development cycle is 1 year for new features. if they dont get it right they move on for the next year. that's why certain things that are problematic in Madden has never improved significantly.
# 53 jpdavis82 @ 06/29/14 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
It ain't JP's fault Tiburon makes him backtrack, lol. If they got their **** together faster he'd be around here looking like the man. He just believes what Tiburon and their gamechanger drones say. I think we all hope he's right in the end, but personally I don't see it happening.

Also the 3 year plan technically didn't start with Madden 12. Madden 12 was Ian's "baby". That was the culmination of everything he put into Madden. I start Cam's vision with Madden 13, so 15 is technically Cam's vision. Now Rex is here with his 3 year bull****, so his will be Madden 16. There's probably another dude in their that has a 3 year plan that's gonna come out next so his will be Madden 17. There's probably another guy there with a 3 year plan so his will be.............see where this is going..........
Cam Weber and Ian are in completely different positions. Cam is the GM of EA Football and actually has the capability and leadership supporting him and the team to make things happen. Ian probably had a similar plan, but I never heard Phil Frazier or anyone else talking about pushing for simulation football.

In the past nothing ever was built off of one title to the next, where was Pro Tak 2.0 or a second phase of any feature they added for that matter.

Going back even to M13, you can see they are clearly building of each title and improving upon the previous title, they had Infinity 2.0, this year there's Player Sense 2.0, they extended True Step beyond the ball carrier and Clint said he's working on it currently for CPU positions like the OL. They improved presentation greatly from last year, have kept adding lines for Nantz and Simms, since 13. The sidelines and crowd have improved since 25, players come off the bench now to congratulate their teammates, crowd audio is more responsive and aware of what's happening on the field.

The issue IMO is the rate of improvement, but unlike the past teams, this team is improving the game each year.
# 54 SageInfinite @ 06/29/14 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Cam Weber and Ian are in completely different positions. Cam is the GM of EA Football and actually has the capability and leadership supporting him and the team to make things happen. Ian probably had a similar plan, but I never heard Phil Frazier or anyone else talking about pushing for simulation football.

In the past nothing ever was built off of one title to the next, where was Pro Tak 2.0 or a second phase of any feature they added for that matter.

Going back even to M13, you can see they are clearly building of each title and improving upon the previous title, they had Infinity 2.0, this year there's Player Sense 2.0, they extended True Step beyond the ball carrier and Clint said he's working on it currently for CPU positions like the OL. They improved presentation greatly from last year, have kept adding lines for Nantz and Simms, since 13. The sidelines and crowd have improved since 25, players come off the bench now to congratulate their teammates, crowd audio is more responsive and aware of what's happening on the field.

The issue IMO is the rate of improvement, but unlike the past teams, this team is improving the game each year.
I have to agree that nothing was built off of with Ian's regime. Madden 11 imo was the biggest disappointment of last gen. 10 had alot of promise and they just caved.

Honestly I can't argue that the game isn't improving. We all have to play Madden 15 to see how much though. Maybe Madden 16 will be the 2k5 for Tiburon. I mean they started building with 2k3, 2k4 was a big jump, and then 2k5 was the culmination. Maybe the same will happen with EA/Tiburon. I just have to see it to believe it. Just hard to see it coming from Tiburon.
# 55 KBLover @ 06/29/14 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiX
How many years does it take for a glass half full attitude to turn into plain naiveness? Not trying to be mean but it does kind of work on the nerves.

Meh, it doesn't really bother me.

I know what I like and want to see. If someone else thinks it's the an excellent effort or end product, so be it.

Some people are just naturally positive/idealistic/optimistic just as some are in the opposite vein. Some are just skeptical and have the past as their evidence and may not see any current information to change the trend, so their position remains.

There's also differing standards. Just as jp gets on your nerves, I probably get on people's nerves with what I want out of the game or what improvements I want to see.

Just the nature of the beast or the cost of doing business.
# 56 roadman @ 06/29/14 12:54 PM
Yeah, it doesn't bother me, either.

It doesn't take much effort to bypass or not to respond, because it won't change.
# 57 bukktown @ 06/29/14 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiX
How many years does it take for a glass half full attitude to turn into plain naiveness? Not trying to be mean but it does kind of work on the nerves.
I just read it as coming from a character, not a real person. Have you ever noticed the character always talks about what everyone else is going to think. NOBODY else on this forum posts that way.

No person would want to repeatedly come off as a fool...but that's what we have here.
Not a person. A character. Treat it as such.
# 58 SageInfinite @ 06/29/14 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I like JP's posts, even when I disagree with them, gives me something to discuss or read, to pass the time, sometimes, since I don't have a NFL football game I enjoy, lol.

OS and the internet is full of all kinds of people with differing POVs and I like that, as long as it doesn't get into 3rd rail type stuff. Just discussing innocuous stuff like Madden or gaming in general, it's all good and doesn't bother me, heck I still miss TNT on OS, the staunchest Madden defender I have ever encountered.
That dude was delusional. Definitely on another level.
# 59 SageInfinite @ 06/29/14 02:02 PM
It'd be nice if the animations were good enough to use for the QB intros instead of real footage. Like NBA 2k14's pre-game intros. Maybe one day.
# 60 MajorSupreme @ 06/29/14 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
I thought 13 was the first year of the 3 year plan? That would make this year the third year. How many 3 year plans do they have planned? And how do they keep shifting? When does the 3 year plan end?

I think I'll wait until the game actually gets there and then get excited about it. But dude, you feel free to be excited. And hope your kid is doing better.
I KNOW! I'm still not totally sure. I'm thinking there was a three year plan, that they realized inevitably will fail, so they did another, which we're supposedly in the second year of, even though we've been told that 25 was supposed to be the third year, per other users, I'm now thinking there is no "three year plan", it's just PR keeping us sane because other than E3, we don't get to see the game and what they're doing (aside from PRE-RENDERED trailers) until release date.

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