Madden NFL 15 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 15 gameplay video, submitted by SimFBallCritic.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
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Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Senator Palmer @ 06/30/14 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I'd argue they are less available than Ian and Phil Frasier ever were, different era or not.

You beat me to it.

WOW... you want to talk about access, it's not even close. Both Ian and Phil were regular posters here. Forget talking about someone with direct access to someone else, Ian used to post WIP videos of stuff he was working on and ask for feedback. He used to drop posts in the middle of the night here (and another site) breaking down the formulas and tech they were using to improve turn rates and acceleration so that we'd have a better picture of what they were up against. Last time I looked, Ian still has blog posts in his arena from that era where he'd give behind the scenes looks at how the game was being build and how he was trying to change the foundation. They even hung around to take the bullets when things didn't come out as

@jp: I'll never take a man to task for being optimisit, but when you make posts like this saying "this team is more accessible" when it's clearly not the case, it really makes it seem like you have the blinders on.
# 122 NicVirtue @ 06/30/14 12:41 PM
I'm about tired of these "phases". We were told there was a 3 year plan since Madden 13....it's been 3 years, why are we still talking about the same issues that have been in the game since Madden 06? It just really feels like we're being spoon fed certain bits of actual football per year. I understand they want to get the gameplay down 1st, but when are we "actually" going to be able to say "Wow, now THAT is football!"? Madden 13-Madden 25 was what, OL/DL improvements, less falling/flopping off of your own team mates, and better foot planting? If there's more within that transition please correct me, because I honestly can't tell. Sooooooo much more can be done with these games and for us to be even entertaining the thought of "Phase 1" or "3 year plans" that will eventually turn into another 3 year plan is ridiculous.

But I guess that's the nature of the beast of exclusivity. Do what you want at your own pace because there's no one to light a fire under you.
# 123 roadman @ 06/30/14 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I see your and Senator's point but to JP's point, I think these current devs are very accessible on Twitter versus OS like Ian and dem boys. So all of you are "right" in a sense, just in relation to different internet mediums.

"Blessed are the peacemakers...."
I see your point too, Big, I just thought JP was referring that Sim has Cam's ear at E3.

I'd say not all developers are on Twitter, either. I don't think Cam or Rex are.

Also, another thing I consider, I'd say we had more influence with Ian and Phil than Twitter World, but that's just me thinking aloud.
# 124 kehlis @ 06/30/14 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I see your and Senator's point but to JP's point, I think these current devs are very accessible on Twitter versus OS like Ian and dem boys. So all of you are "right" in a sense, just in relation to different internet mediums.

"Blessed are the peacemakers...."

While true twitter is far less of a means for communication because of character limits than any forum could be and in all honesty probably ends up to more confusion because of vague posts being cut off.
# 125 kehlis @ 06/30/14 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
I'm about tired of these "phases". We were told there was a 3 year plan since Madden 13....it's been 3 years, why are we still talking about the same issues that have been in.

We're in our third second year of a three year plan in the last 3 years.
# 126 Senator Palmer @ 06/30/14 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I see your and Senator's point but to JP's point, I think these current devs are very accessible on Twitter versus OS like Ian and dem boys. So all of you are "right" in a sense, just in relation to different internet mediums.

"Blessed are the peacemakers...."
Twitter wasn't then what it was today. Back in my day (lol!) we had message boards... but I digress.

Ian and Phil answered questions directly here. You could actually inbox them and a few other developers and they'd respond. You didn't have to rely on info from the person of a person who went to EA. They were part of this community. I've been asking questions on twitter for the past four years to various people on the Madden team and have only gotten a response once during a Q&A session. It got to the point where I didn't think I knew how to use the damn thing.

I will say this, though, I actually have conserved directly with a couple of the new developers about certain aspects of the game via old fashioned means during certain times of year and have found them very accomodating and friendly (Clint in particular). So, I don't want it to seem like I'm taking shots at the current team to prove my point. But I haven't seen many WIP videos of green screen avatars posted on Twitter with a developer asking us what we thought. I haven't seen any of them upload a youtube video on a whim of them tweaking the pass rush the way Ian did to gauge time in the pocket. I could be wrong, though.
# 127 jpdavis82 @ 06/30/14 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Yeah good point there, though I have heard people that tweet with Clint give him credit for not being thin skinned as some devs could come across in the past. So that would lend some credence to the "more accessible" claim JP made. Also, those few characters were apparently enough to have Josh Looman block people when CCM first came out, lol.
Looman did and eventually Mike Young blocked me too. What I was referring to was mainly Clint, but I have seen Rex post on here before. Rex seems more transparent in interviews and stuff, he gives straightforward answers, doesn't only answer softball questions.
# 128 jmurphy31 @ 06/30/14 01:19 PM
Ian and company were on twitter quite a bit. In fact that's the main reason I got on twitter. Also I think being accessible is interacting with the community, not going through middle men (gcers). I actually think some of the game changers take more heat than the developers do now.
# 129 jmurphy31 @ 06/30/14 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Senator Palmer
Twitter wasn't then what it was today. Back in my day (lol!) we had message boards... but I digress.

Ian and Phil answered questions directly here. You could actually inbox them and a few other developers and they'd respond. You didn't have to rely on info from the person of a person who went to EA. They were part of this community. I've been asking questions on twitter for the past four years to various people on the Madden team and have only gotten a response once during a Q&A session. It got to the point where I didn't think I knew how to use the damn thing.

I will say this, though, I actually have conserved directly with a couple of the new developers about certain aspects of the game via old fashioned means during certain times of year and have found them very accomodating and friendly (Clint in particular). So, I don't want it to seem like I'm taking shots at the current team to prove my point. But I haven't seen many WIP videos of green screeen avatars posted on Twitter with a developer asking us what we thought. I haven't seen any of them upload a youtube video on a whim of them tweaking the pass rush the way Ian did to gauge time in the pocket. I could be wrong, though.
Both Ian and Phil in boxed me here a few times answering my questions. It's too bad other developers aren't on here interacting anymore. But I can't blame them. The abuse on here was pretty bad.
# 130 jpdavis82 @ 06/30/14 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by treq21
Exactly! How many years should we have to wait til next year???? Until I deem this game to be worthy of my 60 dollars, and more importantly my time, it will be a no buy for me. 2 years running now, and it looks like its going to be 3. As long as people keep buying a sub standard product they will keep delivering substandard products

I am one of the older guys on here and until recently had been playing madden every year since 1989. It saddens me it has to come to me not buying the game anymore because of so few advancements, and in some cases, going BACKWARDS. I thought we would have something really special by now, and had there been a competitor we probably would. Exclusivity has killed Madden.
I would suggest renting the game before you deem it substandard.
# 131 jpdavis82 @ 06/30/14 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by treq21
I can already tell its substandard regarding the things that are important to me just by watching these videos.
Just because a game doesn't have everything you are wanting doesn't mean it's substandard, it means you don't like it. I believe M15 will be a high quality game in many areas. We're seeing an alpha build of the same two teams every time, this is the least amount of footage in years that we have gotten to judge a game off of. This team is trying to undersell over deliver so keep that in mind.
# 132 NicVirtue @ 06/30/14 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Just because a game doesn't have everything you are wanting doesn't mean it's substandard, it means you don't like it. I believe M15 will be a high quality game in many areas. We're seeing an alpha build of the same two teams every time, this is the least amount of footage in years that we have gotten to judge a game off of. This team is trying to undersell over deliver so keep that in mind.
To be fair, if a game coming out in this year lacks the lings that previous games had a decade ago, would it not be 100% fair to deem it substandard compared to what we used to have?
# 133 dkp23 @ 06/30/14 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by SA1NT401
Game changers are a joke. Nothing they report is ever accurate and their input is never utilized. All they are are people who get to play/see it early.

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I think the gamechangers is a good program and i think some have the right idea, the issue is, i dont think i've ever seen a gamechanger speak negatively towards the game so if they had a major issue, i am not sure how in depth they can express those things. Every year, i see positive feedback leading up to the release with the routine saying of :
"You just have to play it to see"
"i was one that didnt like madden xx, but i like what they've done, that is saying something"
" they've built xx from the ground up"

When you play, we end up bitching about the same problems in the game.

Same story every year, i watch these videos and i see the same problems with a nice coat of paint over it.
# 134 BezO @ 06/30/14 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Different era, different leadership. Why would Sim care about free trips and a free game, he's there because he has a direct line to the devs. He talked with Cam 1 on 1 at E3, I bet not many GC's have been able to do that over the years. This team is more accessible and honest, the proof is in the pudding, but so far the only reason to doubt this team is because of two letters, there's no real reason to think they can't accomplish what they're trying to do besides that.
Who knows what they're trying to do though? Generally speaking, they're trying to make a simulation football game. But what does that mean? Ask what sim football is here at OS and you'll get almost as many answers as members.

So when someone says future games will have what we've all been waiting for, I have to wonder who the "all" is.

Originally Posted by roadman
I'd argue they are less available than Ian and Phil Frasier ever were, different era or not.
Word! I think this future stuff would go over much smoother if it were from the source.


Originally Posted by Senator Palmer

You beat me to it.

WOW... you want to talk about access, it's not even close. Both Ian and Phil were regular posters here. Forget talking about someone with direct access to someone else, Ian used to post WIP videos of stuff he was working on and ask for feedback. He used to drop posts in the middle of the night here (and another site) breaking down the formulas and tech they were using to improve turn rates and acceleration so that we'd have a better picture of what they were up against. Last time I looked, Ian still has blog posts in his arena from that era where he'd give behind the scenes looks at how the game was being build and how he was trying to change the foundation. They even hung around to take the bullets when things didn't come out as

@jp: I'll never take a man to task for being optimisit, but when you make posts like this saying "this team is more accessible" when it's clearly not the case, it really makes it seem like you have the blinders on.
And you beat me to it. Can't beat WIP vids and real time feedback.

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Just because a game doesn't have everything you are wanting doesn't mean it's substandard, it means you don't like it. I believe M15 will be a high quality game in many areas. We're seeing an alpha build of the same two teams every time, this is the least amount of footage in years that we have gotten to judge a game off of. This team is trying to undersell over deliver so keep that in mind.
Of course it does. Substandard is an opinion. There are other games to compare Madden to. You either feel it meets the standard or don't.
# 135 SmashMan @ 06/30/14 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by dkp23
i dont think i've ever seen a gamechanger speak negatively towards the game

Don't get me wrong, I think it's clear that the Game Changer program is a PR move and nothing more - but if those members had anything negative to say, what purpose does it serve posting those concerns on message boards/YouTube when they have access to the development team and can voice things directly?
# 136 jpdavis82 @ 06/30/14 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by SmashMan
Don't get me wrong, I think it's clear that the Game Changer program is a PR move and nothing more - but if those members had anything negative to say, what purpose does it serve posting those concerns on message boards/YouTube when they have access to the development team and can voice things directly?
So what about QJB? He's a GC and in the NBA 2k program, even in their commercial.
# 137 dkp23 @ 06/30/14 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by SmashMan
Don't get me wrong, I think it's clear that the Game Changer program is a PR move and nothing more - but if those members had anything negative to say, what purpose does it serve posting those concerns on message boards/YouTube when they have access to the development team and can voice things directly?
I agree, the game changer program is a PR move. They have members of the community attend and relay their message because the community trusts in the community, so if you have people within the community relay the message, we all tend to believe. If it is a positive one, then we all get excited, but after a few years, most of us know better now.

At least the gamechangers are there to relay some of our messages (hopefully), but because the development team answers to corporate, can't fully expect the game changers do actually do anything more than just giving them a wishlist. Still, it is good to have them out there.
# 138 SmashMan @ 06/30/14 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
So what about QJB? He's a GC and in the NBA 2k program, even in their commercial.
No idea who that is, and I couldn't name one specific guy that a GC (or part of 2K's or SCEA's for what it's worth). I don't watch them, don't know their names - nothing.

My view is that anything they are being shown is incomplete at that time, so I have no use for info that may or may not be in the final games. I don't write off a game months before release, but I don't commit to buying it either. I can judge them on my own closer to release as more footage/finalized info comes out.
# 139 KBLover @ 06/30/14 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
This team is more accessible and honest, the proof is in the pudding, but so far the only reason to doubt this team is because of two letters, there's no real reason to think they can't accomplish what they're trying to do besides that.

The reason for MY doubt is rooted in the trend that has been established.

Just like a stock that's been going down for years - one day, it will turnaround (or it means the company is dead), but that doesn't mean I have to keep calling a bottom and saying "here will be the turning point".

I will wait for evidence of a reversal and a continuation before reassessing my opinion. I might be late to the party, but I'd rather be "fashionably late" than get cut catching a falling knife.

While throwing out $60 for a game is nowhere as bad to be wrong on, my thought process is similar. I want to see evidence of a reversal. That comes from more gameplay videos showing classic Madden "quirks" reversed (and they are classic as they occur yearly). IE got rid of some of them, like the clipping, but has it gone any further? Player movements look the same, the types of animations look the same, no details on the "guts" of the player's behaviors and such (I understand it might be far too early, so I'm not slamming anything, but no evidence either), but seeing what #27 did on the Smitty video makes me think "same Madden 'quirk', player AI not responding to the situation right there and not attempting any football action - that's something I'd have to try to 'slider out'..."

So while you might want to simplify it as "you hate the company, so you hate the team automatically", it's not really that simple, at least not for me and I'm willing to bet others.
# 140 OhMrHanky @ 07/01/14 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by StefJoeHalt
I'll have to double check and fire up Madden..so if I'm understanding u right..what they worked on...was the second defender "not failing off"..so next year they work on the second defender staying in tackle? At that pace we won't have a third defender till 2017...so complete gang tacking in 2020? 2025?

Edit: JP I'm going to have to call shenanigans..I see this in 25 old gen..change slider for roughing the kicker to 67..and so are they working fixing the system? The sliders? Or do they just not know

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I've tried to point this out a few times as well. It may still not be 'true' gang tackling, but at RTK 63+, EVERYONE flies to the ball the way they're supposed and I see anywhere from 3-4 to 10 man pile ups. Lol. So, gang tackling is in there, u gotta up RTK to see it.

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