NBA 2K15 News Post

Check out the new NBA 2K15 Most Valuable Players trailer, containing NBA 2K14 gameplay footage.

For those of you expecting something big, this isn't it. At the end of the trailer it shows the KD MVP bonus pack details for anyone pre-ordering NBA 2K15.

NBA 2K15 is scheduled to release on October 7th. Coming to Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3 and PC.

KD MVP Bonus Pack Details
  • 5,000 Virtual Currency
  • Kevin Durant Throwback MyTEAM Card
  • Two MyTEAM Card Packs
  • MyPLAYER Leg Sleeves, Inspired by Kevin Durant

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 Smirkin Dirk @ 06/06/14 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by manustyle90
Man I can see it coming. Following this direction, we will buy a game called MySelf2k20, where you start by creating a 7'10 green mohawk'd version of yourself (probably a 4'11 12years old kid, aka the new target), getting drafted 1st overall in your MyFantasy team in a MyFantasy league full of created myFriends and MyYoutubeStars+Ronnie2k.
Then after creating yourself, you get to sit on your MyCouch and watch true Nba games, wich will probably be replicated by a new Nba videogame franchise
I hope everyone reads this.
# 102 WaddupCouzin @ 06/06/14 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by Sgt_Carnage
That''s the thing though, if I'm playing Madden, I don't have to waste my time with Ultimate Team because EA isn't tying everything to their servers. I can save my franchise and my rosters to my hard drive without having to deal with the blatant money grab stuff. NBA 2K14 on the other hand was constructed in such a way that there was no way you could really play without having to deal with VC in some kind of way. I want to be able to save my rosters and my draft classes to my hard drive. I want to be able to save my franchise to my hard drive without having to worry about the server going down. That's all I want. I could care less about My Player stuff.

If 2k15 is still "always connected" and everything is still tied to their servers and I can't save my franchise or my rosters to my hard drive, then I'm not buying

Good point, but I think we're talking about two different things my dude. DRM is a whole 'nother matter! My problem wasn't with 2K and MyPlayer, my issue was with them putting VC in my offline franchise. 100 VC just to adjust my roster, really? I didn't see the point with that and that seemed like a money grab to me. Keep VC out of offline franchise mode and I'm cool.

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# 103 TheVinylHippo @ 06/06/14 06:41 AM
Come on, guys. 2K is being really generous with the pre-order bonuses. I mean, we're getting 5,000 VC. You can buy a whole Adidas arm sleeve with that!
# 104 EMan77 @ 06/06/14 07:51 AM

Doesn't someone who works in 2K's PR sometimes post on these forums? Maybe I'm wrong, I lurk at quite a few NBA related gaming places. I'd love to see someone from 2K in this thread trying to fix or gloss over all this well deserved hatred.

They continue to do everything wrong with this franchise that they possibly can and they're dumb or blind enough to think we like this crap? Jeez. Those shades on Ronnies face don't appear to be rose colored but they must be.

No Association mode, same old garbage servers, probably the same lousy roster work, probably gonna screw over PC again, and of course VC. Not buying this year. Probably not buying again. Someone else said it before and I agree, 2K is the new EA.

Oh, and VC sounds like an abbreviation for a particularly nasty STD. Just saying.

I dunno which is worse, 2K with this b.s. or Ubisoft with their UPlay junk.
# 105 Smirkin Dirk @ 06/06/14 07:55 AM
Take Two reported huge earnings for 2K14 based off micro-transactions.

They have made the design choice because idiot consumers buy it.
# 106 Caveman24 @ 06/06/14 08:06 AM
# 107 Clappington @ 06/06/14 08:20 AM
Guess some of you guys don't understand that 2k is a company and being a company, you are going to do what gets you the most money, you always want to maximize your earnings off someone as a company. They know lots of people would easily spend a lot of money buying VC so why turn down that money? From a company stand point, putting in this VC system was the best thing to happen to them, just go on twitter and just look at Ronnie timeline, I remember couple months ago a dude said he had every player in the game, he said he spent 2k bucks getting them, as a company thats what you love to hear because thats more money, rather you like it or not, video game companies are greedy and it will always be like that. for the people who complain about always online, we all know why its on the game so lets stop complaining, shoulda told ya homies on 360 to stop hacking all the time.
# 108 manustyle90 @ 06/06/14 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Guess some of you guys don't understand that 2k is a company and being a company, you are going to do what gets you the most money, you always want to maximize your earnings off someone as a company. They know lots of people would easily spend a lot of money buying VC so why turn down that money? From a company stand point, putting in this VC system was the best thing to happen to them, just go on twitter and just look at Ronnie timeline, I remember couple months ago a dude said he had every player in the game, he said he spent 2k bucks getting them, as a company thats what you love to hear because thats more money, rather you like it or not, video game companies are greedy and it will always be like that. for the people who complain about always online, we all know why its on the game so lets stop complaining, shoulda told ya homies on 360 to stop hacking all the time.
Please consider that a GOOD company should not only focus on quick, easy and cheesy short-term revenue (aka MyVC casual stuff), but also consider the long-term relation with it’s customer and fanbase, even the historical sim-fanbase wich now, honestly, seems to be considered as a niche that doesn’t generate revenue (but it's the one that supported 2k for years).
The only solution right now is a decent competition, I truly hope there will be at least some in the next years (EA pls)
# 109 ShogunTake @ 06/06/14 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Guess some of you guys don't understand that 2k is a company and being a company, you are going to do what gets you the most money, you always want to maximize your earnings off someone as a company. They know lots of people would easily spend a lot of money buying VC so why turn down that money? From a company stand point, putting in this VC system was the best thing to happen to them, just go on twitter and just look at Ronnie timeline, I remember couple months ago a dude said he had every player in the game, he said he spent 2k bucks getting them, as a company thats what you love to hear because thats more money, rather you like it or not, video game companies are greedy and it will always be like that. for the people who complain about always online, we all know why its on the game so lets stop complaining, shoulda told ya homies on 360 to stop hacking all the time.
In other words, some people are incredibly stupid for wasting so much money on VC. $2000 on VC you say? That's absolutely pathetic if it's true.
# 110 VDusen04 @ 06/06/14 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Guess some of you guys don't understand that 2k is a company and being a company, you are going to do what gets you the most money, you always want to maximize your earnings off someone as a company. They know lots of people would easily spend a lot of money buying VC so why turn down that money? From a company stand point, putting in this VC system was the best thing to happen to them, just go on twitter and just look at Ronnie timeline, I remember couple months ago a dude said he had every player in the game, he said he spent 2k bucks getting them, as a company thats what you love to hear because thats more money, rather you like it or not, video game companies are greedy and it will always be like that. for the people who complain about always online, we all know why its on the game so lets stop complaining, shoulda told ya homies on 360 to stop hacking all the time.
There's a point there. 2K is, in fact, a company and their point is to make money. I think the question would be whether their approach here is sustainable over the long run.

Through decades of working toward only creating the ultimate simulation basketball game (except for ESPN NBA Basketball 2004), 2K was able to build themselves a very worthy and loyal fanbase. As such, when they began introducing VC and other non-simulation/realism money-making schemes, a lot of folks were already on the bandwagon from their previous success.

If (and that's a big if) 2K continues down the VC/fantasy/My/AlwaysOnline path in 2K15, I think a lot of folks are going to be hopping off that bandwagon. The question will then become: will there be enough folks sticking around (who love playing the fantasy modes) to make up for the numbers lost otherwise? If the answer is yes, then people like me are just going to be out of luck. We're looking for simulation, customization, and realism but we'll have nowhere to go.

However, I also think it's possible that this hurts 2K's brand over the long run, and a game that felt untouchable just a few years ago could become quite vulnerable. 2K has no competition now, but if this super-early-possibly-meaningless release is any indication, they could be leaving that door wide open.

Unfortunately, I think the most likely route is 2K will continue to cash in while people looking for realism (not just on the court, but off as well) will be completely out of luck. Before, when NBA Live began going arcade in the early 2000's, we had NBA 2K as a simulation alternative. We no longer have that alternative.
# 111 WaddupCouzin @ 06/06/14 10:14 AM
As I said in my earlier post and Clappington stated in his, it's a business! Companies will Microtransaction action you to death! Think about it, people will pay $109 for Battlefield ($64+$49) for the DLC. Hell, I just bought Watchdogs and paid $19.99 for the DLC, that's an $84.00 game at that point.

As long as people buy the VC, companies will sell it.

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# 112 blues rocker @ 06/06/14 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
The question will then become: will there be enough folks sticking around (who love playing the fantasy modes) to make up for the numbers lost otherwise? If the answer is yes, then people like me are just going to be out of luck. We're looking for simulation, customization, and realism but we'll have nowhere to go.
i think the casual fan base FAR outweighs the sim fan base. coming on a board like this, it can be easy to forget how rare sim gamers are - they make up a tiny fraction of 2k's customers. i'd say the makeup of 2k's customers right now is probably like 95% casual, 5% sim. maybe even 98% casual. if every sim player stopped buying 2k games, i don't think it would make a dent in 2k's revenue. the average person just wants to zone out and not think when playing games. bottom line is that there will always be far more kids and casuals buying games than serious sim heads. 2k's going to cater to them because there are a lot more of them. numbers and money always win.

now that 2k has developed mass appeal in the video game culture, i don't think they're going to go more sim anytime soon. i won't be buying a 2k game again until they offer a more "strategy-based" online quick match mode. the fact that someone can compete with me online by jacking up bad shots and forcing contact shots inside just doesn't fly with me. until 2k offers a fulfilling quick match mode that rewards you more for passing and open shots, i won't be buying another game.
# 113 spankdatazz22 @ 06/06/14 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
Through decades of working toward only creating the ultimate simulation basketball game (except for ESPN NBA Basketball 2004), 2K was able to build themselves a very worthy and loyal fanbase. As such, when they began introducing VC and other non-simulation/realism money-making schemes, a lot of folks were already on the bandwagon from their previous success.
I disagreed with this "loyal" sentiment and people got mad last year, and I still disagree with it. Imo the hardcore fanbase - at least the more vocal wing of the hardcore fanbase - aren't loyal fans. They simply want a realistic basketball game and don't care who gives it to them. This wouldn't be a discussion if EA or another game were offering what you desire. All it's taken is a few words in an early in the development stage press release for people to already start declaring "they're out", or looking elsewhere. For all of 2K's supposed great history with hardcore players, it only took one year to erase all of that? You say you haven't even purchased the game the past two years yourself - and I don't blame you for not purchasing the games if you don't feel they're for you. But imo that isn't loyalty. If 2K provides a product you like, you purchase it. If they don't, you don't purchase it.

Imo the word loyalty gets used in a way as to infer 2K's abandoning your principles, it's dedication to providing a quality NBA experience. But have they really? For all the talk NOW of how great the NBA Combine was, back in 2K10 when the only DLC 2K had was the $5 NBA Combine, people around here flipped out. Despite the fact that every other major sports game had extensive DLC offerings. Back then I remember many saying it was more about principle than the $5 cost.

Forward to 2K12, and 2K expands on it's Legends team content in a major way, even adding era-specific presentation. You'd think the hardcore would be elated, but around here the general perception that gets pushed is the game was garbage. If I recall correctly people here were mad that 2K had two Legends teams as a preorder bonus; they felt they shouldn't have to preorder or pay to get the teams. I think eventually they were released as free codes.

Too often this board [collectively] overreacts about the least little news then expects to be taken seriously. I'm not trying to downplay the VC fiasco as I don't know how invasive it is to the individual gameplay modes - I don't own an XBO yet but likely will get one soon. And I'm not a fan of the My-whatever features. But how far have these things really intruded on 2K's focus of delivering a quality playing game? By most accounts NBA2K14 on the 360/PS3 was a "cheeser's nightmare" I remember people commenting early on. NBA2K14 PS4/XBO was widely regarded as easily the best playing basketball game to date. Now it's looked at as total crap, with people inferring they were bamboozled.

For me it's hard to blame 2K IF they are in fact focusing more on the My-whatever faction of their fanbase since it seems to the be larger and more content contingent of their fanbase. One thing I see with hardcore players is a certain intolerance towards anything not perceived as a hardcore focus - this board had a petition circling a few years ago to have 2K completely remove Blacktop mode because they wanted 2K to focus "more on the gameplay". I'm a little all over the place with this post, but on some level people should look at the constant hyperbole and overreactions being thrown around and understand maybe that's part of the reason there's less of a focus to placate that portion of the fanbase.
# 114 VDusen04 @ 06/06/14 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
i think the casual fan base FAR outweighs the sim fan base. coming on a board like this, it can be easy to forget how rare sim gamers are - they make up a tiny fraction of 2k's customers. i'd say the makeup of 2k's customers right now is probably like 95% casual, 5% sim. maybe even 98% casual. if every sim player stopped buying 2k games, i don't think it would make a dent in 2k's revenue. the average person just wants to zone out and not think when playing games. bottom line is that there will always be far more kids and casuals buying games than serious sim heads. 2k's going to cater to them because there are a lot more of them. numbers and money always win.

now that 2k has developed mass appeal in the video game culture, i don't think they're going to go more sim anytime soon. i won't be buying a 2k game again until they offer a more "strategy-based" online quick match mode. the fact that someone can compete with me online by jacking up bad shots and forcing contact shots inside just doesn't fly with me. until 2k offers a fulfilling quick match mode that rewards you more for passing and open shots, i won't be buying another game.
I always felt most gamers fell somewhere in-between. I'm not super sim myself. I do not really mess with a lot of sliders, I don't pay pain-stakingly close attention to every postgame statistic to see if points-in-the-paint are too aplenty, etc. Similarly, I do not think 98% of the gamer base is made of folks trading cards and running up MyTeam non-stop.

Again, instead, I think the truth falls somewhere in the middle. I believe quality matters to most. Before Live collapsed upon itself via Jesus Bynum, they'd already lost a lot of their fanbase to the higher quality NBA 2K, well before the inclusion of virtual currency, MyTeam, and countless other fantasy options. 2K strived for realism and branded itself as "the #1 basketball simulation". Super simulation gamers (the minority) loved it, but it also appealed to the general mass, because I believe the general mass likes real life replication just as well.

From here, again, I don't know. I'm not sure if 2K has hit Madden levels or not (where they could release anything they wanted and still kill it, forever). I personally do not think they are invincible. If they somehow are able to fortify their MyFantasy modes while also bringing back all the familiar options (create-a-player, offline rosters, for starters) and really committing to realism elsewhere (no VC where it doesn't belong) then they'll be gold. If not, then I think the door could be open down the road for someone else to pop up as the mid-2000's 2K, taking over the popular brand through chasing sheer quality and authenticity.
# 115 WaddupCouzin @ 06/06/14 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
I disagreed with this "loyal" sentiment and people got mad last year, and I still disagree with it. Imo the hardcore fanbase - at least the more vocal wing of the hardcore fanbase - aren't loyal fans. They simply want a realistic basketball game and don't care who gives it to them. This wouldn't be a discussion if EA or another game were offering what you desire. All it's taken is a few words in an early in the development stage press release for people to already start declaring "they're out", or looking elsewhere. For all of 2K's supposed great history with hardcore players, it only took one year to erase all of that? You say you haven't even purchased the game the past two years yourself - and I don't blame you for not purchasing the games if you don't feel they're for you. But imo that isn't loyalty. If 2K provides a product you like, you purchase it. If they don't, you don't purchase it.

Imo the word loyalty gets used in a way as to infer 2K's abandoning your principles, it's dedication to providing a quality NBA experience. But have they really? For all the talk NOW of how great the NBA Combine was, back in 2K10 when the only DLC 2K had was the $5 NBA Combine, people around here flipped out. Despite the fact that every other major sports game had extensive DLC offerings. Back then I remember many saying it was more about principle than the $5 cost.

Forward to 2K12, and 2K expands on it's Legends team content in a major way, even adding era-specific presentation. You'd think the hardcore would be elated, but around here the general perception that gets pushed is the game was garbage. If I recall correctly people here were mad that 2K had two Legends teams as a preorder bonus; they felt they shouldn't have to preorder or pay to get the teams. I think eventually they were released as free codes.

Too often this board [collectively] overreacts about the least little news then expects to be taken seriously. I'm not trying to downplay the VC fiasco as I don't know how invasive it is to the individual gameplay modes - I don't own an XBO yet but likely will get one soon. And I'm not a fan of the My-whatever features. But how far have these things really intruded on 2K's focus of delivering a quality playing game? By most accounts NBA2K14 on the 360/PS3 was a "cheeser's nightmare" I remember people commenting early on. NBA2K14 PS4/XBO was widely regarded as easily the best playing basketball game to date. Now it's looked at as total crap, with people inferring they were bamboozled.

For me it's hard to blame 2K IF they are in fact focusing more on the My-whatever faction of their fanbase since it seems to the be larger and more content contingent of their fanbase. One thing I see with hardcore players is a certain intolerance towards anything not perceived as a hardcore focus - this board had a petition circling a few years ago to have 2K completely remove Blacktop mode because they wanted 2K to focus "more on the gameplay". I'm a little all over the place with this post, but on some level people should look at the constant hyperbole and overreactions being thrown around and understand maybe that's part of the reason there's less of a focus to placate that portion of the fanbase.
Very well said.

Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk
# 116 brahmagoul @ 06/06/14 11:36 AM
The problem I have with 2K is it got to this prosperous point by appealing to the "hardcore sim" types.
# 117 VDusen04 @ 06/06/14 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
I disagreed with this "loyal" sentiment and people got mad last year, and I still disagree with it. Imo the hardcore fanbase - at least the more vocal wing of the hardcore fanbase - aren't loyal fans. They simply want a realistic basketball game and don't care who gives it to them. This wouldn't be a discussion if EA or another game were offering what you desire. All it's taken is a few words in an early in the development stage press release for people to already start declaring "they're out", or looking elsewhere. For all of 2K's supposed great history with hardcore players, it only took one year to erase all of that? You say you haven't even purchased the game the past two years yourself - and I don't blame you for not purchasing the games if you don't feel they're for you. But imo that isn't loyalty. If 2K provides a product you like, you purchase it. If they don't, you don't purchase it.
Hmm, yes, I recall having a discussion regarding the definition of loyalty last year but I do not recall the specifics. In this particularly case, I think the message is more important than the literal definition of a single word. The point was to convey that 2K had earned themselves an audience who felt they could buy their game year-in/year-out, knowing its quality was going to pertain to their interests (realism/simulation/NBA authenticity and replication). Perhaps exchanging "loyal" with "fanbase who had grown to rely on 2K releasing a product that would satisfy their interests" may better fit? I do not mind what we call it.

Either way, not to split hairs, but 2K14 was the first 2K I skipped. My tendency to rely upon NBA2K to release a product that would cater to my personal interests led me to buy 2K13 without much second thought (as 2K2-2K12, minus 2K4, delivered). After picking up on many aspects of 2K13 that made me say, "Hey wait.... where are they taking this thing?", I was much more alert about my purchase when 2K14 rolled around. I do not mind if that means I am not loyal, and I apologize if I used the term incorrectly. We can call it what we want, but a sure purchase became no purchase one way or another.

Imo the word loyalty gets used in a way as to infer 2K's abandoning your principles, it's dedication to providing a quality NBA experience. But have they really?
I believe that is the million dollar question. Many folks are waiting to see if 2K15 will re-dedicate themselves to replicating an authentic NBA experience, or if the focus will once again shift toward aspects of the NBA experience that are not in the same realm as anything that could be deemed realistic (MyTeam, Virtual Currency everywhere, fake GM's, linear MyPlayer soap operas).

For all the talk NOW of how great the NBA Combine was, back in 2K10 when the only DLC 2K had was the $5 NBA Combine, people around here flipped out. Despite the fact that every other major sports game had extensive DLC offerings. Back then I remember many saying it was more about principle than the $5 cost.
I am unsure how this relates to my initial input. I recall thinking it was kind of neat to get a tangible product early (in lieu of a demo). I played that thing out. Best of all, it was a new inclusion that was grounded in reality.

Forward to 2K12, and 2K expands on it's Legends team content in a major way, even adding era-specific presentation. You'd think the hardcore would be elated, but around here the general perception that gets pushed is the game was garbage.
Again, I suppose I can only speak for myself, but I loved NBA 2K12. It most certainly had issues (the magic anticipating and super-transporting man-to-man defense), but the Legends and legend presentation was absolutely incredible. I do not recall many panning that aspect of the game.

If I recall correctly people here were mad that 2K had two Legends teams as a preorder bonus; they felt they shouldn't have to preorder or pay to get the teams. I think eventually they were released as free codes.
Yes, I was frustrated with the legend team pre-order. I really wanted those teams and they felt like necessary staples, not bonuses that only some should have the opportunity to acquire (the 1991 Warriors and 2002 Kings). I recall there being something like, "Limited supply, only included in first shipment", so I was concerned I wouldn't get the game in time.

It was nice they eventually released the teams anyhow, but I certainly did not appreciate having them held above my head in that manner. I thought if I didn't get them on opening day, I'd be screwed out of an incredible experience (two of my favorite classics of all-time).

Too often this board [collectively] overreacts about the least little news then expects to be taken seriously. I'm not trying to downplay the VC fiasco as I don't know how invasive it is to the individual gameplay modes - I don't own an XBO yet but likely will get one soon. And I'm not a fan of the My-whatever features. But how far have these things really intruded on 2K's focus of delivering a quality playing game?
Again, I think the answer to that question may depend upon what 2K15 offers up. If gamers still can't save multiple rosters (and manually), and they still are forced into an always-online experience, and VC still permeates through realistic modes (franchise) just as much as the super fantasies (MyTeam) and other realistic additions (D-League, Summer League, etc.) are still passed over in favor of bolstering MyPlayer from-the-streets-to-superstar storylines, then it could be safe to begin discussing how those aspects may be affecting the creation of a quality NBA replication product.

By most accounts NBA2K14 on the 360/PS3 was a "cheeser's nightmare" I remember people commenting early on. NBA2K14 PS4/XBO was widely regarded as easily the best playing basketball game to date. Now it's looked at as total crap, with people inferring they were bamboozled.
As you know, I do not own 2K14 so I cannot comment on the 360 version, nor did I follow it closely. The next gen version, from what I've read, featured a solid (though understandably not perfect) on-court product, and it seems even the most frustrated of gamers tend to agree. However, it seemed many off-court aspects of the game were polarizing at best, frequently broken or missing at worst. It sounded like in many cases, the always-online combined with awful servers led gamers to not even being able to access the game itself.

For me it's hard to blame 2K IF they are in fact focusing more on the My-whatever faction of their fanbase since it seems to the be larger and more content contingent of their fanbase.
This is truthful. If they've found their money maker, then it is what it is. But is it not understandable for folks who loved the way the game used to be made to be upset and disappointed to see one of their all-time favorites head away from them? Wouldn't it be sensible to voice one's displeasure in this regard?

One thing I see with hardcore players is a certain intolerance towards anything not perceived as a hardcore focus - this board had a petition circling a few years ago to have 2K completely remove Blacktop mode because they wanted 2K to focus "more on the gameplay". I'm a little all over the place with this post, but on some level people should look at the constant hyperbole and overreactions being thrown around and understand maybe that's part of the reason there's less of a focus to placate that portion of the fanbase.
I do not know if that portion of your response was addressed toward me, as it does not seem as such. I suppose, to quickly summarize, it seems as though we're teetering on a situation where there's a portion of NBA 2K's fanbase who came on board in droves because 2K strove to make a realistic simulation product every year. So now, if 2K veers from that course, there's a lot of realism and simulation fans who are already on board (and have been for years) who will likely feel abandoned. Some may readily accept it and cheer on 2K to go ahead and make the most money they possibly can, even if it's at that gamer's personal expense. Others may speak up and voice their displeasure with their favored product's sudden change of course. Once again, seems sensible, no?
# 118 El_Poopador @ 06/06/14 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
I disagreed with this "loyal" sentiment and people got mad last year, and I still disagree with it. Imo the hardcore fanbase - at least the more vocal wing of the hardcore fanbase - aren't loyal fans. They simply want a realistic basketball game and don't care who gives it to them. This wouldn't be a discussion if EA or another game were offering what you desire. All it's taken is a few words in an early in the development stage press release for people to already start declaring "they're out", or looking elsewhere. For all of 2K's supposed great history with hardcore players, it only took one year to erase all of that? You say you haven't even purchased the game the past two years yourself - and I don't blame you for not purchasing the games if you don't feel they're for you. But imo that isn't loyalty. If 2K provides a product you like, you purchase it. If they don't, you don't purchase it.

Imo the word loyalty gets used in a way as to infer 2K's abandoning your principles, it's dedication to providing a quality NBA experience. But have they really? For all the talk NOW of how great the NBA Combine was, back in 2K10 when the only DLC 2K had was the $5 NBA Combine, people around here flipped out. Despite the fact that every other major sports game had extensive DLC offerings. Back then I remember many saying it was more about principle than the $5 cost.

Forward to 2K12, and 2K expands on it's Legends team content in a major way, even adding era-specific presentation. You'd think the hardcore would be elated, but around here the general perception that gets pushed is the game was garbage. If I recall correctly people here were mad that 2K had two Legends teams as a preorder bonus; they felt they shouldn't have to preorder or pay to get the teams. I think eventually they were released as free codes.

Too often this board [collectively] overreacts about the least little news then expects to be taken seriously. I'm not trying to downplay the VC fiasco as I don't know how invasive it is to the individual gameplay modes - I don't own an XBO yet but likely will get one soon. And I'm not a fan of the My-whatever features. But how far have these things really intruded on 2K's focus of delivering a quality playing game? By most accounts NBA2K14 on the 360/PS3 was a "cheeser's nightmare" I remember people commenting early on. NBA2K14 PS4/XBO was widely regarded as easily the best playing basketball game to date. Now it's looked at as total crap, with people inferring they were bamboozled.

For me it's hard to blame 2K IF they are in fact focusing more on the My-whatever faction of their fanbase since it seems to the be larger and more content contingent of their fanbase. One thing I see with hardcore players is a certain intolerance towards anything not perceived as a hardcore focus - this board had a petition circling a few years ago to have 2K completely remove Blacktop mode because they wanted 2K to focus "more on the gameplay". I'm a little all over the place with this post, but on some level people should look at the constant hyperbole and overreactions being thrown around and understand maybe that's part of the reason there's less of a focus to placate that portion of the fanbase.
I can't speak for everyone, but for myself, the issue lies in their focus. When there are major legacy issues from 2k9 ON-COURT (possibly even earlier; my first NBA 2k game was 2k9), then I can't help but get incredibly annoyed when they put more work into something like The Park, which no one really asked for, and emphasize VC in every game mode.

They advertised an entirely new in-game engine that offered true foot-planting, but it's no different than 2k14 on last gen, or even 2k13 and earlier. There were also complaints from day one with NBA 2k14 for PS4/XB1 that have gone unaddressed; things like no free agency in my career, 0VC contracts, players changing heights when a coach gets fired, etc. These are major issues that still exist. But they were very quick to lower VC rewards when they found out people were farming VC from MyGM.

So you'll have to excuse some of us, who would like the on-court issues and game-breaking bugs addressed before they work on adding a new 540 double backflip dunk for the guitar-hero dunk contest.
# 119 thedream2k13 @ 06/06/14 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
I can't speak for everyone, but for myself, the issue lies in their focus. When there are major legacy issues from 2k9 ON-COURT (possibly even earlier; my first NBA 2k game was 2k9), then I can't help but get incredibly annoyed when they put more work into something like The Park, which no one really asked for, and emphasize VC in every game mode.

They advertised an entirely new in-game engine that offered true foot-planting, but it's no different than 2k14 on last gen, or even 2k13 and earlier. There were also complaints from day one with NBA 2k14 for PS4/XB1 that have gone unaddressed; things like no free agency in my career, 0VC contracts, players changing heights when a coach gets fired, etc. These are major issues that still exist. But they were very quick to lower VC rewards when they found out people were farming VC from MyGM.

So you'll have to excuse some of us, who would like the on-court issues and game-breaking bugs addressed before they work on adding a new 540 double backflip dunk for the guitar-hero dunk contest.
# 120 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 06/06/14 12:33 PM
Bruh I sware the footplanting was so misleading and false advertising .

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