MLB 14 The Show News Post

MLB 14 The Show will be available as a Day 1 digital download at 12:01 AM EST on May 6th. (SEE UPDATES BELOW) Similar to how users were able to download the PS3 version, expect it to be available at that time, give or take a few minutes.

It doesn't appear as though you will be able to pre-download, as some hoped with the latest PlayStation update. VG24/7 noted Watch Dogs will be the first game available for pre-download, releasing on May 27th.

UPDATE: As of 10:30 AM EST, the game is still not available to download.

UPDATE #2: Due to unforeseen technical issues, MLB 14 The Show for PS4 is not currently available for download via the PlayStation Store. All parties are working as quickly as possible to remedy the issue. We’ll update this post as soon as a resolution is reached. Thank you for your continued patience.

UPDATE #3: Based off of the many responses, the download should be available for everyone now.

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1321 BiggestPapi @ 05/06/14 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by CRIP4LIFE
At least one quip made me laugh on that: "you guys should stick to making vacuum cleaners because you suck!" - granted, misplaced toward The Show team, but funny anyway.
# 1322 BA2929 @ 05/06/14 01:57 PM
If you plan on calling up Sony to get a refund, here are some tips from a guy who worked in a call center for 3 months in college:

1) Don't be rude to the call center person. They aren't responsible for this problem and likely have little idea what's making you mad. They don't make the refund rules, so no need to rip into them to make yourself feel better.

2) If you're on hold for more than 10 min, I'd recommend you hang up and try again. Especially if you're "waiting to be transferred".

3) Do not ask for a supervisor unless you want to be on hold forever. In my old place we had one guy and when there was a busy day he'd have to take many, many calls. Most likely the person you're talking to can help you.

4) If one person rejects your refund request just call back and hope you talk to someone new. Sometimes a different person will help you. If they don't then ask for a supervisor, but be prepared for that wait.

Also, just being polite will help you in many cases. Acting like a jerk won't get you very far usually. Being treated like the biggest idiot on the planet for things you didn't do all day long wears on you.
# 1323 Cavicchi @ 05/06/14 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by WalkingSnake
Sorry about your loss, man. That sucks. Really glad you got a silver lining from it.

Keep in mind most of the people posting here are young. They're impatient. I'd probably even consider myself in that group. I want my game too! But you're right, there's nothing we can do and there's no point dwelling on what will be such a trivial issue and forgotten in a few days.
So you think being old is better?. The young guys can wait another day, but older guys like myself, over 70, tomorrow may be too late!
# 1324 tylorlenart @ 05/06/14 01:59 PM
What position are ya'll going to make ya'll RTTS player. I'm thinking about a SS whose a contact hitter and a good base runner/stealer. From there ill work on my power. Also, im going back to college for three years, so i get those extra attribute pts. The only way i won't do that is if i get drafted by the Cards or Rays. (my favorite teams)
# 1325 JazzMan @ 05/06/14 01:59 PM
Are you guys really that desperate to play that you would go through the trouble of getting a refund and purchasing a physical copy?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
# 1326 HozAndMoose @ 05/06/14 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by tylorlenart
Also, you don't hae to worry about your CD getting scratched and it not working. Yes i bought all my games digitally thus far, except the ones that came with the bundle i ordered. Im going green, by not polluting the air by driving to gamestop. lol
If you scratch a Blu-Ray to to the point where it cant be played then you did it on purpose.
# 1327 TheBleedingRed21 @ 05/06/14 02:03 PM
Good news is I have to run some family errands and should be back around 7 PM EST and can have someone start my download if my PS4 does not automatically. (Assuming it is up by 5-6PM EST)

Should at least have enough downloaded to enjoy an exhibition game or something.
# 1328 sphericalpuma @ 05/06/14 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by tylorlenart
What position are ya'll going to make ya'll RTTS player. I'm thinking about a SS whose a contact hitter and a good base runner/stealer. From there ill work on my power. Also, im going back to college for three years, so i get those extra attribute pts. The only way i won't do that is if i get drafted by the Cards or Rays. (my favorite teams)
I usually start two careers: 1st baseman and pitcher.
# 1329 merchant1874 @ 05/06/14 02:04 PM
This thread has restored my disdain for human society
# 1330 rspencer86 @ 05/06/14 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
If you scratch a Blu-Ray to to the point where it cant be played then you did it on purpose.
Yes. I always laugh when the dude at GameStop asks me if I want the added disc protection for $3. You'd pretty much have to chuck the disc into a wood chipper for it to receive enough damage to cause a problem.
# 1331 SVCbearcat10 @ 05/06/14 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
If you plan on calling up Sony to get a refund, here are some tips from a guy who worked in a call center for 3 months in college:

1) Don't be rude to the call center person. They aren't responsible for this problem and likely have little idea what's making you mad. They don't make the refund rules, so no need to rip into them to make yourself feel better.

2) If you're on hold for more than 10 min, I'd recommend you hang up and try again. Especially if you're "waiting to be transferred".

3) Do not ask for a supervisor unless you want to be on hold forever. In my old place we had one guy and when there was a busy day he'd have to take many, many calls. Most likely the person you're talking to can help you.

4) If one person rejects your refund request just call back and hope you talk to someone new. Sometimes a different person will help you. If they don't then ask for a supervisor, but be prepared for that wait.
Worth quoting just so it's reposted. I worked on the same floor as service representatives at a former bank and it's so true. The support people know the basics but not much else. Their job is to guide you to a solution that works, and not know all the answers. If they knew everything or could fix everything, they wouldn't be a service rep.

So many people would go the extra mile if you are polite and nice to them. No one ever calls to say they are doing a good job, so appreciating what they can do will get you a lot further.
# 1332 daddies3angels @ 05/06/14 02:07 PM
So from what I see game still cant be downloaded from store??? I couldn't imagine so feel really bad for you guys. If it makes you feel any better I still don't have my copy. Wife on way home now
# 1333 HozAndMoose @ 05/06/14 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by daddies3angels
So from what I see game still cant be downloaded from store??? I couldn't imagine so feel really bad for you guys. If it makes you feel any better I still don't have my copy. Wife on way home now
Im not to bummed. All these people "canceling" their pre orders just means less people to slow my speeds down.
# 1334 davis25 @ 05/06/14 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by erod550
Can we stop with the "when I was younger I would be upset about this but look how mature I am now, blah blah blah" posts?
Its only the truth, i know how I would have been and I know how much less things like this bother me now. Its not so much about maturity as it is knowing whats truly important. If it bothers you then maybe one day you might grow up too!
# 1335 WalkingSnake @ 05/06/14 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Cavicchi
So you think being old is better?. The young guys can wait another day, but older guys like myself, over 70, tomorrow may be too late!
I didn't say anything remotely close to that...?
# 1336 ubernoob @ 05/06/14 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by JazzMan
Are you guys really that desperate to play that you would go through the trouble of getting a refund and purchasing a physical copy?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
OS hyperbole.

If not well... Great thread for the laughs.
# 1337 slo0tpatrol @ 05/06/14 02:12 PM
I just signed up for this site and have been lurking this thread since 10pm CT last night.. I stayed up until 3am, until going to sleep waking up at 9 to check the download.. Obv wasn't there.. Ended up getting the refund, jogging to my gamestop and picked up the physical copy for $20 cos i had store credit.. The file took less than a minute to install on my ps4 (good internet), so i guess it all worked out.
# 1338 Platehpus @ 05/06/14 02:12 PM
I want to play The Show with the guy over 70. You're probably a great source of knowledge and I'd prefer talking to you to the 12 year olds that'll be dominating the mic in online games.
# 1339 yngrshr @ 05/06/14 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Im not to bummed. All these people "canceling" their pre orders just means less people to slow my speeds down.
That's more of an indictment on Sony's terrible online servers than anything else, man. No way should people downloading a game slow down your download speed. But it wouldn't surprise me at all to see it move at a crawl since this is Sony we are talking about.
# 1340 mikeymayhem @ 05/06/14 02:14 PM
man the roster pack might be out before we get the game lol

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