MLB 14 The Show News Post

MLB 14 The Show will be available as a Day 1 digital download at 12:01 AM EST on May 6th. (SEE UPDATES BELOW) Similar to how users were able to download the PS3 version, expect it to be available at that time, give or take a few minutes.

It doesn't appear as though you will be able to pre-download, as some hoped with the latest PlayStation update. VG24/7 noted Watch Dogs will be the first game available for pre-download, releasing on May 27th.

UPDATE: As of 10:30 AM EST, the game is still not available to download.

UPDATE #2: Due to unforeseen technical issues, MLB 14 The Show for PS4 is not currently available for download via the PlayStation Store. All parties are working as quickly as possible to remedy the issue. We’ll update this post as soon as a resolution is reached. Thank you for your continued patience.

UPDATE #3: Based off of the many responses, the download should be available for everyone now.

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1181 Rekkapryde @ 05/06/14 12:28 PM
Has anyone gotten a successful refund request? Just got off the phone and was spoonfed the same spin and BS.
# 1182 The Real Ma$$ive @ 05/06/14 12:29 PM
Wait a minute... I just woke up... So are you telling me that this **** still isn't in the PS Store? Now I want compensation... This is ridiculous, and uncalled for man!!
# 1183 sbauer318 @ 05/06/14 12:29 PM
When will the amateur hour antics end regarding PSN? There's no reason that this game, especially as large as it is, shouldn't have been sitting on their content servers a week ago.

Thankfully, I purchased a physical copy. I'm not going to pre-order anything digitally on PSN until they prove to me that they've dramatically changed their infrastructure. As much as they've improved stuff, so much of the network still feels like things have been patched together.

12 hours later and nothing. This is embarrassing. This is 2014, not 2001.
# 1184 rays1118 @ 05/06/14 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
But you could have purchased at 12:01 without preordering, and if it wasn't up, withheld your money until it was.

I just don't understanding giving them your money in exchange for a promise of a digital good rather than waiting to give your money in exchange for the actual digital good.
same thing really. i mean no one expect this sort of crap to happen. there was a bonus to preordering on PSN Store. thing it was like $20 on their Bonus Reward program.
# 1185 rjackson @ 05/06/14 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jello
Actually some of skipped work today, because we believed a statement given by a company at point of purchase. Some of us adjusted our calenders specifically based on that promise at purchase, so yeah...we feel a little let down at this point.
I used to look forward to a day off and get some stuff done in the morning, then relax in front of the console the rest of the day...but that NEVER happened. Without fail, each time PSN was down for maintenance. I give up. Regardless, all venting in here and I get it, but no useful info being found amongst all the clutter of venting...now can someone answer my question?
Originally Posted by rjackson
I'll try again. PS4 is on stand-by, auto download updates and stuff is on, but I'm not a PS+ member. Will I get the auto d/l when it happens, a notification, or will it have to be manual. This is my first and last day one digital so I don't know how this works. Thanks to anyone who responds.
# 1186 Platehpus @ 05/06/14 12:31 PM
Cutwolf your point is really so trivial and trite that it's getting annoying to see people explain exactly why they pre-ordered it. The ease of going to bed at 10pm and waking up early with the game fully downloaded and installed SHOULD be enough of a counter-point for you to stop. Bricks Gonna Brick though.
# 1187 xcollins24 @ 05/06/14 12:32 PM
download was super fast..started at 1024 took a nap came back to check at 11:30 and download was done...so surprised by the speed..go out and get the physical copy and start playing..dont wait
# 1188 HozAndMoose @ 05/06/14 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by xcollins24
download was super fast..started at 1024 took a nap came back to check at 11:30 and download was done...so surprised by the speed..go out and get the physical copy and start playing..dont wait
You installed didnt download,
# 1189 m1ke_nyc @ 05/06/14 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
Sony is at fault for failing on their promise.

Ragers are at fault for preordering a digital good without reading the terms of sale.
The fact of the matter is it should have been available. Its still not, people have the right to be upset. What's even worse is the crappy refund process. Your not even guaranteed the refund. You have to wait a week for a decision on your case. Some people in this thread who think they got a refund and went and bought a physical copy are gonna be upset next week when they get a email saying all sales are final.
# 1190 Jello @ 05/06/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
Sony is at fault for failing on their promise.

Ragers are at fault for preordering a digital good without reading the terms of sale.
Btw, would simply purchasing it at 12:01 (or whenever the option became available) made any difference. It still would have taken your money for the purchase, and sent you to a screen without a download option.

So I'm not really sure not pre-ordering would have changed most of our situations anyway. It might have saved the people who logged in here first and saw that there wasn't a download available yet, but I'm sure a significant number of people would have just gone to the store and clicked purchase.

This is a problem not just for pre-order customers but anybody in the past 11 hours that has click "buy now" as well. Your argument isn't really so much against pre-order in this case as it is with digital release in general.
# 1191 m1ke_nyc @ 05/06/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
Couldn't they have just rolled over and done the same thing from their phone at 12:01 though?
Ok dude you win.
# 1192 jestep123 @ 05/06/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
Why couldn't you have just waited until 12:01, see if it was up, and then hit purchase?
It is unreal to me how people continue to miss the point. I mean without actually coming out and saying it, posts like this are unbelievably attempting to assign some amount of blame the customer for ordering a product that they have yet to receive. That is completely insane!

Like my father always said, "The "why" doesn't matter". Who cares why someone preordered a digital copy, because you can, that's why.

I mean wow.
# 1193 rts5002 @ 05/06/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by rays1118
same thing really. i mean no one expect this sort of crap to happen. there was a bonus to preordering on PSN Store. thing it was like $20 on their Bonus Reward program.

This is why i preordered digitally, was going to wait to order at midnight then saw the preorder bonus points and figured why not, maybe by this time next year I'll be able to get the show for free with my reward points. I was aware of some issues with Day 1 digital, but in no way was i expect ting THIS...

I say on the phone for 45 minutes just to be hung up on, so I caved and got a physical copy, installing it now. I know own 4 copies of MLB 14 the show (ps3, vita, and both the digital and physical copies for ps4.) i know I've always said said I'd be willing to pay $200 for this game, but I didn't mean I wanted to!!!
# 1194 heater26_99 @ 05/06/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
Can someone please clarify for me why you would preorder a digital game? I literally can't think of one reason besides some sort of preorder bonus (which I don't think existed here) or funding development (not applicable here), but I'm sure there must be one.
I work from home + the allure of the 12:01 am release. Figured I'd get a head start on the d/l. The closest retailer to me is about 15miles
# 1195 SVCbearcat10 @ 05/06/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by FBeaule04
I'll answer you the same I did with my wife and mother since they told me I should go with the hard copy.

1. I save taxes, which for me was 12$. Not a big deal, I know.
2. It's ecologicaly more responsible to buy digitaly instead of hard copy. It's not a big deal, I know
3. I thought I could start the download, get to bed, hit the gym, came back home and install without having to make a cut towards a store to buy it. Again, not a big deal.

It's the 3 reason. I can also add that I bought a few games on the PS3 and PS4 and downloaded them without problems. Therefore, I wasn't expecting a problem with MLB 14 The Show.

What I should have done is read more about Day 1 Digital delays before pre-ordering. That's my fault on that part. Next time, I'll know better.
4. Employment - Many people work so staying up to midnight is not an option and they may not have time during the day to pick it up. Pre-order, have it automatically download, come home and enjoy without any hassles.
# 1196 HozAndMoose @ 05/06/14 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
Couldn't they have just rolled over and done the same thing from their phone at 12:01 though?
Iwas on your side. Now you just sound........ If someone wants to go to sleep at 10 and have the game auto download then they dont want to be waking up at midnight to press a few buttons. Worry about your own money.
# 1197 xcollins24 @ 05/06/14 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
You installed didnt download,
no its the full game..went into the vault..clicked start franchise just to make sure i wasn't tricked..no notifications to start another download..i was shocked also how fast this went but am not complaining
# 1198 Atoms11 @ 05/06/14 12:38 PM
From a broader perspective... Things could be worse. Thank you Universe for all I have already!
# 1199 HozAndMoose @ 05/06/14 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by xcollins24
no its the full game..went into the vault..clicked start franchise just to make sure i wasn't tricked..no notifications to start another download..i was shocked also how fast this went but am not complaining
No you dont understand. You bought a disk. You installed the content form the disk. There was no downloading taking place.
# 1200 whodey17 @ 05/06/14 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by jestep123
It is unreal to me how people continue to miss the point. I mean without actually coming out and saying it, posts like this are unbelievably attempting to assign some amount of blame the customer for ordering a product that they have yet to receive. That is completely insane!

Like my father always said, "The "why" doesn't matter". Who cares why someone preordered a digital copy, because you can, that's why.

I mean wow.
he's just trolling you. Ignore him.

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