NBA Live 14 News Post

It was reported on the EA Sports NBA Live Facebook Page that we will finally get our first glimpses of 5-on-5 gameplay this Friday. For now, here's a quick teaser.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 midwestking100 @ 10/17/13 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by RayRay34
Guys I ain't gonna lie..... I'm thinking about canceling my pre order of my PS4 all together. Nothing from 2k yet, Live is looking disappointing, games are being canceled and Madden looks the same...... Seriously considering it!

That's an extra 650 or so back in my pocket (system, extra controller and games)
I hope not :-(. I would love to continue playing your legends roster on next gen 2k
# 222 yungflo @ 10/17/13 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by RayRay34
Guys I ain't gonna lie..... I'm thinking about canceling my pre order of my PS4 all together. Nothing from 2k yet, Live is looking disappointing, games are being canceled and Madden looks the same...... Seriously considering it!

That's an extra 650 or so back in my pocket (system, extra controller and games)
Or be smart and sell it on ebay for 1000 bucks.
# 223 The 24th Letter @ 10/17/13 01:55 AM
I guess with the trailers and pics we've seen I was expecting a new direction as far as art style...whoever said this "looks like Live" was spot on...it looks like Live...and I have never been a fan of their art style...trailer just doesn't scream "Next Gen" to me...

Hopefully Friday we get to see a bit more...Ready to see what they bring to the table gameplay wise...
# 224 yungflo @ 10/17/13 02:01 AM
EA overall next gen library doesn't seem that impressive, BF4, EA sports, etc.

watch their stock lol

# 225 chrislive1994 @ 10/17/13 02:05 AM
To me, the clip looked like an super-enhanced version of NBA Live 10, but I feel....as a matter fact, I KNOW that EA is still holding back something. Waiting for Friday to see the real deal.

EA is trolling big time, so they're gonna WOW us right after 2K does Thursday morning.
# 226 frankwyte81 @ 10/17/13 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Banner
Oh goodness that kinda looked bad....but at least it's showing my blazers...we asked for gameplay and they about to deliver, more than we can say about 2k at this point.
I didn't know Live was coming out on the PS3... Oh wait! JK!

But for real, I hope it gets better for Live fans in the future and on Friday, I truly do. After watching the current gen headache with no competition in football sport games. I really hope this game thrives for all b-ball fans alike. But this the reason I stopped playing EA Sports games (including Madden), their glory days seem to be behind them. I jumped off the sinking ship around Live 10/Madden 10 timeframe. I think, the EA execs hold the EA developers back from their true potential. IMO, sadly over at EA, it's about creating great brands and making money, instead of creating great games.
# 227 spacedog @ 10/17/13 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by ruggedrum
I dont get what all the hate is for, I thought it looked very promising. It looked 20 times better that Elite and the live 13 clip. Chill out and wait until you see game play trailers. All these 2k fans haven't even seen 2k move in action, but want to hate on Live. If you not a live fan stay the **** off of here it is simple. Live fans don't go to 2k videos and hate as much as 2k....Truthfully 2k fans are really hard core Live fans that have been disappointed and dont want to come back home.....Come back home EA all day both games will be good and that will be the best of both worlds.....STOP HATING.....
Wait, people haven't seen 2ks next gen in action? The James Harden gif from that trailer is all over the place. That was gameplay. And I'm not a fanboy of either live or 2k. I used to get 2k back in the early 2000s and Live around 05, and that's it, so I'm not trying to trash one or another like that. I hope Live ends be being a lot better than the trailer too, since multiple competing good sports games is great for everyone (could use some competition for football games lol)
# 228 drk3351 @ 10/17/13 02:24 AM
Why didn't Aldridge hedge? The first guy to stop him was kamans man Lopez. Nash coulda also bounced it to kaman for the dunk.
# 229 guaps @ 10/17/13 02:35 AM
I'm not really seeing Human Intelligence or True Step Motion...

# 230 frankwyte81 @ 10/17/13 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by ruggedrum
I dont get what all the hate is for, I thought it looked very promising. It looked 20 times better that Elite and the live 13 clip. Chill out and wait until you see game play trailers. All these 2k fans haven't even seen 2k move in action, but want to hate on Live. If you not a live fan stay the **** off of here it is simple. Live fans don't go to 2k videos and hate as much as 2k....Truthfully 2k fans are really hard core Live fans that have been disappointed and dont want to come back home.....Come back home EA all day both games will be good and that will be the best of both worlds.....STOP HATING.....
You are right, I'm one of the hardcore Live fans that now plays 2k. But I'm not coming home for this. I played EA basketball games from NBA Live 95 through NBA Live 2010. I use to be you, I didn't care what people were saying, I loved EA's games no matter what, but then I woke up.

When people laugh at EA's efforts now, it's not hating. It's hate, when the bashing is without merit, but this plain old LAUGHING OUT LOUD. They straight up lied, this game looks nothing like the E3 or post E3 stuff, actual game footage my ***. This is the same crap they pulled in 2006 with Madden, false advertisement. As fans of game, if you're unhappy, you show them that by keeping your money in your wallet. When you hurt the sales (we all know EA loves money), that'll send a stronger message. The reality is, this game might only get slightly better than we see now over the next 8 yrs or so. Because with EA, progress comes slow. Look at the history of Madden for further proof.
# 231 CaliDude916 @ 10/17/13 02:51 AM
Definitely some really strange things happening. Screen was horrible, Lillard crab walking?!?! No rotating D, player movement looks weird. I had my hopes up for Live to come back and crush it. I'm not gonna judge the game off this 9 second video. Friday will be the true test and determine which NBA game I pick up on next gen.
# 232 yungflo @ 10/17/13 02:52 AM
HHG has said nothing about this. maybe he meant pellet shots fired
# 233 yungflo @ 10/17/13 02:56 AM
like i said before its obvious on the easiest difficulty, thats why the defense looks bad but it looks like a step in the right direction though.
# 234 Sundown @ 10/17/13 03:01 AM
"This can't be all. EA's holding something back. Just you wait, Friday."

"It looks great! Except for some colors."

"This was hurried-- EA just didn't have time to put together a proper video."

"No one cares if Steve Nash looks terrible anyway."

"I like my next-gen basketball games to look like 4 year old current-gen games."

Wow. I've never seen denial played out in such a clear, predictable, textbook manner before.
# 235 yungflo @ 10/17/13 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
"This can't be all. EA's holding something back. Just you wait, Friday."

"It looks great! Except for some colors."

"This was hurried-- EA just didn't have time to put together a proper video."

"No one cares if Steve Nash looks terrible anyway."

"I like my next-gen basketball games to look like 4 year old current-gen games."

Wow. I've never seen denial played out in such a clear, predictable, textbook manner before.
you forgot "its only 9 secs, I can't make a judgment in 9 secs"
# 236 yungflo @ 10/17/13 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by guaps
I'm not really seeing Human Intelligence or True Step Motion...

ironically steve's motion appeared the most fluid though.
# 237 Escobeats @ 10/17/13 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
I don't understand why everyone is trashing the video.

There's only so much you're going to get out of a 9 second clip, so I wouldn't read too far into it one way or the other, but I watched the high-res version of the teaser a handful of times and of what we were shown there were more positives than negatives.

For starters, the court spacing and the physical proportions of the players are spot on. I've read complaints of the models appearing too "skinny" and wonder if the posters in question actually watch NBA games. Its players, for the most part, are a thin and lanky group. Live captures this more accurately than they are given credit for. Jerseys are tight and snug as they should be. Subtle movement in the tops, with more give and sway in the bottoms.

Steve Nash looks like Steve Nash. The video is poor quality relative to what we'll all be playing on in our living/gaming rooms, so the minute details such as wrinkles and blemishes are absent, but it's accurate beyond that. I also like how his face and eyes appear alive and alert. You'll notice his eyes follow the roll man(Pau), and then leave the roll man and shift to the basket when he shoots the floater.

With the exception of the rails being too high, the Rose garden was done well. The arena and atmosphere in general look to be a step up from current generation titles. The bench is full, officials are present and properly positioned, there are camera men on the baseline, etc. Could definitely use more media at the table though.

The Blazers P&R defense is structurally correct, as are most of the ensuing reactions after Nash accepts the pick. Lillard fights through Pau, Pau then rotates, drawing Aldridge with him. Kamen's man, Robin Lopez rotates off of him into the paint to block off the rim, forcing Nash to take a floater instead of a layup. My only question would be why Lillard is walking after fighting through the pick? Could be user era or poor defensive AI that goes along with lower difficulty settings, but it looks off. Also, the movement of the video looked a little whacky. I think it was slown down.

The lighting looked a little off, and the colors washed out. This seems to be an issue consistent throughout EA sports titles. I wish they'd fix it.

Anyways, kudos to EA for doing as the community asked and releasing a 5v5 gameplay video, things are looking good thus far. The competition may very well still release a better game(I expect this to be the case), but Live looks to be laying down a reliable foundation for future iterations of the title. I'm excited to see more on Friday.
Of anything that could've gone wrong in a 9 second clip, everything did go wrong. Just imagine if there's errors already in a 9 second clip how many there could potentially be in a trailer version. It's not nit picking, hating or nothing like that I'm all for EA putting out it's best game and I hope they do. It's just stating opinions / being honest based off what EA has provided and what they were happy with. Yes there's some positives like courts, lighting and crowd interaction but that crab walking from Lillard and Aldridge totally throws off what postivies they do have going for the game. Still.... they haven't released the trailer yet so ill save final opinion for that.
# 238 yungflo @ 10/17/13 03:23 AM
Its been reported that BF4 looks like crap on the ps4, madden has been shown, looks like crap on the ps4, nba live has been shown, looks like crap[according to the majority] What ea title do fans have to be excited about? they sided with xbox so this is even more of loss[not because of xbox itself, but the negative PR xb1 is getting, ea jumped on the sinking ship and its not attempting to right it at all.

this is a list of launch titles or launch week. Peter moore forgets live 14. What does that say about ea?

# 239 Khaos_Kiwi @ 10/17/13 03:28 AM
I'll just leave this here:

# 240 Guard-ian @ 10/17/13 03:48 AM
I hope they won't cancel it again. For once I want to try a different basketball game... I consider 2k to be an arcade under the guise of a simulator, I hope Live will be a sim in arcade's clothing...

Cheers! ;-)

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