NBA Live 14 News Post

It was reported on the EA Sports NBA Live Facebook Page that we will finally get our first glimpses of 5-on-5 gameplay this Friday. For now, here's a quick teaser.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 MrBigShot1 @ 10/17/13 10:31 AM
I'm going to be 100% honest. If I didn't know what game I was watching and had to guess, I would've guessed Live 10.
# 282 CMH @ 10/17/13 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Skopin
The hypocrisy in this is jarring.
You guys make me laugh. The internet has been around for how many years now and still people want to argue with those that have already made up their minds?

Let it go. You're not winning anything with your post.

99% of forum arguments start from two people bullishly trying to convince the other that they are right. The other 1% are those that try to argue with my percentages.
# 283 headsteez @ 10/17/13 10:38 AM
I think to many people are just plain hating. Its a mob mentality around here. I remember NBA Inside Drive back in the day. It didn't have good graphics or animations, but it was a very good basketball game. A lot guys didn't catch on till the 2004 version drop. I was playing it since they first made the series. Lets give Live a chance. Its gonna be rough around the edges, but if the foundation is solid it will make a good basketball sim.
# 284 CMH @ 10/17/13 10:44 AM
The one thing I actually really dislike about this clip is the defense on the three point shooters in the corner.

No basketball game has done this right yet. The games seemed coded to have a player defend their guy or double. That's it. No one wants to guard the ball handler.

Why are the defenders not collapsing in toward the paint with Nash driving?

Because this doesn't happen, the corner three is nearly non existent. Nash doesn't have any option but to shoot the floater.

In real life, every defender collapses in and Nash has the option to look for a shooter in the corner.

It's kinda how the NBA works now, you know? Corner threes are a major part of offenses. No basketball game has covered this. Frustrating.
# 285 knick9 @ 10/17/13 10:48 AM
Still hard for me to tell whether it was just a poorly produced trailer or if the game is fundamentally flawed. 2K has a ton of wacky stuff but they make sure to leave it out of trailers...they put in the best looking players and most exciting plays.
# 286 Playboy™ @ 10/17/13 11:20 AM
After What I Just Saw Today With The Other Game R.I.P Live
# 287 Blzer @ 10/17/13 11:21 AM
Can't wait to hold off on next-gen!
# 288 knick9 @ 10/17/13 11:23 AM
Okay, just watched the 2K trailer...LIVE needs to come correct or not at all. Delay release & slash the price this year if it's not ready or perfect it for next year...
# 289 Fadez8_6 @ 10/17/13 11:32 AM
I'm gonna go ahead and say it. It looks like PS3..
# 290 King_B_Mack @ 10/17/13 11:38 AM
Seriously though, can guys stop bringing up 2K to deflect Live issues every damn time? What point are you trying to make? Because 2K does something piss poorly it's okay for Live to do it piss poorly as well? Wrong! It's unacceptable for either game, difference is, the 200 other things 2K does right makes the outrage a little less quiet than the outrage for Live because of the 200 other things they get wrong on top of one of those issues. Jesus it's not rocket science.
# 291 erickonasis @ 10/17/13 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
They're all hunched over.. STILL..

Still EA...

Come on

I will say the arena and lighting looks fantastic though.
i dont know why in the world they cant fixed the hunched players? its been that way through MULTIPLE engines
# 292 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
He stayed on Gasol. Lillard's reaction is an issue, but I don't see anything wrong with Aldridge staying on the screener. Lopez rotated over to prevent the layup. Defensively, the play wasn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be. If Lillard would have moved realistically, there really wouldn't be anything troubling from a defensive standpoint. I'll take that play all day over this:
You do realize that that was an attempt to double on the screen, right? And, of course, a mod told you to stop bringing in 2K, but there you go.
# 293 iverson_2k @ 10/17/13 12:17 PM
I just saw the 2k trailer...........Wow.......It's looking bad for EA right now. They better have something amazing tomorrow. I'm still getting both games but that 2k trailer makes even NON-SPORTS games look current gen..I hope they were trolling us yesterday. I think I just witnessed a "live" murder on Youtube. LOL
# 294 Gosens6 @ 10/17/13 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by iverson_2k
I just saw the 2k trailer...........Wow.......It's looking bad for EA right now. They better have something amazing tomorrow. I'm still getting both games but that 2k trailer makes even NON-SPORTS games look current gen..I hope they were trolling us yesterday. I think I just witnessed a "live" murder on Youtube. LOL
# 295 DaveDQ @ 10/17/13 12:24 PM
It still has a robotic look to it. I always felt like Live looked like a chess board. It's as if someone is picking the players up and putting them in place. There just doesn't seem to be a smooth transition in movement from point A to Point B.

As little as we see in that video, it is still apparent. Also, when they go close up to the players, the eyes look hollow. Believe it or not, this adds much to the very stiff movement. It looks like the PG is just looking into nowhere, almost lifeless.
# 296 Championships @ 10/17/13 12:27 PM
Scott did say something about the difference in controlling Steve Nash at point as opposed to Kyrie or Damian Lillard. Wonder what it is.
# 297 King_B_Mack @ 10/17/13 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
Why was there any need to double? The screen wasn't even on the right player.
Hold up. That's video you recorded? How do we even know you aren't controlling Perkins in that?
# 298 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
Why was there any need to double? The screen wasn't even on the right player.
1. Who knows!? You took ONE clip, but have no idea of the context of the situation. For all we know, DWade may have been torching them all game and they decided to double him.
2. The game reacts to the screen BEFORE the actual pick can occur. Otherwise, it's too late. It's called pre-hedging. The screener WAS close enough to the actual onball defender to go trigger the reaction from the hedge defender.
3. Still wondering how this absolves the PnR defense in the Live clip. As others have said - no game is perfect, but get the basics.

In terms of basketball, I could rip the HELL out of that very short clip. But I won't because I respect how hard it is to make this stuff. NO game is perfect. But some games have WAY more issues than others. When people call out those games, it's not a crime. You're so quick to forgive all that's wrong with Live, but you're not so gracious with any other title. What is wrong with you? I certainly can look past the issues folks are bringing up, but you don't see me trying to argue them down. Let it be. If you had kept your mouth shut weeks ago when I warned you, there wouldn't be so much venom on this trailer now. But you and a couple of your boys got other's hopes up far past a reasonable level, and now you have to talk them off a ledge. Having fun yet?
# 299 King_B_Mack @ 10/17/13 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
People are pointing out the hypocrisy and inconsistency in some of the boards posters. Well warranted, imo.
Once again and this is the last time I'm saying it, go read the 2K boards. 2K gets called out on a regular. Only here in la la land (the Live forum) is it a crime to see something that doesn't make sense in the game and bring it up because apparently nobody wants to be jerked out of their constant state of fantasizing about Live being perfect even though it hasn't released in four years now.
# 300 RayDog253 @ 10/17/13 01:12 PM
You guys sure can argue. Haha. I guess that's just the nature of us sports fans though.

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