NBA Live 14 News Post

It was reported on the EA Sports NBA Live Facebook Page that we will finally get our first glimpses of 5-on-5 gameplay this Friday. For now, here's a quick teaser.

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Member Comments
# 321 Sundown @ 10/17/13 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
Anyone remember this? LOL

I love how EA tried to "show off" Bounce-Tek with a long pre-rendered clip of Kyrie dribbling in place that was obviously a few mo-cap sessions stitched together with no real-time interactivity. The lighting on the render was actually quite good, but it's just standard CG.

And then we get this bait and switch.

# 322 magicman32 @ 10/17/13 05:10 PM
I'm convinced after seeing some of this Next Gen stuff from EA, when it comes to animations and player models, EA has some serious issues with their Tech. They can come up with buzz words every year, but their Tech is not up to par period.

With all the money they have, why can't they get their games to animate more true to the sport. The movements in this clip is really bad. The skin textures are horrible. And the player models are still really bad. And I never liked Live's editing when it comes to their trailers or angles on their replay's. The game always looked "dry" to me on current gen. Now it seems to be spilling over to next gen. I used to be mad. But this is becoming sad.

I really don't understand. EA, please spice up you game and add some more flavor to it. Hopefully tomorrow we will see something better.
# 323 bballshawn24 @ 10/17/13 05:20 PM
# 324 trobinson97 @ 10/17/13 05:20 PM
I give props to the devs for their use of Run the Jewels for this.
# 325 Schmackity @ 10/17/13 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by oldman
I'm not comparing it to 2k, I'm comparing it to real basketball.

And let me basically summarize what you are saying: hey EA don't worry about being able to compete with the best, just put a game out no matter what and I'll be happy.

What a joke of a comment. I want Live to be successful as much as anyone else. If it isn't I am going without a basketball game this year because I need a break from 2k, but I'm not going to be happy with them just releasing a game. We are talking about one of the biggest video game companies in the world, they can do better than what that video showed.
The problem is you're expecting perfection apparently, based on the way you're saying 'They are the biggest video game company'. They haven't produced a game for this sport in a while so you can pretty substantially say that it won't compare to 2K Sports for at least a few years. Just learn to accept it instead of the constant complaining and bickering I see you doing on here. Goodness.
# 326 convince @ 10/17/13 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
Anyone remember this? LOL

Yea this is the guy you want endorsing your product. Was drunk Willie too busy? This is both the best and worse thing for Live and 2K. I'll let you decide which is the case.
# 327 oldman @ 10/17/13 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Schmackity
The problem is you're expecting perfection apparently, based on the way you're saying 'They are the biggest video game company'. They haven't produced a game for this sport in a while so you can pretty substantially say that it won't compare to 2K Sports for at least a few years. Just learn to accept it instead of the constant complaining and bickering I see you doing on here. Goodness.
Go back and look at my posts, I have been largely positive on these boards. I also don't expect perfection, I expect a good game of basketball. Don't make excuses for them, they may have not produced a game in a while but they also aren't new to the game. If this game doesn't compare to 2k then they aren't doing their job. You are thinking I and others are asking EA to make their game equal to 2k immediately. I haven't done that. I am asking them to make a game that plays basketball the right way and that is comparable to 2k. If they can't do that then they might as well go back into hibernation.
# 328 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Schmackity
Even when all this kids finally get their 5 on 5 video, all I feel is that you'll nitpick everything and compare it 100% to NBA2K who has a very established engine and update/creation process.
Another bs post. The vast majority of this thread was create BEFORE the 2K trailer even went up!
# 329 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
I love how EA tried to "show off" Bounce-Tek with a long pre-rendered clip of Kyrie dribbling in place that was obviously a few mo-cap sessions stitched together with no real-time interactivity.
I don't know man. What I played at E3 certainly could do everything you saw in the Bouncetek demo clips. You just had to make sure you timed it right and didn't do anything silly to try to break it. What I'm saying it that at worst, it was a heavily controlled execution whereas the Live 10 segment was someone acting like a monkey on the sticks to make it look bad on purpose.

(Hey look guys!!! I'm defending Live 14! Something I "never" do!)
# 330 asu666 @ 10/17/13 06:44 PM
I can see why they cut to the close up of Nash on the pick. The gameplay looks pretty dated.
# 331 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by magicman32
With all the money they have, why can't they get their games to animate more true to the sport.
All the money in the world doesn't cover up bad decisions. And as long as the bean counters have the final say at EA, the TALENTED people that they do have will never fully shine.
# 332 yungflo @ 10/17/13 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
Eh, no thank you. It isn't important enough for me to spend time searching through old topics looking for your posts, but you're definitely a vocal detractor. In fact, credit your propensity to throw shade EA/Live's way for me even recognizing your handle. Sundown, 23, and King_B_Mack are pretty active as well.

If the majority of criticisms were specific and or constructive it wouldn't be problematic. But they aren't, and it is. Most peoples reactions to the video have been troll quality responses void of coherency in regard to what was mechanically wrong with the sequence, and why the problem was so severe it caused such an overwhelmingly damning response.

You weren't. Hence my response.
I didn't know Chalky could read. Is that purnsley behind the keyboard?

# 333 23 @ 10/17/13 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
Eh, no thank you. It isn't important enough for me to spend time searching through old topics looking for your posts, but you're definitely a vocal detractor. In fact, credit your propensity to throw shade EA/Live's way for me even recognizing your handle. Sundown, 23, and King_B_Mack are pretty active as well.

If the majority of criticisms were specific and or constructive it wouldn't be problematic. But they aren't, and it is. Most peoples reactions to the video have been troll quality responses void of coherency in regard to what was mechanically wrong with the sequence, and why the problem was so severe it caused such an overwhelmingly damning response.

You weren't. Hence my response.
Dont bother calling my name out because I haven't commented in this trailer thread NOT ONCE
# 334 noshun @ 10/17/13 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Dont bother calling my name out because I haven't commented in this trailer thread NOT ONCE
im calling you out as this is your 1st comment in the thread . waiting for more footage...
# 335 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
Eh, no thank you. It isn't important enough for me to spend time searching through old topics looking for your posts, but you're definitely a vocal detractor. In fact, credit your propensity to throw shade EA/Live's way for me even recognizing your handle. Sundown, 23, and King_B_Mack are pretty active as well.
No. You remember me because I'm the first one to tell you members of the EA Rainbow Bright Coalition to settle the hell down and stop trying to overhype the game like you're part of the EA marketing team. Their job is to blow smoke up people's rear. What's YOUR excuse. Ask ANYONE here - as one of the few people that actually touched Live 14 - have I ever said that it was anything LESS than a promising feature and concept. Go ahead. But when I warned dudes to slow down on the trying to hope it was going to be the end-all to basketball games, I got dudes like telling me that I'm just hating. THAT is how I come to mind.

If the majority of criticisms were specific and or constructive it wouldn't be problematic. But they aren't, and it is. Most peoples reactions to the video have been troll quality responses void of coherency in regard to what was mechanically wrong with the sequence, and why the problem was so severe it caused such an overwhelmingly damning response.
I COMPLETELY agree with you there dude. I chalk that up to folks having more of an emotional response. I knew this was coming. I tried to warn guys to manage those expectations with my proverbial "cloud". But I got brushed off and this is the result. I have NOT been one of those dudes that's piling on. I have, however, called out the same people trying to convince others that the video is better than what you actually see. Let's be honest - it's a disappointing video! Why lie about it? Why paint it any differently? Does it suck? Hell no. Is it what folks were hoping for considering all of the pretty buzzwords like "Bounceteck" and "Infiniti"? Not even close. So, if you're going to call me out for that position, be my guest. I proudly accept the label. The bottom line is that I know they have hundreds of folks down in Florida working their *** off and it's a shame that people can't respect how hard their job REALLY is because a handful of people put unreasonable expectations on their shoulders. If my responses are damning, it's to EA *marketing* and Madden. Fifa (mad respect), NHL, and Live I give courtesy of not trying to diss. Madden? All those dudes can take a leap. For as many years we consumers have asked for certain things and have STILL yet to get - I don't hold back on them.
# 336 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Dont bother calling my name out because I haven't commented in this trailer thread NOT ONCE
LOL! You've been sitting back eating popcorn dude! Don't think you haven't been missed. Nah, he's just lumping you in with the rest of us Live "haters" because we stand out. Funny how he mentions the main dudes that don't really say too much bad about Live the game, but just it's rabid, irrational band of groupies that will tell you Jesus Bynum was a feature of Elite 11 and not a bug. We're also the main ones that use those rare things called "logic" and "basic common sense" in our rebuttals.
# 337 The 24th Letter @ 10/17/13 07:05 PM
Is this pic from Next Gen Live?

# 338 King_B_Mack @ 10/17/13 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
Eh, no thank you. It isn't important enough for me to spend time searching through old topics looking for your posts, but you're definitely a vocal detractor. In fact, credit your propensity to throw shade EA/Live's way for me even recognizing your handle. Sundown, 23, and King_B_Mack are pretty active as well.

If the majority of criticisms were specific and or constructive it wouldn't be problematic. But they aren't, and it is. Most peoples reactions to the video have been troll quality responses void of coherency in regard to what was mechanically wrong with the sequence, and why the problem was so severe it caused such an overwhelmingly damning response.

You weren't. Hence my response.
I mad you didn't give my boy noshun no love. Lmao.

Also, where are the OS fair police that are always jumping out the bushes for Live? Why is it okay for people to always come at us with "let them be excited about the game" "what's it to you if they buy the game or not" and all this other stuff. I've yet to see one of you defenders of all that is fair and just ask what any of our relationships with EA/Live matters to anybody else. If I love or hate them, why the hell do you care? If I call out things that concern me about their developing of this series, why do you care? Why can you question me but don't have anything to say about that kind of stuff coming my way?

That's next gen btw 24th, Derrick is wearing his new shoes
# 339 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
If any of these things were relevant to the current development cycle or next generation machines: which is the context from which I am operating, you would have a point. However, none of these things explain why people have continued to press EA for 5 on 5 gameplay, for example, while forgetting to demand the same of its competitor.
Must someone REALLY post a link to the QUICKLY posted "I want to see 5v5 gameplay instead" posts in the 2K thread? They are REALLY easy to find.

These are the troll quality responses that are void of coherency and specificity I was referring to, Boilerbuzz.
I honestly don't think that's comment was troll worthy. I completely understand where you're coming from man. I really do. But I think you're lumping the really trollish comments and unfairly attributing them to me and the other guys you mentioned. I don't think that's fair, but it's understandable. So I won't fault you for it.

At the end of the day, you may not believe this, but I'm on your side. Some folks just coming in here to throw stones at the franchise. I repeat: I don't think that's fair at all. Making games is HARD! You have to satisfy millions of people and convince them to buy a product that is NOT a necessity. I posted a few days earlier - I truly believe that Tiburon may have too much on it's plate. That hurts ALL of their titles. So, if the game just truly sucks, I would understand why. That's an "IF". I'm pulling for those folks because I know they are in a tough situation. As far as the game is concerned, my position is simply this (and I want people to read this carefully):

NBA 2K is an excellent sports series. It's hard to point to a series that replicates it's sport any closer. It's not easy to make ANY game let alone a sports game. And THAT game has MORE than it's fair share of problems, warts, and detractors. So how is it fair to anyone (devs and fans) to expect Live to measure up to that series after not ONLY 3 years away, but the previous 10 years of falling behind before it? To expect Live to be comparable is FAIR. To expect it be better out of the box is asinine. So, to try to paint this as the holy grail of basketball games before it even hits is ridiculous. But, to expect it to not have issues and for folks to not go off on them is naive. Ever notice how you enjoy a movie more when you have lower, reasonable expectations?
# 340 Boilerbuzz @ 10/17/13 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Is this pic from Next Gen Live?

I'm sure some accessory whore will find something wrong here, but I like the pic. I've said many times - I think EA does a great job with lighting and colors. The player models look a LOT better than past iterations. They aren't totally clear, but the player likenesses are good. Finally showing MY team instead of Lillard or Irving. Yeay!

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