Madden NFL 25 News Post

The Madden NFL 25 demo is available now for 360 gold subscribers, you can queue it up right here. It weighs in at just under 2 GB.

We'll update this post when it's available for the PS3. According to EA Sports, it should be available at roughly 3:00 PM EST.

UPDATE: The demo is available now for PS3 users.

The demo includes the following.

Two never-before-seen videos
  • New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft talks about Owner Mode
  • Compilation of some of the new Madden 25 features
Four drills for the Skills Trainer
  • Precision Modified Running
  • Total Control Passing
  • The Option
  • Ball Hawk
Play Now Matchups
  • San Francisco 49ers vs. Baltimore Ravens
  • Seattle Seahawks vs. Green Bay Packers
  • You can set the difficulty level
  • You can adjust sliders
  • Full game with 5 minute quarters
  • Only one camera angle in demo (Standard)
  • It will have commentary
  • 49ers are the team available in Skills Trainer

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 861 friscob @ 08/17/13 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by TallyBoi7
I'm not terribly impressed with this demo...with the NCAA 14 demo, the game felt pretty good off the bat(considering I skipped NCAA 13)...I also skipped (Madden 13 after getting Madden 12) and Madden 25 just doesn't feel right.

And I just had an offensive lineman chase a DB down after an interception...I mean the DB had hit top speed...and here comes my Lineman...it's stuff like that that just frustrates me
Yea in NCAA 14 and Madden 25 there really isn't any top-end breakaway speed.
# 862 TeeDogg @ 08/17/13 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
I have had to do this will all Madden games. Every single one since 1991.

It's nothing new. It's Madden.....love it or hate it.

I choose to make the best of it and have fun.....and having some house rules and playing sim ball makes the game very playable and a way to have a virtual franchise. It's not that bad.

Do I want it on the same level as my beloved The Show or NBA 2K11?

Heck yes.

But until then if I want to play NFL console football......this is it.

So I played 4 games today. With my house rules and slider adjustments....this game has been a pure blast......I can't wait for 8-27.

I will say this.....playing defense is very stale. If you want a pass rush.......don't try to control a de. Let the CPU and the player ratings take care of it. It is a legacy issue this gen. I just play as a LB pretty much most of the time I choose a de/dt when I think a running play is coming. By employing the no switch rule on defense you will get simulation like results...and Great play results from the CPU.

If I wanted to I could crush the CPU....we all can. I choose to find ways to enjoy the game. It's a choice you make. I choose enjoyment, fun, and creating my own virtual NFL Universe.

It is what it is....so I make the best of it and enjoy the game. I have been doing workarounds for all kinds of sports games for decades....this is nothing new. Only a few sports games have truly been special....I am talking the cream of the crop. I can count them on 6-7 fingers. I am talking simulation like controls, player movement, AI, deep interface and modes.

It's not easy to achieve greatness. Very few sports games can truly claim that title.

Madden has done it once. My hope is M25 replaces Madden 2005 as the pinnacle....I think it has a shot if all the bugs were ironed out in Connected Franchise mentioned above. And for Madden fans I think most of us are digging this demo....I am talking pre PS2 Madden fans. Maybe I am getting old....but I appreciate how advanced sports games have become since my 2600 days....and keeping notebooks upon notebooks of stats for Bases Loaded 2 on NES.
Nice post, I agree whole heartedly....well.....with the exception of M'05.... ; )
# 863 Armor and Sword @ 08/17/13 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by friscob
Yea in NCAA 14 and Madden 25 there really isn't any top-end breakaway speed.
Try turning down the speed threshold slider down to at least 25 or lower. It will give guys with more speed an advantage.
# 864 Armor and Sword @ 08/17/13 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
I refuse to sale my sole and lower my standards, I rather not buy the game. And this is coming for a guy in which Madden was my favorite game last gen, I bought every single one of them on PS2 and this gen Ive (unfortunately) only bought 3 of them.
Madden 25 seems like it can be a half-way decent/toleratable game with some slider adjustments. So Ill get the season pass, rent it on day one and see how I like it before i decide if I will buy it.
I can totally respect that. And Madden was also by far my favorite game last gen as well.
# 865 Armor and Sword @ 08/17/13 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by celtics6
I choose not to enjoy it lol. House rules don't make the game any different when you know you can get 4 yards every play just by running the ball. Playing against other people is fun with madden but if i'm going to play the cpu i'll play the show. Sliders don't fix these issues either. They just unbalance the game in some way. There are more fun things to do then wasting time trying to get this game to work right.

This game is good for playing quick games online and hoping you don't run into too much cheese. That's about it. There are too many AI problems to fix simply with house rules.

Playing against humans is where Madden shines the brightest and why it sells millions of copies. I love playing good solid sim like games against guys who don't cheese. Really fun indeed.

In 13 yeah...tons of garbage and AI problems....not 12 though. It was and is a solid game.

This demo has given me a ton of hope.

August 27th we find out if we have a keeper.
# 866 Seth79 @ 08/17/13 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Only1LT
I hate adding my $0.02 on issues (huge lie), but I have a huge problem with sliders. When I say I have an issue with them, I don't mean those that use them or those that make recommendations for using them. You are doing what you have to do to enjoy the game, and you are trying to enable your fellow OSers to get the most out of the game as well. I have 0 issue with that, and they should be applauded for it. The issue I have is with the devs.

I know that sim is subjective, and that people can play the exact same game for totally different reasons, so I have sympathy for the challenges that the devs face with trying to come up with a please all. I'm sorry though, but what is being suggested goes far beyond challenging mass market appeal decisions.

I've seen in this thread among others, people suggesting that specific settings be lowered to 5 for one, 20 for others, still 0 for others. Again, I don't take issue with the suggestions or the offered help at all. It's not about that, but OMG, when these sliders are on a scale of 0-100, and many default to 50, the idea that you need to set some to 5, or worse yet 0, speaks to a serious problem. At least to me.

If you had to adjust some things from, say a default of 60, down to a 52 to get the game to play in the ball park of most people's view of a sim game, I'd say that's reasonable. To go from 50 to 5 or 0 says to me one of 2 things:

1- The people making this game don't even have a whiff of understanding of what sim is, or

2- The game is designed with the intended purpose of not playing like a sim.

I don't know about anyone else, but to me, regardless of whether the answer is 1 or 2, that doesn't instill much confidence for this title, in the near, or even distant future.
I agree completely! The number of people on this forum saying that the sliders were broken last year, should have caused the developers to really focus on this issue. I can't for the life of me get a challenging game if I use hot routes and precision passing. Now with the "running improvements" the game is horribly easy. Wouldn't it be awesome to run 5 yards and feel good about it.
# 867 Sturzinator @ 08/17/13 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
I pray that is not the case. I am staying positive until I have concrete reason not to be.

All of that from M13 was absolutely true and why it was IMO one of the very worst Maddens I have ever purchased.

I have to believe most if not all of those bugs were ironed out for M25.
What, can you please explain, gives you the belief that this is the case?

A gut feeling? Blind faith?

I am just wondering if you have been privy to some information that the rest of us have not yet discovered. Given EA's track record over the past decade, it's extremely hard to imagine they've even removed a small wrinkle let alone "ironed out" the whole mess.

You will recall that EA claimed CCM would play the same as "play now" after releasing one of their many useless patches for M13, and we all know how that turned out.
# 868 Armor and Sword @ 08/17/13 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Sturzinator
What, can you please explain, gives you the belief that this is the case?

A gut feeling? Blind faith?

I am just wondering if you have been privy to some information that the rest of us have not yet discovered. Given EA's track record over the past decade, it's extremely hard to imagine they've even removed a small wrinkle let alone "ironed out" the whole mess.
Maybe because I have gotten so much mileage out of Madden 12 which was made the year before. And I enjoyed Madden 10 as well.

Madden 13 was a giant Beta for this years game. At least that is how it seems as this demo has been a blast to play. I think EA heard loud and clear the mess that was connected careers and focused on cleaning all that up. Even though they Eliminated some sliders.....the ones we have seem to me at least to actually work. I am getting highly enjoyable games thus far.

I am not as hard on Tiburon as others around here. Last year....was bad....really bad. Thus far IMO this demo has demonstrated that the games engine has been tuned significantly. It was a hot mess on M13. Unplayable IMO.

It has done a 180 for me on M25. Now the proof is in the pudding. The retail copy August 27th will hopefully prove to me they fixed franchise and how the CPU plays as opposed to play now. I don't play in play now mode. I buy this game to play offline and this year online franchise (going to give it a go in a mature sim league as it looks like a great time).

No I have no inside information. Just going on what this demo has shown me thus far....that's why they release them right?
# 869 Steelchamps @ 08/17/13 11:15 PM
This is my first post ever. Hello all.
Whats up with the disappearing players? Oh noes!
But seriously...
I amm really digging the demo. Some people will never be happy. I grew up with the Atari 2600 and I got my ps4 on order. Maddens is my fave. Although the game isn't perfect some people are just miserable. Get some fresh air and don't let your inner nerd become distraught.
Also, I gotta get something off my chest, if you complain about Colin kapernicks tattoos, your man card should be revoked, also calling him " kap" like you and him are boys makes me cringe. How's that for an intro?
Ok- what does it mean when I come up to the line of scrimmage andmy controller ( ps3) vibrates? Is that trying to signal to me that my play is bad? Press coverage?
I think we are all gonna have a good fall

One more thing. Anyone think online cheese will be less on the ps4?
Thanks guys. Great site.
# 870 ezio @ 08/17/13 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
After playing the Madden demo, I couldn't enjoy NCAA as much for some reason. IDK what it is.
I agree with you. I went back and tried to play NCAA after playing the Madden demo and I just can't. Will probably end up trading in NCAA.
# 871 jpdavis82 @ 08/18/13 12:45 AM
Well guys as good as the demo is, it was a teaser of a wip. Go watch the retail build video by QJB and you'll see a cleaner even better looking game than the demo. There's even some new animations not in the demo. Very impressed by that video of retail. August 27th cannot get here fast enough, nor can August 23rd. I'll be downloading it the second it's available.
# 872 Sturzinator @ 08/18/13 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
So we should be satisfied that the current gen Maddens are worst than last gen versions? We should be satisfied that the game has not improved/evolved since last gen? We should be satisfied when games like NBA 2K and MLB The Show are killing Madden! Please.. we so called complainers have legitimate points.
Not satisfied! No way. I agree with your sentiments.

There are those people who will accept most anything without complaint. This demographic makes up the preponderance of the population. They don't want to rock the boat and make any waves. Everything is just fine, all candy canes and lollipops. Be positive, they repeatedly chant......

If everyone were like these folks we would all still be playing "Ten Yard Fight" on the Atari system of 30 years ago.

Then, there are those that want more....."it's not good enough, it can be better, we haven't done our best" types if people. These rare types are often seen as complainers, malcontents, trouble makers, or even ingrates by the larger group of lemmings I described in the previous paragraph. These people are constantly striving to improve their personal life, their family life, their professional life, etc, because they can always find even small things to improve upon and work tirelessly to do just that. Maybe some would call them nit pickers, BUT....

These people are ultimately the folks we can thank for progress, evolution, and innovation. Moving things forward when nobody else thought it could get any better. Making things more useful, more exciting, more reliable, more effective, and more enjoyable. These types of people have the imagination, drive, and desire to change the world in which we live for the better - not just blindly accept the status quo as good enough.

They are the very reason you can enjoy your Madden on the PS4 instead of "Ten Yard Fight" on the Atari, so cut them some slack and try to understand their motives.

You will never know exactly how much you can do until you try to take on more than you can.
# 873 Steelchamps @ 08/18/13 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by SECElit3
It's because this game is fun! WOW, I am having a great time with this demo!
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
So we should be satisfied that the current gen Maddens are worst than last gen versions? We should be satisfied that the game has not improved/evolved since last gen? We should be satisfied when games like NBA 2K and MLB The Show are killing Madden! Please.. we so called complainers have legitimate points.
No. Although I find to find the silver lining in things to be a better way to live. I have big fun with this game even though it's far from perfect.

I'm exited for the 27th and next gen. With a little more work and toning down the online cheese I think things will be good.

My biggest concern are gameplay, gameplay, gameplay. I'm not interested in presentation as much as others. I would like a better onlIne user interface. They should let you create a trophy and whoever has a better Rec between you and your buddy get the trophy over their name or something that would be cool. How bout a pandora channel hooked in while playing? I have wants also but I think were slowly heading in the right direction and I'm having fun. I have hope.

What's up with the vibrate?
# 874 ab2c4 @ 08/18/13 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Playing against humans is where Madden shines the brightest and why it sells millions of copies. I love playing good solid sim like games against guys who don't cheese. Really fun indeed.

In 13 yeah...tons of garbage and AI problems....not 12 though. It was and is a solid game.

This demo has given me a ton of hope.

August 27th we find out if we have a keeper.
Madden, nor any sports game is not about online and it shouldn't be. It's about the single player experience. You against the CPU team. Online gaming is nothing more than an add on to a game. Where a game shows it true value is it's single player experience. After all, that is what video gaming is totally and only about for gamers.
# 875 RipZz @ 08/18/13 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by ab2c4
Madden, nor any sports game is not about online and it shouldn't be. It's about the single player experience. You against the CPU team. Online gaming is nothing more than an add on to a game. Where a game shows it true value is it's single player experience. After all, that is what video gaming is totally and only about for gamers.
I'm sure in this day and age you are in the minority with that statement. Online is the way of gaming because it eliminates having to invite friends over all the time. Not everyone is a fan of playing the computer or playing nothing but single player games. If that's your preference cool but don't claim that's all "gamers" care about because that's not true at all
# 876 NYJin2011tm @ 08/18/13 04:02 AM
I was enjoying the demo until the disappearing players. I am cautiously intrigued by the owner mode coming back. I will use my season ticket to check it out before buying fully.
# 877 Khanchus @ 08/18/13 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by ab2c4
Madden, nor any sports game is not about online and it shouldn't be. It's about the single player experience. You against the CPU team. Online gaming is nothing more than an add on to a game. Where a game shows it true value is it's single player experience. After all, that is what video gaming is totally and only about for gamers.
This is the biggest horse sh*t i seen posted. So crazy it made me make a user name to reply to this post. Because you dont play madden socially doesnt mean the other million or so users dont. Stop being simple minded. I have a online franchise i have been doing with a group of friends since madden 06 and if it wasnt for the online feature, it wouldnt be possible due to traveling and time constraints. What if your tired of slapping around the cpu picking the same old 3 plays on offense. Idk your comment was so oblivious to the rest of the world its crazy
# 878 Khanchus @ 08/18/13 12:03 PM
Im not going to quote the essay you wrote sturzinator. I think you are some what correct especially us customers not speaking up about the season pass. But its ultimately up the producers and the people running the game. Its like call of duty, we are to late they have a strangle hold on the fan base. But for one I have notice steady inprovements to the series over the pass 2 yrs. i understand some of the obivious stuff that they need to fix but you cant expect everything. There has only been a hand full of games that succeeded at that
# 879 Armor and Sword @ 08/18/13 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Sturzinator
Not satisfied! No way. I agree with your sentiments.

There are those people who will accept most anything without complaint. This demographic makes up the preponderance of the population. They don't want to rock the boat and make any waves. Everything is just fine, all candy canes and lollipops. Be positive, they repeatedly chant......

If everyone were like these folks we would all still be playing "Ten Yard Fight" on the Atari system of 30 years ago.

Then, there are those that want more....."it's not good enough, it can be better, we haven't done our best" types if people. These rare types are often seen as complainers, malcontents, trouble makers, or even ingrates by the larger group of lemmings I described in the previous paragraph. These people are constantly striving to improve their personal life, their family life, their professional life, etc, because they can always find even small things to improve upon and work tirelessly to do just that. Maybe some would call them nit pickers, BUT....

These people are ultimately the folks we can thank for progress, evolution, and innovation. Moving things forward when nobody else thought it could get any better. Making things more useful, more exciting, more reliable, more effective, and more enjoyable. These types of people have the imagination, drive, and desire to change the world in which we live for the better - not just blindly accept the status quo as good enough.

They are the very reason you can enjoy your Madden on the PS4 instead of "Ten Yard Fight" on the Atari, so cut them some slack and try to understand their motives.

You will never know exactly how much you can do until you try to take on more than you can.

Yeah...ok just stop it. Now. Stop generalizing people who actually can enjoy the game. I am a 2600 legacy video gamer.

M25 is progress. Come on man. That's why I can appreciate where sports games are today from where they were 20 years ago. Now has Madden hit a big speed bump this gen? Yes it has in comparison to other sports games. But IMO madden 12 and Madden 10 made next gen strides in terms of realism from
Last gen. I mean really come on now.

I pounded the table last year about the embarrassing mess that was M13. And based on the gameplay of this demo M25 blows away M13 big time.

But really let's not start generalizing about people's drive and personalities because we like a video game.

# 880 Armor and Sword @ 08/18/13 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by ab2c4
Madden, nor any sports game is not about online and it shouldn't be. It's about the single player experience. You against the CPU team. Online gaming is nothing more than an add on to a game. Where a game shows it true value is it's single player experience. After all, that is what video gaming is totally and only about for gamers.

I am a big time solo offline guy. I have been my entire video gaming life. But your failing to see Maddens roots. It is a 2 player game in its soul. I played countless hours of Madden 93 and 94 with my roommates. It was some of the best times I had playing console football.

Once you understand that...you learn how to approach it from an offline perspective. I play this game offline far more than online. But this year I am venturing online to enjoy franchise mode and strategy against other human players. When played with a true simulation approach....online Madden has huge potential to be awesome.

What's wrong with that?

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