Tiger 14 News Post

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 is available now for Xbox 360 and PS3 users who are EA Sports Season Ticket subscribers.

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Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 Lieutenant Dan @ 03/28/13 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Is there anywhere in the game where you can see your stats on each course? I enjoyed that feature in the game last year and I'm not sure if I'm just overlooking it or if it was taken away this time.
GREAT question...I too miss those particular stats.

I'm a level 22 now and trying to make the US Open in career mode lol. I have played five rounds in my CC as well.

Loving this game so far. The presentation this year even in the CC's is outstanding, with tons of stat overlays to see how you're shaping up against other members as you play. I love the colors and fonts of the menus and overlays, gone is that annoying yellow from last year..no more squinting! It all looks very professional this time.

I have the game installed, and loading times are very swift compared to past TW games. When you add up 18 holes of fast loading, it actually has an impact on your total playing time for a round, which means I can get more rounds in a session.

Graphics and sounds are nice...I've really been liking their music choices this year and last year. Good, classy, chill golf music, great to get you in the mood for a relaxing round of hitting your ball in the sand

Gameplay and level of challenge with Sim difficulty is amazing. As good as TW11 was for feeling realistic, this game takes a big step forward this year in gameplay. It feels like I'm really out there, and has been said here, every bad shot is on you for not executing. I like that putting is a bit less touchy this year; it's hard enough just to get to the green (but in a good way).

Great game, and a patch forthcoming to resolve some issues will be welcome so I can go full-steam w/career mode. If the patch does it's job, this could get a 9/10 from me.
# 222 BBallcoach @ 03/28/13 09:50 AM
struggled on hard all night... last round before bed... -10, looks like a bump in the difficulty coming tomorrow night... I gotta work up to full sim
# 223 Lieutenant Dan @ 03/28/13 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Barto
I played my first couple rounds last night both on the US Amateur and CC Bushwood at Muirfield. I shot a +3 at the US Open @ Pinehurst and a +12 at Muirfield (my first tournament using the sim settings).

Overall, the game is awesome. I love all of the new bells and whistles this game has. My only gripes would be:

1. Putt follow cam as countless others have complained about.
2. Banners w/ Stats and help information being displayed over the ball/putter, so i can't see my putt as i hit the ball
3. I don't care for how the putter is lined up behind the ball before you make the stroke.
4. I noticed that so far, none of my rounds have had any commentary. I'm not sure if i need to adjust the gameplay settings or not.
Putt follow cam is being addressed. If they can fix it without breaking something else, they will.

Commentary...no commentary in amateur or CC rounds. If you do play now, or are on the tour, commentary should be there.
# 224 poster @ 03/28/13 09:56 AM
I didn't play the demo much, so I am looking for tips on how to get better at swinging with the controller on sim difficulty.

I am pretty good with the straight shots (not always easy for me), but the draws and fades are a killer for me (I know they are difficult shots to execute). I looked for some tutorials, and found some guys on You Tube who are always on a straight plane in the swing meter. I am not even close on draws/fades.

I've been practicing alot on the practice course and playing the Par 3 course, and am slowly getting better.

Are there any tips anyone can give? Just practice more?
# 225 DivotMaker @ 03/28/13 11:00 AM
All of you who may be seeing stats/scoring or other issues with the game:

Have you tried clearing the cache on your 360 or PS3's? I mention this because I have yet to see any of these issues so far and I cleared my cache when reports started to surface about these issues. It is worth a try to see if that may be one of the causes and why neither EA, Sony, nor MS saw theses issues during the certification process. Would love to hear if this helps with any of this. This does not include the online camera issues in H2H play.

Thanks in advance....
# 226 Gerg04 @ 03/28/13 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Dan
Divot/HANDS...pass on that we'd like button combos (or booster pins) to allow:

--throwing the club you are currently using
--breaking club over your knee, Tin Cup style

Maybe next year bring back the caddy so we can beat him when he's wrong.

Just some ideas...

Really like Sim mode...all it's missing is a means to express our frustration unprofessionally on the course, heheh.
I wanted to go back and quote this again because this is how I felt last night...no matter how many things I did well I did 1 or 2 things to completely ruin it.

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# 227 fishepa @ 03/28/13 11:17 AM
How do you clear the cache again?
# 228 Barto @ 03/28/13 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by fishepa
How do you clear the cache again?
# 229 skow05 @ 03/28/13 11:27 AM
Anyone else having a blast while struggling through Simulation Difficulty? (I have Green Beads, Wind Display & Zoom to Aim set to ON. But everything else at default for a 5.00X Multiplier right now.)

I failed to advance through Q-School three times last night, posting scores of -7, -12 & -9. And I had an absolute blast doing it. The Advanced Shot Shaping adds a whole different dimension to the game, it's basically impossible to replicate a "perfect" swing. So everything feels so organic.

Turning in an under-par scorecard is going to be so rewarding. Huge fan so far.
# 230 DivotMaker @ 03/28/13 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by fishepa
How do you clear the cache again?
# 231 aaunderisu @ 03/28/13 12:20 PM
I have noticed a few minor things and was wondering if anybody else has come across these. First a small one I noticed that after winning the US Amateur event and I went to look at the trophy it says last time won was 2012. Is this referring to last years game save data or is the year just wrong? Secondly I loaded up my game yesterday for the first time, made my golfer and imported my xp, thus starting me at level 59. I did not receive any of the 3 achievements for reaching lvl 5, 25, and 50 and I have since leveled up twice to 61 so its not a matter of just leveling up once to get these achievements to pop. Any thoughts would be great, loving the game so far and really liking all the feed back from the devs, its a very refreshing thing from a company. Thanks guys!
# 232 DivotMaker @ 03/28/13 01:03 PM
Posted on the EA Tiger forums:

How to clear ps3 cache.
XMB>Internet Browser>once the browser opens press triangle>Tools>DeleteCache

If clearing cache doesnt work. You may want to try restore system files.
# 233 Danimal @ 03/28/13 01:07 PM
I'm going to try this but since clearing the cache removes game updates on the 360 people should be aware that you will need to re download a lot of updates which for games like BF3 is going to be intensive.
# 234 jbd345 @ 03/28/13 02:58 PM
Anyone else going through the legends of the majors mode? I'm having a blast with it. Taking a lot longer than I thought it would as well. Just started the 50's and plan on doing all of them.
# 235 sooner1 @ 03/28/13 08:36 PM
I cleared cache and yes I still have stats error it will show last weeks tournament and show every at like 500 to 600 under par lol.
# 236 falcons2003 @ 03/31/13 01:07 PM
IS there a stats screen somewhere that shows how much you earned from the particular tournament you just played in career mode? I figure there probably is but I'm missing it somewhere. Or a breakdown of how much you earned on each tourney?

After I finish a round, I see where I finished on the leaderboard, but can't see how much money I made on that tourney. I know the total money value is on another screen. But was just wondering where I can find the earning from a tourney a specific tourney.

Thanks in advance.
# 237 Flightwhite24 @ 03/31/13 04:29 PM
Finally I in competition for a win on the Web.Com Tour. 3 shots of the lead heading into the 4th rd sitting at +2 playing Straight SIM!!! No changes at all. I didn't make it the first time around so I feel I'm ready now.

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# 238 Flightwhite24 @ 03/31/13 06:34 PM
After a long struggle I have arrived on the PGA TOUR

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# 239 DivotMaker @ 03/31/13 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
After a long struggle I have arrived on the PGA TOUR

Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk 2
# 240 TheBleedingRed21 @ 03/31/13 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
After a long struggle I have arrived on the PGA TOUR

Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk 2
Hats off if its true simulation. I had to tweak in between simulation and lower settings. I changed strike meter to sticky and had to turn the green grids back on. Still tough, but I kept shooting 10+ everytime. Was NOT fun.

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