Tiger 14 News Post

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 is available now for Xbox 360 and PS3 users who are EA Sports Season Ticket subscribers.

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Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 301 bwiggy33 @ 04/12/13 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
I'm pretty sure it's the top 25 on the money list that gets you in.
Taku and yourself, thank you. I looked what the real qualifications were online before I posted this and obviously they were just as you state. I guess I just didn't know if the game completely followed that. If that's the case I'll probably be going to year 3 in the web.com. My game is overall pretty good, I just can't read the puts correctly. I'm always one ball width left or right from draining my putts so I'm just a little off. This damn no putt grid is fun but extremely hard sometimes.
# 302 SoxFan01605 @ 04/12/13 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Taku
So I'm not just seeing things here. I played a round on PGA tour with Live weather in calm conditions and played 7 under par and caddie book showed windy conditions and whole field struggled to break par. It felt like I was cheating.
Yeah, there is definitely a disconnect between what Live weather gives you and what the listed course conditions actually are.

For me though, it's been the reverse: I'm getting told conditions are calm, but I'm actually getting heavy winds (I'm not sure of the speed since I play without MPH showing, but the arrow and trees are moving considerably and shots are heavily impacted).
# 303 Taku @ 04/13/13 12:01 AM
I played 2 seasons on web.com tour and now on Pga tour the year is 2013.
# 304 bwiggy33 @ 04/13/13 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
I don't want to put a fly in your ointment but one of the devs did state that the one year on the web.com tour counts as one of the seasons in career mode and there are only 10 seasons in career mode. By playing 3 years on the web.com tour you may only have 7 years left on the PGA tour.

Dont know for sure if repeating years on the web.com counts as an additional year but it may be a good idea to lower the AI scoring level just to get you over the hump onto the PGA tour. Granted the PGA season has a lot more tourneys but if you are heavily into career mode and plan on playing all the seasons then you may be shortchanging yourself a bit.
Well that's definitely good to know. Seems weird that it's only 10 seasons. Anyway I'm loving the challenge of the game and having to earn my way on the PGA Tour, so I'm not all that worried about going 3 seasons in the web.com. It will be really tedious if I do have to go to year 3 though because I'm pretty sick of playing these tournaments. I did just have two top 10 finishes at Valhalla and Pebble Beach on the web.com, which moved me from 73rd to 44th on the money list going into the final championship tournament. I'm hoping that it's possible to pull off a huge comeback and move into the top 25 from winning the tournament or finishing at least top 5. I don't think it will happen though. If I could actually hit putts 12 ft. or less consistently I would easily be in the PGA Tour by now. I'm just always a little off on my putts.
# 305 bigball12 @ 04/13/13 05:27 PM
Does anybody have the DLC code for either the 86' Jack or the Andy Roddick/Kevin Love combo?
# 306 ImTellinTim @ 04/13/13 06:18 PM
I am so glad I decided to pick this up. This is hands down the most fun I've had with this series since the PS2 days. I've been out since becoming completely frustrated with 10's crap. I'm a little put off by the lack of options for equipment and accessories in the Pro Shop I seem to remember from past years. But boy, does this ever play a good game of golf on the course with the right settings. I just can't put this game down!
# 307 Taku @ 04/14/13 04:19 AM
First season in PGA tour is 2013? I played two seasons in Web.com tour before I received my PGA tour card and still the first season on tour is 2013...

It's the Masters weekend in my career, playing default Sim difficulty. AI scoring really makes sense now when I'm playing with predetermined weather settings. First day was played in windy conditions, pretty difficult with tournament greens. Lead after first round is -2, i'm 3 shots behind. Can't wait to see the hole locations later in the tournament, can be tough...
# 308 DivotMaker @ 04/14/13 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Taku
First season in PGA tour is 2013? I played two seasons in Web.com tour before I received my PGA tour card and still the first season on tour is 2013...

It's the Masters weekend in my career, playing default Sim difficulty. AI scoring really makes sense now when I'm playing with predetermined weather settings. First day was played in windy conditions, pretty difficult with tournament greens. Lead after first round is -2, i'm 3 shots behind. Can't wait to see the hole locations later in the tournament, can be tough...
Unlike TW13 which put you into the first 3rd of the season missing many events in the early part of the season, the Devs decided that once you qualified for the PGA TOUR you had the full 2013 season to start from. I like that better, but I don't like that you have to rank in the top 50 of the EA Sports Rankings to play Augusta. If you win a PGA TOUR event prior to the Masters, you should still qualify to play. I am in my 3rd event at Torrey having skilled the Champions event because I have not won on the PGA TOUR yet (did I say default Simulation mode is tough?) even though in the 2 events I have played I have gotten 2nd to Tiger. I hope there is enough time and tournaments to qualify for Augusta in the first season.....
# 309 Mr. Blonde @ 04/14/13 10:51 AM
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there any way to find out if it's going to be raining before you actually take the course? I've seen where it says the wind conditions but haven't seen anything about weather.
# 310 N51_rob @ 04/14/13 11:17 AM
It is really frustrating that while you are starting out, you are pretty awful. Hitting 3 wood into par 3's and still coming up short of the green, having to play long par 4s as par 5's and just shoot for par is someone unrealistic IMO. I get grinding and making it to the tour, but looking at the weekly driving averages on the web.com tour its laughable how bad my guy is. It does take some of the run out of the game the more I play.

My driver goes 234. Hell I can hit my driver farther than that in real life.

The guy who was dead last in driving on the Web.com tour still out drives my guy by an average of 15 yards.
# 311 speels @ 04/14/13 11:24 AM
This game is fun, but I am having a terrible time with freezes. It took me 4 tries to just create my player. Then I was a the US amateur and had something come up so I had to save mid round, only to have it freeze up again. 1 week in and 0 tournaments completed because I just get so frustrated spending time doing something to have it freeze and I lose all my progress.
# 312 8iron @ 04/14/13 12:07 PM
This years game is great and I'm really happy I picked it up. It feels like there is so much to do. I like the sim difficulty swing although I will not use it too regularly but I find the default sim settings to be ridiculous. To have no frame of reference at all when setting up your shot is terrible and not at all realistic. Most courses irl now offer caddy books and the in game perspective is not at all comparable to what you experience setting up your shot in real life either.

My only real complaint is that the country club experience feels like it took a step back this year. I don't understand the design choice to say two or more people are competing for say club pro but it turns out that the second guy competing for club champ ends up the club pro. It also continues to be dumb that sheer volume of play is the determinant for the weekly ranking. My club doesn't give the championship to the retiree who gets out for 27 holes every day but never breaks 50 for any 9. The club champ is the best player. They should really introduce the concept of flights for the online country club. This all carries over from 13, but I don't see any improvements either. Expanding members to 100 is nice except that the concept that a full club is more valid has followed along so now it's just harder to get to a full club.

Oh well minor issues. Overall the game is great and I like the story mode this year a lot even more than the tiger challenges which I liked well enough anyway.
# 313 bwiggy33 @ 04/14/13 08:17 PM
I just made the PGA Tour after finishing 3rd in the final web.com championship tournament. I was really excited to skip events up to the Masters to get where the season is right now. Well it took me skipping the first 4 events of the year to realize that I had to be in the top 50 to play in the Masters. That was really depressing.
# 314 kerosene31 @ 04/15/13 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by 8iron
This years game is great and I'm really happy I picked it up. It feels like there is so much to do. I like the sim difficulty swing although I will not use it too regularly but I find the default sim settings to be ridiculous. To have no frame of reference at all when setting up your shot is terrible and not at all realistic. Most courses irl now offer caddy books and the in game perspective is not at all comparable to what you experience setting up your shot in real life either.
I've been playing on tournament difficulty and it works quite well for me. I still struggle to break par much of the time.
# 315 Taku @ 04/16/13 04:40 AM
I'm thinking about restarting my career when the patch arrives. I believe there is a separate file for saved game and getting rid of that should do the trick and my golfer should be safe. Maybe I move that file to USB stick and see how it goes... Anyone tried that?
# 316 scottmac @ 04/16/13 06:38 AM
I am really enjoying the game this year but the freezes are annoying.

I have lost my created player after getting up to a good level. Then I had to start over again but it did not ask me to carry over the XP again. Can you only do this once? If so that kinda sucks as a bug causes me to lose all my progress and then I have to start the grind of building my player up again.
# 317 N51_rob @ 04/16/13 05:54 PM
Am I missing something? Is there no way to customize your clubs. I just noticed that my driver is at something crazy like 11.5 degrees. I would like to change that.
# 318 Lieutenant Dan @ 04/16/13 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
Am I missing something? Is there no way to customize your clubs. I just noticed that my driver is at something crazy like 11.5 degrees. I would like to change that.
You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish...or a club this year.

Sorry, no club tuning this year Rob.

EDIT/CORRECTION: According to Seymour's post below, you can select different loft settings, but the tuner from previous years is gone. Thanks Seymour!
# 319 ImTellinTim @ 04/16/13 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
Am I missing something? Is there no way to customize your clubs. I just noticed that my driver is at something crazy like 11.5 degrees. I would like to change that.
After you change it as pointed out in the post above, be careful the next time you go to play a round after doing a Legends of the Majors challenge or golf in an early era using your created player. It will change your woods, irons, and putter back to the default starters and your loft back to 11.5. I think they're fixing this in the patch.
# 320 N51_rob @ 04/16/13 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Go into clubs setting under your CAG and there are many settings you can choose for club loft.
Thank you very much.

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