MLB 13 The Show News Post

I think because it come out early in the year, MLB: The Show is often overlooked and/or underrated come “game of the year” voting time. The rapid fire releases of Madden, NHL, FIFA, and NBA games, not to mention this year’s late slate of racing titles, can overshadow a game that typically drops in the first quarter.

However, I think MLB: The Show is, and has been, the best virtual representation of a sport on the market today. Its quality and improvements aren’t necessarily flashy, but, like baseball itself, the game is full of nuances and details that make it a deep and strategic experience.

That said, it has never been perfect either. Gameplay issues, like too many comebackers to the pitcher, can mar the proceedings. The modes are deep, but not always accessible or exciting. Online has certainly been a mixed bag.

Assuming we all want these well-known quirks to be fixed, here are my top five wishes for MLB: The Show...either next year or next generation.

Read More - Top Five Wishes for MLB 13: The Show

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 videobastard @ 10/19/12 10:42 AM
I would rather have the base stealing and pick off mechanics improved to be more realistic as well as commentary sounding like an actual broadcast with seamless commentary. Improve the fielding and eliminate the frequency of balls hit off the pitcher.
# 82 lVlAtlZiX @ 10/19/12 12:00 PM
I want them to make timing/pure analog a bit easier as in actually aim the PCI at the ball more often based on your player vision rating, especially if u guessed the location correctly.

However the biggest thing I want is a RTTS online like EAs FIFA and NHL series does it. You can do full 9v9 games with an Online version of your character. Would be so much fun.
# 83 cubfaninga @ 10/19/12 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by cubfaninga
I am an avid player and addicted to MLB The Show since I couldn't play High Heat Baseball 2003. I would love to see a wider assortment of announcers...for example, I would love to see every teams regional TV & Radio Announcers incorporated into the game. The hardest part about getting this done, I imagine, it would be getting all of the announces together to put together all the tracks. Tell me what you guys think about this? I know we now have Blu-Disc capabilities so as far as memory that shouldn't be an issue. I'd love to hear your feedback. Also, there is a flaw in the game that when you utilize a pitcher to pinch hit (which you would like to do sometimes) that pitcher has to stay in the game an face one batter. For example, I am a Cub fan and while Zambrano was in the cubs I used to use him to pinch hit when I didn't want to use a position player...Anyways, the game is otherwise flawless. Thanks and I would love to hear other avid players point(s) of view.
I forgot to mention something...I would like to see them implement the PA announcers for every stadium. For example, when I am playing the Giants in San Francisco, I would like to hear the voice of Renel Brooks-Moon. And when my Cubbies are playing at home at Wrigley I would like to hear Andrew Belleson
# 84 LastActionHero @ 10/19/12 01:49 PM
1. MLB Today feature
2. An in game save for these games and all exhibition games.

Add these 2 things and I won't need any other game...ever.
# 85 bigdoc85 @ 10/19/12 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by DBrown802
i think what would make this game really good is if we added historical teams similar to what 2k did with 2k13. maybe even some negro teams would make this game for me (being the sports fan i am) really fun and entertaining.
Some of the user-created players are so good that if the game just allowed us to create an individual team (rather than an entire roster set) we could get these historical teams in the game without licensing issues.
# 86 WhiteM5 @ 10/20/12 05:28 PM
Has to be the addition of more cameras. I would love to make a user-defined fielding cam or at the very least, choose from 5 or 6 new ones. I play auto-fielding, so angles don't much matter to me. I want to see more ball flight and more of the field (like a guy sitting in the 2nd deck).

Batting option like pro-yakyu spirits would be cool, but not necessary if they keep tweaking the current physics.

Keep improving RTTS....think NBA 2k13 but not necessarily with all the fluff...just the RTS type stuff...like improving skills.
# 87 fast @ 10/20/12 09:06 PM
5. Cursor batting mode
4. Start your franchise from the day after the World Series ends
3. Home Run celebrations in fast play
2. Player movement slider (instead of trades on/off)
1. Generated count option (must have!!!)
# 88 armymule @ 10/21/12 04:45 AM
Lots of good ideas here, and a few I wouldn't be interested in. I would like more effort put into Manage Mode and a player search feature . Mostly, I would like to be able to easily copy stats, standings, etc into html files for transfer to a pc.
# 89 xandermole25 @ 10/21/12 02:56 PM
you already can eliminate the dh
# 90 mmathaifighter @ 10/21/12 06:26 PM
Stadium tours! Stadium tours! Stadium tours! For me and a LOT of other people, the thing that defines a franchise is the stadium they play in. They are as alive as any of the players. I think adding a free roving camera so we can pan around the stadiums and look at all the details, nooks, and crannies would be an amazing thing. How great would be be to float the camera around to see what someone sitting atop the Green Monster at Fenway would see? I remember one of the Tony LaRussa PC games from the early-mid 90s had this and when I saw All Star baseball, I believe it was in '04 had this I bought the game for THAT single reason. The art department at San Diego Studios does an amazing job with the stadiums and they should be able to show off their work as well as provide the fans an opportunity to have a detailed look at the countless hours that gets put in to designing these stadiums for the game. Many of us will never get to go to most MLB stadiums and this might be as close as most of us ever get to "tour" these.

I've been begging for this for years since this has been the ONLY baseball game I've played since '07 and the reason I originally bought a PS3. I cant imagine it would be too difficult since we have the camera mechanics that stay on the field and float around for the replays. Just add it to be able to go through the entire stadium pre game or in a stand alone mode.
# 91 SDPadres2012 @ 10/21/12 11:57 PM
I know this is mentioned every year but I would still love to see a way where we can download our own player headshots so we don't have to see a guy in a different uniform when traded, signed, etc. Pry won't happen but that is why it is called a WISH list!
# 92 G3no_11 @ 10/22/12 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by SDPadres2012
I know this is mentioned every year but I would still love to see a way where we can download our own player headshots so we don't have to see a guy in a different uniform when traded, signed, etc. Pry won't happen but that is why it is called a WISH list!
Going off of this.... It would be awesome to be able to download a picture of yourself in the game for RTTS. With my guy playing on the Rockies I could put on a Rockies hat, jersey, black undershirt and it would look like a legitimate picture.
That would be awesome.
# 93 Armor and Sword @ 10/22/12 09:05 AM
1) Spring Training preview show

2) Monthly Around The League Wrap Up Show

3) Rain Delays/Rain Outs - in a rain delay situation a random amount of time can determine if your starter can stay in or get cold (for example a 2 plus hour rain delay causes your starter to lose effectiviness and make you decide to either go with him or put in a new pitcher) Rain outs cause double headers to be played.

4) Generated Pitch counts - Although I would rarely use it....that is a great idea to speed through more games vs simming them. I remember that feature from High Heat and it was cool.

5) More dynamic Play by Play and Color - We all know it's needs a new coat of paint, but also the stat swipes and match up stats would be great. I thought 12 made some nice additions and 13 can build on it.

13 is a day one purchase without a doubt. It is the only sports game I will pay full retail for at this point.
# 94 JasonZimmerman @ 10/22/12 11:03 AM
It would be nice if they would get Great American Ballpark right after 5 years....that would be really nice.
# 95 Thruter @ 10/22/12 11:20 AM
-Closed roof version of those 6 stadiums having one
- Batting practice before a game and maybe a starting pitcher warmup ( I mean here just pitching from the bullpen). Those 2 don't add to the gameplay by itself but add to immersion
- A better uniform creation tool with at least one custom slot for each team
- more different animation when hitting HR ( specially interaction with 3B coaches)
- reduce runners sidestep range. Little increase would add more to the cat & mouse game with pitchers
- less wild pitches when pitchers trying to throw a runner out to 1st ( doesn't mean more good pitch to 1st though)
- variable weather during a game ( temp drops, wind velocity and direction variations, rain stops or starts
- pitchers motion not as smooth as seen on TV
- better 1st baseman reaction after last out of an inning ( seems to freeze for a sec sometimes)
# 96 Eski33 @ 10/22/12 01:12 PM
I would love classic teams. Any if the A's teams from late 80's, 84 Tigers, 86 Mets with correct uniforms and stadiums.

Other things I wish for:
1) More classic uniforms and stadiums
2) Day-night Double headers
3) Trophy for playing entire 162 game season without simming
4) CoMericas fountains that work and Tigers eyes flash green on scoreboard after HR
5) Mini Games like HR derby with targets (ala MVP)
6) home and away gear. Choice of different colored cleats etc
7) Ability to give created players career stats so they aren't always rookies
# 97 SDPadres2012 @ 10/23/12 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Thruter
-Closed roof version of those 6 stadiums having one
- Batting practice before a game and maybe a starting pitcher warmup ( I mean here just pitching from the bullpen). Those 2 don't add to the gameplay by itself but add to immersion
- A better uniform creation tool with at least one custom slot for each team
- more different animation when hitting HR ( specially interaction with 3B coaches)
- reduce runners sidestep range. Little increase would add more to the cat & mouse game with pitchers
- less wild pitches when pitchers trying to throw a runner out to 1st ( doesn't mean more good pitch to 1st though)
- variable weather during a game ( temp drops, wind velocity and direction variations, rain stops or starts
- pitchers motion not as smooth as seen on TV
- better 1st baseman reaction after last out of an inning ( seems to freeze for a sec sometimes)
I believe that the changing weather already happens. I know for a fact that temps and wind change throughout the game and it always seems to me as if the rain goes from light to hard throughout the game as well. I love the idea of the closed roofs from retractable stadiums and the pitcher sidestep motion. However if they do the retractable roofs then they need to do them right, make it where the ball carries more or less with roof closed compared to open. Those would help the game a lot both graphics and gameplay wise.
# 98 Focused One @ 10/24/12 04:30 AM
Can MLB PLEASE implement the hitting mechanic from MVP??? That would make hitting so much more fun that it currently is.

That is my only complaint with this game. It is damn near perfect otherwise in my eyes.
# 99 queman11 @ 10/24/12 07:10 PM
1. RTTS expansion:hype up the draft, more off field and off season interaction
2. Connected Career type mode- after RTTS, choose to become manager/ coach, and do that, working you way up to GM which would start a franchise mode within RTTS.
3. Offline/Online Build-a-team WITH FULL stadium creator, such as wall height, stadium fancies, and scoreboard type
4. Licensed Apparel : if possible at least Nike, Addidas, UA, New Balance, Louisville SLug, and Rawlings
5. Allow the editing of potentials for created players
# 100 jethrotull @ 10/24/12 09:43 PM
Customizable league sizes. Classic stadiums from 1970-2000. Importing old rosters from 2012. More options on hair options era specific, (flat top, Afro, high top fade.). Also stirrup socks that don't start at your knees or ankles maybe mid calf.

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