MLB 13 The Show News Post

I think because it come out early in the year, MLB: The Show is often overlooked and/or underrated come “game of the year” voting time. The rapid fire releases of Madden, NHL, FIFA, and NBA games, not to mention this year’s late slate of racing titles, can overshadow a game that typically drops in the first quarter.

However, I think MLB: The Show is, and has been, the best virtual representation of a sport on the market today. Its quality and improvements aren’t necessarily flashy, but, like baseball itself, the game is full of nuances and details that make it a deep and strategic experience.

That said, it has never been perfect either. Gameplay issues, like too many comebackers to the pitcher, can mar the proceedings. The modes are deep, but not always accessible or exciting. Online has certainly been a mixed bag.

Assuming we all want these well-known quirks to be fixed, here are my top five wishes for MLB: The Show...either next year or next generation.

Read More - Top Five Wishes for MLB 13: The Show

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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# 41 bigdoc85 @ 10/17/12 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
They have in-game saves. Have had them for years.
You can't save exhibition games.
# 42 Reed1417 @ 10/17/12 09:33 AM
I would LOVE to see MLB Network intergration with the Franchise/RTTS modes. Being a huge presentation guy that would make my life. Also would love the historic teams too. As much as i hate the Yankees i would love to play with the teams that had Ruth or Reggie Jackson. Or even Bo jackson and my man Primetime. Also, the commentary does need an overhaul. If they could take some of the things that 2k does with their commentary that would be lovely.
# 43 sink4ever @ 10/17/12 09:54 AM
All I'm really looking for is more depth to the franchise mode. A more robust draft, possibly another level or two of minors (even if they're not playable), a much richer scouting system, better progression, and individualized training.

Not that I'm against gameplay improvement as well. The bat on ball physics could use some refining, and I'd love to see players each have their own personal tendencies.
# 44 KungPaow @ 10/17/12 10:40 AM
I am gonna say what I say every year: I wish it was on xbox aswell. ://
# 45 BSchwartz07 @ 10/17/12 11:34 AM
1- Minor league player rankings! I have always felt like the Show isn't that great at developing talent through the ranks of the minors... let the next "Bryce Harper" get hype as my team's top prospect from the time they hit AA, this way even if they do not rate as high as the guy at the next level currently I will know that I can move him up and he will catch up in a hurry. Also, it would be helpful when trading with another team to know you are getting say their #3 pitcher...

2- Better uniforms! Whomever picked the "throwbacks" and alternates for the Show should be fired! As a Braves fan there is no reason I shouldn't have the Hank Aaron era uniforms or the powder blue Dale Murphy throwbacks. There are also quite a few alternates missing from the game as well.

3- SELL OUT! Even in Madden you see Nike cleats, Under Armour cleats, Nike uniforms... The Show is so very generic! It really is the only sports game left that doesn't add this level of realism, I want Mizuno gloves and cleats, Nike Batting gloves and so on.

4- More depth in Road to the Show.... since we are adding name brand gear, lets add endorsements. Does my guy want to use a Louisville Slugger Bat? or sign a deal with Nike? I would love to see a system similar to 2K in which my player makes money from different avenues and have ways to spend the money! I would also love to see more off field options.... why have the option to talk to my manager, but all I can do is ask for a trade, playing time, or retire (most of the time retire is the ONLY option)?

5- Better commentary! Better Presentation! Now that 2K is no longer making baseball games I would fleece anyone who worked on the presentation of those games! The Show needs an update to the overall presentation in a BIG WAY! While the 2K games played awful, the presentation was awesome!
# 46 Perfect Zero @ 10/17/12 11:40 AM
I guess my five wishes would be:

True Broadcast Feel- Basically, have some sort of network (even fictional) and make the game play like a true broadcast. If they could sign a deal with MLB Network, perhaps MLB Tonight could be used to go into games, and then the entire game could use their package followed by a post game/night recap. Even if they have to make something fictional like "American Sports Net" for example, there has to be more of a broadcast feel.

Deeper Franchise Mode- This has been talked about before, but the game needs a more realistic and deeper GM type mode. There should be more options for bigger trades, a revamped draft system, an ability to move from team to team and the need to keep a watch on money during tough times. Four years ago, MLB the Show had the cutting edge on franchises on the consoles. Now, everything seems to be a bit dated.

Playoff Mode- It's not too hard to understand this one. During the season I was playing out different scenarios, but it's not as fun when you don't have the wordmarks on the field or the action in the stands.

Generated Pitch Counts- This wasn't something that I was for before because I always have heard about "one pitch modes" or something to that effect. I never played around with ASB 2005, but if the game can generate counts based on pitcher and batter ratings, that would be something that's highly welcome.

Deeper Diamond Dynasty- I might be one of the few that still likes the mode, but you could tell that last year was a first year effort. I would hope that there are more uniform slots for next year, a way to have multiple clubs with the same nickname, a revamped card system, better online play so that the stats actually track (I've had some cards that have two games left that never expire). The mode needs to be cleaner and needs to be more accessible.
# 47 radney @ 10/17/12 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by KungPaow
I am gonna say what I say every year: I wish it was on xbox aswell. ://
I agree.....this game is the only reason why I own a PS3. Other than the Show, my PS3 don't even see the light of day!
# 48 El_MaYiMbE @ 10/17/12 11:58 AM
They need to fix these small things before they make ANY other changes:

1. Baserunners w/ batting gloves
2. Jackets for Umpires on cold days
3. Better outfield depth/OF Speed
- Outfields look too small
- Makes fielders look too fast
- Not enough balls in the gap as a result, which causes less doubles for non-power hitters

After these things are fixed I would like to see:

1. MLB Network Integration or "fake" network that looks more like what we see on TV:
- No more stat overlays that says MLB The Show 20xx. Thats the name of the game not the network!!!!
2. Online Franchises
- Allow custom sliders
- Allow custom roster sets (i.e. Knights Roster Update)
- Allow all features found in offline Franchise.
3. More editing options for players
- Bat types/tapes
- Glove Colors
- More glove options
- Necklaces
- Different size wrist tapes
# 49 Computalover @ 10/17/12 12:22 PM
Maybe i dont understand.. but if all the players are SIGNED by the team as an organization, and the players are members of said organization, and the teams are affiliated to that organization, why not use their real names and stats on the roster? minor league teams should have current players, and updated players.. its a daunting task, but the gamers do it every year.. not just players on the 40 man.. doesnt it take just as much time to create the fake players? just asking..
# 50 bigdoc85 @ 10/17/12 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by BSchwartz07
1- Minor league player rankings! I have always felt like the Show isn't that great at developing talent through the ranks of the minors... let the next "Bryce Harper" get hype as my team's top prospect from the time they hit AA, this way even if they do not rate as high as the guy at the next level currently I will know that I can move him up and he will catch up in a hurry. Also, it would be helpful when trading with another team to know you are getting say their #3 pitcher...

2- Better uniforms! Whomever picked the "throwbacks" and alternates for the Show should be fired! As a Braves fan there is no reason I shouldn't have the Hank Aaron era uniforms or the powder blue Dale Murphy throwbacks. There are also quite a few alternates missing from the game as well.

3- SELL OUT! Even in Madden you see Nike cleats, Under Armour cleats, Nike uniforms... The Show is so very generic! It really is the only sports game left that doesn't add this level of realism, I want Mizuno gloves and cleats, Nike Batting gloves and so on.

4- More depth in Road to the Show.... since we are adding name brand gear, lets add endorsements. Does my guy want to use a Louisville Slugger Bat? or sign a deal with Nike? I would love to see a system similar to 2K in which my player makes money from different avenues and have ways to spend the money! I would also love to see more off field options.... why have the option to talk to my manager, but all I can do is ask for a trade, playing time, or retire (most of the time retire is the ONLY option)?

5- Better commentary! Better Presentation! Now that 2K is no longer making baseball games I would fleece anyone who worked on the presentation of those games! The Show needs an update to the overall presentation in a BIG WAY! While the 2K games played awful, the presentation was awesome!
MLB 2k's commentary was so much better. Love John Kruk!
# 51 teampunjabi @ 10/17/12 12:29 PM
Generated Counts is the most brilliant idea ever. Totally forgot about this feature from All Star Baseball. Get this feature in and I will preorder the game immediately.
# 52 seanjeezy @ 10/17/12 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Computalover
Maybe i dont understand.. but if all the players are SIGNED by the team as an organization, and the players are members of said organization, and the teams are affiliated to that organization, why not use their real names and stats on the roster? minor league teams should have current players, and updated players.. its a daunting task, but the gamers do it every year.. not just players on the 40 man.. doesnt it take just as much time to create the fake players? just asking..
There's licensing issues. The minor leagues do not have their own union, so SCEA would have to negotiate with the thousands of minor leaguers individually to add their likeness to the game, which would cost way too much time and money.
# 53 El_MaYiMbE @ 10/17/12 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Computalover
Maybe i dont understand.. but if all the players are SIGNED by the team as an organization, and the players are members of said organization, and the teams are affiliated to that organization, why not use their real names and stats on the roster? minor league teams should have current players, and updated players.. its a daunting task, but the gamers do it every year.. not just players on the 40 man.. doesnt it take just as much time to create the fake players? just asking..

No. In order to appear in an MLB product/game such as The Show you have to be part of the MLBPA (Players Association). Players in the minors are not part of the MLBPA UNLESS they played in 1 MLB game in the past. One AB or 1 pitch thrown counts as a game.
# 54 hf199 @ 10/17/12 12:35 PM
I agree with these ideas but I also think they need to add little things like:

> The outfield umpires in the playoffs
> Weather related uniforms for umpires (spring/fall); pullovers, blazers and real personalities (Madden 14)
> Weather Channel integration and rain outs and double headers
> Improved commentary
> And how about some High Heat Baseball pitcher/batter interface; that was a great game too!
# 55 BigBlue @ 10/17/12 12:36 PM
My only wish is for MLB The Show to be on XBox next year.

# 56 onac22 @ 10/17/12 01:15 PM
While we are wishing for game modes. I guess I would love to see a legends league put into a few games. If liscensing would allow, it would be great to get all-time teams on any sports sim and then allow for a legends franchise or season mode in addition to that. What would be better than be able to play Gherig and Mantle together or put Gordie Howe out with Datsyuk or Yzerman. To have Montana throwing to Rice again or Aikman to Irvin. To make all of that even better to be able to keep stats and a whole league with nothing but legends.
# 57 Doogie09 @ 10/17/12 01:21 PM
Would love to see a news and around the league headlines interface like MLB 2k12 has. Helps with the immersion....talk about trades....great performances...injuries, upcoming minor leaguers, draft, etc...with drill down to box scores or standings or statistical leaders. Twitter integration is a consideration, but the big thing for me would be the headlines that Madden introduced with M13.
# 58 Doogie09 @ 10/17/12 01:24 PM
For gameplay....more realistic hit distribution.....not just homers and singles.....make doubles and triples a possibility in percentages that at least come close to ML averages.
# 59 paysworld @ 10/17/12 02:09 PM
Wish list
New authentic broadcasting presentations of Fox and TBS, featuring announcing crews of both respectable networks, think NCAA 2010.

This week in baseball challenge mode from All star baseball 2005. The TWIB challenge took 21 key events from what was then the 2003 season, Cubs fans certainly remember the Bartman incident from that year. Imagine all of the key moments of the 2012 relived in TWIB's style.

Signature Style, not just at the plate, but in the outfield, running bases, in the dug out, homerun trots, pitchers on the mounds, ect... Similar to NBA2K13. Every stars nuances captured in intricate details.

MLB today for season and exhibition modes and playoffs.

Pitching mechanics from MLB2k12, as well as it's throwing meter which was much more intuitive then in the Show.
# 60 cbrown119 @ 10/17/12 04:56 PM
Here is my wishlist for MLB 13:

1. New commentary - like a lot of people already said...more like the 2K.

2. Right Stick pitching controls like 2K's

3. A MLB Today season mode that actually works.

4. A Playoff mode.

5. I would like to see official All-Time or Classic roster set. I would enjoy seeing how the 95 Indians would compare to the current teams...

You know, 2K might have gotten a lot of crap for their baseball game, but the features above were superior to the Show (except for MLB season mode which is/was broken, but the idea was good). I do like 2k...it is fun,and I would like to see these additions in the The Show....

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