NBA 2K13 News Post
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Alright, to be honest, just as I thought, most of these defensive moves aren't even needed. You can really just succeed with using the right stick to guard players really tight and using the triggers to get in defensive stance. And it is extremely difficult to consistently guard the computer by yourself anyway, so playing off the ball seems pretty reasonable.
If the sig animations were command relative, they wouldn't be as special, people would be abusing them left right and centre, I think it's better this way, leaving them situational.
# 503
tropicana420 @ 10/29/12 10:16 AM
Yeah, pulled off Kobe's and a few of Rondo's in the first week of release, they just happen at random when you're in certain situations.
I wish 2k still made football games, I turned my madden 13 in for NBA 2K 13
# 506
tropicana420 @ 10/29/12 10:43 PM
Unfortunately, no video at the moment, that said, I'm playing a season with the Bulls, next time it happens, i'll try and upload it, maybe we could analyse the situation.
# 508
tropicana420 @ 10/30/12 09:26 AM
Hi guys. Anyone know what's the difference between post shots and protect shots? thanks
Do you have the one dribble pull up Js as in 2k12? How do you do them in 2k13?
anyone know how to hold the ball away from the defender in a stand-still triple threat position?
or has this move been taken out of the game?
or has this move been taken out of the game?
# 515
kamillion423 @ 11/13/12 09:10 AM
How do you set picks for for the ball...and call for and complete an alley oop ? Cant find these answers anywhere !
# 516
gjeffries32 @ 11/13/12 01:04 PM
In order to do any players signature layup I believe and am pretty sure its just the euro step layup buttons. On PS3 its from like foul line with a path while moving toward hoop and double tap Square button. It does different layup animations randomly and have seen and done the Rondo fake behind back pass to lay up.
2. a
3. a and x
# 518
kamillion423 @ 11/14/12 06:38 PM
As a post player, to do the face up, spin and then dunk move do you need to have a spin dunk package? I tried in practice to do that move with Dwight, and it never really worked, he'd just to spin layups.
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