NBA 2K13 News Post

Xbox 360


Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 skinsfan89a @ 10/02/12 04:23 PM
Whats the easiest way to switch to last years controls?
# 282 DominiqueWilkins @ 10/02/12 05:17 PM
I shouldn't have to press 3 buttons to dunk
# 283 DakkoN @ 10/02/12 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by DominiqueWilkins
I shouldn't have to press 3 buttons to dunk
Right Trigger + X(Xbox)/Square(PS3)

The same two buttons that it has been for, oh I don't know, the last 20 years.
# 284 skinsfan89a @ 10/02/12 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
Right Trigger + X(Xbox)/Square(PS3)

The same two buttons that it has been for, oh I don't know, the last 20 years.
Cool and how do you make it were dribbling is the same or similar to last year?
# 285 DakkoN @ 10/02/12 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by skinsfan89a
Cool and how do you make it were dribbling is the same or similar to last year?
It's in Options > Controller settings
# 286 ProfessaPackMan @ 10/02/12 06:43 PM
How do you pull up your full playbook during a game or can you only run quick plays?

(Skipped out on 2K12 so I don't know if this is something new or not).
# 287 skinsfan89a @ 10/02/12 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
It's in Options > Controller settings
What setting do you set it to?
# 288 iLLosophy @ 10/02/12 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
How do you pull up your full playbook during a game or can you only run quick plays?

(Skipped out on 2K12 so I don't know if this is something new or not).
LB (......i think or rb), then hit the icon of the player who you want to run the play for. Probably should turn playvision on in the options as well to help guide you.
# 289 lockjaw333 @ 10/02/12 08:51 PM
So I went through the training camp, and do I understand correctly that we are being encouraged this year to use X for shooting (other than in the post)? It seems like most of the gather moves (stepback jumper, side hop jumper, spin jumper) performed with B are meant to be performed using X to shoot.

This is a strange transition for me, as I'm used to the Shotstick for 5 years running now (could be more?). I know the R-stick can still be used for shooting if you hold LT, but I just thought it was strange that training camp only includes button controls outside of the post game.

I have to say, using buttons makes performing the moves much easier, but it doesn't feel as fluid and as much of a natural extension of the brain as the shotstick has in past years. Feels a tad like button mashing...but again you can pull off the moves with razor sharp precision.

# 290 zpq12 @ 10/02/12 10:39 PM
I cannot get the face up drive to the key or the baseline. I'm about to throw my controller through my TV. Can anyone help?
# 291 fly4hire @ 10/02/12 11:21 PM
Anyone figure out how to do Shaq's drop step dunk move. In 2k12 all you had to do was hold LT and RT then use the shot stick. Doesn't work anymore and I don't see it listed anywhere.
# 292 johnnyg713 @ 10/02/12 11:41 PM
I'd also like to know how to do rondo's fake behind the back pass layup.
# 293 jarod43 @ 10/02/12 11:44 PM
As great as the game is, it feels like I am button smashing, but I know I have to vet used to it. Kinda wished hop step was the y button, I'm so used to 2k11 controls so jumping to 2k13 is a big difference. Either way practice makes perfect.
# 294 johnnyg713 @ 10/02/12 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by jarod43
As great as the game is, it feels like I am button smashing, but I know I have to vet used to it. Kinda wished hop step was the y button, I'm so used to 2k11 controls so jumping to 2k13 is a big difference. Either way practice makes perfect.
Hop step is just moved over to B. It didn't take me very long to get used to hitting B instead of Y. Double tapping B is spin also which is simple enough. Isomotion works best when u switch it over to LT + RS because you can also do moves with LT + LS (works more like 2k11 than 2k12). This way as long as you have LT held down u can chain moves with LS and the RS. Releasing the LT goes back to the regular shot stick. Feels more natural to me.
# 295 skinsfan89a @ 10/03/12 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
It's in Options > Controller settings
Thanks but anything more specific... having a little bit of an issue..
# 296 DW3 @ 10/03/12 02:01 AM
Setting the controls to absolute saved the game for me. I now understand why 2k moved the dribble moves to the right stick. It completely opens the game up in my opinion
# 297 DomisLive @ 10/03/12 02:13 AM
How to do up and unders with the right stick ?
# 298 shadio5 @ 10/03/12 03:37 AM
god im so lost. Never have i looked at the 2k moves since 2k3, and never waqnted to...but this game, wow, im so confussed. Man i tell you i want the 2k12 control back....

or maybe i need to just scream and let it all out first...then start all over again

VC/2k sports fan
# 299 DomisLive @ 10/03/12 03:53 AM
Do up and unders seem too sensitive ?
# 300 DW3 @ 10/03/12 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by lockjaw333
So I went through the training camp, and do I understand correctly that we are being encouraged this year to use X for shooting (other than in the post)? It seems like most of the gather moves (stepback jumper, side hop jumper, spin jumper) performed with B are meant to be performed using X to shoot.

This is a strange transition for me, as I'm used to the Shotstick for 5 years running now (could be more?). I know the R-stick can still be used for shooting if you hold LT, but I just thought it was strange that training camp only includes button controls outside of the post game.

I have to say, using buttons makes performing the moves much easier, but it doesn't feel as fluid and as much of a natural extension of the brain as the shotstick has in past years. Feels a tad like button mashing...but again you can pull off the moves with razor sharp precision.

After getting used to the movement and using absolute controls, It doesn't feel like button mashing to me. Intially, I had to use 2k camera only, but after 1 online game and a few off-line games I was able to switch back to broadcast.

That being said, I still use the shot stick for all shots including jump shots. Just think of LT as your guide hand that you use when you play basketball and if will begin to feel a little more natural.

The only button is use is the post up button and B. I've been a shot stick user for so long so that's the only way I know how to play. Just keep LT down and the post game is similar to 2k12.

This is the first year since 2k8 that I actually had to use the practice mode. Lay of the turbo button as well unless you need it. That helps a lot also.

Sent From My Galaxy S3

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