NBA 2K13 News Post

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Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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# 261 holymoly @ 09/29/12 12:06 PM
Anyone know if we can change the control stick to absolute instead of camera relative? I like playing on broadcast but it's harder to pull off moves accurately I find.
# 262 Goffs @ 09/29/12 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by holymoly
Anyone know if we can change the control stick to absolute instead of camera relative? I like playing on broadcast but it's harder to pull off moves accurately I find.
Read page 3...
# 263 BChizzle @ 09/29/12 05:36 PM
Does anyone know how to do signature moves on PS3? For example.. Rondo's fake behind the back pass?
# 264 kevmasood @ 09/29/12 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
that's exactly it. you've got it. once i understood that, the control started to feel amazing. i wish they would've been more clear about the left stick moves. they spent so much time talking about the right stick, they forgot to mention the left stick functionality and how it might conflict with the right stick.

i'm actually loving the automatic left stick crossovers, spins, and hesitations. it's nice to be able to do them without using a modifier button. they work so well that i find i don't even need the right stick a lot of the time.
Yo BLUES so u say ing still use the L2 and left like the old controlsin 12 and use the right like a burst crossover dont continue to use the right , or use the right a little bit
# 265 kevmasood @ 09/29/12 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
You have to turn it on in the options menu. Total Control Passing allows you to take control of an off-ball player. Basically when you have it turned on, when you use icon passing, you hold down the icon button of the off-ball player you want to control. you keep the button held down to move him, then when you want to pass to him you release the button and you will make the pass. basically it's a way to move around off-ball players and make them cut. It was pretty sluggish in 2k12, so i didn't use it. EA had a decent version of it in Live 10 though. Maybe it's improved for 2k13 - i'll have to try it out in the full version.
YEA this function did not work in 12 i usd to this this all the in 11 then i got 12 i was like were did it go thanks for clearing this up BLUES i hope it is in 2k13
# 266 AllStarDaDon @ 09/29/12 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by 24ct
Its good point.
But it doesnt mean it should be ok...

What if instead of bankshots being automatic
it was blocks or steals?...or spin dunks hopsteps & eurosteps??...just because a player does it frequently....?
there's a command on the controller for eurosteps...
everybody doesnt euro step...or throw oops off the glass...
or spin dunk or block shots...u get my point....
but we have the same commands for every player

there was modifier for shooting off the glass
i wish it would have stayed that way...
just a personal gripe with 2k...they always take out stuff for no reason
(maybe mechanics reason idk...but it wasnt an issue 2 change)
ie changing the dpad on 2k12 lol...just saying

Or those automatic toss ups at the end of the shot clock
(EX you're going for an achievement or personal goal of a perfect game and they shoot one of those shots...lol...it shall be painful)

not even a big deal..its just they preach control
but make certain things automatic which end up being pull in/double animations(lunge steal where nobody can bump into you & dunk ons)...which isnt control...its game logic & script...which has always been 2K..
You do have a point tho.
# 267 blues rocker @ 09/30/12 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by kevmasood
Yo BLUES so u say ing still use the L2 and left like the old controlsin 12 and use the right like a burst crossover dont continue to use the right , or use the right a little bit
use the left stick, but you no longer need to use L2 to do dribble moves with the left stick...you can do crossovers now just by changing direction with the left stick..crossovers are kind of "automatic" this year when changing direction. you can also do spins just by rotating the left stick - no L2 needed. stepbacks can also be done just by moving the left stick back while driving. so basically for spins, crossovers, and stepbacks, i just use the left stick by itself. the right stick i use for when i want to "size up" and blow by the defender.
# 268 The 24th Letter @ 09/30/12 02:15 AM
Yeah I think of RS as almost a launch button for drives to the rack...

I think my biggest thing was learning when to launch and allowing my moves to be set up.....after that, the game of chicken you suck the the defender Into is just amazing....
# 269 robny23 @ 09/30/12 03:38 AM
After some experimenting and practice with the new control scheme. Using the right stick correctly allows you to do sooo many more moves that 2k12 can't even come close to. So many more stationary moves that you are in total control of, not just animations. Dribbling is alot more fun and responsive. Makes pick and roll game so much fun since you have so many different options as the ball handler.

For people complaining about how 2k12's isomotion was perfect, why change it? Give it some practice and you will understand how much more deeper this control system is. As for pressing down L2 as shot modifier. Its also gives it a real feel, kind of having to gather your hands in real life before you take a shot. Once to practice a bit, it will become second nature.
# 270 blues rocker @ 09/30/12 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
it wasn't removed... just toned down because a) it was an exploit and b) looked terrible. Our passing engineer spent time trying to improve it for 13, but to be honest, I don't really use it anymore.
Originally Posted by thilanwij
The one where you can also lead a stationary player to a spot and pass the ball to him right? I do wish that was back but it could be a little cheesy to use, haha.
hey, Beluba. Well, after all of that, i realized that the reason icon lead passing wasn't working well for me was because i was often driving with LS and turbo while attempting to lead pass ...in order for lead pass to work well, you first have to let go of turbo and LS, then move LS in the direction you want to lead the receiver. once i started letting go of LS and turbo before trying to lead pass, the icon lead passing worked great. just figured i'd clear up my misunderstanding. There are still some cases where you can't move a stationary receiver like i mentioned, but overall it's working well for me now.
# 271 Goffs @ 09/30/12 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
use the left stick, but you no longer need to use L2 to do dribble moves with the left stick...you can do crossovers now just by changing direction with the left stick..crossovers are kind of "automatic" this year when changing direction. you can also do spins just by rotating the left stick - no L2 needed. stepbacks can also be done just by moving the left stick back while driving. so basically for spins, crossovers, and stepbacks, i just use the left stick by itself. the right stick i use for when i want to "size up" and blow by the defender.
Yep...you can do some real quick back and forth dribbles with just the left stick...
# 272 iLLosophy @ 09/30/12 11:03 AM
I got to say I'm struggling hard to get the half spin down lol. The Cross Half Spin I got down nicely, but the half spin usually results in a full spin or hesitation.

(EDIT: I think I got down now, It goes back to what you said about the rhythm/timing of a move)

I apologize if you posted this already, but how do you do the "hesitation" spin move by rose you pointed out in this post? As rose turns he hesitates for a bit before he finishes.

# 273 thilanwij @ 09/30/12 07:05 PM
This is seriously great info that I am reading everytime I come back. Back to practicing dribble moves on the demo! Thanks everyone, especially Blues Rocker once again haha.
# 274 kevmasood @ 09/30/12 09:12 PM
THANKS BLUES ROCKER for clearing that up i apperciate that very much lol
# 275 jersez @ 09/30/12 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by iLLosophy
I got to say I'm struggling hard to get the half spin down lol. The Cross Half Spin I got down nicely, but the half spin usually results in a full spin or hesitation.

(EDIT: I think I got down now, It goes back to what you said about the rhythm/timing of a move)

I apologize if you posted this already, but how do you do the "hesitation" spin move by rose you pointed out in this post? As rose turns he hesitates for a bit before he finishes.

To do half spins you have to rotate the control stick as if your doing a spin but stop in the middle before you do the spin, as for the rose move I can do it, but because of the camera angle, I'm not to sure what the correct input is to do the move, I think it's down then rotate up it's hard to describe.

The thing I've learned while playing the demo is, lockdown defenders will not bite for your size-ups as much as someone with a low on-ball defense rating. I was doing size ups waiting for Sefolosha to bit but he rarely did, when I had Harden on me it was really easy to get past him.

So when your facing a lock down defender you have to change your approach and use quick explosive moves to get past them. Or use their body and momentum against them, sometimes you'll have to settle for a jumpshot.

Also from the tips Beluba has given, us you must know how much space you need for each move(use the correct move is very important as well) and you still have to read the defenders to get past them. You may still go into a "ride" but it will be more of the defender trying to catch up with you.
# 276 405Cowboy @ 10/01/12 11:12 PM
Is it difficult to learn the new controls and is it easier to drive to the lane and dunk/layup as it was a bia bia in 2k12 as I couldn't drive with KD or LeBron.

And why no free throw meter? It seemed impossible to make FT's in 2k12.
# 277 Pared @ 10/02/12 12:35 PM
I think it's SF2K13T.
# 278 iLLosophy @ 10/02/12 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I think it's SF2K13T.
Yeah and my last game my opponent loved doing hurricane kicks all across the court lol
# 279 Pared @ 10/02/12 12:57 PM
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku!
# 280 iLLosophy @ 10/02/12 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by iLLosophy
I got to say I'm struggling hard to get the half spin down lol. The Cross Half Spin I got down nicely, but the half spin usually results in a full spin or hesitation.

(EDIT: I think I got down now, It goes back to what you said about the rhythm/timing of a move)

I apologize if you posted this already, but how do you do the "hesitation" spin move by rose you pointed out in this post? As rose turns he hesitates for a bit before he finishes.

Ok for the half spins I figured it out. Do the half spin like you would a regular spin move, then instead of doing the reverse circle, just send the RS straight over to the ball hand. This works much better for me imo. It's actually pretty easy now.

The difference with the one that they showed Rose doing is it's a size up move, so you can't press the LS while doing it.

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