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They way I do it is get in the post without my dribble being used yet. Hold L2 and move the L-Stick towards the paint to faceup then crossover towards the paint (you can move the L-stick towards the basket or baseline to crossover towards the basket, or baseline), double tap O to start spin, then box to layup (hold R2 to finish with a dunk, its also easier to me to use the face button to do the spin dunk, especially with camera relative controls)
# 202
domidomdomz @ 09/28/12 09:12 AM
This is how I do it with the shot stick.
- Post-up with dribble unused
- Face-Up Drive (Press Y(Triangle) + Left-Stick towards basket)
- Spin Layup or Dunk (While driving, Hold LT(L2) + twirl Right-Stick clockwise [+ Hold RT(R2) if you want to dunk])
# 203
RyanFitzmagic @ 09/28/12 11:10 AM
I feel like we can't do sizeups that look like the animations from last year. I was hoping it'd be smoother but it doesn't seem that way to me. Is it just because I'm not good with the sticks? I can't do this for my life:

By the way, I do know the last part of the Steph Curry gif (the hop back) was part of his shot gather, not a sizeup.

By the way, I do know the last part of the Steph Curry gif (the hop back) was part of his shot gather, not a sizeup.
# 204
domidomdomz @ 09/28/12 11:21 AM
Can't we do the size ups with just flicking the RS left and right with the player just dribbling in stationary position?
I'm gonna go check later when I come home.
Can't we do the size ups with just flicking the RS left and right with the player just dribbling in stationary position?
I'm gonna go check later when I come home.
# 205
RyanFitzmagic @ 09/28/12 11:30 AM
# 206
RyanFitzmagic @ 09/28/12 11:40 AM
There's a rhythm to it. I've gotten pretty close to that kinda stuff. Kinda gotta anticipate when to make the next move. Gonna be spending a LOT of time in the practice sessions alone working all this out.
I actually like the total control for size can do all kinds of moves with just the sticks....
# 209
ForeverVersatile @ 09/28/12 12:59 PM
It seems like mysel,f DukeC and AllstarDaDon are the only ones that have a grip on the dribble controls???
I'm getting a hang of the controls, but like I've seen, I need to lay off the right stick when moving. And I noticed when I wanna drive to the hoop sometimes the dribble move doesn't launch me like the hesitation. any tips on that guys? Do I use turbo and LS towards the hoop to drive/launch?
# 211
younggrease @ 09/28/12 01:26 PM
Is there any drawback to staying with the old controls? Are there things you won't be able to do?
Personally, I never liked the dribble stick with Live and don't feel like switching unless I'll be missing out on certain moves. the pulling of the trigger seems counter-intuitive to me.
Personally, I never liked the dribble stick with Live and don't feel like switching unless I'll be missing out on certain moves. the pulling of the trigger seems counter-intuitive to me.
# 212
blues rocker @ 09/28/12 01:42 PM
the lead pass in 2k11 was overpowered because it made stationary receivers launch forward too quickly, but i would still like the ability move them around in a realistic way with lead pass. what was the reasoning for removing this functionality from the lead pass? was it a technical issue, or was it viewed as an exploit that needed to be removed? if it was done in a more realistic way, i don't see it as an exploit at all. it made the passing game a lot more gave you a lot more control over your offense and allowed you to create better passing angles. the improved teammate AI helps your teammates to make cuts on their own, but there are still many times when they fail to move to open these situations the old lead pass functionality would help greatly. please bring it back.
Are you guys using turbo when driving? And are you performing dribble moves while using turbo?
# 214
JasonMartin @ 09/28/12 02:48 PM
# 215
domidomdomz @ 09/28/12 02:56 PM
I try not to use the Turbo when doing dribble moves. Just a minimal RS variation as well but variation of "change direction" using the LS.
Is there a specific pre-dribble command to palm the ball (protect it) ?
How are you guys dealing with the conflicts between both sticks while dribbling?
example u can do crossovers/spins with both sticks, and trying to drive to the hoop at a different angle sometimes does a move when you don't want it to
Also, i switched to Oklahoma for the first time yesterday and trying to use the dribble stick on the other side of the court is like a whole new ball game in using the controls
example u can do crossovers/spins with both sticks, and trying to drive to the hoop at a different angle sometimes does a move when you don't want it to
Also, i switched to Oklahoma for the first time yesterday and trying to use the dribble stick on the other side of the court is like a whole new ball game in using the controls
# 219
blues rocker @ 09/28/12 03:38 PM
below is the quote from my earlier post in this tread - it should clear up the issue you're talking about:
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