NBA 2K13 News Post

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Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 iLLosophy @ 09/27/12 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
That's not an improvement.
Sorry man I Disagree. This is one of the things that should fall under the signature style of the player IMO. In no situation ever should we see someone like JR Smith shooting bank shots. And I could be wrong, but I don't think it ever provided an advantage in gameplay (it shouldn't if it did)....
# 182 Beluba @ 09/27/12 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by raiders81tim
Whats the reason for the change in controls? Is there some benefit I'm missing? As of right now, I don't feel like it adds anything new to the game, these are all moves we have been doing for the last 3 or 4 years now.

I am really enjoying the gameplay changes mostly the on ball D, but the new controls seem like an unneeded change imo.
Moving iso to the right stick opened up some things for us that we couldn't do before, such as sizing up off the crawl dribble. And once the full control stick design is realized, hopefully by NBA 2K14, it will be more clear why we went this direction with controls.
# 183 The 24th Letter @ 09/27/12 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
That's not an improvement.
There are impression threads for this.

Mike has been fantastic talking with us here, no need for this kind of comment...
# 184 Vni @ 09/27/12 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by iLLosophy
Sorry man I Disagree. This is one of the things that should fall under the signature style of the player IMO. In no situation ever should we see someone like JR Smith shooting bank shots. And I could be wrong, but I don't think it ever provided an advantage in gameplay (it shouldn't if it did)....
Well that's why there are ratings. If you take that direction floaters could be based on tendencies because there is no way we see Zach Randolph do a Tony Parker's floater.

If Duncan doesn't want to bankshot one of his shot nothing forces him to. This is definately a step backward to me.
# 185 Beluba @ 09/27/12 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
So if I use a guy like Duncan, he would shoot a bank shot every time?
Nearly every time. And yeah, bank shots are completely aesthetic.
# 186 Vni @ 09/27/12 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
There are impression threads for this.

Mike has been fantastic talking with us here, no need for this kind of comment...
Yeah he's been fantastic. I didn't mean to be offensive.
# 187 youvalss @ 09/27/12 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Nearly every time. And yeah, bank shots are completely aesthetic.
Thank you for clearing this up for us.
# 188 youvalss @ 09/27/12 11:49 PM
Boss 4 Life, I think you're posting in the wrong sticky.
# 189 Eman5805 @ 09/27/12 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Boss 4 Life
still saw a lot of bad in this demo.

- still a lot of instances where i absolutely CANNOT break down bigs withs guards or quicker players. i should almost always make them pay for the mismatch
Are you trying to break them down or are you trying to get around them? I've never been stymied when I've had Westbrook covered by Bosh or Battier. If they're on you, make sure you got space, make one move or two and go. There's no way they can stay in front of you if you drive around them. If you try to get fancy, then you're not really gonna do anything to them because those moves are mostly for beating guards jut quick enough to stay with you.
# 190 tropicana420 @ 09/28/12 12:03 AM
Has anybody seen or done a 360 dunk? I've tried spinning the RS but it just does the spin to layup animation that people we're cheesing with last year.
# 191 andeee @ 09/28/12 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by tropicana420
Has anybody seen or done a 360 dunk? I've tried spinning the RS but it just does the spin to layup animation that people we're cheesing with last year.
I don't think any of the players have the 360 dunk in their dunk package, I guess Westbrook is a possibility.
# 192 Beluba @ 09/28/12 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by DukeC
Question on the post controls. Is it possible to do a faceup then immediately enter into a spin layup (You know...the only move Blake Griffin knows in the post )?

I have not succeeded so far because it keeps giving me the spin jumper animation instead of the spin layup/dunk.

Is it because none of them have the post proficiency sig skill? Am I doing it wrong or is it simply not possible?

Edit: The move in question:
Yep, that move is definitely possible. I put a bunch of those shots in personally. Try facing up, then hold LT(L2) and spin the right stick. Or you can double tap B(CIRCLE) then hold X(SQUARE)
# 193 blues rocker @ 09/28/12 01:20 AM
oh snap...i'm finally getting a feel for the controls, and i'm loving them. but there were some things i had to understand before it made sense.

this is what made it click for me - the right stick dribbling is really best when used only for "stand-still sizeups". the right stick should mostly be thought of as the "sizeup stick". once you are moving, it is best to stay away from the right stick, because the left stick dribble moves and right stick dribble moves will be fighting each other.

what i had to understand was that the player automatically does crossovers, stepbacks, spins with just the left stick...i was accustomed to using a modifier for those moves in previous 2k's...so seeing my player do them automatically without a modifier was really throwing me off. i was trying to do these moves with the right stick, but i really only needed the left stick to do them.

what was confusing me is that there is a bit of a redundancy going on - a lot of similar dribble moves can be performed with both the right stick or the left stick (spins, crossovers, stepbacks). what was messing me up is that i'd be driving and i'd want to do a crossover, so i'd use the right stick to do crossover, but my player would automatically do a crossover with the left stick, then he'd do another dribble move from my right stick input...so my player would do two animations when i only wanted one - the left stick crossover and right stick move were fighting each other. once i stopped using the right stick while moving, it all started to work. the only move i use the right stick for while moving is the behind-the-back, because there is no way to pull that off with just the left stick.
# 194 Beluba @ 09/28/12 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by DukeC
I was able to do it. Such a terrible idea to have the controls camera relative in the demo though. I had to twirl the right stick clockwise up and down instead of the regular right to left.

I was also able to chain a euro out of the face up position as well. Very nice touch.
Yeah. Lame the control options aren't available in the demo. It would make a world of difference for a lot of people. Something we'll have to correct going forward
# 195 iLLosophy @ 09/28/12 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
what was confusing me is that there is a bit of a redundancy going on - a lot of similar dribble moves can be performed with both the right stick or the left stick (spins, crossovers, stepbacks). what was messing me up is that i'd be driving and i'd want to do a crossover, so i'd use the right stick to do crossover, but my player would automatically do a crossover with the left stick, then he'd do another dribble move from my right stick input...so my player would do two animations when i only wanted one - the left stick crossover and right stick move were fighting each other. once i stopped using the right stick while moving, it all started to work. the only move i use the right stick for while moving is the behind-the-back, because there is no way to pull that off with just the left stick.
This is throwing me off too lol. Not exactly what I had in mind when I read about it...I thought it would be no over lap like FPS controls where LS exclusively controls movement and RS exclusively controls aim.

Thanks for posting this though, I will try this out
# 196 Sundown @ 09/28/12 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by iLLosophy
Sorry man I Disagree. This is one of the things that should fall under the signature style of the player IMO. In no situation ever should we see someone like JR Smith shooting bank shots. And I could be wrong, but I don't think it ever provided an advantage in gameplay (it shouldn't if it did)....
I think it would have been better to actually control when we wanted to do a bank shot, then have bank shot skill ratings to encourage us to play like the player plays and take shots that are signature and comfortable for him.

This seems to be the direction 2K is going with the control stick-- taking out Sig Sizeup combos and having us effectively do them ourselves, but this goes in the opposite direction. But then again, certain players have special sig moves mapped to standard moves, like Rondo's fake pass layup mapped to Euro Step, so I suppose you can argue that Duncan just has his sig shot mapped to his jumper.

Serious question: when is the bank shot actually more effective than a normal shot in real basketball?
# 197 Bp365 @ 09/28/12 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
oh snap...i'm finally getting a feel for the controls, and i'm loving them. but there were some things i had to understand before it made sense.

this is what made it click for me - the right stick dribbling is really best when used only for "stand-still sizeups". the right stick should mostly be thought of as the "sizeup stick". once you are moving, it is best to stay away from the right stick, because the left stick dribble moves and right stick dribble moves will be fighting each other.

what i had to understand was that the player automatically does crossovers, stepbacks, spins with just the left stick...i was accustomed to using a modifier for those moves in previous 2k's...so seeing my player do them automatically without a modifier was really throwing me off. i was trying to do these moves with the right stick, but i really only needed to left stick to do them.

what was confusing me is that there is a bit of a redundancy going on - a lot of similar dribble moves can be performed with both the right stick or the left stick (spins, crossovers, stepbacks). what was messing me up is that i'd be driving and i'd want to do a crossover, so i'd use the right stick to do crossover, but my player would automatically do a crossover with the left stick, then he'd do another dribble move from my right stick input...so my player would do two animations when i only wanted one - the left stick crossover and right stick move were fighting each other. once i stopped using the right stick while moving, it all started to work. the only move i use the right stick for while moving is the behind-the-back, because there is no way to pull that off with just the left stick.
Amazing post. Thanks for the help. I couldn't seem to figure it out for nothing
# 198 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/28/12 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
But then again, certain players have special sig moves mapped to standard moves, like Rondo's fake pass layup mapped to Euro Step
It is? How do you know that?

And if that's the case, how are we supposed to Euro Step with Rondo? He uses that move quite a bit.
# 199 iLLosophy @ 09/28/12 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown

Serious question: when is the bank shot actually more effective than a normal shot in real basketball?
This is a great article on that subject.

# 200 Sundown @ 09/28/12 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
It is? How do you know that?

And if that's the case, how are we supposed to Euro Step with Rondo? He uses that move quite a bit.
I'm not sure about 2K13 but I was talking about 2K12. I was pretty sure LT-Forward Layup (Euro Step) is the fake pass layup for Rondo. Maybe I'm wrong. I also remember '91 Jordan's floater being mapped to his infamous switch hand layup in 2K11.

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