NBA 2K13 News Post
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Last year, that move would have somehow resulted in Rondo sliding to position and Rose hitting the invisible defense wall, which was extremely frustrating.
It looks like the positioning on defense is actually playing more true, as you can see Rondo actually is forced to make a full turn to recover and try to engage Rose on defense which at this point he is already beat.
So can we assume that speed is going to play a more important factor in this game as well? Guys that have that speed to recover can still do so and challenge?
I just really hope the controls are as fluid as they look and the branching between moves isn't as clunky and unresponsive as isomotion was.
So far, my interest has definitely increased from the Jay-Z announcement. Excited to hear and see more.
Thank you for the insight.
14 pages late, but it's good to receive some information. Finally something to look for.
Just like that everybody who has been bitching & complaining about the game, saying 2k is ****ing up by focusing on some stupid soundtrack, they don't care about us, they don't care about the gameplay, wah, wah, wah, have shut up & eaten crow.
I love it
I love it

# 124
blues rocker @ 08/10/12 08:42 PM
i like that in the Rose gif the crossover at the end makes him quickly change direction in an explosive way...directional changes on crossovers often felt a bit slow in 2k12.
I know for xbox connect If you swear u can get a tech wut about ps3? Please verify
This is why 2K is leaps and bounds ahead of anything EA Sports. 2K actually takes user feedback into hand when developing their next game, apposed to the "uhhh... just add a couple things to the presentation, that'll be fine" approach by EA Sports.
FIFA being the exception, of course.
FIFA being the exception, of course.
# 129
moneal2001 @ 08/10/12 10:22 PM
# 132
exposedaking @ 08/11/12 05:16 AM
I really hope the dribbling is fluid and responsive, crossing my fingers
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
With the improvements mentioned already we're talking about great advancement in the gameplay department.

Hope 2k dev read those threads
Im courios how to execute shots made now by LT+ST there was a lot .Hope shotting stick will be fully playable couse its amazing system when you master it fells way better than square button .
How we will get back up ?Now with triangle it is easy to back up even brigging ball up the court when defence is on you ,nba players do that all the time .We shoud control it and do it always with ball staing in the same hand !!!not changing automaticly (sometimes)
How about Triplethreat fakes(they shoul be analog like in live 2003 that was the best system ever,feeld fully controled )
They should back right analog defence like in previous 2k games on ps2 RS right left for left right hand ,maybe up for blocks just use to love that system feel fully controled by me ,steals and cutting passes was feel great,i didnt saw anybody using RS for defence now .
Hope game gets realistic tempo. Just like now you must use mvp and jd mod for quicker offence and defence moves put gameplay speed 49 for realistic ball physics ,and plaers quicness at 47 rest with abbys slidelrs feels way more realictic gameplay ,dribling etc.better respomsivness on shooting dribbling defence passing also look way more real.
Im courios how to execute shots made now by LT+ST there was a lot .Hope shotting stick will be fully playable couse its amazing system when you master it fells way better than square button .
How we will get back up ?Now with triangle it is easy to back up even brigging ball up the court when defence is on you ,nba players do that all the time .We shoud control it and do it always with ball staing in the same hand !!!not changing automaticly (sometimes)
How about Triplethreat fakes(they shoul be analog like in live 2003 that was the best system ever,feeld fully controled )
They should back right analog defence like in previous 2k games on ps2 RS right left for left right hand ,maybe up for blocks just use to love that system feel fully controled by me ,steals and cutting passes was feel great,i didnt saw anybody using RS for defence now .
Hope game gets realistic tempo. Just like now you must use mvp and jd mod for quicker offence and defence moves put gameplay speed 49 for realistic ball physics ,and plaers quicness at 47 rest with abbys slidelrs feels way more realictic gameplay ,dribling etc.better respomsivness on shooting dribbling defence passing also look way more real.
# 135
silverskier @ 08/11/12 08:21 AM
# 136
AirJordanFan93 @ 08/11/12 08:43 AM
Im really liking the sound of the "Control Stick" being bought in for 2K. Before I started playing 2K I was a EA player so its good they bought in that type of scheme for 2K13.
Anybody know what is the different control for executing a spin vs behind the back since the Left Trigger modifier is no longer used for special iso moves?
# 138
Gatorfan Frank @ 08/11/12 10:53 AM
Glad they added more diversity to the dribble moves. Hopefully they don't change the post offense controls too much, seeing how it took a long time to master all the post moves.
And, for the love of humanity, why can't 2K ever get the accessories right? Even in the first teaser I noticed Blake doesn't have an arm sleeve or knee pads (like this: u4ovt-l.jpg), and Durant's knee sleeves are the wrong style and color (should look like this:
I know these are minor issues to a lot of people, but if a sport game cstrives to be realistic, don't you think the players should look like they do on the court? It's just seems like such an easy fix, and it boggles my mind why 2K has such a difficult time with simple stuff, such as adding different accessory colors for home and away unis.
And, for the love of humanity, why can't 2K ever get the accessories right? Even in the first teaser I noticed Blake doesn't have an arm sleeve or knee pads (like this: u4ovt-l.jpg), and Durant's knee sleeves are the wrong style and color (should look like this:
I know these are minor issues to a lot of people, but if a sport game cstrives to be realistic, don't you think the players should look like they do on the court? It's just seems like such an easy fix, and it boggles my mind why 2K has such a difficult time with simple stuff, such as adding different accessory colors for home and away unis.
# 139
DboyRavage @ 08/11/12 10:54 AM
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