NBA 2K13 News Post

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Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 23 @ 08/10/12 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
This is just beautiful.

Yes it is
Happening exactly as it should.. no invisible chain pulling the dribbler in a direction or him bouncing off of a vertical trampoline, and no break in the action...just reaction. I love it!
# 102 DJ @ 08/10/12 03:12 PM
I like the addition of being able to change your defensive stance to shade a guy right/left. That could be very helpful.

Nice to hear that 2K balanced things out in regards to working on defensive control as much as the new R-stick dribbling.
# 103 engrishbwudd @ 08/10/12 03:28 PM
I really appreciate that 2k just dropped all of this information on us without hyping up a specific date for over a month (June 4th?). And in addition to the real-time physics, they seem to care about improving as many elements of the game that they can in a single dev cycle. 2k really cares about their product. Awesome.
# 104 SageInfinite @ 08/10/12 03:31 PM
Come Get Sum!

# 105 23 @ 08/10/12 03:34 PM
Won't be happy til I see Deron
# 106 8KB24 @ 08/10/12 03:37 PM
I'm definitely doing the Athletic Point Guard to be able to blow past my defender and dunk on someone in my debut. I'm already hyped for crossing over Nash and other no-so-good defenders. And doing the Nash-like bounce pass from half court to the man under the basket.
# 107 illwill10 @ 08/10/12 03:42 PM
Will there still be Abilities?
# 108 TalenT @ 08/10/12 03:46 PM
They have literally addressed virtually all of my complaints (Offline) w/ this one Video/Developer Insight. I'm so amped I probably shouldn't watch another video or read another article. Lord knows I will though. Lol
# 109 jersez @ 08/10/12 03:57 PM

What a way to come home from work wow.
I know I said I wasn't going to give up on the gif, but this is just amazing news.

Even though I mastered 2k12's isomotion what they've shown in that video makes me so excited. Just love seeing the footplanting, how realistic the dribbling looks, 2k13 is looking like it's going to be the game that shuts down the market. I'll take right stick dribbling over the shot stick, but if they are able to keep the shot stick then, we should never say these devs are lazy ever.
# 110 SouthBeach @ 08/10/12 04:28 PM
# 111 yungsta404 @ 08/10/12 04:29 PM
now that they implemented the new feature where you can shade the ball handler hopefully this means we will have better help defense.

Whats the point of shading a defender the ball handler if there is no help behind you.
# 112 raiderphantom @ 08/10/12 04:33 PM
This looks amazing. The only other concerns I have are 1) the up n under/step through needs to be toned way down 2) the teammate ai needs a boost to know when to spot up or cut and 3) CREW MODE!!!
# 113 jersez @ 08/10/12 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by SouthBeach
I remember that move from he got game, where they were balling at night. Man I can't wait.
# 114 BezO @ 08/10/12 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by yungsta404
now that they implemented the new feature where you can shade the ball handler hopefully this means we will have better help defense.

Whats the point of shading a defender the ball handler if there is no help behind you.
This could work well in conjuction with so many things... picks, help defense, double teams / traps, splitting defenders...
# 115 Slava Medvadenko @ 08/10/12 05:10 PM
I'll have to actually try out the game to know if the physics and momentum work right, but this shot stick dribbling scheme sounds great. It seems like the bumping is implemented better, and I like that you can dribble out of contact, like OJ Mayo doing a stepback cross out of it. The defense sounds great, its good that they emphasized that the physics of the defender movement was refined.

Awesome first video 2k. The physics movement and passing were my two biggest questions for 2k13, so its good that this was the first insight instead of a feature. The shot stick dribbling is a big change, but if it is responsive and you can really pull of the moves you input, it'll be great.
# 116 DJ @ 08/10/12 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Come Get Sum!

My boy Ty doing some work. Really looking forward to running with the Nuggets this year, especially now that Iggy will be there to play some lockdown D.

Looks like someone needs to get a 360 and PS3 version this year.
# 117 blues rocker @ 08/10/12 05:28 PM
I like being able to control your stance on defense. a lot of the problems with the defensive control in 2k12 were caused by your player automatically changing his stance in a weird way.
# 118 LD2k @ 08/10/12 05:46 PM

Would love to stay & chat, but we're hard at work at delivering you more Dev. videos. Glad you guys are enjoying what you see. NBA 2K13 is, the most fun I've ever have personally had with a sports title. Its insanely good.

# 119 Beluba @ 08/10/12 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by SouthBeach
Let me tell you guys what I like about the spin move in this gif... So after you initiate the spin and start to turn your back to the defender, you have a decision point:

1. move the right stick back the other way to turn it into a half-spin
2. move your left stick in the direction of the spin to quickly launch hard into a drive (think Amare or Melo move)
3. let the standing spin continue until the player is faced up again

If you choose option 3, you have more branch points:
1. chain into any other sizeup iso move
2. move your left stick to branch into a hard first step launch or cross launch
3. let the original spin finish all the way and go back into your stand dribble

Pretty much the whole Iso system works this way. You have a ton of flexibility to pull off just about any move you can think of once you understand the rhythm of the game, how the moves branch, and how movement impacts the moves. It got to the point that even the best ball handlers that we brought in for motion capture couldn't think of any new moves for me to add to the system. And believe me, these were HIGH level guards. For people who appreciate a good floor game, you will definitely like the upgrade.
# 120 SouthBeach @ 08/10/12 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Let me tell you guys what I like about the spin move in this gif... So after you initiate the spin and start to turn your back to the defender, you have a decision point:

1. move the right stick back the other way to turn it into a half-spin
2. move your left stick in the direction of the spin to quickly launch hard into a drive (think Amare or Melo move)
3. let the standing spin continue until the player is faced up again

If you choose option 3, you have more branch points:
1. chain into any other sizeup iso move
2. move your left stick to branch into a hard first step launch or cross launch
3. let the original spin finish all the way and go back into your stand dribble

Pretty much the whole Iso system works this way. You have a ton of flexibility to pull off just about any move you can think of once you understand the rhythm of the game, how the moves branch, and how movement impacts the moves. It got to the point that even the best ball handlers that we brought in for motion capture couldn't think of any new moves for me to add to the system. And believe me, these were HIGH level guards. For people who appreciate a good floor game, you will definitely like the upgrade.

So with something like this, it looks like Jrue does a slight in-and-out before the crossover. Is that more of a sizeup or will we be able to manually do that with the right stick?

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