NCAA Football 13 News Post

The NCAA Football 13 demo is out. Post your impressions here.

360 only right now, PS3 will be up later tomorrow!

**Update: PS3 demo is available now.**

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 801 Diggler360 @ 06/08/12 02:50 PM
Games IMO feel like two completely different games.

RTP is flawed this generation I've heard from directly inside EA.
# 802 The JareBear @ 06/08/12 03:08 PM
NCAA 11 was pretty spot on when comparing graphics and performance between the two consoles. NCAA 12 was a big step backward, the 360 had much smoother graphics and noticeably faster loading times and less stuttering when navigating menus. Based on my testing so far we are in the same boat this year. I play the game on my roommates 360 because it is just a vastly better looking and slightly smoother playing demo. This makes me sad because my leagues are all PS3 but I will play offline on the 360

Gameplay wise so much has already been said. I think it's an improvement but nothing groundbreaking I just want a NCAA game that won't crash or kill dynasties, let's hope they fixed that
# 803 Pezell04x @ 06/08/12 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by afbrother
I say the opposite--why aren't YOU seeing what we are seeing? Sorry dude, I love that you think this is great, but these are OUR honest impressions. A lot of us have been mashing buttons for years and there is only so many things you can change without a RTP and canned animation. Enjoy the game, but this blog is about IMPRESSIONS---yours, mine, ours. I don't invalidate your comments because I don't see the game the same way.
I'm not invalidating anyone's opinion, I'm asking a question. If you played 12 back in December and had enough, the game play isn't fresh. If the game play isn't fresh in your mind then yeah, 13 is going to seem like 12 because the last time you played collegiate football was around Christmas.

Its the same with people saying "oh it looks just like 12". Well yeah, most yearly releases do. NHL 12 looks like 11. Halo Reach looks like Halo 3. FIFA 12 looks like 11, etc. Obviously a company isn't going to go all out to change their models unless they completely overhaul the game which we all knew EA wasn't going to do with NCAA.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
# 804 BenGerman @ 06/08/12 03:34 PM
Man, the more I play this, the more I love it. You want to know why? I haven't seen anything weird. I know thats an odd reason to like a demo, but my biggest issue with this series is you always see stuff that never happens. Sure, the game doesn't have a lot of stuff that does happen in real life, but its done a great job of cutting out the crap that doesn't happen.

Other than the CPU's inability to run the option (which I'm hoping is just because its on varsity right now, as I've had no trouble running out of the shotgun at all), there is nothing keeping me from getting this. There's no way I could go back to '12 after what I've played so far.
# 805 jake44np @ 06/08/12 04:08 PM
How many different teams are playable in the demo?
# 806 blamalex @ 06/08/12 04:22 PM
Does anyone on here understand proper grammar? Geez, people, no wonder EA doesn't listen to what we say....we can't even put an argument together that actually makes sense the first time you read it.

On the other hand...I sure hope Teambuilder isn't a bust again this year. I can live with the gameplay (I'm use to it), I just want my created team to look as cool and realistic as every other school on the game.
# 807 TheBleedingRed21 @ 06/08/12 04:24 PM
Don't insult peoples intelligence.. not needed.
# 808 FedEx227 @ 06/08/12 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Pezell04x
I'm not invalidating anyone's opinion, I'm asking a question. If you played 12 back in December and had enough, the game play isn't fresh. If the game play isn't fresh in your mind then yeah, 13 is going to seem like 12 because the last time you played collegiate football was around Christmas.

Its the same with people saying "oh it looks just like 12". Well yeah, most yearly releases do. NHL 12 looks like 11. Halo Reach looks like Halo 3. FIFA 12 looks like 11, etc. Obviously a company isn't going to go all out to change their models unless they completely overhaul the game which we all knew EA wasn't going to do with NCAA.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I think from my perspective I'm not asking for new models or anything but literally everything but the ESPN Bottom Line and Studio Updates is pretty similar. Play call screen is same, commentary is the same, audio is the same.

Yearly games are of course going to have their similarities but they shouldn't be near carbon copies. Game play is definitely improved but I can't help but still feel like I just picked up NCAA 12 again from a presentation standpoint.
# 809 87Birdman @ 06/08/12 04:41 PM
This is just a question so please don't bite my head off. Could the reason for the poor audio/commentary be due to it being a Demo. To keep it a decent size they may have weakened the audio/commentary and maybe even cut lot of it out. But then again maybe they didn't, so unless they said this is the full audio files I'm just testing the game out. And to me it plays smoother than last year, which makes it enjoyable
# 810 twindaddyj @ 06/08/12 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by blamalex
Does anyone on here understand proper grammar? Geez, people, no wonder EA doesn't listen to what we say....we can't even put an argument together that actually makes sense the first time you read it.

On the other hand...I sure hope Teambuilder isn't a bust again this year. I can live with the gameplay (I'm use to it), I just want my created team to look as cool and realistic as every other school on the game.
that's very ironic......... kfdjfjd, kljj, .........
# 811 twindaddyj @ 06/08/12 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by 87Birdman
This is just a question so please don't bite my head off. Could the reason for the poor audio/commentary be due to it being a Demo. To keep it a decent size they may have weakened the audio/commentary and maybe even cut lot of it out. But then again maybe they didn't, so unless they said this is the full audio files I'm just testing the game out. And to me it plays smoother than last year, which makes it enjoyable
I doubt it since teh commentary is EXACTLY the same as last year.
# 812 TDenverFan @ 06/08/12 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by 87Birdman
This is just a question so please don't bite my head off. Could the reason for the poor audio/commentary be due to it being a Demo. To keep it a decent size they may have weakened the audio/commentary and maybe even cut lot of it out. But then again maybe they didn't, so unless they said this is the full audio files I'm just testing the game out. And to me it plays smoother than last year, which makes it enjoyable
Maybe. I hope so, at least. The commentary is slightly better (With a few new lines) and Rece is a nice add to the commentary.
# 813 FedEx227 @ 06/08/12 04:47 PM
I'm guessing no. Commentary has been largely unchanged for about 2-3 years now, so I'm not too confident that's the reason.
# 814 jasontoddwhitt @ 06/08/12 05:28 PM
Played K-State vs Baylor. I'm a coach moder, but since it's not available, I turned on auto pass.

* I actually was able to run a HB Slip Screen successfully. Last year, it resulted in a sack 9.5 times out of ten.

* I like the feel of the passing game so far.

* AI clock management is horrid. I'm purposely running the ball to run the clock down so I can kick the game winning FG and Baylor doesn't use a timeout until after I call time out with three seconds left so they can ice the kicker.

* I do like the Bottom Line and the studio updates.

Still on the fence though. If my dynasty brethren can confirm the tendency bug is gone and a few other idiotic things are fixed, then it may move to a purchase. Maybe.
# 815 Russell9 @ 06/08/12 06:10 PM
I like the demo so far the passing is AWESOME! This is how it should have always been.
I don't really know what the guy above me is taking about I get broken tackles all time.
So far no complaints but I will soon have some.
# 816 Russell9 @ 06/08/12 06:11 PM
Oh also wish the studio update would have a video clip off the big play that was made!!!
# 817 Phobia @ 06/08/12 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
Not enough broken tackles. Its just pitch, catch, tackle. picth, catch, tackle, over and over again. It gets really old fast to me. Canned animations ruins this game for me. This is the main reason jukes dont work in this game.
I hope they increase the broken tackles when you juke or truck before release, this would make the game a little less predictable, but I doubt they will. And I dont care about sliders cause I play online.
Sounds like NCAA 09 is right up your alley
# 818 Sdrawkcab321 @ 06/08/12 06:33 PM
how do you do the shovel pass? i cant figure it out
# 819 micksharp @ 06/08/12 06:49 PM
I've probably played 10 games so far and I am sold. I think it plays pretty smooth.

I have both systems both hooked up hdmi on a 55"Sony Bravia and I can certainly say the Xbox graphics are better. I'm not saying if all I had was a PS3 I wouldn't buy it. I'm just saying if you have both you may wanna go XBox. The gameplay felt identical on the two systems though.

Pros, new catch animations, play action is usable, screens work great, 4 verts isn't a guaranteed completion, passing trajectories are much better, the crowd (even though I think they should have went even bigger) reacts better, anyone who says the graphics are no better is just plain wrong (after reading some of these comments I popped in 12 to check a side by side and although not huge 13 is certainly better), the players move more realistic and last but not least the score ticker at the bottom is just awesome

Cons, can't adjust difficulty, choppy especially the ps3 version (loading), return game still felt unrealistic, although better the CPU still sucks a little at running the option (hopefully its only on varsity), CPU qb decision making was no good (hopefully difficulty will help that), still not one PI call in all my games

I would say my biggest con is that EA keeps spending resources on dumb game modes that no one plays. I will never even try Heisman Challenge. It along with the mascot game, the dumb bring your player up from high school thing and all the other side stuff just isn't fun. I guess that has nothing to do with the demo. That was just something I wanted to say.
# 820 BA2929 @ 06/08/12 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by FedEx227
I think from my perspective I'm not asking for new models or anything but literally everything but the ESPN Bottom Line and Studio Updates is pretty similar. Play call screen is same, commentary is the same, audio is the same.

Yearly games are of course going to have their similarities but they shouldn't be near carbon copies. Game play is definitely improved but I can't help but still feel like I just picked up NCAA 12 again from a presentation standpoint.
NHL 11 is nearly identical in all in-game aspects to NHL 12 and NHL is one of the best sports games out there. In all honesty, if you showed me both games playing at the same time on tvs side by side, I wouldn't be able to pick one out. I'm sure NHL 13 will look exactly the same as well and many people don't have a problem with it.

Seems like some NCAA video game fans want complete change to nearly everything every year and that's one of the reasons we get the "It's just NCAA 12.5" comments all the time. Football games have have had nearly the same playcalling screens since Tecmo Bowl in the 80's. Why change something that works?

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