MLB 13 The Show News Post

With the MLB 2K series all but confirmed to be dead, Kotaku's Owen Good has posted an article on what MLB 13 The Show must do to keep the fans of baseball gaming happy. It should be interesting, considering a simulation baseball game for the 360 doesn't look very likely.

Your long slog through your career in Road to the Show makes the game's threadbare commentary painfully apparent. I think the world of Matt Vasgersian but he is shackled to an outdated commentary engine given to repetition and dead air. Dave Campbell's dialogue library is really showing its age, and a majority of his work sounds like Dave Campbell playing Dave Campbell. Eric Karros should be thanked for his service and sent home. The Show has world class visuals and a smooth, if minimalist, broadcast presentation. The commentary supporting it has not pulled its weight in years.

In your opinion, what does MLB 13 The Show need to do next year to satisfy your baseball gaming needs?

Source - If We Won’t Have MLB 2K to Kick Around Next Year, Here’s What The Show Must Do (Kotaku)

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 381 DieHardYankee26 @ 08/06/12 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by PatriotJames
It is? That's what I came here to request..

I live in Iowa and it would be so awesome to create a pro team w/ uni's/colors/logos and a stadium. I was just thinking as I'm playing right now how sweet that would be because my favorite teams play in pitcher parks.

I'd love to have a green monster in right & left field with an open/deep CF.
The devs have made it clear over the years that there is no way that they could open up the stadium building tools to us. I don't know if it would work with a toned down basic version like MVP 05 or not, but I'm pretty sure it won't happen.
# 382 MJHSpanda57 @ 08/06/12 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by wisdom less13
Difference in uniforms. Baggy to actually look baggy. Sleeves different lengths. Being a fitted head, I love what yous did with the hat brims. I basically just want that type of stuff. Option to argue calls, and hire/fire a manager during the season. I just want a difference in uniforms.
Going off of the difference in uniforms, it'd be nice to see Dan Uggla having tight sleeves. Heck even Brandon Beachy wears pretty tight sleeves haha. Baggy undershirts would add some realism, as well having the option for different pant lengths for day/night games. The batting helmets also look a little too but that could just be me.
# 383 royals19 @ 08/06/12 09:21 PM
In next years game I would like to see:

-Games for all levels of the minor leagues- AAA, AA, Class A, instructional League.

-The Arizona Fall League

-I would like to have the ability to sign international players

-Have drafted players added to your roster as soon as they sign.

-Have draft lottery like they had this year.
# 384 mwjr @ 08/07/12 12:12 PM
The Pulse Pitching is a slight step in the right direction, but I still prefer that other game's pitching interface. Something closer to that would make The Show even more immersive.

Overhaul the training system. Training that actually impacts player development.
# 385 Cavicchi @ 08/07/12 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by mwjr
The Pulse Pitching is a slight step in the right direction, but I still prefer that other game's pitching interface. Something closer to that would make The Show even immersive.

Overhaul the training system. Training that actually impacts player development.
I'm with you on that, and would say same as the other game without the color change thing.
# 386 Nez477 @ 08/07/12 06:41 PM
I've played about 40 games in my franchise and have played a couple seasons of RTTS, and offer the following feedback:

It will take a lot for me to buy MLB The Show 13. This isn't saying that I wouldn't love to have it because I would, but I bought 09 and then bought 12. The thing that got me to buy 12 was pulse pitching and the new physics. The game is absolutely incredible and it really is my favorite sporting game of all time. The batting with zone analog is extremely challenging and fun, the pulse pitching allows better pitchers to be better and worse to be worse, mistakes happen, walks happen, etc. So I just wanted to say up front that 12 is awesome and it would take the following things happening to make me buy 13. I also wanted to make sure you know that I truly love the game, so when I'm blunt about feedback below know that its just things that would possibly persuade me to get 13.


Improve Fielding

Men on 1st and 2nd, one out. Scorcher groundball sent to the 3Bman. He runs over to 3B puts his foot on the bag. Then stops. Winds up. Throws to 1B. Safe.

This happens way too often. Carry my momentum through the bag at 3B and throw on the run. This is how real defenders do it. I've seen this at 2B/SS too. Its like the CPU doesn't understand what we are trying to do.

Make the field "bigger"

I think the game field plays smaller than it should. Its quite hard for a guy from 2nd to score on most grounders to the outfield because it feels like the LFer/RFer are playing just yards away from the infielders. Not a huge deal, but something to look at.


Some players rarely need rest. I don't like the fact that I have to bench Jimmy Rollins every 7th day. Its minor, but a fix in this case would be nice.



I know that this is mentioned many times in the thread, but the finances/roster/promotion/salaries interfaces are just terrible. If you can make this game work like OOTP when it comes to the GM-aspect of baseball I promise I will buy the game every year forever and ever. The gameplay is fantastic, but GM aspect and the interface leaves much to be desired.

Its just silly to say "1/1" contracts for those in arbitration or those on a rookie contract. You can't offer extensions in-season. This is a huge problem for me. If Cole Hamels is going to talk extension, I won't trade him. If he isn't, if he plays hardball, maybe I trade him. Its a big part of baseball. Maybe you don't need a total "Player morale" system with contracts/greed and whatnot, but at the very least allow us to negotiate in-season.

Model your interface after OOTP. Have a "player salary" screen that simply shows who is making what for the next 10 years. If they are eligible for arbitration, put an A in there. If they are automatically renewed, somehow designate that. The bottom line is that the financial piece of your interface is really messy.

If you need to promote/demote players, this is also a little clunky.

Trade logic and CPU player movement is also not very realistic, but you know this and honestly I don't expect too much better. I would recommend though, at the very least, that the CPU evaluate their system once a month and make moves (currently they are just done due to injuries or in the off-season and that is kind of lame). This would mean that if players are developing at AAA that they would get their chance at the right time as opposed to waiting for an injury to happen. There should be a waiver wire screen honestly of teams constantly waiving players. Its so rare to get a pop-up saying "so and so has been waived". That's not realistic.

A "top prospects" list would be fun, but not a huge deal.

Add a playable A level.

In general, just make us more involved as a GM. Have players complain about playing time, their spot in the order, their contract. Have others do great things like call other teammates out and increase their popularity. I don't know what needs to be done here exactly but just get us more involved as GMs and make that part of the game more realistic. If you did this game would just be ridiculously awesome.

Being able to customize franchises (with different divisions, teams, games, rules, etc) would be awesome.


Honestly just revamp this entirely. Its fun for a while but then becomes arduous. Just make it more immersive. I don't think I'll play this mode again because the constant trades, the silly goals (I'll hit .500 for three weeks but get benched because I didn't increase my arm strength??), etc, just make it not much fun for me. Again, franchise is so awesome and the gameplay is great so I don't need RTTS. But just know that if you did something interesting with it I may need to buy it to check it out.

In closing....

Just make it more immersive, that's my #1 request. I don't need much more from a gameplay standpoint as I think its really great, the announcers don't matter much to me.... but if you made me get more into running my team in franchise (as opposed to just playing games) I'd be just so so happy.

# 387 Scooter3 @ 08/07/12 06:55 PM
A choice to relocate a Franchise to their previous homes. Send the Dodgers back to Brooklyn, Have the announcers call them the Brooklyn Dodgers, offer their Brooklyn Home and away uniforms... Repeat with the following teams:

New York Giants
Kansas City Athletics / Philadelphia A's
Milwaukee Braves
St. Louis Browns
Washington Senators

baggy uniforms with half stirrups

# 388 Scooter3 @ 08/07/12 07:16 PM
I would like to see this pitching option:

1) manual ( complete control)

2) auto ( computer controls pitching we control the fielders )

# 389 AntonTc @ 08/07/12 07:32 PM
I would love to be able to see lifetime advanced stats.. Not even anything crazy like bsr or wrc, just wanna be able to see my RTTS player's lifetime... say.... FIELDING maybe? I was really surprised to see this wasn't in the game when I started playing the series, and it's still not. At least have basic stats like FLD/A/PO visible for my entire career
# 390 Scooter3 @ 08/07/12 07:35 PM
Voice Synthesis has evolved to a high standard over the last few years. It would be fantastic to be able to type a players name and hear it in the game.

This would be a back-up to the big name database offered. Maybe too early for this but PS4 might be a possibility.

# 391 RedK @ 08/07/12 09:24 PM
They need to make the fielding more realistic. They still do the stupid animation where something gets hit off the wall and they just sit there and wait for it to roll back. They also need to make the pitching mechanics better/smoother. The biggest thing for me though is the commentary. Its boring and stale and needs to change. Until that happens no matter how much they change it will still feel the same.
# 392 mwjr @ 08/08/12 09:29 AM
This is my 1st time buying MLB The Show on the current generation. Bought a PS3 in February specifically for MLB The Show, so I suspect that I will buy 13 as well.
# 393 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 09:53 AM
Personally speaking I would like them to put something back in to the game they once had and then removed. I am referring to the "offline profile" where the game kept your personal stats wins/losses, batting avg., hits, doubles, triples, home runs, strikeouts etc... for games you played offline. The game actually had the ability to create multiple profiles so if you played with a friend on the same console each person could have their own stats that the game kept.

For a while the profile would only record your win or loss (and all the rest your stats) if you were playing a season (or franchise) against your friend where each of you controlled a particular team within the league & the particular game you played was for the team you controlled.

I would hope that if they brought back the profile feature for games played offline, they would fix this and as long as you were playing the game and loaded your offline profile, and then played as a human opponent to the other player's scheduled game (despite the fact that it was not the game that your controlled team in the season or franchise was on the schedule) that your stats from the game you played were still recorded to your profile.

Just one more point to add, if two players played an exhibition game, the profile did store both player's stats. The problem is, the game did this only in exhibition, I am asking this feature be included in season & franchise games as well.
# 394 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 10:04 AM
A game feature I have absolutely no idea why it has not been implemented in this game since it's inception. The ability to manually control your own baserunners lead. Meaning, if you take a lead off the base and the pitcher decides to throw over (a pickoff move) that the runner should be controlled by the person playing the game to decide to run back to the base not to get picked off.

Every year so far in the game, the baserunner on a pickoff throw automatically runs back to the base. I want (at least an option the game should offer) to control what my baserunner does under that situation. Whether to run my baserunner back to the bag, just stand where he is, or run to the next base. (the same way the game allows me to do this when I get a hit)

The idea is, let the game offer in the options menu the ability to remove the automatic response the cpu does for me & let me choose what I want to do instead with the baserunner on a pickoff.
# 395 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Scooter3
Voice Synthesis has evolved to a high standard over the last few years. It would be fantastic to be able to type a players name and hear it in the game.

This would be a back-up to the big name database offered.

I was going to say the same thing. You beat me to the punch.
# 396 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Scooter3
A choice to relocate a Franchise to their previous homes. Send the Dodgers back to Brooklyn, Have the announcers call them the Brooklyn Dodgers, Repeat with the following teams:

New York Giants
Kansas City Athletics / Philadelphia A's
Milwaukee Braves
St. Louis Browns
Washington Senators

I wonder if MLB would give Sony the rights.
# 397 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Nez477


Improve Fielding

Men on 1st and 2nd, one out. Scorcher groundball sent to the 3Bman. He runs over to 3B puts his foot on the bag. Then stops. Winds up. Throws to 1B. Safe.

This happens way too often. Carry my momentum through the bag at 3B and throw on the run. This is how real defenders do it. I've seen this at 2B/SS too. Its like the CPU doesn't understand what we are trying to do.

Make the field "bigger"

I think the game field plays smaller than it should. Its quite hard for a guy from 2nd to score on most grounders to the outfield because it feels like the LFer/RFer are playing just yards away from the infielders. Not a huge deal, but something to look at.


Some players rarely need rest. I don't like the fact that I have to bench Jimmy Rollins every 7th day. Its minor, but a fix in this case would be nice.
Great ideas. I second them.
# 398 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 10:30 AM
Add more editing capabilites for the fielding glove such as gloves that contain multiple colors in the main glove area.

Also add the gold/yellow colored fielding glove. (the one you see in the cut scene in the dugout after a game) After all, it is a glove color used by real MLB players.

Also add an independent option for the color of the palm of the fieding glove. (currently the palm color is linked to the main glove color.)

Add the ability to change a player's glove color based on home or away games.
# 399 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 10:32 AM
Add an option for different batting stances for switch hitters. (one for batting left handed & another for batting right handed)
# 400 Big Shmooz @ 08/08/12 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by MauerMorneau09
Rehab assignments & trades for cash need to be in for Franchise.
Great ideas. I would also ask for the ability to trade 2 players for 1 player or 3 for 1 or 3 for 2. After all, this is done quite often in real life.

I would also ask this not to be limited to franchise play, but also as an option when playing a season as well.

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