FIFA Soccer 12 News Post

For those of you with EA Sports Season Ticket, FIFA 12 is available now for both 360 and PS3 users.

Please post your impressions after playing the Season Ticket early release. If you would like to ask a question about the final version of FIFA 12, please use the Question & Answer thread.

Remember, this topic is for impressions of the game, not comparisons or general discussion of the FIFA series, EA Sports, or anything else. FIFA 12 impressions only, please.

Post deemed to be outside the realm of FIFA 12 impressions are subject to deletion. Thank you for your cooperation.

Game: FIFA Soccer 12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 14 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 kerosene31 @ 02/03/12 02:35 PM
These were posted in another thread and have helped me out a ton, especially with defense.


# 282 kerosene31 @ 02/04/12 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Qb
Based on this paragraph, I think you'll have a good time with the game.
Yeah, honestly this has been my biggest problem with the series in the past. The AI was about extreme pressure and tackling at every point on the field. It was never realistic.

Now you can actually stop with the ball for a moment and as long as you aren't closer to goal the AI won't be all over you. It also punishes you for being too aggressive. You can actually stop with the ball and look for a play as long as you aren't close to goal, just like in the real game. They take away your passing options, not attack you like a maniac.

I'm loving it, even if it took me a bunch of games to score my first goal.
# 283 adamgod8 @ 02/08/12 01:50 PM
Quick question...Why does my player randomly decide to chip it sometimes. I KNOW I'm not holding down L1 (LB) but he will chip it anyways....is there a way to change this? Also, if there is a loose ball, a lot of times my players will run away from it or back away and not run to it, anyway to change this too?
# 284 adamgod8 @ 02/10/12 03:03 PM
Minor Annoyance: Are you sure you want to simulate until this point in time. Only the UTMOST important messages will be received.

1 day later: 4th string defender, "Hey coach, thanks for letting me be on the team!"
# 285 BIG CAROLINA @ 04/21/12 03:19 PM
I am mainly a PES player but I am a soccer fan 1st so I want to buy this game also.

My question is that based on what I have been reading, are there penalties/fouls? Or are there just not enough of them?
# 286 orion523 @ 04/21/12 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by BIG CAROLINA
I am mainly a PES player but I am a soccer fan 1st so I want to buy this game also.

My question is that based on what I have been reading, are there penalties/fouls? Or are there just not enough of them?
You'll get at most a total of 3-4 fouls a game. Cards are a non-entity, as a matter of fact I've seen one red card....ever and I've had the game since January
# 287 BIG CAROLINA @ 04/21/12 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by orion523
You'll get at most a total of 3-4 fouls a game. Cards are a non-entity, as a matter of fact I've seen one red card....ever and I've had the game since January
Thanks for answering so quickly..... One more if you don't mind? I like to play as close to 45 min halves as possible, now would that increase the fouls? The cards I see there is nothing you can do about it
# 288 orion523 @ 04/21/12 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by BIG CAROLINA
Thanks for answering so quickly..... One more if you don't mind? I like to play as close to 45 min halves as possible, now would that increase the fouls? The cards I see there is nothing you can do about it
I'm sure it would, considering I only play 15 minute halves. I must say this as well, despite the issues with the fouls, FIFA 12 is without a doubt my favorite sports game on 360. It really is a phenomenal game, even with it's few issues. Its just frustrating because its so close to being the ultimate game. I was hoping the Euro game would add that little extra that FIFA 12 needed, but sadly it will not making it a non-buy for me.
# 289 Yeats @ 04/22/12 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by orion523
You'll get at most a total of 3-4 fouls a game. Cards are a non-entity, as a matter of fact I've seen one red card....ever and I've had the game since January
As I've mentioned several times, creating custom CPU tactics and setting teams' Aggression to 80+ will produce cards. I also edited players' Aggression ratings, and I typically see 2-4 cards against the CPU every game. In other words, it takes some editing but cards are far from a non-entity as you put it.

BIG C, the game allows 20 min halfs, that's it. And of course playing more minutes creates more fouls/cards. But there's no programming correlation between raising the half length = changing the game's foul logic.
# 290 orion523 @ 04/22/12 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Yeats
As I've mentioned several times, creating custom CPU tactics and setting teams' Aggression to 80+ will produce cards. I also edited players' Aggression ratings, and I typically see 2-4 cards against the CPU every game. In other words, it takes some editing but cards are far from a non-entity as you put it.

BIG C, the game allows 20 min halfs, that's it. And of course playing more minutes creates more fouls/cards. But there's no programming correlation between raising the half length = changing the game's foul logic.
But they are a non-entity, because there aren't many people with the time or quite frankly the will to go to such extremes, and make no mistake editing thousands of players one by one is extreme and something I am not going nor should I have to do. As for editing tactics, it has no effect(by itself, it may with edited player ratings) as I've said before. I and quite a few others have tried it.
# 291 Yeats @ 04/23/12 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by orion523
As for editing tactics, it has no effect as I've said before. I and quite a few others have tried it.
Raising CPU teams' Defense Aggression absolutely helps produce more CPU fouls and cards. But I understand that people would rather not spend the time editing. Their choice of course. Meanwhile I'm happily enjoying the game and seeing yellow and even red cards against the CPU, every single game.
# 292 orion523 @ 04/23/12 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Yeats
Raising CPU teams' Defense Aggression absolutely helps produce more CPU fouls and cards. But I understand that people would rather not spend the time editing. Their choice of course. Meanwhile I'm happily enjoying the game and seeing yellow and even red cards against the CPU, every single game.
I hear ya! And make no mistake, I really love the game. Although I would like to see more fouls without having to edit its surely not a game breaker. FIFA 12 is without a doubt my favorite sports game this generation and I am anxiously awaiting the next installment.
# 293 Yeats @ 04/23/12 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by orion523
I hear ya! And make no mistake, I really love the game. FIFA 12 is without a doubt my favorite sports game this generation and I am anxiously awaiting the next installment.
Anyone who has the PC version simply must try regularcat's gameplay mod, available on soccer gaming. I thought the default gameplay was very good, but his gameplay mod raises it to a whole new level. Among other things he overhauled the shooting, and yesterday I blasted a 50 yard strike into the top corner of the net. Never came close to doing that in any other soccer game. FIFA 12 with his gameplay mod is simply the most enjoyable sports game I've ever played.

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