Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 12:40 PM
Pretty funny how everyone is railing on the kicking meter.....are there really this many people here who have never played Madden before the current generation of systems? This isn't a "new" kicking meter.....it's the way the meter was for quite a long time.
# 102 Broncos86 @ 08/09/11 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by mva5580
Pretty funny how everyone is railing on the kicking meter.....are there really this many people here who have never played Madden before the current generation of systems? This isn't a "new" kicking meter.....it's the way the meter was for quite a long time.
I am SOOO happy to see the old kick meter make a return. I was never a fan of the last kicking meter.
# 103 Mister_G @ 08/09/11 12:46 PM
How does the new kicking meter work? Is it just the right analog stick like it used to be?
# 104 Bootzilla @ 08/09/11 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by radatdude2
This is the biggest gripe i have, im fine with everything else but the players size is a huge disappointment. I thought the size of players were increased this year to provide better proportions. Im with you NCAA really captured this well.
Funny. I feel the exact opposite. Love player proportions. NCAA QBs and DEs especially were ridiculously proportioned. Most QBs looked like 250 lb middle linebackers.
# 105 Benz87 @ 08/09/11 12:50 PM
I was reading a description of the demo on Madden's website last night, the description mentioned something about completing a hot route and it will be worth your while. I did this and noticed nothing different. Does anyone else know what i'm referring to and what changed?
# 106 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bootzilla
Funny. I feel the exact opposite. Love player proportions. NCAA QBs and DEs especially were ridiculously proportioned. Most QBs looked like 250 lb middle linebackers.
Yeah I would agree with you, I find Madden to better than NCAA in that regard.
# 107 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 12:54 PM
Ugh two games in and I've lost both. Had a 10-0 lead going into the 4th playing as the Bears, but Rodgers led a comeback and threw the game winning TD with 42 seconds left. I returned the kick to midfield and moved the ball, hit Hester in the endzone twice but he couldn't get his feet down

Hopefully third time's the charm.

Little gripe, but it looks like the shadows are very jagged on the player's faces.
# 108 wumster @ 08/09/11 12:55 PM
[quote=radatdude2;2042705271]I don't know if its because i been really waiting for this demo or im not found of the teams, but i gotta say as much as i want to love this game im a little disappointed. I know its only a demo and the game is weird with no commentary, but the game doesn't play as well as NCAA and the player models only look good when close up. Right now all the players look very similar in size in the standard camera view, which isn't the case in NCAA. Im going to get some rest and put fresh eyes to this later.

I have to agree, there is something that's just not doing it for me. I cant say that he demo is bad because it's not. I just don't know.
# 109 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Giants4Natic
I dont know how anyone can look at the graphics for both games and say NCAA is better. This is coming from people who were having 100 page threads on how horrible the field and graphics were for the NCAA game but now Madden is worst?

This Madden is light years better then NCAA. And its a demo

I just think many have been drilled with the Madden sucks and death to EA that they have preconceived notions already about the game
I don't think I would say that there is any kind of HUGE difference between them, but there are certainly some things that Madden does better. I look forward to seeing the lighting in Madden though and making that comparison as (for the most part) I find it to be amazing in NCAA. It's horrible on Partly Cloudy Night games though....hopefully Madden doesn't have that.

I think Madden looked a little better, but I'm not convinced it's some astronomical difference.
# 110 Dewiel @ 08/09/11 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
Do they not have fumble pileups anymore?

Edit: And another question: How do you do the surprise onside?
To surprise onside kick, you select a normal kickoff. Once you're on the field, hit B/O to activate the kickoff instead of A/X and then hit B/O again to stop the meter like you normally would with A/X. That's all you have to do.
# 111 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dewiel
To surprise onside kick, you select a normal kickoff. Once you're on the field, hit B/O to activate the kickoff instead of A/X and then hit B/O again to stop the meter like you normally would with A/X. That's all you have to do.

Does anyone know if there's still fumble pileups or if that's been taken out of the game?
# 112 Dewiel @ 08/09/11 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by DukeC
Nice. Is this in the manual when the game ships?
The manual is within the game this year. You can access it from the main screen of the game. Having said that, I'm not sure if this is in the manual or not. I'll check and see.
# 113 Dewiel @ 08/09/11 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy

Does anyone know if there's still fumble pileups or if that's been taken out of the game?
Not sure. I personally have not noticed any. I'm pretty sure they're gone, but not positive.
# 114 ajs41072 @ 08/09/11 01:14 PM
Glad they changed the kick meter. Kicks shouldn't be automatic. The right stick way was too easy, just about all of my missed FG were short with that method. Very few missed wide.
# 115 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jdoug312
Anybody else find themselves playing on Very Slow?

And I just going to chalk it up to the lack of commentary, but the game felt very dry to me. Why did they remove commentary from the demo anyway?? They had it in last years' 5 min qtr demo..
Because they put other things into the demo to show people the new changes such as the different camera angles, stuff like that. There's a limit on how big demos can be and adding commentary probably would have put it over. We all know how the commentary sounds, better to add some of the newer stuff that we haven't seen yet.
# 116 Blitzburgh @ 08/09/11 01:25 PM
Just a quick question.... Where is this amazing 3D grass that they kept talking about and is in NCAA? So far after just one game it definitely plays a better game of football!
# 117 NikeBlitz @ 08/09/11 01:26 PM
Impressions after a lot of games.

Pros : Wonderful graphics ... one of the most beautiful sports games. Played in very slow speed, make the game way better. No suction, weight seems to be a factor, new kicking meter ... love it. Good pressure by the Dline, OL/DL interactions are fine ... Presentation is improved (stats in-game ect...) ... realistic zone d. Fluidity when you score a TD ... no more "weird moment" before the celebration. Super LBs seem off (just see them one time, but is fine)

Cons : Halftime Show ... really ? Replays are too short & lack of "authenticity" . A little bit of skating here and here.

Replays should be like that (1min28)
# 118 geetarguy @ 08/09/11 01:28 PM
I don't like how there's no commentary.
So far it's pretty good
Glad they finally got the green sticker on qbs helmets
# 119 Broncos86 @ 08/09/11 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotaviking
Big Madden fan here and I must say that no doubt it's better then 2011.. I applaud them for that but... I think it's still behind NCAA in the gameplay department. It saddens me because i am a huge NFL guy but I may skip it and just play NCAA. I play online only so i am not worried about dynasty modes or how games against the cpu play. Does no one think that NCAA plays better?? It is so much more realistic and just feels right.. I find the gameplay of Madden 12 way to fast and chaotic and it still does not resemble football.. I still need to play more games.. i could be wrong but after 2 games I was not really into it... It is a whole lot better then the worst Madden of all time though which is madden 11
Use sliders. Choose a slower game speed. Right now, I'm much happier with Madden 12 than I am NCAA 12.

Originally Posted by geetarguy
I don't like how there's no commentary.
So far it's pretty good
Glad they finally got the green sticker on qbs helmets
Already been stated why there's no commentary. It's in order to get presentation elements in the game and keep the demo size down.
# 120 Mike Smoove @ 08/09/11 01:31 PM
I feel this demo is superior to NCAAF retail, im actually feeling a little weight to the players, especially on tackles. Sounds of the hits are great. It feels like the glory of last gen but a little twist to it. The zig zagging in NCAA is not here. Presentation is the best ive seen in any football title, crowd is amazing, Madden team got it right this year.

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