Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 maccerbiggie @ 08/09/11 02:35 PM
The QB speed and scrambling is very annoying. I was thoroughly rnjoying the demo until this play.

Blitzing through the middle with Clay Matthews, steps over a cut block (nice) running straight at Jay Cutler (nice) Jay the rapidly takes off to the right of Clay avoiding the sack (hmm, slightly annoying) Clay chases him down, Jay breaks his tackle (are you kidding), Jay then drives a 2 man tackle over the 1st down line (this is a joke right?)

QB's are not RB's. Address this issue! And as stated before, stop having lineman block oncoming defenders with so much forces, that they push them to the ground. Hate being taken out of every play when I'm rushing with Clay. He racked up 15 sacks last season, and he spends the majority of downs on the floor!!

On a more positive note, I love the balance of the game, and also the new kicking meter. My games normally pan out around 10 - 7 sort of score. Which is probably around a half with full 15 minute quarters. Which I love! Far too many times, I would end games with 40 - 30 types of scores! And for once im not racking up 99% power every time I kick! Is nice to see.
# 162 lost1 @ 08/09/11 02:36 PM
# 163 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotaviking
What do you guy's think the online speed setting will be??? Could you change the speed in online games in year past!! This is the deal breaker for me.. any comments would be appreciated!!
Then I guess you won't be buying it as they're not going to have the speed setting be adjustable online. It's a subjective thing and just because one person thinks it should be "Slow" and "45" doesn't mean that's what the other person thinks it should be. It will be a static setting....and it should be. I don't play the game at the default speed setting but if you're going to play online with millions of other people, you need to accept that a universal setting has to be chosen when it comes to stuff like that.
# 164 bodymore @ 08/09/11 02:46 PM
After a couple of games I am really starting to like it. You really start to fear the opposing teams best rusher. Peppers was killing me and I found myself looking for him as soon as I dropped back. Can't wait to play with my Ravens! As I said before the graphics are great it's just the camera seems to far back. Maybe it's the stadium but I will be playing on the zoomed camera.

Also fix the kicking. Everytime I try and push the A button the second time it does nothing.
# 165 menglish20 @ 08/09/11 02:48 PM
I had high hopes for this game. After the demo, I'm not buying this. I'll wait to see if these issues were resolved in the final game and maybe buy it late. But you lost me, EA. The gameplay is just not good enough.
# 166 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by bodymore
Maybe it's the stadium but I will be playing on the zoomed camera.
I will too, but my worry is that the zoom camera will be too close when it comes to passing.
# 167 RedPhazon8 @ 08/09/11 02:48 PM
Still waiting for the PS3 to get the demo, then I can get some AI vs AI impressions... Hopefully...
# 168 maccerbiggie @ 08/09/11 02:49 PM
Also, on a further note. All - Madden isn't quite as fun to play with as Heisman is with NCAA. Out of the box, Heisman plays very well for me.

All - Madden has -

- Too many dropped passes
- Confusingly bad throws at times
- Too much D line pressure in relation to how good the coverage is. In other words, one of them has to give. Either the LB's or DB's awareness needs to drop, or the pass rushing skills need to drop. It isn't a huge problem, can just lead to frustation at times because with Rodgers and the Packers, you would expect much more versatility in the passing game. This can easily be fixed with sliders, however they don't seem to work on the demo as editing sliders, instantly changes the difficulty to Rookie?!?

It would be nice to just see All Madden have improved CPU skill, but also smarter play calling. Rather than just downgrading your team so much that it stops making sense, and equipping the opposition with so much skill that they will outplay you, even if you are Clay Matthews, Arron Rodgers or Greg Jennings.
# 169 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotaviking
That's fine and I understand that it's going to be a universal setting.. So do you think it will be set on the "normal setting that it is now or do you think it will be on slow??
I highly doubt it will be slow. They call it "Normal" for a reason, because it's their base setting.
# 170 TDKing @ 08/09/11 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by mva5580
Then I guess you won't be buying it as they're not going to have the speed setting be adjustable online. It's a subjective thing and just because one person thinks it should be "Slow" and "45" doesn't mean that's what the other person thinks it should be. It will be a static setting....and it should be. I don't play the game at the default speed setting but if you're going to play online with millions of other people, you need to accept that a universal setting has to be chosen when it comes to stuff like that.
I thought with the new communities thing you can change your settings and sliders for online games. You'll just have to find a communnity that plays at the speed you like or start your own community with your own settings. At least that's how I understood it.
# 171 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by TDKing
I thought with the new communities thing you can change your settings and sliders for online games. You'll just have to find a communnity that plays at the speed you like or start your own community with your own settings. At least that's how I understood it.
Well I would think they would do something like that, I was just referring to random online games. I thought you could change the settings in franchises.
# 172 solo killa boi @ 08/09/11 02:51 PM
this game is whatever....... it don't make sense to complain because i knew this game was going to be this way. so sad, and this is nfl football.... oh i forgot this is the only choice!
# 173 maccerbiggie @ 08/09/11 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
That is correct, the demo build is from early May I believe since it takes 2 months to get it through Sony and Microsoft for approval. This was before any major tuning was done. Demo builds are there to show off the bells and whistles and aren't completely representative of the final product.
Ah that's good to know. Because I have been regularly looking at gameplay footage from E3 etc, and the build then did seem alot better looking than this. And that is saying something!!

Looking forward to launch day even more now!
# 174 S C 0 0 Z E @ 08/09/11 02:51 PM
I hate the "halftime show", I think it is pointless. Where is Chris Berman when you need him? How about some halftime stats, highlights, etc.? Also, maybe in franchise mode, show scores from around the league as well.
# 175 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotaviking
That's fine and I understand that it's going to be a universal setting.. So do you think it will be set on the "normal setting that it is now or do you think it will be on slow??
You're question has probably already been answered, but if I had to guess, I'd say ranked matches will be on normal, but you can join an online community that will be on Slow if you wish (I believe).
# 176 mva5580 @ 08/09/11 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by solo killa boi
this game is whatever....... it don't make sense to complain because i knew this game was going to be this way. so sad, and this is nfl football.... oh i forgot this is the only choice!
Just shutup and leave then. We get it, you don't like it. And it's not even that easy to get from you considering how you "talk." Get off this board if you don't like the game.
# 177 NDIrish98 @ 08/09/11 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by mva5580
Just shutup and leave then. We get it, you don't like it. And it's not even that easy to get from you considering how you "talk." Get off this board if you don't like the game.
I thought this was an impressions board? Those were his impressions. If you don't like it, why don't you leave? Last I checked we all have our own opinions...

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# 178 crques @ 08/09/11 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by solo killa boi
this game is whatever....... it don't make sense to complain because i knew this game was going to be this way. so sad, and this is nfl football.... oh i forgot this is the only choice!

Impressions? If you're going to make these remarks, at least list your impressions that caused these thoughts. No need to make posts like this in this thread. Come on man, just give your thoughts on the game.
# 179 crques @ 08/09/11 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jetpac
Im in the minority here. I did not like NCAA this year, didn't feel real - nor did it look real. NCAA QB's all throw the same and the twitch gameplay kills it for me. Madden 12 on the other hand.. all I can say is WOW. This is a day one purchase for me. Better tackling, blocking, PRESENTATION!!!, movement and reaction after the play.. this game is PERFECT in the gameplay department.
This is encouraging to read. I can't get into the next generation NCAA games, but I enjoy Madden 10 & 11. I was curious to know if 12 would continue taking steps in the right direction or not. The Madden players just have a better, more weighted feel to them. Have you seen dirty uniforms?
# 180 S C 0 0 Z E @ 08/09/11 03:01 PM
I pray they have other in game music besides: "ahh ahh ah la laa boom shakalakalakaaa ding king klong!" Please have a variety of that in the game so I do not have to here that between every break, score, turnover, etc.

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