Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 181 stephenk24 @ 08/09/11 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Elements
Does anyone know why there isn't any commentary? What's the reason behind that? I think the Demo would have a whole different outlook if it was included. What do you guys think?
This is a joke right? :
# 182 green94 @ 08/09/11 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by JaySmooov
There are dirty uniforms. Even paint gets on the skin.
I love that this is in.... I wish they would once and for all fix the sidelines though. Seems to take away from the beauty of this game.
# 183 menglish20 @ 08/09/11 03:05 PM
To surprise onside kick, select normal kickoff, hit A to start the meter, then B to stop it. I recovered on my first try.
# 184 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by menglish20
To surprise onside kick, select normal kickoff, hit A to start the meter, then B to stop it. I recovered on my first try.
Really? I use B to start the meter.
# 185 SGMRock @ 08/09/11 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by crques
This is encouraging to read. I can't get into the next generation NCAA games, but I enjoy Madden 10 & 11. I was curious to know if 12 would continue taking steps in the right direction or not. The Madden players just have a better, more weighted feel to them. Have you seen dirty uniforms?
So far I have only played 2 games first 1 on all pro which I used to normally win at pretty easy I got picked off 4x and lost 28 - 3 playing as GB. One of my picks was Urlacher leaping up and fully extending his arm up and one hand catching a pass over the middle. I don't think I have seen too many WR make a catch like that. The other pics were mostly my fault, I was forcing things a bit to much I think.

One complaint I have though is the whole preplay system. Why do they keep changing this, it seems different now than 11 was and I keep having to use the Madden 10 setup otherwise I get delay of game trying to navagate all the menus to say hold a HB in to pass block. :P At least they let us set it back to older version or I would be lost.

Played my second game on Pro level and it seemed to play pretty nice on default settings though I think I ran the ball a bit too easy. Passing at least seemed about just right on the Pro level setting. Grant had like 7 or 8 yds a carry though so I think when I get the game I will start at pro and tweak the run game a bit making it harder for me and leave the passing game at the current level. I like to play on Slow though so 3rd game I'm going to try Pro level but with slow speed.

Overall it seems like a nice demo so far. I want to test more to see if this game suffers from the physic DBs though like NCAA. The ball trajectory is still to low or the bullet pass button is to sensitive, one of the two.
# 186 DGuinta1 @ 08/09/11 03:13 PM
Partly the reason I am really enjoying the demo is because I wasn't expecting much this year and wasn't sure if I would even get it. But I am going to get it day 1. If I like the demo this much and it's an old build, can't wait for the retail version.
Surprised so many people not having any luck with the Bears. I have been doing well with them.
# 187 menglish20 @ 08/09/11 03:15 PM
Things I like:
-New visual enhancements. This game is very aesthetically appealing.
-The game feels a little smoother than 11 (similar to NCAA).
-I actually pay the price for poorly thrown balls (but at the same time, I'm mirrored all to well)
-Running feels realer

Things I dislike:
-Special teams are a disaster. No blocking, no lanes, no realism.
-Defenders don't jostle for the ball. I don't know if this is accounted for in traits, but what defender stands in front of a receiver (not running), waits for him to catch it then tackles him?
-Poor playcalling. If they really wanted to speed up games, they'd fix gameflow. At this point Gameflow loses you games, end of story.
-It's dumb to play this game on All-Pro or higher. The game knows which play you call and the only way to really move the ball is to audible every play, which just takes the fun out of it. If I run 3 plays in a row for significant gains, I should get them to bite on a PA pass. But they know the playcall before I line up.

That's all for now.
# 188 menglish20 @ 08/09/11 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by belucheez
Weird. I used B - B to kick the surprise onside, but it only worked once. I'll try the A - B but B - B worked once and then I couldn't do it again.
I didn't try it B - B that might work too. I thought I read before that you can only do it once per game?

When I did it, it was definitely A - B.
# 189 CatMan72 @ 08/09/11 03:22 PM
I'm very impressed with the demo, graphical and presentation improvements blow me away... there are times when the player faces look photo-realistic. Love the lack of suction, it makes a HUGE difference. I also love the improvements to the defensive AI, they seem much more aware of the ball and they play zones much better. I'm really excited to get my hands on the full version!

You can count me as one of those people who prefers the slow game speed. At normal speed it feels too "twitchy" while at slow speed it feels like things just set up a little better and you have just a little more time to process the information and make decisions.

It feels like the standard camera is pulled back more this year, going to take some getting used to... it's a shame given the beauty of the player models, may try the zoom camera when I get the full game.
# 190 jagsrock95 @ 08/09/11 03:30 PM
This might not be the madden we have all dreamed about but it's pretty freakin good.
-First off its hard not to notice the beautiful presentation. It's amazing and I have to give it to EA for going all out on it this year. Madden 11 and Madden 12 don't even look close to the same.

- Player models are fantastic and facial expression and eyes look great.

- Compared to NCAA 12 the players seem like they have more weight to them and don't slide around so much.

-less zig zagging as well

-Defense is back and I love it, although I did see some super linebackers but overall its better because of the improved zone and pass rush.

- offensively running the ball feels great but passing still seems a bit off. Some reason it just seems like you have a lack of control over your passes still.

-I still don't like that theres no other way too know your DPP than to pause the game

- The camera angles really make this game, absolutely love them

-one thing that surprised me was the audio, it's actually really good. The crowd sounds so much better than NCAA 12 and actually reacts pretty well to plays. My first game I was getting blown out by the packers and by the third touchdown they started booing louder. In contrast when I scored the crowed erupted. also the stadium tunes between timeouts and kickoffs sound pretty sweet too. This game really doesn't even need commentary at this point, Im probably going to turn it off when I get the game and pump up the on field and crowd volume.

-Overall this game seems to have a really big factor that NCAA 12 is missing, "Atmosphere" this game really does get you pumped up. The opening presentation is amazing and then during the game there is a certain authenticity and atmosphere that has been missing for years.Im impressed and while I understand there are flaws I'm still very happy with the outcome of this years game. For the first time in a long time I'm excited for Maddens future. If the team continues to produce work like this from this game onwards I can see Madden making its way back from tired old sports franchise to Best Sports Franchise.
# 191 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 03:31 PM
Wow, just finished a great game. I was leading 10-7 going into the 4th before Rodgers led the Packers down the field and Ryan Grant eventually punched it in to make it 14-10 with 4:20 remaining. So Cutler led me down the field, converting on a 3rd and 25 to Earl Bennett, and then a 3rd and 9 to Johnny Knox that took me down to the 1 yard line. I then called a QB sneak and Cutler was hit by BJ Raji but was able to reach into the endzone with 14 seconds left. The Packers returned the kick to their 40, hit Finley for a 15 yard pickup with 3 seconds left, and then Rodgers fired a deep ball to Jennings for the win but Daniel Manning picked it off in the endzone.

Still a minor gripe though is that I think WRs and DBs and stuff should be able to slide like a QB because I tried to dive out of bounds before they could hit me in the endzone and as it's been the case for many Madden's now, Manning just dropped the ball when he dove and thankfully my team recovered it or the Packers would have won.
# 192 fatpat268 @ 08/09/11 03:36 PM
So far it's been a big improvement over Madden 11, but the framerate is really chugging. The framerate dips everytime when you're out of the action.

Really annoying so far, hope the retail version is better on this front.
# 193 WDOgF0reL1fe @ 08/09/11 03:36 PM
Not gonna lie. Didnt see too many issues with the demo.

I tried having fun with it.
And I did.

Loved every second of it.
All - Pro and it was tied 3-3 into the 4th quarter.

I was (GB) and Cutler had negative tendency to scramble when he felt pressure and he did!
Pretty cool, seeing as how NCAA always tried to HAVE AI qbs scramble.

Only negative, and it happens every year, is why are replays ALWAYS so short.
So weird that they are ALWAYS cut off halfway into the play.
# 194 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
Heard a lot of good things so far, but this stuff worries me. Happens to often in Madden. In Wisconsin, we still talk about 4rh and 26 BECAUSE it is so rare (and it was a playoff game).
I think they were in a Cover 3 Defense and Cutler just made a gorgeous throw between a CB, a LB, and a Safety.
# 195 jpdavis82 @ 08/09/11 03:38 PM
Game feels a lot smoother than other Madden's have. Similar to NCAA 12 in that regard, but faster overall, maybe a little too fast.

Tackling feels right to me even though it takes time to get used to with the removal of suction tackling. I like hitting and not always hugging players.

The running game seems just about right to me, maybe a little too easy at times.

The passing game seems to be much more difficult this year and has been a frustration and sore spot for me so far. I shouldn't be throwing 4 picks a game and completing 22-30% of my passes with Aaron Rodgers, compared to the 65-75% and zero to at most 2 picks a game I threw in Madden 11. Would like to see this around 55-65% and 1-3 picks a game. WR's also seem to be dropping a lot of passes.

Saw some O-Line/D-line, WR/DB interaction, hope for more in the final build.

Team intros look very good,overhead stadium shot is very accurate with all the little details and looks good. I like the fade in/out between quarters.

Halftime is quick and to the point, I know they scrapped the halftime show to work on it to get it right, but I would like to see some stats or something at halftime.

Cut scenes and replays are hit and miss for me, some look just like what you see on Sunday and some not at all. I'm hoping they have a lot more variety and this is more polished in the final build. From what I have seen in the recent build videos it looks like it will be.

No commentary takes a lot out of the immersion factor, so I think even though it won't be completely new its still going to add a lot with the new lines, lineup overlay commentary, and DPP commentary.

Uniform degradation is great, helmets degrade, players get dirt and paint marks on them, grass stains

Last thing here are some cool "little things" I noticed in my last game, I beat the Bears 10-3 on All Pro.

QB comparison stat overlay

Lined up on 3rd down with 1 min left in the game,Bears crowd was really loud, threw a pass to Jennings which he ran in for a TD, after the score, the crowd was eerily silent, seemed very realistic to me.

Last drive of the game for the bears-Stat overlay showing Jay Cutler has 11 career fourth quarter comebacks

End of game after Cutler incomplete pass on 4th with no time left-showed him frustrated and yelling with Lovie Smith
# 196 cursive @ 08/09/11 03:45 PM
So far I played 3 games of the Demo, two as the Packers and one with the Bears. The Demo plays a lot different from NCAA 12 and very different from Madden 11 as well.

First thing I noted that the Zones while better then Madden 11, they aren’t as tight as NCAA 12. It almost seems like Defenders will sit in the zone and lean in the direction of incoming Receivers. Unlike in NCAA where the Defenders will jump from Receiver to Receiver, and cover them tight while they are in their zone. I almost felt like the Defenders in the Madden Demo sat back a little more but would close faster than NCAA. The windows to pass are there, but if you throw it to late a defender will get there.

I also felt like Greg Jennings was getting separation a million times better than any other WR and had over 10 catches in each of my games. On the Bears side, given enough time I felt like Hester and Knox could almost always get behind the coverage. Like someone else I think already mention your players game changes dramatically, don’t let Cutler get sacked cause his ability drops like a straight chump.

As far as the run game, I wasn’t able to break anything big with Forte yet, but I did like running draws and delays with the Packers. Setting up plays works a lot better so far but maybe that’s because I haven’t found anything overly effective. My impressions so far I think it’s okay, but it’s just a matter of time to get used to it and know the teams and playbooks. I feel like the Demo isn’t really enough to make a good judgment.
# 197 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
This still happens far to often in Madden. 3rd and 25 should be difficult to convert for both the User and the CPU. It should be a very rare conversion.
Lol it happened one time in about 5 games that I've played. It isn't easy. Sometimes you can squeeze a ball in but not often. Especially with Cutler. I've already landed a few passes at receiver's feet with him.
# 198 SilverChaosVII @ 08/09/11 03:47 PM
Just had a game go into double OT... wowzers.

Fun game. About the equivalent to the current NCAA in my opinion
# 199 Spanky @ 08/09/11 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by S C 0 0 Z E
I hate the "halftime show", I think it is pointless. Where is Chris Berman when you need him?
He's with Leather.
# 200 Spanky @ 08/09/11 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by SilverChaosVII
Just had a game go into double OT... wowzers.

Fun game. About the equivalent to the current NCAA in my opinion
Double OT? So the demo is considered a playoff game and not a regular season game?

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