Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 621 Black59Razr @ 08/10/11 01:42 PM
Pros: After two games, I can't really see many specific pros as far as gameplay. It just all seems a notch up overall. It is much easier to make defensive hot routes and the defense plays much smarter.

Cons: The only serious problem I see is that the receivers still have clairvoyant powers (All-Madden). I had my TE on a streak with a linebacker strafing over the top. I threw the ball to the TE and pressed hard left, away from the linebacker. Hoping I threw an INT or incomplete pass, the linebacker did nothing about it, even though he was watching the QB the entire time. The TE summoned his powers and made the proper cut a fraction of a second after the ball left the QBs hand, without even looking back. The TE made the catch and the defender, who saw the whole thing, followed up with a tackle. The game still has intentionally messed up AI. Not sure why EA chooses not to take this next step. All I do know is we, the consumer, loose when there is no competition in the marketplace.

Still though, can't wait to play a few hundreds online games!!!
# 622 marc68 @ 08/10/11 01:52 PM
I wish we knew if this was apre E3 build. I think the demo is solid, but imagine if it IS an early build....the finished product will be better!
Can't get a definite answer.
# 623 guaps @ 08/10/11 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
Actually, I'm finding Cullen Jenkins(Packers RE) getting plenty of sacks. This is the first time in Madden I've noticed that.

One play I was controlling Mathews and I blew by Cutler and Pickett was there to finish him off.
True, it appears to be possible to get sacks from your REs. Haven't seen any from a ROLB yet though.

When playing 3-4, the linebackers are the ones making the most fuzz in the backfield. I've had plenty of sacks with both OLB Matthews, but also MLBs Hawk and Barnett depending on my strategy. Jenkins also gets sacks, but mostly from the QB holding on to the ball too long. When I'm blitzing the OLB I try if I can occupy two offensive linemen with Raji or Jenkins by doing a swim move and get around the defender. If I'm blitzing the MLBs I try and bull rush the center, which has proven to be very successful. I often leaves just enough room for the MLBs to get though into the backfield without nano blitzing or any other cheating.

In a 4-3 both your DEs are finally worth their money, they get sacks either by themselves or when blitzing - I often try to overload the left side of the OL, which usually gets Peppers in the backfield in a flash.
# 624 spit_bubble @ 08/10/11 02:10 PM

I manage to bum rush Cutler with a blitz and force a fumble on their own 20 or so...

Big Ryan Pickett picks up the ball and starts rumbling towards the goal line...

It looks like he's going to make it even though the pursuit is hot on his tail...

I press the dive button in celebration and he jumps in the air and does a full spread eagle dive...

Arms and legs spread out wide, before all 310 pounds of him comes crashing down in the end zone...
# 625 The 24th Letter @ 08/10/11 02:16 PM
I swear running the ball just isnt rewarding in Madden....theres no rhyme or reason to it...all you can do is approach a hole and hope the DLs dont all the sudden fly off of their blocks and hit you...

Running the ball is probably my favorite thing to do in regards to video game football...finding that hole, knowing your oline is going to make a effort to hit their assignment, making plays...I love it.

This is more like a game of chance though...they need to take a hard look at the trenches man...its been meh for a while now...
# 626 nxt @ 08/10/11 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I swear running the ball just isnt rewarding in Madden....theres no rhyme or reason to it...all you can do is approach a hole and hope the DLs dont all the sudden fly off of their blocks and hit you...

Running the ball is probably my favorite thing to do in regards to video game football...finding that hole, knowing your oline is going to make a effort to hit their assignment, making plays...I love it.

This is more like a game of chance though...they need to take a hard look at the trenches man...its been meh for a while now...
Did you turn off auto sprint in the options? I was having problems running because the DL was coming off blocks too quick. I really think pressing the sprint button too soon triggers the DL to shed blocks. Try following your blocks and then sprinting when in the hole or when in the open field.
# 627 FBeaule04 @ 08/10/11 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by SDOTizBak23
From reading alot of these posts... I think the main thing we need is COMPETITON in the NFL video game industry. Bottom line is... Madden is good... It's ok in many areas and terrible in some as well. Will we ever get a perfect football game?!? I dunno... But will we ever get another company to join the market 2K, Sony, Etc. I think it's really possible. I read someone posts before and I fully agreed with what he said. EA will milk the time in between upgrades/improvements as long as they hold the NFL gaming rights. Madden is all we have as football fans and as sport gamers, and really it's up to us to prove opinions can matter is sales. MLB the show vs mlb2k? The show right!!! NBA 2k vs Live/elite? 2k right!!! I mean it's obvious EA has a strangle hold on us for now. I don't expect serious super great improvements but I do expect slightly better products every year and with EA and Madden they are in no rush to make this improvements. We deal with it or just flat out stop buying Madden games. Tough to do right? I bet atleast half te guys in here who say I air buying this blah blah blah will end up getting it because well... It's all we have. Options are better when you have them... Rolls Royce or Mclaren??? Now that's tough!!!!
You forgot one game. NHL 08 vs NHL 2K8. 2K was gaining ground and EA game was getting it's fair share of criticism.

EA had two choices. Either continue the way they we're doing things or reacting like a company with money and knowledge can. The answer was a pure stomping of the competition, making sure that NHL 2K9 would never get up. EASHL and BaP just did that as NHL 2K simply fade away in 10 and wasn't even available other than on the Wii in 11.

Since then, what is the result? A game that is slowly getting worse and worse and we're without competition, you're sure of selling more than you would be with a rival on the market.

EA as a strangle hold and they keep selling. I'm continue to buy because it's better than nothing for me. I found Madden 12 demo to be quite entertaining, and I would love to see what would be the results if they had competition.

It's tough to blame us not finding EA lazy when everytime they want to crush a rival, they are making it with a nice, cold and calculated killer way. By the way, how do we think EA is getting all those license against rivals? Simply by acting like the best in the business do, by taking no prisoners.

Would be so cool if they do this without competition! ;-)
# 628 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/10/11 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I swear running the ball just isnt rewarding in Madden....theres no rhyme or reason to it...all you can do is approach a hole and hope the DLs dont all the sudden fly off of their blocks and hit you...

Running the ball is probably my favorite thing to do in regards to video game football...finding that hole, knowing your oline is going to make a effort to hit their assignment, making plays...I love it.

This is more like a game of chance though...they need to take a hard look at the trenches man...its been meh for a while now...
Running the ball in the demo has been pretty tough getting through the holes without getting hit, but I've still averaged about 5-7 yards per carry with both teams, even using James Starks for the Packers a lot.

It was much easier to get through the hole in M11 though. Much easier.
# 629 illwill10 @ 08/10/11 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by spit_bubble

I manage to bum rush Cutler with a blitz and force a fumble on their own 20 or so...

Big Ryan Pickett picks up the ball and starts rumbling towards the goal line...

It looks like he's going to make it even though the pursuit is hot on his tail...

I press the dive button in celebration and he jumps in the air and does full spread eagle dive...

Arms and legs spread out wide, before all 310 pounds of him comes crashing down in the end zone...
Something I will have fun doing. I want to know if we can HighStep in the redzone. It is boring in NCAA that we can only sideline dive in the endzone. Way more Emotion
# 630 The 24th Letter @ 08/10/11 02:37 PM
Oh, I agree..****nning isnt necessarily HARD for me, ive had a couple of 100 yard games....just kindve wonky/ random IMO
# 631 spit_bubble @ 08/10/11 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by illwill10
...I want to know if we can HighStep in the redzone...
I did that too, on a pick 6 versus Rodgers... I just held down on the R-stick... Same way as NCAA I believe...

Wasn't nearly as cool as the spread eagle dive though.
# 632 illwill10 @ 08/10/11 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by spit_bubble
I did that too, on a pick 6 versus Rodgers... I just held down on the R-stick... Same way as NCAA I believe...

Wasn't nearly as cool as the spread eagle dive though.
I mean the old way where you press O/B and you celebrate prior to endzone
# 633 Aceballer1737 @ 08/10/11 02:44 PM
I played the game on pro and I won 38-3. I turned it on all-pro and I lost 7-0. I should have tied it but I guess there are no booth reviews under 2 minutes in the demo. Because clearly on the replay my tightend came down with the ball in bounds in the back of the endzone at the end of the game. The graphics are beautiful except for the annoying 3-D grass that pops in and out. It may be just the demo but there are so many gameplay bugs in it that it ruins the experience for me. The biggest issues are found in the OL/DL play. On a passing play 3 of my offensive linemen went running slightly up field way to the right side. It was as if they were blocking up field for a running play. However it was a five step drop and sack for my QB. They even kept running out of bounds on the replay as my QB was on the ground and looked like they wanted to block people on the sidelines. It may be just the demo but this game reminds me of the new NASCAR game. It looks beautiful and you can see how great the gameplay can be but then something happens that you have never seen on any given Sunday.
# 634 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/10/11 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Oh, I agree..****nning isnt necessarily HARD for me, ive had a couple of 100 yard games....just kindve wonky/ random IMO
Yeah, like I said, it's not really tough to run. Holes still form and you can get into the holes for the 5 yard pickups and stuff, but it seems harder than year's past to make it through that hole. Shotgun Draws work exceptionally well though, and I can't say enough how great it is that the comeback routes finally work.
# 635 The 24th Letter @ 08/10/11 03:00 PM
Yes, comeback routes are pretty awesome.....I like that theyve improved that alot. Its also fun to play DE again.

Even though videos showed differently, the playaction also seems to be blocked alot better...

draws, im still seeing instant hits upon handoff 50% of the time.
# 636 guaps @ 08/10/11 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Yes, comeback routes are pretty awesome.....I like that theyve improved that alot. Its also fun to play DE again.

Even though videos showed differently, the playaction also seems to be blocked alot better...

draws, im still seeing instant hits upon handoff 50% of the time.
Comeback routes can be awesome, but for me they're 50-50. I like to have the ball in the air, before the receiver makes his break on a comeback route, but Madden (still) cannot process that correct, so I often end up throwing interceptions down the field instead.
# 637 Playmakers @ 08/10/11 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by nl15
It's too easy to run with the QB and when I was playing the bears blocked a field goal and started running it back. I tried to catch them but when i pushed the left stick towards the runner my player ran the opposite way...really confusing.
Of course it's too easy to run with the QB at default settings...

It's too easy to do a lot of things at default settings in any sports game....not just Madden

If people really wanted to slow down their ability to run with the QB they would adjust the CPU Run Defense reaction slider, tweak the player speed slider and knock down their run block slider

I'm actually happy that they made it possible for the CPU QB to beat me at times with his legs......and i have no problem tweaking sliders to make sure running with the QB isn't easy for me.

But this is like 5th or 6th post i've seen about the QB's and i wonder if the people making these comments have even considered adjusting anything on their OWN to fix the problem
# 638 northface28 @ 08/10/11 03:18 PM
After some more games logged, All-Pro seems like the most accurate representation of football. Out of curiousity, I went up to All-Madden. Was it hard? Yes. But it was cheap. Cpu players would literally break a large majority of first tackle attempts. I could raise the tackle slider, but I dont want to have the Cpu players dropping with no resistance.

Im curious to see how DPP is in the retail version. As it stands, im not sure its working properly. To me, it seems as if something happens, positive or negative. The DPP doesnt update (I saw it happen once). One dropped pass or missed tackle has negative consequences all game. Even though your player could play great after a bad play or two.

These are my only major issues for now.
# 639 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/10/11 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Yes, comeback routes are pretty awesome.....I like that theyve improved that alot. Its also fun to play DE again.

Even though videos showed differently, the playaction also seems to be blocked alot better...

draws, im still seeing instant hits upon handoff 50% of the time.
Really? Man when I run the draws out of the shotgun I pick up like 7-10 yards pretty consistently.
# 640 fbassman2001 @ 08/10/11 03:29 PM
I have seen 2 things in the demo so far that would make me worried about buying the game. One thing is that the defensive backs do not seem to make an attempt to bat down the ball on deep passes, they don't turn around and get into a good position, and then the WR jumps and catches the ball.

I also recorded a video where I saw a defensive player get into position to make a tackle on a running back, and then he turned around and ran with the running back to the end zone. I have only seen this one time, so it probably isnt a huge deal but it was still very strange to see. I provided a link below.


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