Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 441 Bellsprout @ 08/09/11 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by xpmar9x
QBs are way to fast. Cutler and Rodgers can easily pickup yards, imagine what Vick will be able to do...
I don't know about Cutler, but Rodgers is one of the better running QB's in the league. It'll be nice to actually be able to utilize that portion of his game in Madden.
# 442 BigD @ 08/09/11 10:44 PM
The visuals are absolutely jaw-dropping on my 52' Sammy. I skipped no cut scenes whatsoever; I sat there and watched in utter amazement on how beautiful this game looks. I'm also loving the GREEN grass stains that I've been begging for for years. Huge props to the graphics team. I'm loving it and can't wait for the 30th.
# 443 jaybru22 @ 08/09/11 10:47 PM
My main problem is as follows:

On obvious passing plays, I always control DEs. Peppers was the best DE in the league last year, and I am only able to get by the O-Line about once every 10 snaps. Usually this occurs after a first move; I never blow by the guard with my initial move. I understand that this should not happen often, but cmon, Peppers does that a few times a game. Much easier to get by guards with DEs in NCAA12 thats for sure.
# 444 Mike Smoove @ 08/09/11 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by fantuzflick
things i dont like about demo---

most times when players get tackled they fall way to fast...its unrealistic
2nd game speed is way to fast

3rd.. qbs strafe to quick

slow down gameplay please

i only played one game ..slow down gameplay it feels LIKE its on extra turbO PLAYERS FALL WAY TO FAST THERES NO SEPIRATION AT ALL

go into settings and lower game speed
# 445 BenjiA @ 08/09/11 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by fantuzflick
things i dont like about demo---

most times when players get tackled they fall way to fast...its unrealistic
2nd game speed is way to fast

3rd.. qbs strafe to quick

slow down gameplay please

i only played one game ..slow down gameplay it feels LIKE its on extra turbO PLAYERS FALL WAY TO FAST THERES NO SEPIRATION AT ALL

you know that you can change the game speed in the game settings, dont you?
# 446 BlackJackRabbit @ 08/09/11 10:48 PM
The Bears are definitely much easier to beat than the Packers.
# 447 joshtree14 @ 08/09/11 10:54 PM
One glaring issue I have, I was in shot gun I had the tight end breaking from right hash to left. The CPU had a lb and a safety covering my slot rec on the left breaking towards the left side line, the lb and s are running to cover the slot receiver so their backs are to my qb and their heads are engaged on my slot receiver. I have a nice window to throw and as soon as I release the ball the lb and s who are not looking at the qb and who's momentum is taking them to the left sideline stop on a dime back pedal and break up this pass, I was like wtf
# 448 PanthersFanboy @ 08/09/11 10:56 PM
Let me start by saying, I love the demo. I play on all-pro and not once did I feel cheated. I had a hard time running but that can be fixed with the sliders. When passing, there where no super LB or CB, and you can actually put touch on the ball, which was nice. The play-action worked good also. When running with a player they felt like they had weight to them. On defence, I had no problem getting sacks, but it was not overpowering, which is a good thing. Love the new kicking game also. Feels like Madden 2005 again.

And on a big note, the demo plays nor feels anything like NCAA 12, and I am glad. I will be at my local Wal-Mart at midnight to get this game. Finally Madden feels like I remember(ps2 days)!
# 449 HarkTheSound @ 08/09/11 10:58 PM
The demo blew me away. Very impressed with everything I saw. The graphics and revamped art style are sight to behold.
# 450 babythug23 @ 08/09/11 10:59 PM
After one game i'm not feeling it. I just got back to nfl2k5 after a few years off and i might be looking at this game thru my 2k glasses. But the gameplay just feels flat. I don't know what it is. I was just looking for something new and it just feels like a Madden game i know that might sound weird but. Going to play it some more like i said it was one game. But it didn't really make me Want to play again. Going to play it again to try to make my self like it.
# 451 sva91 @ 08/09/11 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Nemesisprime117
only joy was not hearing Chris Cockinmouth calling the game. Other than that still a broken football game.

I'm really liking the game. I just play FIFA now because soccer games are just more fluid and don't require much dead time, but madden is good. I played the NCAA demo, and could never manage to finish the demo.. It is just kinda boring I guess, but madden is a lot of fun.
# 452 TMJOHNS18 @ 08/09/11 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Elle
After 3 play throughs:

Graphics are an upgrade
Tackles are better
Sideline catches actually work
Overlays are smooth
Player face animations are pretty cool (i hope there are accurate sounds to go along with the mouth movement)
Stadium is cool

Now the bad:
The obvious QB's are too fast
The passing game needs to be reworked
The runningbacks need more moves to try and break free from tacklers
More excitement when making a big play or scoring a touchdown
Crappy sideline players that don't react to anything
Crappy halftime report/post game wrap up
Why can a game made almost 7-8 years ago still be the best in this dept? Does EA listen to their fans?
I might be alone but I hate the change in the 3d grass ( some angles look great, then others look flat. Why not just make the grass 3d from all angles?

Whats needed:
Better D line moves
An elite broadcast or announcers to push along the action
More immersiveness ( still feels like a game, not an NFL sim)
A physics engine would help with the longevity
More on the field sounds

Will reserve my final judgement for the final build
Do you actually see defined grass blades when watching games on Sunday?

Definitely want more field sounds and a louder atmosphere. Hopefully EA has added several crowd noise variants and we can get some home playoff games with the crowds rocking the stadium.
# 453 UMhester04 @ 08/09/11 11:05 PM
Played some games and once again my only problem is the blocking on punt/kick returns. Mostly punt returns, the blockers do pretty much nothing.
# 454 NDIrish98 @ 08/09/11 11:08 PM
My impression........ Way way way way better than I expected. Only real complaints in my first game of football were
1. The "ball coming out of QB's hand" physics. Looks horrible on replays, but only a minor nit pick.
2. Pre play or post play cut scenes look good except when it tries to focus on a player behind another player and its zoomed in waaaay too far and you just see the chests of a bunch of the other players.
With what little time I've had to play, like it more than I thought I would.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
# 455 schnaidt1 @ 08/09/11 11:18 PM
just played my first game. i was packers. i played on all pro. left everything default.

i won the game 10-7 in overtime. i kicked a 49 yard field goal with mason crosby to win it.

i threw 2 picks with a rod, but i loved the passing aspect. it felt alot more true. i see alot of others saying they dont like the normal speed setting. but it felt very good to me. i will try slow next.

i picked off cutler 3 times. and sacked him 5 times.

i didnt have alot of the play action problems others said they have. i also didnt have any morphing.

wish i knew how to surprise onside kick.

i saw the most beautiful pass and catch animation ever

a few things i am curious about for the final build.

is the sliding fixed? there are waay to many big hits on what seem to be simple wrap up tackles.
how bout punt return blocking? play action blocking, i didnt have any issues. but im sure they are there.

i also didnt really see any difference in relation to dpp ...but maybe next game
# 456 AmongTheFearless @ 08/09/11 11:20 PM
I don't wanna offend anybody, but while I do see people commenting on here about noticeable things are wrong in the game, I also see a ton of nitpicking. I played the demo two times today, and I loved it. It was smooth, I didn't find a lot of flaws. Through my eyes, it's a great football game. I'm no madden fanboy, I hated last years game, and I want 2k football to come back too, I like that game, and I hate EA. But 2k5 came out long ago, guys. Move on. It came out in 2004. It's 2011 now. While I hate the idea of Madden being the single football game available, It's what we've got, and we've got learn to live with it. Again, I don't wanna be rude, but people are just nitpicking the hell out of Madden 12! It's a good football game! Learn to live with it guys, until 2k comes back. And when it does, I'm kissing madden goodbye.
# 457 LambertandHam @ 08/09/11 11:27 PM
My only big complaints are replay lengths and not enough stat overlays at times. While probably because of it being a demo, the replays will hopefully be longer after quarters, and especially at half.

Stat overlays aren't a deal breaker, but it would be nice to see more pop up during gameplay.
# 458 jdmsi7 @ 08/09/11 11:29 PM
So far after 8 games I can tell I'm really going to enjoy madden this year. Visually looks amazing, plays smooth, I'm on very slow with 0 threshold. A small thing I'd like to see in retail version tho is the degrading of field unis and helmets ramped up alittle. Don't get me wrong I'm soo happy it finally made it in, but maybe helmet markings are color of opponets helmet, stains on uniforms alittle more noticable, chalk on dark uniforms etc, who knows maybe this stuff is in final build, jus more polished up I guess you could say, maybe weather effects it who knows, but again its a small thing and don't matter much, game is going to be great! 3 weeks, hurry up!
# 459 Earl1963 @ 08/09/11 11:36 PM
Tried the demo just now. Glad you young folks like it, but this old man is pretty burned out on the EA football formula. Skipped last years and this year I know for a fact I am done with the series.

Not that the demo is bad, cause it aint bad at all, I just need something brand new, and from a NEW company with new and fresh ideas. The Series is extremely stale for me.

So on that note, See ya guys later.
# 460 SeaNNyT @ 08/09/11 11:40 PM
As someone else mentioned the player models still have this child like look to them. It looks like middle school kids in nfl jerseys.

This has been an annoyance for years now, and I don't know if the players just are not lanky enough or if the ball is just too big or a combination of both.

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