Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 321 bedwardsroy19 @ 08/09/11 07:17 PM
I just played three games and have absolutely loved it. I can't wait until the real deal comes out, this is looking great in my opinion!
# 322 robbins @ 08/09/11 07:18 PM
Don't buy this game until they fix the huddle glitch. It's ridiculous to have to hit the "A" button to get back to non slow motion at the line of scrimmage for EVERY PLAY OF THE GAME. It's been like this for WAY too long and either needs to be fixed or put as an option.

Vote with your wallet and don't buy this game until the issue is fixed.
# 323 jpdavis82 @ 08/09/11 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by therizing02
First red flag IMO.....probably my biggest pet peeve ever with EA Sports football titles.....

GB(CPU) has the ball at the Chicago 40 with 39 seconds left in a time game and 2 time outs.

They run Grant to the 35 on first down. No huddle and run Grant to the 32 on 2nd down and then use a to. Grant gets stuffed on third down at the 34 and they let the clock run out without calling a time out and at least trying the FG to win.

In the first game I played, GB had a 31-0 lead with under 2 minutes to go and went for it on 4th and 3 at the Chicago 35, made the first down and lined up in a spread formation and were still throwing. WTF?!?!?!

Why does the CPU clock late game/half clock management never get the attention it deserves? EVERY FREAKING YEAR!!! Why?!?!? I hope this gets fixed in the final version.

Another small issue are the huge audio dropouts. The crowd noise is huge during the Bears intro as it should be for a Packers game. They cut to the coin toss and you can hear a pin drop in that stadium.
Crowd noise is lowered at the coin toss because that's where the commentary comes in. Just like on tv when they say let's hand it over to the PA announcer, the crowd noise is louder, then they go back to the commentary analysts and the crowd sounds quieter, but not a pin drop quiet. I'm sure it's probably just another thing they did to save space on the demo.
# 324 guaps @ 08/09/11 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
To update you guys on Flynn vs. Rodgers, Flynn is doing a great job sensing pressure and getting rid of the ball just in time, but his passes have been very sporadic.

Edit: He just threw his second INT of the game on another ball that he floated too much.
I got Rodgers injured on a crazy scramble late in the 3rd quarter while I was up by a touchdown. Flynn did OK as a backup, but I limited my pass plays to mostly screens and short passes during the entire 4th quarter. Ended up losing the game in overtime though.
# 325 Mos1ted @ 08/09/11 07:21 PM
After playing two full games of the demo, and after learning to take early positive impressions from this forum with a grain of salt following NCAA 12 (LOL), I can honestly say that this is the same ole Madden to me. The same problems and gripes that I've had with previous iterations still exists.

It's obvious that we look for and want different things in our football games, and it's obvious to me that Madden 12 still won't deliver what I'm personally looking for. For starters, this continues to be one of the most "undynamic" games (the more grammatically correct word would be static) I have ever played. The third down conversion heroics for the CPU still exists. The boneheaded actions for human AI players in clutch moments still exists. The lack of proper momentum stills exist.

What Madden has done, and quite successfully I might add, is fool gamers into thinking they are getting a new experience by adding various presentation elements to the game. Not to be fooled, I intentionally skipped over all cutscenes and pregame intros in order to focus 100% on the gameplay. I didn't want the mascara to cause me to overlook the black eye that's actually there. The challenge replay system continues to be a joke. This is why, once again, NFL 2K5 is still a relevant football game. This game fails on so many fundamental aspects of NFL football that I honestly question the process in which this game is made. I cannot play this game/demo and feel that this is the best the developers can do. And honestly, I don't even know if the developers are at fault here. Just look at how much of the staff left in the preceding months. There's obviously something going on behind the scenes that is keeping this game from reaching its potential.

In any case, I guess it will be another year of hoping some company, any company, will attempt to make another football game. I guess I'll just look forward to NBA 2K12 and the Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill compilations to give me a reason to continue to care about video games.
# 326 northface28 @ 08/09/11 07:23 PM
Ok, the QBs running? Im not seeing ridiculous YPC or "Usain Bolt" QB speed. Heres my theory, some of you must be blitzing like wild, usering DBs and free-lancing when you have no business doing so, or going wild mashing buttons/sticks and taking yourself out of the play.

Every QB scramble ive seen was well timed and executed, I have no idea what some of you are seeing.
# 327 The 24th Letter @ 08/09/11 07:25 PM
Hated Madden 09,10 and 11....I can honestly say I am enjoying this demo....might purchase this year!
# 328 Mos1ted @ 08/09/11 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Presentation in NFL2k ESPN spoiled you? Compared to this???? Not goiing to spark a 2k vs Madden talk, but I think Madden 12's presentation is in a league of its own when it comes to what we have seen in football video games.
Not to incite a 2K/Madden debate either, but 2K's presentation was the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Madden's is still in JV in comparison in my opinion.

To make this post somewhat impressions related, there's still no proper halftime or postgame show to speak of in Madden 12. I honestly can't see how that warrants a game being "in a league of its own." The commentary is still elementary (going by the Madden 12 videos that EA has posted), and the cutscenes that do exist in the game will probably be old by the time to retail drops, assuming you'll be one of the ones who plays the demo nonstop until then.
# 329 mrprice33 @ 08/09/11 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by robbins
Don't buy this game until they fix the huddle glitch. It's ridiculous to have to hit the "A" button to get back to non slow motion at the line of scrimmage for EVERY PLAY OF THE GAME. It's been like this for WAY too long and either needs to be fixed or put as an option.

Vote with your wallet and don't buy this game until the issue is fixed.
It's not a glitch, it's a design decision. There's a difference. Regardless, you've posted this like 10 times in this thread.
# 330 mrprice33 @ 08/09/11 07:28 PM
One thing I noticed is that gameplans are heavily slanted towards zone, which for the Bears is okay because they are heavily a zone defense team, but I was under the impression the Packers played some of the tightest man to man in the league. So far gameplan for them has not reflected this.
# 331 Skyliner80 @ 08/09/11 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Presentation in NFL2k ESPN spoiled you? Compared to this???? Not goiing to spark a 2k vs Madden talk, but I think Madden 12's presentation is in a league of its own when it comes to what we have seen in football video games.

I think what he means is that even though they've surpassed their past titles in the presentation department, there is still room for improvement. Presentation in 2K (football/basketball) games have always been top notch, and even though Madden has finally made most of us smile in that department there is still room to exceed the standard just like 2k5, for it's time, did back then. I for one am a presentation whore, and I dig what I see.

I never understood what took so long to at least try and improve this aspect of its virtual football game. Hell, it took SCE San Diego one shot to get it right with MLB the Show...but I digress, this shouldn't turn into a 2K/Madden skirmish but more of an acknowledgement that Madden has vastly improved.
# 332 RustyBlue @ 08/09/11 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by JaySmooov
You can switch it to the Madden 10 version in the menus.
Thanks for telling me this!
# 333 jpdavis82 @ 08/09/11 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
Not to incite a 2K/Madden debate either, but 2K's presentation was the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Madden's is still in JV in comparison in my opinion.

To make this post somewhat impressions related, there's still no proper halftime or postgame show to speak of in Madden 12. I honestly can't see how that warrants a game being "in a league of its own." The commentary is still elementary (going by the Madden 12 videos that EA has posted), and the cutscenes that do exist in the game will probably be old by the time to retail drops, assuming you'll be one of the ones who plays the demo nonstop until then.
Let me correct your statement, NBA2k11's presentation was the NBA Hall of Fame. I used to own NFL2k, the presentation was good, but not as good as Madden 12. The ONLY thing better in NFL2k presentation was the halftime/sportscenter weekly show in franchise.

You're entitled to your opinion I just think it's EA hateboy talk.
# 334 whosgotcha @ 08/09/11 07:29 PM
Xbox 360
Lighting is amazing
Sweat on players is very noticeable
Pause the game and you get Dynamic Player Performance
I threw two intc with Aaron Rodgers that were very realistic
Replay camera angle are great
Faces during cut scene are very clear and crisp especially the eyes.
There are either more facial animations or the camera is closer and that makes them more noticeable.
White scuff marks on the Bears helmets
Animations are robotic but it may be because I'm playing on slow
Stat overlays are great (can't wait for franchise mode)
# 335 brettmickey @ 08/09/11 07:31 PM
All I have to say about gameplay regarding NCAA football 12 and Madden demo 12 is that NCAA gameplay= football on ice. Madden gameplay= football. 'Nuff said
# 336 roadman @ 08/09/11 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
Not to incite a 2K/Madden debate either, but 2K's presentation was the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Madden's is still in JV in comparison in my opinion.

To make this post somewhat impressions related, there's still no proper halftime or postgame show to speak of in Madden 12. I honestly can't see how that warrants a game being "in a league of its own." The commentary is still elementary (going by the Madden 12 videos that EA has posted), and the cutscenes that do exist in the game will probably be old by the time to retail drops, assuming you'll be one of the ones who plays the demo nonstop until then.
I see your point, but it's been known for the last few months that they gutted out the The Final Point and said it will be a focus for 13 and so will commentary. My expectations were nil in this area since that announcement.
# 337 I3RIS3H @ 08/09/11 07:33 PM
I have got to say.. this is the best presentation in a sports game. Ever.
# 338 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/09/11 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Let me correct your statement, NBA2k11's presentation was the NBA Hall of Fame. I used to own NFL2k, the presentation was good, but not as good as Madden 12. The ONLY thing better in NFL2k presentation was the halftime/sportscenter weekly show in franchise.

You're entitled to your opinion I just think it's EA hateboy talk.
Agreed although 2k had better replay angles as well.
# 339 stephenk24 @ 08/09/11 07:35 PM
Really enjoying the demo too, Matthews is such a beast in it it's unbelieveable.

The presentation is really good till you reach the half, then the halftime show lets it down because it's so bland and adds nothing to it....

The gameplay is improved but still has little niggles, the throwing animation is improved but the ball after the delivery becomes a bullet sometimes and seems unrealistic. Also, the running game in my opinion is awful, really hard to get anything going at all as Grant... NCAA seems to be much better. Throwing is a bit inconsistant too, Nelson drops everything while Jennings catches the most stupid throws. Now I know Nelson is inconsistant at times but come on!

Game speed is also a bit of an issue, normal is so fast it's comical while slow seems just a little too slow to be realistic. Some aspects like the running game seem ok but a lot of the passing game seems sluggish to me.

Overall though there are more upsides which I can't be asked to mention so while there are issues I am more impressed with this demo than I have been previous titles. Not a first day purchase this year because I haven't played NCAA enough yet but I will definatley be getting it at some point. Hopefully by then all the inevitable teething troubles will have been fixed. Fingers crossed.
# 340 jpdavis82 @ 08/09/11 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by I3RIS3H
I have got to say.. this is the best presentation in a sports game. Ever.
No, according to one guy on here it's "JV compared to NFL2k" SMH

I don't know if it's the best compared to NBA2k11, but this is definitely the best presentation in a football video game.

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