NCAA Football 12 News Post

Christian McLeod has confirmed the NCAA Football 12 roster glitch will be addressed in an upcoming patch. The fix for now? Are you ready for this? Delete your named roster file.

What are the problems you ask? Here are just a few comments from the OS community.

One of the NCAA Football 12 Software Engineer's posted this topic (roster related), in hopes to get some things resolved.

via skins5680
When you edit the name of a scrambling QB it changes them to balanced and editing a balanced QB changes them to scrambling. I noticed when i downloaded a roster with names that Denard Robinson was shown as a balanced QB so i went back to the default roster and he was back to a scrambler. So i played a game with the named roster and he attempted zero scrambles. I then played a game with the default roster and he scrambled five times in the first two drives.

via Gotmadskillzson
I seen this last week when I downloaded Fairdale Kings rosters for the 360. It just isn't the QBs tendancy that changes, it is also the pass rusher, coverage guys, hard hitters.

Everybody tendancy description changes......

I noticed it also effected the Kick off and punt returns for the CPU. And effected the punt blocking the user. With no names, I was able to return punts back for a TD sometimes with a good enough returner.

With names, the gunners get down the field super fast like they did in NCAA 11.

With out names, the CPU was able to return punts and kick offs back for TDs on me. With names, their blocking is non existent and the cpu have a hard time making it to the 30 yard line on kick offs and on Punt returns they get 3 yards now, my gunners get down the field so fast now I be right on top of them as soon as they catch the ball.

So as it stands, no names seem to give the better game play.

Being that other players tendancies have changed, I noticed some things.

1. LBs get a lot of tips and INTs on named rosters, even when they aren't in position to do so.

2. Safeties who suppose to be heavy hitters, turn into coverage guys and Intercept passes they normally wouldn't.

3. WRs get off the line quicker on named rosters and they hit stick tackle people on Ints. I had intercepted a pass and a WR hit sticked me.

4. Thomas with his new found strength is now more likely to keep the ball on read option plays. More like 90% of the time now. This was the same way in NCAA 11 when you made a QB's strength too high.

5. DEs don't generate a pass rush on named rosters like they do on non named rosters.

Now I am REALLY glad I didn't delete the default roster. I will have that to play until they fixed the name rosters issue.

Way too many players to edit get them back to what they suppose to be tendancy wise. Which is another thing, with the work around even though they back to their correct tendancy, their ratings will be out of whack.

Good players will be made weaker, weaker bad players will be made stronger.

via buckeye02
Same issue with no patch.

Also messed around, it changes the tendency for every single player. Im thinking that the rosters will have to be named again if this is patched.

How can they patch it to go in reverse and correct tendencies on already named rosters?

Looks like a more realistic patch is a fix to keep it from changing for future named rosters.

via Bumble14
Just received confirmation that this issue is being looked into heavily by the guys at EA. Be patient--there is a sizable amount of testing with different design divisions to identify the issue and look into a possible fix.

It would be helpful if you can please put together a chart showing the following for all positions affected by this issue. I would then like to provide this information to EA. This would also help with making community edits if necessary. Thanks.

Default Tendency:
New Tendency:

via BaylorBearBryant
Well, so far...

Position: Quarterback
Default Tendency: Scrambler
New Tendency: Balanced
Result: Default scrambling quarterbacks hardly scramble at all.

Position: Quarterback
Default Tendency: Balanced
New Tendency: Scrambler
Result: Default balanced quarterbacks scramble all the time.

Position: Running back
Default Tendency: Speed
New Tendency: Balanced
Result: Default speed backs act as balanced backs. They'll attempt power moves too often.

Position: Running back
Default Tendency: Balanced
New Tendency: Speed
Result: Default balanced backs act as speed backs. They'll never attempt power moves.

If you want to read more about the ongoing NCAA Football 12 roster glitch, simply read the replies to this topic.

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 381 northface28 @ 07/21/11 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by stigs007
Forgive me if this has been asked already, but with 41 pages you can tend to miss stuff. Has anyone from EA commented on this yet?
Indirectly, yes. It has been acknowledged.
# 382 Bumble14 @ 07/21/11 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by northface28
And when I said this was a "game breaker" dudes was looking at me sideways. This is literally unbelievable.
No disrespect, but how is this a gamebreaker? I understand it messes around with the realism of certain players, but the game is not unplayable due to this issue--nothing is physically happening that is making the game unplayable like in NCAA Basketball 10. There are thousands of people out there who don't even care that this bug exists and are enjoying this game.

Also--the game plays without these issues minus the named rosters. If you are that bothered by the gameplay with the named rosters, delete them and play with the numbered rosters until the patch hits. Remember back in the PS1 days?

Major oversight by EA? Possibly. Major inconvenience for us that want to start dynasty's? Yes. Gamebreaker? No.

We just are stuck waiting for the patch--yes it sucks. End of story.
# 383 ChampIsHere42 @ 07/21/11 04:22 PM
So no one knows when EA is going to fix this?
# 384 CC @ 07/21/11 04:25 PM
LOL... I was wondering why Kirk Cousins was listed as a scrambler.

No wonder pocket passers have been taking off on me so much.
# 385 qpc123 @ 07/21/11 04:27 PM
For those in doubt here is a highlight I feel shows the problem. The game is Michigan(CPU) at Nebraska(me). Denard rushed 3 times for -2 yards, only one was what I would call an attempt to scramble. Settings were AA, 8 min quaters, KK sliders.

Just before the ball is thrown away a nice lane opens right in front of DRob and he just chucks it away.
# 386 aarontab @ 07/21/11 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by fldash
Bumble, this is my theory. The tendencies are controlled by the individual attributes of the player, right? Well, when you save, it's over-writing some default tendency that some developer assigned to these players (without using the editor). Its not a bug per-se, just whoever assigned the tendencies to the players didn't use the official editor, did a db update, or another way...
I literally said that a few pages ago....it...did not go over well lol.

I agree, i think they are able to assign tendencies independent of the ratings, and editing the name removes this designation and just bases the tendency on the ratings.
# 387 bpac55 @ 07/21/11 04:30 PM
So I guess I will stop making every player on every team 100% authentic with the equipment...
# 388 Redacted01 @ 07/21/11 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by fldash
Bumble, this is my theory. The tendencies are controlled by the individual attributes of the player, right? Well, when you save, it's over-writing some default tendency that some developer assigned to these players (without using the editor). Its not a bug per-se, just whoever assigned the tendencies to the players didn't use the official editor, did a db update, or another way...
No, do more research. If you go into the edit player mode, it says right at the top of the screen that Denard Robinson's or whoever you pick, has so-and-so tendency. Based on his ratings, he is a scrambler. When you save and back out, there is some piece of code or something somewhere switching the tendency to something else (doesn't apply to all tendencies). If you make Robinson and balanced QB and save, the roster list says he is a scrambler! Has nothing to do with an EA override they put in or anything like that. He was made as a scrambler to begin with. Editing him and other players causes something to flip. You don't even have to change ratings.

Explain Andrew Luck? Do you really think they had to override to make him a balanced QB? No. He was fine to begin with. This bug is causing tendencies to change that shouldn't change.

If it was some sort of override put in place, we'd see it in the edit menu as soon as we make any changes. We don't. It still calculates players correctly in editing; it only changes once you save and look at the roster again.
# 389 jenglund @ 07/21/11 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
No disrespect, but how is this a gamebreaker? I understand it messes around with the realism of certain players, but the game is not unplayable due to this issue--nothing is physically happening that is making the game unplayable like in NCAA Basketball 10. There are thousands of people out there who don't even care that this bug exists and are enjoying this game.

Also--the game plays without these issues minus the named rosters. If you are that bothered by the gameplay with the named rosters, delete them and play with the numbered rosters until the patch hits. Remember back in the PS1 days?

Major oversight by EA? Possibly. Major inconvenience for us that want to start dynasty's? Yes. Gamebreaker? No.

We just are stuck waiting for the patch--yes it sucks. End of story.
Autonaming rosters didn't change the tendencies for me last night. Actually, I just checked Denard Robinson...autonamed him and he remained a Scrambler. So, I'm pretty sure you could use fake names and not just numbers if you were so inclined.
# 390 crabcola @ 07/21/11 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
No disrespect, but how is this a gamebreaker? I understand it messes around with the realism of certain players, but the game is not unplayable due to this issue--nothing is physically happening that is making the game unplayable like in NCAA Basketball 10. There are thousands of people out there who don't even care that this bug exists and are enjoying this game.

Also--the game plays without these issues minus the named rosters. If you are that bothered by the gameplay with the named rosters, delete them and play with the numbered rosters until the patch hits. Remember back in the PS1 days?

Major oversight by EA? Possibly. Major inconvenience for us that want to start dynasty's? Yes. Gamebreaker? No.

We just are stuck waiting for the patch--yes it sucks. End of story.

No offense, Bumble, when is the last time we weren't waiting on a patch for NCAA Football because of a major oversight like this one? It is something HUGE every year. It is just usually something different each time. And yes, for those who are interested more in the dynasty aspect of the game, this one is a BIG, BIG, oversight.
# 391 northface28 @ 07/21/11 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
No disrespect, but how is this a gamebreaker? I understand it messes around with the realism of certain players, but the game is not unplayable due to this issue--nothing is physically happening that is making the game unplayable like in NCAA Basketball 10. There are thousands of people out there who don't even care that this bug exists and are enjoying this game.

Also--the game plays without these issues minus the named rosters. If you are that bothered by the gameplay with the named rosters, delete them and play with the numbered rosters until the patch hits. Remember back in the PS1 days?

Major oversight by EA? Possibly. Major inconvenience for us that want to start dynasty's? Yes. Gamebreaker? No.

We just are stuck waiting for the patch--yes it sucks. End of story.
None taken, I can handle people disagreeing with me. When guys are playing opposite of their intended tendency, it wrecks gameplay, ruins immersion, and it flat out isnt fun.

To me, the game is unplayable, can I play with numbered rosters? Yes. But if I want to edit something as small as wristband I should be subjected to that players tendency flip flopping? I paid my money and I should be able to edit whomever I want however I want and if I want their tendency to change it should be because I want to, not some glitchy code.

As for your PS1 comment, im not sure if that was satire or what. But im on PS3, taking advantage of todays technology. Why must I play like a "caveman" for errors on EA's end?

You can compromise your gaming and make excuses for them, but I will not.
# 392 ezio @ 07/21/11 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by jenglund
Autonaming rosters didn't change the tendencies for me last night. Actually, I just checked Denard Robinson...autonamed him and he remained a Scrambler. So, I'm pretty sure you could use fake names and not just numbers if you were so inclined.
I may end up doing the auto-name. I just don't like the numbers
# 393 aarontab @ 07/21/11 04:46 PM
Do you ever wonder if these EA people are sitting around laughing about this stuff? Some of it is so absurd and backwards that it seems like it would have to be intentional.

And obviously, i know this is not the case. Those guys work hard and do the best they can to make a great game every year, just throwing out the hypothetical. It would be the best practical joke you could possibly play while collecting a salary.
# 394 aliefallstar @ 07/21/11 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by northface28
I paid my money and I should be able to edit whomever I want however I want and if I want their tendency to change it should be because I want to, not some glitchy code.
This bothers me, they owe you nothing.
# 395 UMhester04 @ 07/21/11 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by crabcola
No offense, Bumble, when is the last time we weren't waiting on a patch for NCAA Football because of a major oversight like this one? It is something HUGE every year. It is just usually something different each time. And yes, for those who are interested more in the dynasty aspect of the game, this one is a BIG, BIG, oversight.

You hit the nail right on the head, sir.
# 396 northface28 @ 07/21/11 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by aarontab
Do you ever wonder if these EA people are sitting around laughing about this stuff? Some of it is so absurd and backwards that it seems like it would have to be intentional.

And obviously, i know this is not the case. Those guys work hard and do the best they can to make a great game every year, just throwing out the hypothetical. It would be the best practical joke you could possibly play while collecting a salary.
Lol, id do it to a friend, not thousands of consumers.
# 397 JoeC @ 07/21/11 04:53 PM
I was just working on the defensive linemen. It looks like Pass Rushers are not affected much like Pocket Passers. I was looking at Quinton Coples and Donte Paige Moss on UNC and they are Pass Rushers on the edit and roster screen. What happens with DL is Run Stoppers are switching to balanced and Balanced to Run Stoppers. North Carolina DT Tydreke Powell is a run stopper in the edit screen but is shown as balanced in the roster screen. North Carolina DT Jordan Nix is shown as Balanced in the edit screen and as a run stopper in the roster screen. So it looks like pass rushers arent affected at all its just the balanced and run stuffers.

So does this look correct to everyone
QB- Pocket Passer not affected

RB- Power not affected?
Speed to Balanced
Balanced to Speed

WR- Possession not affected
Balanced to speed
speed to balanced

TE- Blocking not affected
Balanced to Receiving
Receiving to Balanced

OL- Run Block not affected
Pass Block to Balanced
Balanced to Pass Block

LB- Coverage not affected
Run Stopper to Balanced
Balanced to Run Stopper

DB- Coverage not affected
Balanced to hard hitter
hard hitter to balanced

So that is how it is messing with each position set minus the kickers and punters which I forgot to check. Everyone might know this info already but I was curious so I checked it and figured I would share what I found in hopes that it might help.
# 398 FutureAUgrad @ 07/21/11 04:54 PM
I only read about 15 pages of this thread and then a thought popped into my head. It seems like in my Troy dynasty something happened to change the tendency of my recruited quarterbacks. I didn't edit anything about them as far as I can remember. I was hoping that I could just play with unnamed rosters and in 4 years it would balance out as the recruits would all be named. I can't do this, however, if something is happening to change the tendencies of my recruited players. Has anyone else noticed this?
# 399 UMhester04 @ 07/21/11 04:54 PM
So are we going to have to re-do all of our rosters? Are all the roster makers going to have to start over once this is patched? God help EA if this is true for the backlash they will recieve.
# 400 aholbert32 @ 07/21/11 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by crabcola
No offense, Bumble, when is the last time we weren't waiting on a patch for NCAA Football because of a major oversight like this one? It is something HUGE every year. It is just usually something different each time. And yes, for those who are interested more in the dynasty aspect of the game, this one is a BIG, BIG, oversight.
I think its going a little overboard calling this HUGE or BIG, BIG. For me, HUGE is if it makes the game unplayable or the game is freezing. Its still an annoying issue no doubt.

Also, if this really happens every year then the blame starts to move over to the customer. What other product would you buy every year if you know that out of the box there would be issues and that you wouldnt be satisfied with the product until a month or two after you bought it? I know I cant think of one yet every year you guys rush in mass to buy the game Day 1.

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