NCAA Football 12 News Post

Christian McLeod has confirmed the NCAA Football 12 roster glitch will be addressed in an upcoming patch. The fix for now? Are you ready for this? Delete your named roster file.

What are the problems you ask? Here are just a few comments from the OS community.

One of the NCAA Football 12 Software Engineer's posted this topic (roster related), in hopes to get some things resolved.

via skins5680
When you edit the name of a scrambling QB it changes them to balanced and editing a balanced QB changes them to scrambling. I noticed when i downloaded a roster with names that Denard Robinson was shown as a balanced QB so i went back to the default roster and he was back to a scrambler. So i played a game with the named roster and he attempted zero scrambles. I then played a game with the default roster and he scrambled five times in the first two drives.

via Gotmadskillzson
I seen this last week when I downloaded Fairdale Kings rosters for the 360. It just isn't the QBs tendancy that changes, it is also the pass rusher, coverage guys, hard hitters.

Everybody tendancy description changes......

I noticed it also effected the Kick off and punt returns for the CPU. And effected the punt blocking the user. With no names, I was able to return punts back for a TD sometimes with a good enough returner.

With names, the gunners get down the field super fast like they did in NCAA 11.

With out names, the CPU was able to return punts and kick offs back for TDs on me. With names, their blocking is non existent and the cpu have a hard time making it to the 30 yard line on kick offs and on Punt returns they get 3 yards now, my gunners get down the field so fast now I be right on top of them as soon as they catch the ball.

So as it stands, no names seem to give the better game play.

Being that other players tendancies have changed, I noticed some things.

1. LBs get a lot of tips and INTs on named rosters, even when they aren't in position to do so.

2. Safeties who suppose to be heavy hitters, turn into coverage guys and Intercept passes they normally wouldn't.

3. WRs get off the line quicker on named rosters and they hit stick tackle people on Ints. I had intercepted a pass and a WR hit sticked me.

4. Thomas with his new found strength is now more likely to keep the ball on read option plays. More like 90% of the time now. This was the same way in NCAA 11 when you made a QB's strength too high.

5. DEs don't generate a pass rush on named rosters like they do on non named rosters.

Now I am REALLY glad I didn't delete the default roster. I will have that to play until they fixed the name rosters issue.

Way too many players to edit get them back to what they suppose to be tendancy wise. Which is another thing, with the work around even though they back to their correct tendancy, their ratings will be out of whack.

Good players will be made weaker, weaker bad players will be made stronger.

via buckeye02
Same issue with no patch.

Also messed around, it changes the tendency for every single player. Im thinking that the rosters will have to be named again if this is patched.

How can they patch it to go in reverse and correct tendencies on already named rosters?

Looks like a more realistic patch is a fix to keep it from changing for future named rosters.

via Bumble14
Just received confirmation that this issue is being looked into heavily by the guys at EA. Be patient--there is a sizable amount of testing with different design divisions to identify the issue and look into a possible fix.

It would be helpful if you can please put together a chart showing the following for all positions affected by this issue. I would then like to provide this information to EA. This would also help with making community edits if necessary. Thanks.

Default Tendency:
New Tendency:

via BaylorBearBryant
Well, so far...

Position: Quarterback
Default Tendency: Scrambler
New Tendency: Balanced
Result: Default scrambling quarterbacks hardly scramble at all.

Position: Quarterback
Default Tendency: Balanced
New Tendency: Scrambler
Result: Default balanced quarterbacks scramble all the time.

Position: Running back
Default Tendency: Speed
New Tendency: Balanced
Result: Default speed backs act as balanced backs. They'll attempt power moves too often.

Position: Running back
Default Tendency: Balanced
New Tendency: Speed
Result: Default balanced backs act as speed backs. They'll never attempt power moves.

If you want to read more about the ongoing NCAA Football 12 roster glitch, simply read the replies to this topic.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 361 northface28 @ 07/21/11 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by aarontab
It still might not be a "bug", IF IN FACT it's just a tendency change that is done without regard to the ratings, i.e. the devs saying "this is what we want the ratings to be, but we know this dude is a scrambler". You can tell they do that because of how recruits turn out VS actual players when you start the game. In years past, the "Play Now" ratings were much higher than the "actual total ratings Dynasty mode team select" ratings were. Remember? I know what you're getting at, but BUG is different than "we didn't realize that just editing names would remove our roster tweaks".
Its a confirmed issue/bug, what more do you need?
# 362 aarontab @ 07/21/11 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by BaylorBearBryant
Your sentences and thoughts are convoluted.

I know what you're getting at, but BUG is different than "we didn't realize that just editing names would remove our roster tweaks".

How is that not a BUG!? I go and edit someone's shoes and his player tendency complete reverses! Not to mention, it's obvious now that a player tendency is KEY to the way a player acts on the field.

That's a BUG!
Take it easy, semantics aside, i was agreeing with you. I didn't program the game, just offering a possible explanation that at least makes 50% sense....
# 363 Gotmadskillzson @ 07/21/11 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by booker21
Quick question..

if a DE is pass rusher or Run stopper is decided by their Ratings, not the "tendency in their roster".
If a OL is Pass blocker or Run Blocker is decided by their RB ratings and not by a label.

Why this is changing then? it should be a "cosmetically" thing.
I think it has to do with the new coding Madden 12 has this year. Truth be told Madden and NCAA share the same engine and coding.

This year Madden 12 has player tendancies. Therefore tendancies have to matter. With that said, that is why in NCAA 12, what ever the tendancy says on the main screen, that is how that player is going to play.
# 364 BaylorBearBryant @ 07/21/11 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by aarontab
Take it easy, semantics aside, i was agreeing with you. I didn't program the game, just offering a possible explanation that at least makes 50% sense....
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as harsh. I'm just pretty upset about this whole situation.

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
I think it has to do with the new coding Madden 12 has this year. Truth be told Madden and NCAA share the same engine and coding.

This year Madden 12 has player tendancies. Therefore tendancies have to matter. With that said, that is why in NCAA 12, what ever the tendancy says on the main screen, that is how that player is going to play.
You could be right. That's a very real possibility.
# 365 drlw322 @ 07/21/11 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
I think it has to do with the new coding Madden 12 has this year. Truth be told Madden and NCAA share the same engine and coding.

This year Madden 12 has player tendancies. Therefore tendancies have to matter. With that said, that is why in NCAA 12, what ever the tendancy says on the main screen, that is how that player is going to play.
good assessment, I have to agree i think that's the problem
# 366 northface28 @ 07/21/11 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
I think it has to do with the new coding Madden 12 has this year. Truth be told Madden and NCAA share the same engine and coding.

This year Madden 12 has player tendancies. Therefore tendancies have to matter. With that said, that is why in NCAA 12, what ever the tendancy says on the main screen, that is how that player is going to play.
Furthermore, is this issue in Madden should you edit someone? God, this is ugly.
# 367 ActLikeYouCrow @ 07/21/11 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by booker21
Quick question..

if a DE is pass rusher or Run stopper is decided by their Ratings, not the "tendency in their roster".
If a OL is Pass blocker or Run Blocker is decided by their RB ratings and not by a label.

Why this is changing then? it should be a "cosmetically" thing.
in theory youre right, but the tendency label overrides the ratings based on what everyone is seeing.

Originally Posted by aarontab
The reason this is happening is because BY RATING they must be scramblers but EA must manually edit the tendencies to match their real life tendencies. That way they can have a guy who is fast BUT is not going to scramble as much and will still use his arm. Editing makes the player revert back to what his actual ratings dictate. DONE AND DONE.
im not sure this is the case because why would it stay the same in the edit screen and why when i edit a balanced qb on teambuilder and give him denard robinson's ratings would he become a scrambler. its a bug.
# 368 Gotmadskillzson @ 07/21/11 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by northface28
Furthermore, is this issue in Madden should you edit someone? God, this is ugly.
Well I am sure now that they know it is a problem in NCAA 12 and they share the same code, they going to be testing it out in Madden 12. And if it is a problem in Madden 12 too, they probably will just do a release day patch for that game.
# 369 aarontab @ 07/21/11 03:51 PM
I'm actually kind of surprised this is the first gamekiller this year, i'm surprised it wasn't something in dynasty mode. Lost that prop bet.

This means:
a) Named rosters as they are now are unusable
b) Dynasties that have been started will have to be restarted (RTG and OD too)
c) Ratings (possibly) don't tie into tendencies as much as would be hoped for, which if that's true, the new recruits are based solely on ratings and don't get the benefit of having somebody tweak tendencies
d) EA couldn't find menstruation on white panties.
# 370 BaylorBearBryant @ 07/21/11 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by ActLikeYouCrow
in theory youre right, but the tendency label overrides the ratings based on what everyone is seeing.
Yes the tendency label seems to trump all. For Denard's scrambling ratings to be implemented correctly, he first has to be listed as a "scrambler."
# 371 aarontab @ 07/21/11 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by ActLikeYouCrow
im not sure this is the case because why would it stay the same in the edit screen and why when i edit a balanced qb on teambuilder and give him denard robinson's ratings would he become a scrambler. its a bug.
Then yes, it appears it's a bug.
# 372 northface28 @ 07/21/11 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Well I am sure now that they know it is a problem in NCAA 12 and they share the same code, they going to be testing it out in Madden 12. And if it is a problem in Madden 12 too, they probably will just do a release day patch for that game.
Testing? No. Get outta here.
# 373 Redacted01 @ 07/21/11 03:57 PM
I have been working so I missed a page here now, but to the person saying change the sliders... why? The game played fine with my sliders and no names, but Elway invented a time machine and changed his name to Andrew Luck with names. It's a bug. I see some other people came around. If you guys want some checking done, PM me some things if they aren't able to get on and I'll have an excuse not to work on this haha.
# 374 northface28 @ 07/21/11 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by aarontab
I'm actually kind of surprised this is the first gamekiller this year, i'm surprised it wasn't something in dynasty mode. Lost that prop bet.

This means:
a) Named rosters as they are now are unusable
b) Dynasties that have been started will have to be restarted (RTG and OD too)
c) Ratings (possibly) don't tie into tendencies as much as would be hoped for, which if that's true, the new recruits are based solely on ratings and don't get the benefit of having somebody tweak tendencies
d) EA couldn't find menstruation on white panties.
Falls out of chair laughing @ D.
# 375 Hunkerdown @ 07/21/11 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by aarontab
I'm actually kind of surprised this is the first gamekiller this year, i'm surprised it wasn't something in dynasty mode. Lost that prop bet.

This means:
a) Named rosters as they are now are unusable
b) Dynasties that have been started will have to be restarted (RTG and OD too)
c) Ratings (possibly) don't tie into tendencies as much as would be hoped for, which if that's true, the new recruits are based solely on ratings and don't get the benefit of having somebody tweak tendencies
d) EA couldn't find menstruation on white panties.
This is some serios s***, just ruined experience for me, and I have to restart OD and offline dynasties????? wtf EA. So all we can use is default rosters with fake names.
# 376 RIP GUTT CAPONE @ 07/21/11 03:59 PM
Yea, that was the funniest thing i heard all week,
# 377 BaylorBearBryant @ 07/21/11 03:59 PM
Isn't this ironic? To make matters worse, you're upset about the bugs in the game upon release. So next year to send a message to EA, you don't buy the game. EA takes notice of the lack of sales and thus cans the game, i.e. the NCAA Basketball series.

And due to licensing issues, after a few years, no new NCAA football video game is made.

What a crappy Catch-22... direct competition is needed.
# 378 northface28 @ 07/21/11 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by BaylorBearBryant
Isn't this ironic? To make matters worse, you're upset about the bugs in the game upon release. So next year to send a message to EA, you don't buy the game. EA takes notice of the lack of sales and thus cans the game, i.e. the NCAA Basketball series.

And due to licensing issues, after a few years, no new NCAA football video game is made.

What a crappy Catch-22... direct competition is needed.
And when I said this was a "game breaker" dudes was looking at me sideways. This is literally unbelievable.
# 379 stigs007 @ 07/21/11 04:08 PM
Forgive me if this has been asked already, but with 41 pages you can tend to miss stuff. Has anyone from EA commented on this yet?
# 380 CarolinaCJAM @ 07/21/11 04:14 PM
You've gotta be kidding me. I was JUST about to start my dynasty with named rosters, checked OS for any updates, & found this. Wow is all I can say.

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