MLB 11 The Show News Post

Mauer Mondays continue at Gamestop with another MLB 11 The Show video. This one is a gameplay clip between the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Chicago Cubs.

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 161 Super Glock @ 02/22/11 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
This wasn't a poor video at all. It oozes baseball. If you're looking for the NBA All-Star game, you're in the wrong place.

Don't back-tread on a great product.

People are doing the same thing they do every year - get hyped about a feature set, complain, watch videos, complain, whine how they are not getting the game, complain, buy the game early somewhere, claim how much they love the game, it's the best ever, will take off of work just to play it, find one thing "wrong" and obsess over it, complain, say X company MUST release a patch because the game is unplayable now, complain, wait until they release a patch, complain, get the patch the minute it's available, complain PSN is too slow, rejoice on how one thing is fixed but can't believe "they didn't fix blank," complain, get bored with the game, complain it's not the best ever, trade it in, complain, move onto another title and start the cycle again in 6 months when new information is released.

Same ole, same ole.
Wow great post. The truth has been spoken. People quit whining, this game is going to be great.
# 162 econoodle @ 02/22/11 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I actually wish...they would start a franchise game......sim late into the season and pick a matchup, letting the CPU play the CPU and just use that. Let it play for the last 3 innings and we'll just watch.
Everything the CPU does...is possible with the USER.
I know....they want to show off the new controls...but I'd just like to see the gameplay untouched!


thats exactly what i would love to see!
we never get that type of video from them. its always Play Nows.
for the franchise/presentation nuts, it would be perfect.
# 163 WAZ @ 02/22/11 12:34 PM
Uh, that video was bull****. Did you see Soriano field that ball cleanly in the corner? I thought this was supposed to be a sim?!?

Pre-order... cancelled.
# 164 Black59Razr @ 02/22/11 12:54 PM
The video showed a game time temperature of 90 degrees. Has anyone seen anything about this effecting ball flight?
# 165 buboloco @ 02/22/11 01:02 PM
I liked it!!! Im buying... the only thing that concerns me its the commentary, but that can be muted and just leave the stadium ambiance... I think the game looks amazing!
# 166 Knight165 @ 02/22/11 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Black59Razr
The video showed a game time temperature of 90 degrees. Has anyone seen anything about this effecting ball flight?
I don't know if heat does or not.
Actually, I'm not sure what park effects are in place except for wind.

On the video and some of the posts.
There are the obvious posters who aren't interested in The Show and were just waiting for a gameplay vid to drop and were salivating to post on the commentary or anything they could grasp on negatively. It's expected....they are there(not the same guys in particular...but "that type") every single year.
Then you have the OCD guys.....who just HAVE TO focus on one thing and will never really be happy about it.
Then the "homers"....who would love anything.
Weed them out and listen to the level headed guys....and you'll have an idea of what this game is about.

The amount of complete B.S. and nonsense this year however really surprises me....hmmm...maybe not.

But...we're gonna need more WHAAAMBULANCES....STAT!

# 167 brrmikey @ 02/22/11 01:15 PM
loved the video. one thing that i hoped was changed, hasn't. in '10, things seem out of sequence in many cut scenes when playing that game using the broadcast presentation. in the video, after the final strikeout, the catcher runs up to the pitcher for congrats...they are pretty close to each other. then a cut scene shows the pitcher walking towards the catcher and it seems a bit disjointed...hard to explain. i wish it was a bit more jointed because i just can't get into Real-Time presentation because of all the missing "baseball" small things. Does anyone know what i'm talking about?

# 168 jestep123 @ 02/22/11 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by brrmikey
loved the video. one thing that i hoped was changed, hasn't. in '10, things seem out of sequence in many cut scenes when playing that game using the broadcast presentation. in the video, after the final strikeout, the catcher runs up to the pitcher for congrats...they are pretty close to each other. then a cut scene shows the pitcher walking towards the catcher and it seems a bit disjointed...hard to explain. i wish it was a bit more jointed because i just can't get into Real-Time presentation because of all the missing "baseball" small things. Does anyone know what i'm talking about?

Absolutely 100% agree. Not a game killer but kind of annoying and again, it seems a little sloppy and this brings up a point.

I agree with Knight about being level headed however, to me, that also means that no matter how much you love the series you have to remove bias. We ALL know this is the best baseball game out there. SCEA fans know it, 2k fans know it, EA fans know it, my momma knows it...lol, but just because it is already highly regarded and acclaimed doesnt mean it should get a free pass.

Sometimes I think this game is its own worst enemy. The VAST majority of this game is so well done. Because of that, when you hear commetary like this and you see disjointed cut scenes that force you to play the game another way to avoid them, it really does make you scratch your head a little bit. I am sorry,I dont want to say it because I love the game and want it to be the best, but some things in the game look sloppy. I think they get overlooked or brushed aside alot because of the overall package but they are still there. Not only that, they arent game killers but at least the two things I mentioned here arent exactly minor either.

There are critical responses on here and some of them are a little over the top, but some of them are on the screws with regard to at least raising an eyebrow toward being concerned.
# 169 Golds @ 02/22/11 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by brrmikey
loved the video. one thing that i hoped was changed, hasn't. in '10, things seem out of sequence in many cut scenes when playing that game using the broadcast presentation. in the video, after the final strikeout, the catcher runs up to the pitcher for congrats...they are pretty close to each other. then a cut scene shows the pitcher walking towards the catcher and it seems a bit disjointed...hard to explain. i wish it was a bit more jointed because i just can't get into Real-Time presentation because of all the missing "baseball" small things. Does anyone know what i'm talking about?

Yes, I posted this exact observation earlier this morning. That's the only thing I didn't like about this video... And before Pared murders me, no I'm not some insane OCD gamer complaining :-b. This game looks so good and I'm even more excited that I didn't buy '10, so this year will feel like a HUGE improvement. I think this one will be one of those sports games where I will have no trouble staying interested in for a long season of baseball.
# 170 emath @ 02/22/11 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Black59Razr
The video showed a game time temperature of 90 degrees. Has anyone seen anything about this effecting ball flight?

I saw your post in the thread they closed. As a 36 year long Cub fan, I don't think temperature has anything to do with how the ball carries, per se (heard that said, never saw it spelled out. Don't know if it's right, but you get the point).

I think the fact is that when the weather starts to warm up, the wind tends to be blowing out, or more calm in general. Colder days the wind usually blows in off the lake.

Of course, cold weather tends to favor pitchers anyway (not just Wrigley).

Now, maybe that was the point you were trying to make, I don't know. I will say, it would be nice if things like that could be implemented into the game though.
# 171 Greene_Flash03 @ 02/22/11 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
I'm disappointed. Looks exactly like '10, complete with the same commentary.

Don't see how this justifies another $60 from me. Oh well, just one man's opinion.......
Same here. I might keep The Show 10 and get 2K11 for my baseball fix this year..

Don't get me wrong, the game is STILL gorgeous. BUT commentary needs work (big deal for me) and the replay camera angles are from PS2 days (is it not?)

Another thing that I really like in 2k baseball that is not in The Show is that in 2k, pitchers have specific animations after the pitch. (Pitcher mannerism perhaps?) I can't really explain... it just looks organic..
# 172 K_GUN @ 02/22/11 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by emath
I saw your post in the thread they closed. As a 36 year long Cub fan, I don't think temperature has anything to do with how the ball carries, per se (heard that said, never saw it spelled out. Don't know if it's right, but you get the point).
actually it does

cold air is very dense...warm air is not

on a 45 degree day...a baseball that travels 400 feet would actually travel 420 feet on a 95 degree day.
# 173 SeerMagicX @ 02/22/11 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Joey
Your statements make no sense to me. So you've been playing the series for 10 years and say it's boring, analog controls and custom cameras are no good, blah, blah, blah, not enough to get you to come back. Analog controls (for this series) apparently aren't groundbreaking enough for you to purchase this year's game (although that certainly isn't the only new or improved feature) so I have to ask...What were the big features that brought you back the other 9 years?
Maybe boring was the wrong word, stale would be better. Well first 5 years or so were great, though I did play high heat aswell. Things really changed when 2k8 came out, post patch that game was awesome. Pitching & hitting was so much fun, and fielding had a good feel too. After that it was really hard to play the show, with only RTTS getting playing time. Reason I keep getting them year after year now is hoping the new features are enough. So far they havn't been and I usually sale the game after a few months. But they have been the only option as 2k games have been broken in one way or another.

I'll hold final judgment after playing the demo, but the new controls are hardly groundbreaking. The analog pitching looks EXACTLY like rock n fire pitching from NCAA 06.. EXACTLY the same. It was cool at first, but it got old fast in NCAA. Hitting seems to borrow heavily from 2k8, which is fine because I really enjoyed it. However, if it's like last year's game where dice rolls determine what you do instead of how you hit the ball, it won't matter.
# 174 Golds @ 02/22/11 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by jestep123
Absolutely 100% agree. Not a game killer but kind of annoying and again, it seems a little sloppy and this brings up a point.

I agree with Knight about being level headed however, to me, that also means that no matter how much you love the series you have to remove bias. We ALL know this is the best baseball game out there. SCEA fans know it, 2k fans know it, EA fans know it, my momma knows it...lol, but just because it is already highly regarded and acclaimed doesnt mean it should get a free pass.

Sometimes I think this game is its own worst enemy. The VAST majority of this game is so well done. Because of that, when you hear commetary like this and you see disjointed cut scenes that force you to play the game another way to avoid them, it really does make you scratch your head a little bit. I am sorry,I dont want to say it because I love the game and want it to be the best, but some things in the game look sloppy. I think they get overlooked or brushed aside alot because of the overall package but they are still there. Not only that, they arent game killers but at least the two things I mentioned here arent exactly minor either.

There are critical responses on here and some of them are a little over the top, but some of them are on the screws with regard to at least raising an eyebrow toward being concerned.
I think sometimes, especially the people on this forum, forget that we are talking about video games. The complaints and insane requests that are regularly found on these forums have somehow, at some point, become the guidelines or absolute requirements for games and developers to follow. The only game that would score a 10/10 rating on this site from all the "hardcore" or "sim" (I hate that word) gamers would involve...commentary including literally millions of lines of script so the same comment wouldnt be heard unless you play the game for 10 years; every shoe, cleat, arm band, head band, sock, sock length, and brace manufactured over the past 5 years; motion capture of every single baseball player by that player to represent the exact stance down to an inch; physics formulas to determine wind, moisture, heat, dirt particle contact..... to allow God-like programming for stadiums; and to sugar coat it, a B-job for buying the game.....
# 175 jestep123 @ 02/22/11 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Golds
I think sometimes, especially the people on this forum, forget that we are talking about video games. The complaints and insane requests that are regularly found on these forums have somehow, at some point, become the guidelines or absolute requirements for games and developers to follow. The only game that would score a 10/10 rating on this site from all the "hardcore" or "sim" (I hate that word) gamers would involve...commentary including literally millions of lines of script so the same comment wouldnt be heard unless you play the game for 10 years; every shoe, cleat, arm band, head band, sock, sock length, and brace manufactured over the past 5 years; motion capture of every single baseball player by that player to represent the exact stance down to an inch; physics formulas to determine wind, moisture, heat, dirt particle contact..... to allow God-like programming for stadiums; and to sugar coat it, a B-job for buying the game.....
Like I said before, some of the comments here are over the top.

The only thing being said here by me and other folks is that there were some legit issues with last years game, that were issues the year before and the year before that and so on. I for one, made it clear what I was talking about. I totally agree with you about the accessory things that people get all steamed about but, at least for now. in this thread, that isnt what we are talking about.

You can really see staunch defenders of this game throughout this thread. There is no problem with that, in normal circles, I am one of those. That said, you cant lump out of sequence cut scenes and average commentary in with obsessing about accessories and the right color socks and make everyone who has a point to make that may not be exactly what others want to hear, out ot be the same kind of crazy.

I dont think anyone has forgotten about that we are talking about video games, which outside of a disk case and instruction manual are not real life.

You know what else is real though? The time that you have to work to make the $65 to pay for the product. If Sony gave away free product, nobody on this board or any other would have the right to say a word, until that day comes though, even those crazy OCD'ers that complain about who has eye blak and who doesnt have a right to do so because we are talking about real money they are handing over.
# 176 Black59Razr @ 02/22/11 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Golds
I think sometimes, especially the people on this forum, forget that we are talking about video games. The complaints and insane requests that are regularly found on these forums have somehow, at some point, become the guidelines or absolute requirements for games and developers to follow. The only game that would score a 10/10 rating on this site from all the "hardcore" or "sim" (I hate that word) gamers would involve...commentary including literally millions of lines of script so the same comment wouldnt be heard unless you play the game for 10 years; every shoe, cleat, arm band, head band, sock, sock length, and brace manufactured over the past 5 years; motion capture of every single baseball player by that player to represent the exact stance down to an inch; physics formulas to determine wind, moisture, heat, dirt particle contact..... to allow God-like programming for stadiums; and to sugar coat it, a B-job for buying the game.....
Holding industry leaders accountable to produce impossible expectations is not fair? Probably not, but its what happens. Refusing to give a 10/10 score is not nice? Even though I may give 11 The Show a 9/10 score, I would still be willing to pay $300+ for the game. Will I thank them for making a great game? YES! Will I lower my future expectation, therefore slowing innovation? NO! So keep the posts coming about wrong sock colors. Those expectations are what fuel innovation!
# 177 Heroesandvillains @ 02/22/11 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I don't know if heat does or not.
Actually, I'm not sure what park effects are in place except for wind.

On the video and some of the posts.
There are the obvious posters who aren't interested in The Show and were just waiting for a gameplay vid to drop and were salivating to post on the commentary or anything they could grasp on negatively. It's expected....they are there(not the same guys in particular...but "that type") every single year.
Then you have the OCD guys.....who just HAVE TO focus on one thing and will never really be happy about it.
Then the "homers"....who would love anything.
Weed them out and listen to the level headed guys....and you'll have an idea of what this game is about.

The amount of complete B.S. and nonsense this year however really surprises me....hmmm...maybe not.

But...we're gonna need more WHAAAMBULANCES....STAT!

"Whaaambulances," "mouch" (half man, half couch!!! My personal favorite)...

I'm gonna start documenting your take on the English language. Soon enough, we'll have one pretty funny vernacular.

Knight-isms aside, I think there is a lot to get pumped about overall from this video. The improvements are very apparent from this clip (which is why I assume this video made the cut...it has infield/outfield miscues, a WGN pitching view, beautiful Wrigley, a strike out of the side, a final at-bat with the game on the line with Pujols at the dish)...but I really like your idea of the CPU vs. CPU footage. Though, I can understand how a video like that could alienate some potential or on the cusp buyers...the ones NEEDING to see the new controls in action.

I also don't think it's common knowledge, even amoungst hardcore fans, that ANYTHING the CPU can do, the Users can do...which they can.
# 178 Pared @ 02/22/11 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Black59Razr
So keep the posts coming about wrong sock colors. Those expectations are what fuel innovation!
The irony in this is what makes me sad about our community.
# 179 Rwings832 @ 02/22/11 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Golds
I think sometimes, especially the people on this forum, forget that we are talking about video games. The complaints and insane requests that are regularly found on these forums have somehow, at some point, become the guidelines or absolute requirements for games and developers to follow. The only game that would score a 10/10 rating on this site from all the "hardcore" or "sim" (I hate that word) gamers would involve...commentary including literally millions of lines of script so the same comment wouldnt be heard unless you play the game for 10 years; every shoe, cleat, arm band, head band, sock, sock length, and brace manufactured over the past 5 years; motion capture of every single baseball player by that player to represent the exact stance down to an inch; physics formulas to determine wind, moisture, heat, dirt particle contact..... to allow God-like programming for stadiums; and to sugar coat it, a B-job for buying the game.....
LOL...man that just made my day especially the last parts...the only thing I really have to say is that it looks really good, and I do think things flow a lot better...and the camera angles for each broadcasts teach makes it look just that much better as well.
# 180 Heroesandvillains @ 02/22/11 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
The irony in this is what makes me sad about our community.
I don't want to de-rail the thread, so this is all I will say about it.

Posters that harp on socks, stances, etc. are really only extremely active on this site a couple of months before/after release. I always wonder where these guys are around July/August? This is when their critiques could actually get some attention and be implemented into the next installment.

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