MLB 11 The Show News Post

Mauer Mondays continue at Gamestop with another MLB 11 The Show video. This one is a gameplay clip between the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Chicago Cubs.

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 61 countryboy @ 02/21/11 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
just think..next year he'll be in a cubs uniform..THAT would be the worst for you...LOL
I hate you.
# 62 Shaffer26 @ 02/21/11 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by abjsuperstar
i would like to see catchers view on this video..
Me too! Catcher's view looks far better than camera view. Not really impressed with the team camera view because it shows more of the little flaws in the game, i.e. batter's stance and pitching release point, but catcher's view hides some of these things and it make the game look better.
# 63 Eman5805 @ 02/21/11 09:38 PM
Only complaint is the same as it's always been the commentary continues to be disjointed. No chemistry. No sense of playing off one another. Each says their lines independent of each other. I know that's literally how they recorded it, and scheduling conflicts probably mean it's just unfeasible to record them all in the both together, but there are workarounds.

However, we just heard a snippet of the commentary so far. It could be far superior in other areas that I just haven't heard yet.

So, I'll reserve full judgment until the game is in my hands.
# 64 Shakedowncapo @ 02/21/11 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
can we please move the batting stance discussion to this thread:

We shouldn't have to do that...It can be a healthy conversation. But for the fact that nobody but a few care, I'll handle this through PM.
# 65 ckarlic @ 02/21/11 09:44 PM
Video looks great!!! Can't Wait!!!!
# 66 PSUlions15 @ 02/21/11 09:54 PM
Ok, heres my opinion for commentary, they need to put a create-your-own-commetary feature. Here is how it would work. You find voices of commentators, from real life and upload them into the game, for certain situations. Like say it was walk-off in the 9th inning, find the voice of your commentator for that situation, upload it into the game, and add it to that situation.

This is a working idea for me so if sounds a little off that's my fault. So, what you guys think?
# 67 PVarck31 @ 02/21/11 09:55 PM
Alright guys, lets chill out. Consider this a blanket warning.
# 68 slickkill77 @ 02/21/11 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by PSUlions15
Ok, heres my opinion for commentary, they need to put a create-your-own-commetary feature. Here is how it would work. You find voices of commentators, from real life and upload them into the game, for certain situations. Like say it was walk-off in the 9th inning, find the voice of your commentator for that situation, upload it into the game, and add it to that situation.

This is a working idea for me so if sounds a little off that's my fault. So, what you guys think?

It could work in theory. They do it with crowd noises so why not. The only problem is you would end up hearing the same things and you would randomly get announcers popping in out of nowhere that had no involvement in the game. Although I could see people on here recording hours worth of commentary ala the rosters
# 69 PSUlions15 @ 02/21/11 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by slickkill77
It could work in theory. They do it with crowd noises so why not. The only problem is you would end up hearing the same things and you would randomly get announcers popping in out of nowhere that had no involvement in the game. Although I could see people on here recording hours worth of commentary ala the rosters
No, I mostly meant your speacific teams commentators like for the phillies it would be Gary Matthews, Chris Wheeler and Tom McCarthy, and you could have a bout 3 different voices for that situation so it isnt the same all the time.
# 70 econoodle @ 02/21/11 10:00 PM
one positive, one negative after watching the clip.

+ lighting! though this setting wasnt even the best use of it. Sunset would look nice.
Hopefully the demo we can pick time of day.
SCEA is masters at getting the most out of the graphical engine with each new installment.
lighting kept this from looking EXACTLY like ten.

Player models are nice but in the flow of this clip, u c ant tell they are new unlesss ur REALLY looking.

- presentation

wow, even with editing of the in between stuff the announcing was B.R.U.T.A.L.

Just brutal.
for 2010.
the lack of a decent crowd too killed the feel in that clip.

SCEA, time to overhaul it.
it feels like nappytime watching it. lol

overall, not much to say. The Show visually takes steps forward and then sticks in the mud regarding sound and presentation.
still too much like 10, like 10 was too much like 09.

I really like Matty V in real life, but in this game hes just not good.

presentation is just as important as all the other stuff.

i'll play th demo this week as the controls dont come into play when just watching a clip, so i'll see how that rocks, but from what I have seen so far, I aint feeling this years game two weeks away.
# 71 slickkill77 @ 02/21/11 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by PSUlions15
No, I mostly meant your speacific teams commentators like for the phillies it would be Gary Matthews, Chris Wheeler and Tom McCarthy, and you could have a bout 3 different voices for that situation so it isnt the same all the time.

Yea but what I was saying is that unless you turned off all in game commentary then you would have The Show's 3 man booth and then for certain situations the custom ones would pop in. Unless you had a different plan for it.
# 72 PSUlions15 @ 02/21/11 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by slickkill77
Yea but what I was saying is that unless you turned off all in game commentary then you would have The Show's 3 man booth and then for certain situations the custom ones would pop in. Unless you had a different plan for it.
You could always turn them off but I see how all this coould be hard to do, plus it would be a good shake-up if we could get this to work and it would be good to hear farmialer voices.
# 73 bukktown @ 02/21/11 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
one positive, one negative after watching the clip.

+ lighting! though this setting wasnt even the best use of it. Sunset would look nice.
Hopefully the demo we can pick time of day.
SCEA is masters at getting the most out of the graphical engine with each new installment.
lighting kept this from looking EXACTLY like ten.

Player models are nice but in the flow of this clip, u c ant tell they are new unlesss ur REALLY looking.

- presentation

wow, even with editing of the in between stuff the announcing was B.R.U.T.A.L.

Just brutal.
for 2010.
the lack of a decent crowd too killed the feel in that clip.

SCEA, time to overhaul it.
it feels like nappytime watching it. lol

overall, not much to say. The Show visually takes steps forward and then sticks in the mud regarding sound and presentation.
still too much like 10, like 10 was too much like 09.

I really like Matty V in real life, but in this game hes just not good.

presentation is just as important as all the other stuff.

i'll play th demo this week as the controls dont come into play when just watching a clip, so i'll see how that rocks, but from what I have seen so far, I aint feeling this years game two weeks away.
I don't understand the math on this one. Seems like:
Lighting/graphics = +1.
Sound = 0.
Overall = -1.
# 74 Foo4Everlong @ 02/21/11 10:09 PM
I realized after watching this video that it was obviously on "broadcast" but one thing that I had not heard much about this year was "Real-Time Presentation. I'm assuming it's still in the game as SCEA usually does not remove anything from the year before. But has SCEA done anything new to Real-Time Presentation for '11? Improving it? Thanks. Later
# 75 Clarke_311 @ 02/21/11 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Foo4Everlong
I realized after watching this video that it was obviously on "broadcast" but one thing that I had not heard much about this year was "Real-Time Presentation. I'm assuming it's still in the game as SCEA usually does not remove anything from the year before. But has SCEA done anything new to Real-Time Presentation for '11? Improving it? Thanks. Later
I'm pretty sure it's the same as last year, I don't think SCEA wanted to give a lot away so they edited it a lot.
# 76 Knight165 @ 02/21/11 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by LilWayneFTW
Finally finished watching the video and a few things I noticed (Positive/Negative)

Starting with the negatives -
- Karros... then again he's knew so it'll take some time. When he talks it really sounds like he's using a tape recorder and not "talking" to the rest of the crew
- The editing in this video...come on I want some RAW footage
- Is THAT the ticker they were talking about this whole time? Looks the same as last year's

Positives -
- Lighting looks AMAZING
- Player models are realistic along with the new batting stances such as Pena
- New commentary like the one where Pujols gets lined out
- LOVE the new color scheme on the guess pitch and the lineup card and the scoreboard thing on the top

Can't wait to try out the Demo but I need my PS3 asap.. it may feel like '10 but it sure does look BETTER (which was close to it but by maybe 5%)

I'm having trouble with the whole video loading...my internet has been shaky at best lately....but if it's the drop down box underneath the scoreline up top.....no that is not the new ticker.
The new ticker is on the bottom like ESPN's. I have a low res pic that Kolbe sent me(to tease me a bit)....but I don't have permission to post it...so I won't.

....and of course the game is much like '10...Why shouldn't it be?....there was no need to rewrite the entire game.
...and sorry....those that say they can't see the difference in player models....I'm gotta call you know what. That's nonsense.

I think we all agree we would love some new commentary....but horrid? That's a bit much.

What stadium was that? It's hard to tell.
(I might as well just get all of these out of the way now )

Carry on.

# 77 Shakedowncapo @ 02/21/11 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Bryd is 6 foot 245. That is a line backer.

Looks like a linebacker to me.
Exactly...Byrd is a beast physically. I don't see a problem with Pena either, dude is 6'2 230-240

# 78 mootmoody @ 02/21/11 10:21 PM
The video looks stunning. "Cant Wait!" (in my best Bart Scott voice)
# 79 andrewochs615 @ 02/21/11 10:23 PM
man the person playing this game has no patience lol
# 80 myghty @ 02/21/11 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by sandmac
The player models don't look much improved. Byrd and Pena still look like linebackers....
However, the lighting and physics are better. Looking forward to getting the game.
I did notice that too. Some players still had the box shoulders which was weird. Look at time 3:04 when David Freese walks up, his shoulders are so high.

I dont nitpick batting stances or the way stadiums look or jerseys looks but to me this was obvious when I saw it on some players while some are ok. Like I said, its just weird.

That pitching view at Cubs stadium is awesome though.

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