MLB 11 The Show News Post

Mauer Mondays continue at Gamestop with another MLB 11 The Show video. This one is a gameplay clip between the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Chicago Cubs.

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 101 WhiteM5 @ 02/21/11 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Diablo25
First real gameplay footage 3 weeks prior to release and some of you need to be talked off the ledge? Relax. Sony will release better footage showing of the new features as the release date approaches.

And many of the same people will be gushing about the demo this time tomorrow.
Yeah, I have to agree with you on this one. Many over the top reactions to such a short and edited video. That said, some of the comments I read are probably going to be on the money with the final version. For example, I think most people are going to have to come to terms that the commentary and presentation didn't get the same MAJOR update as other parts of the game. "Theres always next year". :-)
# 102 Sco291 @ 02/21/11 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteM5
Yeah, I have to agree with you on this one. Many over the top reactions to such a short and edited video. That said, some of the comments I read are probably going to be on the money with the final version. For example, I think most people are going to have to come to terms that the commentary and presentation didn't get the same MAJOR update as other parts of the game. "Theres always next year". :-)
Hopefully Because Presentation is one of the major things this game is known for.
# 103 WhiteM5 @ 02/21/11 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Sco291
Hopefully Because Presentation is one of the major things this game is known for.
True. The attention to detail the devs have given the series are the reason why the fans hold the game to a higher standard.

I really think this game should be able to produce more on-screen stuff by this point: stats like career vs., count-specific stats, month stats, historical stuff that shows the game is tracking players and franchises.
# 104 berenjena @ 02/21/11 11:39 PM
I think we all need to relax and enjoy one of the best sports game of all time!
# 105 sroz39 @ 02/21/11 11:41 PM
Really not sure what people are expecting here. 10 was arguably the best sports game of all-time, yet people want to see something completely different in 11? Doesn't make any sense.

Anyways, personally, I know that to get a full scope of the gameplay improvements, especially in this series, I have to actually PLAY the game. So much of the year-to-year improvements are tied to feel with The Show that I'm not gonna judge harshly based on a video. Besides, I have nothing negative to say. Game looks stupid realistic, lighting is out-of-this-world, stances and deliveries aren't perfect but more than good enough (and better than any game's done in any baseball game) and just through a video, gameplay improvements are evident (like the aforementioned missed ball by the outfielder).

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I'm just not really understanding what people's expectations are when it comes to annual sports game releases. Even the commentary isn't as bad as this poorly edited video shows. I look forward to release day anxiously.

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# 106 Sco291 @ 02/21/11 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteM5
True. The attention to detail the devs have given the series are the reason why the fans hold the game to a higher standard.

I really think this game should be able to produce more on-screen stuff by this point: stats like career vs., count-specific stats, month stats, historical stuff that shows the game is tracking players and franchises.
Couldn't agree more. Baseball is a sport of statistics and matchups. We need to see this more. But we did get a sneal peek of it with the hits batsmen and overlays in this video, so its looking good hopefully more to come!
# 107 MarinersVsDodgers @ 02/21/11 11:53 PM
If only SCEA could have a blockbuster trade sending EK and Soup to 2k for their commentary.

Like noted by everyone else, they do not talk with each other. Seems very...weird.
# 108 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/22/11 12:01 AM
They were talking to each other when we were there. Not to the level people are expecting, but far more than edited video can attest to.

# 109 Sco291 @ 02/22/11 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
They were talking to each other when we were there. Not to the level people are expecting, but far more than edited video can attest to.

Thanks for that. Thats really good to hear.
# 110 sink4ever @ 02/22/11 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by sroz39
Really not sure what people are expecting here. 10 was arguably the best sports game of all-time, yet people want to see something completely different in 11? Doesn't make any sense.

Anyways, personally, I know that to get a full scope of the gameplay improvements, especially in this series, I have to actually PLAY the game. So much of the year-to-year improvements are tied to feel with The Show that I'm not gonna judge harshly based on a video. Besides, I have nothing negative to say. Game looks stupid realistic, lighting is out-of-this-world, stances and deliveries aren't perfect but more than good enough (and better than any game's done in any baseball game) and just through a video, gameplay improvements are evident (like the aforementioned missed ball by the outfielder).

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I'm just not really understanding what people's expectations are when it comes to annual sports game releases. Even the commentary isn't as bad as this poorly edited video shows. I look forward to release day anxiously.

Sent from my MB300 using Tapatalk
I wanted to reply to this thread after watching the video a couple times, but I'm a little loopy from pain meds. So I'll just quote this response and say I feel the exact same way. I'm practically giddy to get my hands on the demo tomorrow and the full game on the 8th. Woohoo!
# 111 ped3328 @ 02/22/11 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
you can mute any or all of the announcers this year.
It sure doesn't say much for the commentary part of the game if they give you an option to mute any of the broadcasters! That aspect of the Show is definitely the weak link of the chain. I think there is a strong consensus among gamers to that effect.They ought to do something about it next year. I don't pretend I'm qualified enough to tell the guys at SCEA what to do, but perhaps they should copy what 2K does in that regard. Their commentaries are way better than the Show's. Granted, it's the only positive point I find in their game!
# 112 Tommyklaid @ 02/22/11 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by econoodle
one positive, one negative after watching the clip.

+ lighting! though this setting wasnt even the best use of it. Sunset would look nice.
Hopefully the demo we can pick time of day.
SCEA is masters at getting the most out of the graphical engine with each new installment.
lighting kept this from looking EXACTLY like ten.

Player models are nice but in the flow of this clip, you can't tell they are new unlesss ur REALLY looking.

- presentation

wow, even with editing of the in between stuff the announcing was B.R.U.T.A.L.

Just brutal.
for 2010.
the lack of a decent crowd too killed the feel in that clip.

SCEA, time to overhaul it.
it feels like nappytime watching it. lol

overall, not much to say. The Show visually takes steps forward and then sticks in the mud regarding sound and presentation.
still too much like 10, like 10 was too much like 09.

I really like Matty V in real life, but in this game hes just not good.

presentation is just as important as all the other stuff.

i'll play th demo this week as the controls dont come into play when just watching a clip, so i'll see how that rocks, but from what I have seen so far, I aint feeling this years game two weeks away.


I actually hate to say it, but I agree with all of this - I am a lil' disappointed in seeing this video. I really wish I wasn't, but I am.

I already preordered and will be picking up the game anyway, but all I can say is, "wow - hmm..?"
# 113 PVarck31 @ 02/22/11 12:46 AM
I liked what I saw. New player models look great. Only thing that stuck out negative wise is the catchers stances. Would love to see more varied stances than just one. I also think they could do a better job of having the catcher set up on the corners.

Other than that, I'm super pumped for the demo tomorrow.
# 114 Knight165 @ 02/22/11 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
Nice video! Graphics look awesome. One question though to anyone who might be able to help.

I have a 46" Samsung 1080p LCD TV, and when I play MLB '10: The Show it looks great, but it never looks as good as videos I see online. Even the videos from MLB '10 last year before release looked better than it does on my TV. I do have game mode turned on, but is there something I should do to the settings on my TV to make the game look like I see online? I hope MLB '11 looks like this video on my TV when I get the game. I'm planning on buying a new 50-55" HDTV sometime in the next month, but I don't know if that will make a difference at all.

Thanks to anyone with any help on this.
Are you using an HDMI cable?
...and do you have 720p...1080i...and 1080p checked off in the DISPLAY setup section?

# 115 ripwalk @ 02/22/11 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
Nice video! Graphics look awesome. One question though to anyone who might be able to help.

I have a 46" Samsung 1080p LCD TV, and when I play MLB '10: The Show it looks great, but it never looks as good as videos I see online. Even the videos from MLB '10 last year before release looked better than it does on my TV. I do have game mode turned on, but is there something I should do to the settings on my TV to make the game look like I see online? I hope MLB '11 looks like this video on my TV when I get the game. I'm planning on buying a new 50-55" HDTV sometime in the next month, but I don't know if that will make a difference at all.

Thanks to anyone with any help on this.
Wait, the quality in that video didn't seem that high to me and I assumed it was just a low definition video or poorer quality... That wasn't really all that high quality of a video, was it?
# 116 Skyboxer @ 02/22/11 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
I'm a little surprised at the negativity about this video. I though it looked great. Can't wait.
Yeah it made the wait even harder. Its a video game and i can live with some minor faults as i know SCEA will keep improving it.
# 117 Knight165 @ 02/22/11 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by ripwalk
Wait, the quality in that video didn't seem that high to me and I assumed it was just a low definition video or poorer quality... That wasn't really all that high quality of a video, was it?
I finally got to see the entire video.
The quality of the graphics and audio were in and out for me....almost like hi-res..then low res...back and forth.

Now...indeed this video was poorly put together. Very "rushed"....and is not indicative(IMO) of the actual look of the gameplay at all.
...and neither here nor there with the actual commentary(whether you can't stand it or not).....but that also contributed to it sounding pretty poor.
Like bodhiball said...not the best effort that could have been put forth to showcase the product. I'll agree with that.

# 118 Blzer @ 02/22/11 01:45 AM
Some nice things that would change up this game's "look" that we're used to:

- Add a slight, slight delay after contact. I know we had a debate on this last year; some people argued that it's eliminating your ability to react to where the ball is going to go because of the short time taken in the delay, but my argument could be I know exactly where it's going as a result of the delay. Seeing that contact IMO would be a thing of beauty, just watching that ball launch before it really does go over the fence. Even if there was an option for what kind of ms delay we would have, that would be very nice.

- Remove any "unrealistic" cameras. That is, since it is impossible for a camera man to walk onto the field, walk on thin air, walk on water, etc... that camera shouldn't exist with the exception of specific gameplay cameras (like hitting and fielding, and obviously the new customizable cameras). For any cut scenes or replays, it would be very nice if they only had stationary cameras which would really exist throughout the stadium. They can't literally pan, they can only rotate and zoom. I believe MVP had this, I believe the 2K series might have this as well... this game could benefit from this as well. Even a realistic broadcast camera (like the one you see in HRD, as one single consistent more highly raised and centered broadcast cam) would be nice.

- Changing up the color palette. One could argue they should just do it for the sake of difference even if the colors are accurate but a lot of them are not. I could post numerous real life examples of this versus the game (mainly with the dirt, grass, and walls), but I hope you can just take my word for it that this is the case.

Remember, there are some things in this game that have been planted since MLB 2005. In some ways this is a good thing since they never remove options, but it is often okay to differentiate your product from what it used to be if you really do have something better. The player models, stances, faces, HUD's, interfaces, and lighting are really helping freshen the "look" of this game every year. I get it, this game is phenomenal so it's not really worth any bickering anyway. The biggest visual issue this game has IMO is that they are already too good for their own good. It's never good just to change for changing's sake, but if you can find the little things that still need an upkeep to go with the rest of the game's visual awesomeness, they are probably worth looking into. These are a few of them here.
# 119 Skyboxer @ 02/22/11 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by ped3328
It sure doesn't say much for the commentary part of the game if they give you an option to mute any of the broadcasters! That aspect of the Show is definitely the weak link of the chain. I think there is a strong consensus among gamers to that effect.They ought to do something about it next year. I don't pretend I'm qualified enough to tell the guys at SCEA what to do, but perhaps they should copy what 2K does in that regard. Their commentaries are way better than the Show's. Granted, it's the only positive point I find in their game!
2K has a volume control to turn off commentary...so they can't be that good...

Pretty much ever sports game I've played over the past few years have a commentary volume setting. So every game company must know their commentary sucks? Just because the Show gives option (And I believe this was asked for by the gamers) to turn off individual commentators doesn't mean jack.
The commentary probably is the weak link but in the grand scheme of things The Show is still the best out there by far.
# 120 myghty @ 02/22/11 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by 31
I liked what I saw. New player models look great. Only thing that stuck out negative wise is the catchers stances. Would love to see more varied stances than just one. I also think they could do a better job of having the catcher set up on the corners.

Other than that, I'm super pumped for the demo tomorrow.
I agree with this. Also, I never liked the little bright catcher's mitt that pops up to show where the catcher wants the ball. Why can't you have the catcher & his actual mitt setup the location of where he wants the ball in real time instead of the icon?

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