Fight Night Champion News Post

The Fight Night Champion demo is available now for the 360 and later tonight (roughly 9 P.M. EST) for the PS3. Please post your impressions here.

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 DaveDQ @ 02/03/11 07:29 AM
While there are legitimate concerns and even gripes, you have to look at the game in its context. Comparing it to the last two iterations will prove that the title has certainly made progress. I played FN4 for a solid 16 months and was extremely frustrated with its fatigue system. This demo shows me that's most likely fixed.

Even with blocking, you can see why they did what they did. It was extremely difficult to block in FN4 without it looking twitchy and just not working. Now you can block when hitting the right timing and you penetrate when using strategy.

For whatever reason, we think this idea of creating these complex controls is more "sim." I say if the controls, while they may be simplified, gives the best results, so be it.
# 182 JayBee74 @ 02/03/11 07:56 AM
Interesting scoring sometimes. I lost a fight because they gave Tyson (my opponent) the first even though I outpunched him 35-23, and outpercetaged him 35-67 (52%)-23-91 (25%). I had the edge in power punches (non-jabs not power modified) 22-21.

No stuns in that round either.
# 183 Motown @ 02/03/11 09:24 AM
The ONLY TRUE auto block feature was in KO Kings 2001...go check it out...there was an option.There ain't nothin' automatic when it comes to blocking in FNC...like JB said, you STILL have to push the button folks.
# 184 JayBee74 @ 02/03/11 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by bill2451
I've seen some really funky scoring online. I've ended up with the same amount of connects, a better %, 5 counters to 0, and a couple more power shots connected (although he threw almost twice as many) and I've lost the round.

The guy I was talking to said he ended the round with 80% damage, while I only had 13%.

I just dont get that. The one thing I've noticed is that the guy who throws the most punches (especially modified power punches) seems to have an advantage on the scorecard, regardless of connect rate or actual damage inflicted. That annoys me.
I think counters weigh more heavily in the decision process than in past editions.
# 185 DickDalewood @ 02/03/11 10:56 AM
Wow, the speed of this game over the last alone is amazing. I'll definitely pick this up.
# 186 DaveDQ @ 02/03/11 11:19 AM
I still think they need to tweak punches that land so that more stamina gets drained. It's still borderline easy to trap guys and pound away. I don't see it happening all fight but there's too much of a difference in a punch that hits and one that doesn't (stamina).
# 187 BQ32 @ 02/03/11 11:21 AM
How can we really expect developers to continue putting out excellent games like FNC if many in the genral population can not comprehend how to accurately play a game and what makes it great. I am losing all faith in the game industry, not because of the developers, because of the GAMERS. This is a great product. Even if this demo was all that was offered I probably would barely touch anything else, it is that good. Please people, just learn how to play, give it the time or go pick up some other game. I would dare anyone to try and turn a match into a slugfest with me or block the whole time and see what happens. This is more true to the sport then madden, NHL, or 2k, when it comes to gameplay. 1 button block that can't be exploited is a huge problem but canned dribble animations for certain anlog movements isn't, give me freakin break. To EA, there are some of us that really appreciate this game, it is excellent, and I commend you for your hard work. I am sure that if the majority really understood the sport and the fighters and gave themselves time to improve they would not be dissapointed, I really hope the numbers are through the roof for this game to reward its excellence.
# 188 N51_rob @ 02/03/11 11:38 AM
Pacquiao's straight left hand with the power modifier is vicious.

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# 189 Chef Matt @ 02/03/11 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
WOW!!! I love this demo. Day 1 purchase for sure
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Wow, the speed of this game over the last alone is amazing. I'll definitely pick this up.
I'm liking the Demo myself. Fought a few offline fights yesterday in between some Mass Effect 2. I think the game's great. Getting used to the controls has killed me though, although I did get a KO or 2 in.

I like this far more than FNR4 and I loved that game. I'm more of a casual fan though. The thing I can't stand the most isn't footwork, punch damage, presentation, etc... it's online cheese that I hate and that looks like it might be out for FNC which makes me very happy.

The only problem I have now is I'll probably have to wait a while to get it with MLB the Show coming out. It probably won't be till June or July when I actually am able buy it.
# 190 BezO @ 02/03/11 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
While there are legitimate concerns and even gripes, you have to look at the game in its context. Comparing it to the last two iterations will prove that the title has certainly made progress. I played FN4 for a solid 16 months and was extremely frustrated with its fatigue system. This demo shows me that's most likely fixed.
When I put it in the context of a 2 year cycle, the improvements seem minimal. But that's probably because my 2 main concerns weren't addressed. Footwork & a stationary camera.

EA, and I guess all companies seem to err on the side of offense. I wish they would do a better job balancing improvements. With punching so much easier this year, footwork should've been a priority. It's a major part of defense and boxing in general. It's the basis of ring generalship. The "auto block" helps, but with the high connect percentages we're all seeing, obviously not enough.

And some of the additions are unfinished. They could've done a much better job with the ref. Boxing is the one sport where the ref physically interacts with the athletes. It's why I wanted to see a ref in this game. Why is he not breaking up clinches, giving warnings, wiping gloves, sending guys to corners, ect?

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Even with blocking, you can see why they did what they did. It was extremely difficult to block in FN4 without it looking twitchy and just not working. Now you can block when hitting the right timing and you penetrate when using strategy.
I like the blocking. I think it was Phobia that explained some pages back that a boxer can see chest/shoulder muscles flexing when a punch is coming. These cues are not available in a video game so some help is needed. I dig the "auto block".
# 191 ps3veron @ 02/03/11 01:46 PM
Just got my first online 1 punch KO with Tyson

What a feeling! Feels way more satisfying than the abundant TKOs in those MMA games.
# 192 Hova57 @ 02/03/11 01:47 PM
The point is this as I can see. The Spammers are pissed . The way they play the game has changed and they are upset they can't spamm bob and weave or throwing meaningful punches withthe same arm. I like the game. I think with tuner update based off what Country and Visualizer wrote this game will be spot on. I can't really determine how well all footwork is til i use different boxers. Also for anyone who complain about boxer ratings you can change their ratings .
# 193 Complex @ 02/03/11 01:52 PM
Got to D/L the demo last night and played some. I need to play more before rendering an opinion.
# 194 Phobia @ 02/03/11 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bamtino
You can't block high and low in FNC.

You press the R-trigger and have to hope EA's algorithm blocks for you.

This according to some people is a great idea yet not one of them can explain what makes it so great in boxing nor gaming terms.
I explained it in detail several posts back, but since you are missed it let me repost it for YOU!

Originally Posted by phobia
Have you ever seen a boxing match where it takes a pause of a sec or two between punches for a boxer????? There is a video out with Pac throwing out like 6 punches in 1 sec. That is literally impossible with RD4 and the control scheme.

The flick system is extremely easy and YES I can throw what I want when I want. You want to throw a jab, left hook, right upper cut combo. Flick up, left, right down. Just like a real boxer, his punch form won't always be perfect. So he might be throwing a uppercut but it has a slightly kicked out angle between a hook and uppercut. It is the exact same way with the controls. You might not throw the perfect jab, left hook, then right uppercut. But it will be very close, like a right hookercut or looping left hook. This does NOTHING different for gameplay.

On to the auto block. Do you realize that a real boxer is watching center mass and can see the slightest twitch of the shoulder muscles to see when a punch is coming and from what hand. We as gamers don't have that luxury, so our delay from the time the punch is thrown to us seeing it THEN trying to apply it on a controller would mean you are getting hit in the face unless you GUESS before the punch is thrown.

Plus with the increase of combo speed in FNC it would be flat out impossible to block left high, body right, right high, etc. In quick combination. So the auto block is need drastically. Hell I don't even see how you can complain about this when punch accuracy is still to high in the 50% range often.

Longer you hold block the more punches will be able to get through, so chosen when to block, when to weave, and when to let the hands fly are all key parts of the boxing experience.

My perception by your post is you are frustrated by the controls because you have not put enough time in to fully learn them and you are venting here plus writing the game off.
# 195 Da_Czar @ 02/03/11 03:00 PM
Good evening Gent's I have not been motivated to buy a FN on this generation but FNC may change that. Been playing the demo non-stop and I can def tell you guys have made an impact on the direction of the series.

It has been absolutely refreshing to me to be able to use some semblance of boxing fundamentals in a game and still be competitive. No its not the end all be all but neither was nba 2k9... or 2k10 but they laid the foundation for 11. That is what it looks like you have here. A game that is turning the corner.

I agree that footwork should be sharper at times you feel trapped where if your boxer has the ability you should be able to evade or create space. Stamina is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy to easy to recover but the frame is there.

I am actually looking forward to snatching this one up.

While the blocking is not what the die hards want its not a childlike implementation either it appears there was some thought behind it. You can't just hold it down and be impervious to damage and I have been holding it and blocking low and the cpu switches to high and punches get through.

In future this should be an option so those who choose it can use it. I think with the speed of the game though it would be a sight more difficult to react as opposed to guessing as some mentioned earlier in the thread.

Announcing and atmosphere is uhhh limited... LOL but at this point I'm sure the Nation would prefer a gameplay focus anyway.

For me after a day of solid play I have to say the punching delay bothers me a bit and I still can't fire off my jab combinations with the intended hand on command just yet but I love the simplicity of one stick all punches.

Sometimes I fall into the rhythm of the match and my punch timing is perfect as I work with the slight delay. Other times my guy is swinging combo's I swear I didn't intend.

and there are enough defensive options to were I don't feel like I have to sit there and trade leather with a guy if the fight is not where I want it to be....

I am an outside fight by nature so I love playing with Ali... Punishing Iron Mike with Jab's from distance and loving it. Also love the fact that he seems to know he needs to get inside on me. Its this tug of war of each of us trying to implement our specific style that I find so appealing so far with the demo.

Hopefully that extends to all the other boxers and their respective strengths and styles.

Are there any tendencies in the game this year or just ratings ?
# 196 Phobia @ 02/03/11 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Good evening Gent's I have not been motivated to buy a FN on this generation but FNC may change that. Been playing the demo non-stop and I can def tell you guys have made an impact on the direction of the series.

It has been absolutely refreshing to me to be able to use some semblance of boxing fundamentals in a game and still be competitive. No its not the end all be all but neither was nba 2k9... or 2k10 but they laid the foundation for 11. That is what it looks like you have here. A game that is turning the corner.

I agree that footwork should be sharper at times you feel trapped where if your boxer has the ability you should be able to evade or create space. Stamina is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy to easy to recover but the frame is there.

I am actually looking forward to snatching this one up.

While the blocking is not what the die hards want its not a childlike implementation either it appears there was some thought behind it. You can't just hold it down and be impervious to damage and I have been holding it and blocking low and the cpu switches to high and punches get through.

In future this should be an option so those who choose it can use it. I think with the speed of the game though it would be a sight more difficult to react as opposed to guessing as some mentioned earlier in the thread.

Announcing and atmosphere is uhhh limited... LOL but at this point I'm sure the Nation would prefer a gameplay focus anyway.

For me after a day of solid play I have to say the punching delay bothers me a bit and I still can't fire off my jab combinations with the intended hand on command just yet but I love the simplicity of one stick all punches.

Sometimes I fall into the rhythm of the match and my punch timing is perfect as I work with the slight delay. Other times my guy is swinging combo's I swear I didn't intend.

and there are enough defensive options to were I don't feel like I have to sit there and trade leather with a guy if the fight is not where I want it to be....

I am an outside fight by nature so I love playing with Ali... Punishing Iron Mike with Jab's from distance and loving it. Also love the fact that he seems to know he needs to get inside on me. Its this tug of war of each of us trying to implement our specific style that I find so appealing so far with the demo.

Hopefully that extends to all the other boxers and their respective strengths and styles.

Are there any tendencies in the game this year or just ratings ?
Sup Czar glad to see you liking it man. Yea there is tendencies you can adjust this year!
# 197 Phobia @ 02/03/11 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheCreep
Yes, I must agree with above stated. The spammers are pissed lol. Lord have mercy on their souls, this **** is hilarious. I ran across a couple of em last night trying that ole "upper body spin" ****. It was curtains for em folks, I love it.

Them boys screaming "why are you running ******" . Sorry young man, thats called ring generalship baby. I'm stingin your *** then movin out the way. What you think I'm going to stand there and let you hit me with all 6 of those useless punches lol.

I had one of em just try to sidestep to the left and throw the same left bomb with pac. He got mad because I kept hop stepping back and then tearing his jawline loose with a stiff jab/right hook precision lil combo.

Oh, and good looking out to Sav713 and DATflyGuy for some good sim matches.
LMAO yea I had one do the same thing. "STOP RUNNING YOU!!! QUIT FIGHTING LIKE A *****!!"

Then as I continued to bounce away from him and land that reaching in stiff jab he back up and put his back to the ropes and stayed there. So I moved in and got right in close to him to pin him to the ropes. Just what he wanted!! I picked off a few punches and landed some counters then said "Nawww not playing his game". I back away and let him lay on the ropes. Then I would fake like I am coming in and he would throw 3 or 4 punches. Knowing it drained his stamina, I would then lung in with a 2 or 3 punch combo just rocking him. By the time I bounced out he was throwing these SLOOW looping shots. I then dropped him once and he stayed laying against the ropes. I stayed picking him off and it went to the cards with a easy win.

Spammers and non-boxing tactics = to LOSS
# 198 DaveDQ @ 02/03/11 04:28 PM
I still have a hard time against spammers. Not sure if anyone knows MrLiving, but he was on FN4 and EA MMA. He's true spam. Of course, he had to take Manny and right with the start of the fight he was doing all kinds of crazy stuff. Twitching, swaying. He resorted to slugging it out and I lost via decision. I just couldn't counter his constant punching.
# 199 BQ32 @ 02/03/11 04:49 PM
I have found a flaw with the game, the scoring on rare occasions can be complete bull. I had one match where I dominated from start to finish but my opponent landed a flash Knockdown in the second round. When it went to the cards 2 judges gave him the first round which was absolutely ludicrous seeing as how I outlanded him by 100 punches and 30% higher connect rate through the fight lol. Happened to me one other time, but it never happened in a fight where I was not knocked down. I almost think they computer generates that first round score after the match based on the fact that I got knocked down in the second round. The couple times it has happened to me the end game stats were ludicrously in my favor and no way could I have lost either of the other rounds. Anybody esle expereinced this scoring flop?
# 200 Phobia @ 02/03/11 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
I still have a hard time against spammers. Not sure if anyone knows MrLiving, but he was on FN4 and EA MMA. He's true spam. Of course, he had to take Manny and right with the start of the fight he was doing all kinds of crazy stuff. Twitching, swaying. He resorted to slugging it out and I lost via decision. I just couldn't counter his constant punching.
Well it is had to judge on the 3 rounder Dave, but if you keep circling away letting him throw at air while you land pop shots. By the 8th round or so he will be so tired you should be able to destroy spammers in the end just because of them blowing stamina early.

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